A/N: Please check my page and check out how often I will be updating my multi-chapter stories as well as the polls that I might have up and running depending on when you're going to read this. Happy reading everyone! :)
Harry, Hermione and Ron felt something was very wrong today, and it made itself known very well.
It started from the moment that they woke up.
When they woke up, all of them felt like their bodies were in immense pain, but they didn't know why. When they met up with each other, they were quiet about what happened to them. They didn't want to burden the others with something that could pass quickly for all they know. By the time that they got through with their last class before summer vacation, they nearly collapsed onto the ground from the pain that they were going through throughout the day. Finally, they have decided to tell each other what was going on.
Right now, the three sat down in their spots for dinner and talked.
"I don't get it, why are we in so much pain?"
Ron asked and winced as his left arm's muscles shifted painfully. He grabbed onto that arm tightly and tried to ignore the pain to the best of his capabilities. Harry had his glasses off then rubbed his eyes.
"I don't know, but my eyes are really bothering me. I can barely see anymore."
He winced rather loudly, when it felt like something hit the back of his eyes. Hermione, on the other hand, sat as still as possible. Each time that she moved, some part of her body screamed in protest. She really wanted to go to the Hospital Wing to check what was wrong, but the problem was the pain itself was too much. It was quite ironic, in her opinion. She just got out of there just the day before. If it wasn't for her best friends going through the same thing as her, she would have thought that this was some sort of an after affect from the potion that she was forced to consume to get out of her paralyzed state.
Oh, how much she hated that she didn't know what was going on. What she hated even more was the words that came out of her mouth:
"I don't know what's wrong with us."
Throughout the rest of the dinner, none of them touched their food. The last thing they needed was to add stomach ache to their list.
"What are you doing here?" A female voice asked the other being in front of her. The other person looked towards her for a moment, before looking right back down at what was in front of him. The woman tilted her head ever so slightly. A small amused smile appeared on her beautiful but hidden face. She stated, "It's time" The man nodded so slightly that the other barely caught it. "Are you sure that it was a good idea?"
"I know what I'm doing woman"
He replied with his very deep voice as he huffed at her question. It was almost as if he was insulted by the question. He took his job very seriously. He rarely made a mistake.
"They're in pain"
"Oh? Going back to the 'hn' language?" She cooed at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck from behind. She rested her chin on his shoulder. The woman didn't get a reply from the man in her arms. Well, she didn't expect one. What he said to her was the most that he would say. "They might die"
"Their parents might come after you for taking their little ones away."
He shrugged with no care in the world. The woman giggled again and kissed his cheek. She said:
"Well, I got to head going. Don't want to leave the dead unattended now do we?"
A wide smirk stretched across her lips. With that, she let him go and disappeared slowly into the shadows. The man looked down at the scene in front of him, and watched as the Golden Trio collapsed and were taken to the Hospital Wing straight away by the professors while the rest of the school buzzed like bees.
It has begun
It was the last thought that went through his mind, before the shadows consumed him as well.