(A/N: Author's Note): Hello, this is my first story. Advise is always welcomed, but flames will be put to good use turning bad comments to ash. Obviously I don't own either Harry Potter or Naruto.
Chapter 1: A Change in Winds
Deep in the Elemental Nations there lies one of the five great Shinobi powers Konohagakure. Atop Konoha's Hokage monument on the fourth leader's head sat a lone blonde Shinobi known by all as Naruto Uzumaki. His ocean blue eyes stared down upon Konoha from his father's head in contemplation. The Fourth Shinobi War ended ten months ago. With the conclusion of the war, peace has finally been achieved between the Shinobi nations. An unforeseen consequence of the nations uniting forces was a drop in Shinobi requests. Their livelihood at risk, the Shinobi turned to the seas to find more opportunities to bring revenue to the village.
It would be only a few months later that the Shinobi would discover the Magic community. It seems a bit silly to keep civilians in the dark about the going ons of the world, but the Magic community insisted that the Shinobi keep themselves secret from their "muggles". After lengthy communications between each other, the Magic community has opened itself up to Shinobi work. In a few short days, Naruto is to head off on an assignment in the Magic community. A Hogwarts school wants a shinobi to jumpstart a class about different Magic communities, since chakra and magic are the same. The current Hokage, Lady Tsunade, thought it would be a great opportunity for Naruto to gain experience in leading, being a diplomat, and the joys of paperwork.
The idea of leaving his village for ten months isn't ideal and Naruto wouldn't refuse his mother figure. Looking into a new culture and making new friends is always welcomed. The main thing that Naruto doesn't like about his new assignment is the fact that he'd have to leave Hinata behind. During the Fourth Shinobi War, Hinata confessed to having feelings for him. At the time, Naruto couldn't act on them since he had a terrorist group after him. With the end of the war, he could return her feelings. They were just beginning to explore a relationship with her when this mission was thrust upon him. After some encouragement from Hinata, Naruto plans to keep in touch with his new girlfriend when at Hogwarts.
The sun slowly sets upon Konoha. Slowly standing and placing his hands behind his head, Naruto heads off to his apartment. The next few days past by in a blur. Most of his time is spent with Hinata, though Naruto does spend some time with his teammates and friends. He spent a day having an all out three-way fight with Kiba and Lee. One afternoon was spent having an eating contest with Choji. Naruto and Hinata went on a double date with Shikamaru and Temari. Eventually it is time for Naruto's assignment to start. The majority of his friends arrived at the north gates to bid him farewell. Sasuke couldn't see Naruto off, since he was still off on his repentance journey. Sakura spent most of her days in the hospital, but luckily was able to see him off. Ino was hanging off of Sai's arm as they waited for Naruto's ride to show up.
It happened in a flash of white. One moment Naruto and his friends were waiting by the gates by themselves, the next an old man in a grey cloak was among them. The ninjas jumped back suddenly due to instincts, each one preparing a jutsu to use in a second. Naruto observed this newcomer warily. He had long wavy silver hair and beard. His electric blue eyes seemed to twinkle in amusement. Sensing no hostility from the man, the ninja slowly calmed down and approached the man.
"Evening, my name is Professor Dumbledore." The words spilled out of the man's mouth yet the words did not match his lip movement. "I've come to collect the Shinobi Naruto for his assignment."
Naruto thought back towards his mission briefing and remembered that the name of the Hogwarts school's headmaster was Dumbledore. He nods slightly letting his friends know it is alright before looking at the headmaster. "Excuse me Professor-san, but why is your mouth moving differently than the words coming out?"
Dumbledore nodded before making a slight "ah" sound. "It is because I am using a translator spell on myself. I, along with all of the faculty and students, speak and write in English. It will be necessary that you learn how to speak and write it as well. But do not worry, we have an extensive library that you can learn from." His eyes sparkled. "And your Hokage says you have an interesting way to learn very quickly."
Thinking on how he learned wind nature and sage mode, Naruto chuckled slightly. "Yeah…"
Turning back to his friends, Naruto gave his farewells. One by one, his friends gave him hugs, handshakes, or fist bumps. Eventually all that was left to say goodbye was Hinata. Naruto smiled softly as they embraced each other. Hinata kissed him lightly before leaning back slightly. "Remember to write back often."
Naruto grinned. "I'll write every day!"
They shared one more kiss between each other before separating. Naruto walked over to Dumbledore, letting him know that he was ready to leave. Dumbledore nodded as he placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder. Within another flash of white they were gone. Naruto's friends slowly left the gates to return to their daily lives. As she was leaving, Hinata turned back and stared softly at the spot her boyfriend was at with a slight blush and smile. "Naruto, good luck."