A/N 1: I have edited this story a bit, awhile ago, but not too much. Hope you guys will still enjoy this story! :)

A/N 2: Please check my page and check out how often I will be updating my multi-chapter stories as well as the polls that I might have up and running depending on when you're going to read this. Happy reading everyone! :)

It was a beautiful day in Agrabah. The heat of the sun hit the sand kingdom harshly, but not to the point that it was impossible to head outside. The marketplace was crowded as always, being populated by people from the youngest to the oldest. The people of the kingdom took up as much space as possible just to move around, but it wasn't too bad. After all, barely any personal bubbles were invaded except for those few occasions when a stranger bumped into another.

All in all, the marketplace was eventful as always.

Well, more eventful compare to what the Sultan had to go through back at the palace. The old wise man looked very tired as he looked down at the table in front of him, which was covered with papers and documents. He watched as a scroll became unbalanced among the mountain of papers and tumbled to the ground with silence. The ruler sighed softly. I'm getting too old for this, he thought tiredly. He may act all happy and energetic around other people, but, truthfully, age had caught up to him long ago. To put it simply, the Sultan was ready to step down and let somebody else take over the kingdom. However, that person needs to be an heir, which was no problem. He knew exactly who would fit the bill to the letter. Unfortunately, the said heir wasn't at the palace at the moment but somewhere else. The old man wondered when he would return. After all, it had been almost a year. Surely, he would be done by now with his business.

The Sultan was brought back to the real world when he heard a knock on the door of his study. He said loudly with a fake beam smile to cover how tired he looked:

"Come in!"

The door opened and a young man walked in, dressed in light coloured travelling clothes. He held something in his left hand that looked like a foreign letter. The stranger bowed before the ruler then announced in a clear, booming voice:

"I've come with a letter from the prince."

At hearing that, the Sultan beamed with true happiness this time around. He quickly got off his chair and walked over then took the scroll from the messenger's out stretched hand. Once he took it, he made his way back to his table. Once he sat down in a comfortable position, he opened the letter to read it. The first thing that caught his attention was how short the message was. Not bothered by it one bit, as he knew that his heir was always like with his letters, he began to read quietly:

Dear father

I'm on my way home at the moment. I should be there in a few days. Expect my arrival.

Also, I'm bringing a friend of mine. So please have someone prepare a room for him.

Your son,


At the bottom there was the royal stamp, proving that it was indeed from his eldest child, Harith. The Sultan was so happy for several reasons, but mostly to know that his son was all right and should be home soon. The old man dismissed the messenger before he walked off towards the outdoors where he was sure his youngest child was at the moment. The walk was a quiet event. The servants and guards that the old man met along the way all bowed to him waist deep before they made their way to do their individual jobs. Truthfully, it was nice that the palace was quiet. The Sultan almost drank the silence, because he knew that the peace wouldn't last for too long. With chaos took place nearly every day, one would always treasure the rare silence whenever it appeared.

The old ruler was snapped out of his mind when he noticed that he reached the gardens. Soon, he found his only daughter, Jasmine.

The Sultan wasn't that surprised where she was to tell you the truth. Since the days before Aladdin first appeared and many men came for the young woman's hand, she always sat at the garden where the bird cages were located. Even now, when his soon to be son-in-law was gone for the day, she was here to occupy herself. However, the Sultan very much doubt that even the garden would occupy her interest for long before she decided to go after her fiancée somehow, someway, just to check on him or to join in on his adventures. Well, she was lucky then, wasn't she? The Sultan was certain that her would-be-boredom would disappear once she learned the news of her brother's return.

It took Jasmine a few seconds to realize that her father was approaching her. She greeted him with a smile once he was close enough:

"Father, I thought you would stay in your study for the rest of the day."

"Ah, no," He started to protest awkwardly, but knew it was of no use. It would have been the outcome if not for the letter. Instead, he beamed happily as he announced, "Guess what? Your brother is coming home!"

Jasmine looked up at her father from her seat at the fountain with wide brown eyes. She slowly started to look worried, which quickly turned to panic. The Sultan looked down at her confused for a moment before he realized something. He asked with hesitation:

"Jasmine, my dear, you did tell Aladdin about your brother, correct?" He wasn't given an answer. The old man's eyes narrowed with great displeasure. He loved his daughter very much, but he forgot how… different she was sometimes from other women. In other words, adventurous and trying to avoid anything and everything that she could if possible. He voiced his unhappiness, "Please tell me you told him."

"N-Not exactly"

Jasmine mumbled with embarrassment. She looked away as she refused to meet her father's eyes. The Sultan closed his eyes. He took a deep breath then exhaled. He repeated the routine for a few minutes, as he knew it was of no use to knock some sense into the woman with his mind scattered all over the place. This was not good- not good at all. Even though many kingdoms, including his own, knew of his son, the heir never went outside the walls. Harith didn't go even when he was given permission. The young man always had something to do in the royal palace, especially when it came to his studies that would help him when he would take over the throne. The only people that had met him outside the guards and workers of the palace were the princes or kings, whom looked for his younger sister's hand in marriage. Let's just say that the men royals had the great… displeasure to meet him once the eldest son had found out about their plans.

The out of sight, out of mind saying was very much put into this situation. The people of the kingdom always seemed to forget about their prince as a result.

Well, the Sultan couldn't blame them. His son, if not busy with his royal studies, was always away. Yes, the old man remembered how it all started very well. Ever since the ruler adopted Harith when he was a small child, he was able to do strange things that only the traitorous Jafar could comprehend. Unfortunately, not even the man could help in the matter, as he stated that the magic that he knew was different from Harith's. It was only once the heir turned 11 that a woman by the name of Rowena Ravenclaw came to the palace and explained to the family that the prince was indeed different because he was a wizard. Harith and Jafar had magic, that was true, but they were different kinds that needed their own individual handling. After a lot of talk and debates, it was finally decided that young Harith would go to a school in the far west, to an island called Scotland to a school that went by the name of Hogwarts.

Every year since then, Harith went for most of the year then return for a few months then head back to the school to repeat it. It had been a few years since his son graduated from the school, but decided to continue to go there since he was the apprentice of Lady Ravenclaw and wanted to learn as much from her as possible before he would take over the throne. This year was final, because the current Sultan put his foot down. The old man was very proud of his son. Don't take it the wrong way. After all, the young man had accomplished many things by being in Scotland, but Harith was an heir to a whole kingdom. The young man couldn't stay miles and miles away from Agrabah when the people needed their new ruler to be close by, especially when it was time for him to be crowned as the new Sultan.

The Sultan finally decided. He commanded his daughter:

"When Aladdin returns, you will tell him about your brother."

"F-Father y-you can't be serious-"

Jasmine got up to protest, but the man wouldn't hear another word. He turned his back to her and said with a serious tone that left no more room for argument:

"It's final. If you don't tell him, then I'm afraid that you won't be left with a fiancée by the end of the week."

Without another word, the Sultan left.


It was dark outside. Jasmine stood in her balcony as she tried to figure out a way to bring up the subject of her brother to her lover. This issue had been on her mind since the beginning of the afternoon, after the talk with her father. The thought of her brother made her both angry and frustrated. Why? Why couldn't Harith stay away for just a little while? He could have stayed in that special school of his for a few more months, since the wedding was planned to take place this upcoming month. Now, due to his sudden return, the idiot would chase Aladdin away and she would be left with no one, again.

Jasmine just couldn't take it anymore.

Ever since she hit puberty, men from all kinds of kingdoms came for her hand. Her older brother always chased them away. Never had he seen a suitable man that was worthy of her heart. Not even those men that she fell in love with would he hand her over. It frustrated her so much that she literally screamed at him and locked herself in her room for weeks until she finally couldn't take the loneliness anymore and got out.

How much she loved her brother but hated him at the same time nobody could fathom.

Still, why did her brother go out of his way to chase away all those men?

Jasmine never bothered to ask him and she was pretty sure that she never would.

Jasmine was snapped out of her mind when she saw somebody familiar riding on something in the sky. She smiled brightly at the sight of her fiancée, Aladdin. The man waved at her, but just when she was about to return the gesture she froze. Slowly, she withdrew her hand, almost afraid that something bad would happen just by that one innocent gesture. She watched quietly as her lover landed on her balcony. Her heart hammered against her chest, so much that she swore it could simply jump out of her ribcage. Her hands played together nervously, their surface was covered with a very thin layer of sweat.

Jasmine didn't know where to start off.

The princess was all of a sudden pulled into her ex-thief's arms. She was about to be given a kiss, but she placed her fingers on his lips to stop him. He looked down at her in confusion. The black headed woman looked around them for a quick second. Satisfied that they weren't overheard, she spoke slowly and softly:

"Aladdin, I-I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

Aladdin asked as he pulled away from her a bit just enough that he gave her room to breathe. His eyebrows knitted together closely with his lips straightened into a flat line. Jasmine's smile tilted upwards in a wobbly manner, her eyes barely met his. She admitted:

"Aladdin, I wasn't honest with you about something." She inhaled shakily before she continued, "I have an older brother."

The man raised an eyebrow at what she said. He replied with confusion:

"Alright, how is that a problem?"

"You don't understand. My brother isn't someone to be taken lightly."

"I still don't understand."

Aladdin commented with a blank look. What was so different about her brother that he was kept a secret from him at the palace? Now that I think about it, I haven't heard anything about the prince for a very long time. The thief thought with a mental frown. He had completely forgotten that Agrabah even had a prince until his fiancée mentioned him. Jasmine felt a migraine start to form from the overwhelm feelings. How was she supposed to explain this properly to him? She tried for a second time:

"Aladdin, he's known for chasing away every man that asks for my hand in marriage. I-If he's angered he can do horrible things, to the point that many ran out of the palace or begged for mercy or both. Please," At this point, Jasmine moved closer to the man to rest her hands on his chest. Her brown eyes looked at him with worrisome. "I'm begging you. Be careful."

Aladdin's thick eyebrows shot upwards nearly hiding behind his hair. He didn't remember anything about princes or kings that ran away from the palace pathetically. Although… didn't the old men at the market place always laughed over something about somebody being chased away from the palace? It was really hard for the man to remember, as he was always too busy with something more important: Survival. The ex-thief didn't know what he thought about what he heard. On one hand, he had a feeling that maybe, just maybe, he should be careful. On the other hand, was he expected to impress the prince or something so that he would accept their soon-to-be marriage? When Aladdin looked into Jasmine's brown eyes, he could do nothing else but nod with agreement. He voiced:

"I promise."