The Protectors: Clash of Gems.

By adventuremaker16

Chapter 1: Missing? Them? No way.

In a small town in California, a mismatched pair of students were walking home from their first day of 9th grade, obviously exhausted from classes. The boy was as ordinary as one could imagine with his brown hair, eyes, and skin, almost more so next to his friend, a pretty blonde who looked like she'd dressed in the dark.

"Thank goodness school's done for the week," said the girl, praising whatever deity Mewmans believed in. "Who knew the 10th grade was going to be awful?"

"It can't be all that bad, Star. I mean, our new homeroom teacher is much nicer than our old one," her friend responded, trying to cheer her up. "But it does mean I'll have to sit next to Jackie," he added, suddenly disappointed.

She turned to him, a new smile lighting up her face for his sake. "Hey, it's not all bad, Marco. At least she's still a friend." He shrugged. "You two are doing better than Tom and me when we broke up at first." She slid her key into the locked door of their quiet two-story house, that somehow has a castle tower sticking off the side. "Well, we're home, and it's over. Why don't you make us something to eat and we can relax?" she suggested.

Marco smiled. "Thanks, Star. I guess I do need some nachos. Plus, we don't have homework until halfway through next week."

While Marco puttered around the kitchen, Star rushed upstairs and to grab her laptop, wanting to see if any of her friends were online. There were a few people lurking in the chat, but two names were noticeably absent. She groaned. "It's been two full weeks since Mabel or her brother was on Discord!" she shouted down to Marco, upset.

A short while later, Marco comes up with a plate of his famous nachos and sees that star is constantly refreshing the page. "Something wrong?" Marco asks as he puts the plate off to the side.

"I don't get it, Marco, Mabel used to talk to me every day but about two weeks ago, she and her brother just vanished," Star said, worried.

"I'm sure they're just a little busy with school," Marco assured his best friend, but Star stands up in her serious mode.

"Don't you get it, Marco? Dipper and Mabel are missing and no one's doing anything about it." She suddenly grows worried. "What if they're dead, captured, tied up, sold as gladiators, or," she gasps as she grabs Marco as she pulls him to her as she whispers "dead."

Marco pulls away from her. "Calm down, Star. You're starting to freak me out. I'm sure they're just fine. Besides, you said 'dead' twice."

"I did?" She said. Suddenly, Star gets a destiny altering idea. "Why don't we assemble our friends to find them," Star said, but Marco interjected.

"I think You're forgetting a few things." He said while counting down the list of people with his fingers. "Starfan is on vacation, who knows where Tom is, Alfonzo and Ferguson are too dorky for us, Brittany's still a bitch, Janna's protesting about fur coats and I don't want to make things awkward between me and Jackie."

Star looked defeated for a few seconds until she gets another idea. "Why don't we just ask the others in our group chat to help us out?" She suggested.

"You want us to risk the lives of seven of our internet friends for two other internet friends?" Marco said, curious as to why she said that.

"Please Marco? My birthday's in two weeks and I really want us all to celebrate it together."

Marco starts chuckling. "Well, alright. Let's see what they say." They go over to the laptop and proceeds to start a Discord call to seven other people in there group. Naturally, Dipper and Mabel did not pick up, but one by one, the rest of their friends did.

"Star, this better be important. It's midnight here in Paris and I'm losing my beauty sleep." Replied the first of the friends in a bossy female voice.

"Settle down, Chloe. They're only nine hours behind us," said another one, this time a smooth male voice.

"Easy for you to say, Adrien, but I'm the only one here who sleeps in a face mask just to look this fabulous."

"I don't think you're the only one, Chloe," Adrien says, a little embarrassed about doing the same thing.

"Ok, settle down, you fabulous dorks," Star said as a fourth person joins them. "Sorry i'm late. Training took a little harder than expected," said the new voice, another girl that sounds like she knows a lot of stuff. "Let me guess: Adrien and Chloe were arguing over who's the better anime protagonist between a ninja and a pirate."

Star groans as she says "Connie, please for the love of corn don't bring up that debate." The two blond dorks huff in anger in response.

"You're just jealous that he can kick that stretchy pirate's ass." Chloe said, angry now.

"Seriously, have you not seen his gear forth mode or the way he took down Doffy?" Adiren interjected as Star groans loudly.

"You two realize that Mabel fell asleep one time listening to this, right?" Star said, not wanting to get caught up in their weeaboo talk again.

"No offence, but you two sound like a couple of weeaboos right now." Marco added to the conversation.

Soon, after Chloe and Adrien calmed down and the others joined the chat, although some of them were tired, they began having actual friend-to-friend conversations.

"Hey guys," said one of them in a cheery voice.

"Thanks for calling us, Star. I could use a break from my blog for a few hours," said another one in a sleep deprived voice.

"My pleasure, Alya," said Star. "Now, I have a very important question to ask you all."

"What is it?" said the kind male voice.

"I'm glad you asked, Steven. Have you seen or heard from Dipper and Mabel recently?" Star asked, shocking everyone.

"You mean... you don't know either?" said the kind female voice.

"No Marinette" Star said, worried. "Not even I know what happened to them."

"Star wants to know if you guys want to go looking for them soon," Marco suggested.

"No offence, Marco, but we all live on different ends of the earth. There's no way we can just suddenly 'teleport' to your location," Chloe huffed, not believing in what he's about to do. Marco takes out a weird looking pair of scissors and looks at it for a little bit, sighing.

"Actually..." he began, "there is a way to bring us all over here all at once." Suddenly, Connie, Steven, and Chloe started talking all at once. "Really?"

"Awesome." "I'm going to call bullshit on that, Marco," Chloe challenged. Marco smiles as he gets an idea.

"Where exactly are you, right this second?" Marco asked, wanting to prove his friend wrong. Chloe, knowing it's a challenge, decides to play along. "Top Floor of the Grand Paris Hotel, third door to the right." Marco then uses the scissors to open a portal to Chloe's room.

She turns around and sees the portal. "WHAT THE-" She almost shouted as Marco sticks half of his body through the portal. "Hey," he said, waving, accidentally letting his friends know he was in Paris.

"Marco," spoke Connie, surprised at the facts, "how did you get from California to Paris in seconds?"

"You mean my dimensional scissors?" responded Marco. "I earned these from a blacksmith from another dimension named Hechapoo, and it was not easy at all."

Chloe is completely shocked as a small bee little being came out of the next room. "Chloe." It spoke in a demanding tone. "I'm out of gamer fuel. Mind running down and getting me some?" said the bee as it sees Marco. "Hey, kid, ya got any soda?" it spoke to him. Marco steps back, closes the portal and screams so all of his friends can hear him over the group chat.


Chloe groans,"Pollen, why did you show up just now?" Pollen shrugs, "What? Can't a Kwami get food for the live streams?"

Marco was semi freaking out about seeing a huge bee in Chloe's room when Steven decides to ask the question Marco wants to know the answer to. "What's a kwami?" he asked, curious to know.

Alya jumped in at this moment and starts explaining herself on behalf of the French kids. "Glad you asked, Steven. Kwami's are a mythical race of sprite like creatures that usually resemble animals and when bonded to special jewellery called a 'Miraculous', they grant the user a new form with powers. Chloe possesses the Bee miraculous, which grants her the ability to transform into her alter ego; Queen Bee." During the explanation, Chloe and the other miraculous users beg Alya to shut up before she blows their covers.

"Alya, I think that's enough," begged Marinette.

"Seriously, Alya, shut up," Chloe demanded.

"Hold on, guys, I haven't even gotten to the best part," Alya said, wanting to shut them up. "So, where was I? Oh yeah, the others. Marinette's Ladybug, Adrien is Chat Noir, I'm Rena Rouge, and Nino's Carapace."

"YOU FIVE ARE TEAM MIRACULOUS?!" Star shouted loudly, making everyone else covering their ears.

"Alya, why the hell did you tell them about us?" Chloe demanded. Alya was about to say something, but another voice came on her end.

"Because Alya believes these four burger-eating, cage fighting watching Americans can be trusted," spoke in a cute, but rude tone of voice.

"Don't mind Trixx, guys. Trixx is my kwami partner, but she can be very rude."

"Guys," said Steven, "I too have a secret to share. Connie knows about this, but I think I want to tell you guys about this as well."

"You too, Steven?" asked Chloe. Steven nods and says what he needs to say. "I'm half alien, my mom was an intergalactic terrorist and basically killed a god. Also, I am sort of my own mom. Now that I think about it, I don't think mom shattered Pink Diamond."

Marco, a little annoyed with the info dump he's been receiving, gets an idea. "Why don't we all just meet up somewhere and just chat face to face?"

Everyone agrees with him and agree to head to Marco's place. So, one by one, he opened the portals to lead them all to Star's room. The French kids were still in their night outfits because they weren't given a chance to get changed, with five animal themed sprites floating beside them. Even Chloe and Adrien didn't get time to wipe off their facial masks. On the other hand, Steven and Connie appeared to be normal in appearance, even though Steven looked a little young for his age and Connie was equipped with a pink broadsword on her back, somehow.

"So, we're here. Now what?" said Chloe, breaking the ice.

"Why don't we formally introduce ourselves?" Connie suggested.

"I'll go first," suggested Steven as he went first. "My name's Steven Quartz Universe. I just turned 15 last month and I'm half gem." He then lifts his shirt up to reveal his perfectly cut Rose Quartz gem where his navel should be and summons his shield. Everyone, minus Connie, was in awe at this.

"Your half mineral?" Chloe asked, curious. "What kind of mineral you?"

"My mom was Rose Quartz, same name as my gem," Steven said while showing a picture of his mother off his phone.

"I should go next. After all, I am the daughter of the mayor of Paris; Chloe Bourgeois, the current Queen Bee," she proclaimed with pride as she hears a bunch of groans.

"Chloe, we've been over this; no one cares that you're the mayor's daughter," said Pollen. "All that matters is me kicking some guy's ass in a game that you dragged me away from."

"I think I should go next," said Alya. "Alya Cesarie, founder of the Ladyblog; the number one fan blog about Ladybug and Team Miraculous, better known as the foxy hero Rena Rouge. You already know Trixx the little shit lord." Trixx just grunts in response.

"Nino Laffie, Alya's boyfriend and the current Carapace. This here is my kwami partner: Wayzz." He gestures to his partner, who bows at them.

"It's an honor to meet you all, brave Americans," Wayzz said, being respectful to everyone. "Also, I have to warn you now; Plagg, Trixx and Pollen are a little...difficult to work with. Tikki, on the other hand, would love to meet you all."

"I am not, you bookworm," said the floating cat kwami near Adrien's shoulder. "But seriously, cheese, Camembert, now," he demanded.

"Unfortunately, I have to deal with his shit day in and day out. His greed and gluttony is going to ruin my skin for my father's company," said Adrien. "Anyway, I'm Adrien Agreste, Paris's most fabulous model and the current Chat Noir."

"And one hell of a weaboo," added Plagg. "I don't know who's worse with that Japanese shit; You, or miss queeny sharing that facial cream."

They hear a giggle from Marinette. "They are fans, after all. And this is coming from his girlfriend, who has to deal with his emotions whenever a show ends or gets put on hiatus." She sees the others laughing. "Marinette Dupan-Cheng, inspiring designer from Paris, and this is my kwami, Tikki" she says while pointing to her partner.

"Nice to meet you all," Tikki said, shocked as to how the Americans aren't freaking out over their existence. "But you four don't seem to be surprised by our existence."

"Why is this?" asked Wayzz, equally as confused.

"Well, Steven already explained he's a human-alien hybrid and I've seen what he does when he's not at school," Connie added on. "In fact, one of Steven's guardians trained me in swordsmanship." She draws her pink broadsword to show everyone. Needless to say, they were in awe at it's size.

"I take fencing lessons in France and I only know how to use rapiers for fencing," Adrien said, not wanting to take his eyes off of the majestic pink blade. "This... this is basically a buster sword."

She sheaths it on her back, not wanting her friends to get hurt. "Thanks. Oh, before I forget, I need to tell you my name. I'm Connie Maheswaren. I may be thirteen years old but i'm ready to fight some monsters with Steven."

"If you're ready to fight monsters, you and Steven may need to join us sometime." Marco said to Connie, making her feel welcome. "Marco Diaz, only child of my family and the only one with the dimensional scissors. It's the thing that brought you all here."

Star chimed in at last. "Last, but not least, it's me: Princess Star Butterfly from Mewni. You know, just a simple magical princess from another dimension."

Chloe started laughing at her statement. "A magical princess from another dimension? Sure, and i'm a fairy with a staff that doubles for a ring." She said sarcastically.

Star got her wand out and said "First of all, fairies are a lot more common then you think. Second of all, I think my cousin has something like that, and third..." She finished her sentience as she yelled "HONEY OOZING CONTAINER APPEARANCE" and made a large bowl of honey appear on a desk with her wand. Needless to say, that shut Chloe up. Pollen, with her bee scenes, floated towards the honey in a trance like state, only wanting the honey at the moment. "Now do you believe me, Chloe?" Star said.

Chloe sat down on one of Star's couches in her tower room in shock, not wanting to believe that magic is more active than she first thought. "At this point, i'll even believe that aliens exist."

"I think you broke her, Star," said Adrien. He goes over and tries to make her feel better while they watch Pollen stick her head in the jar of honey and starts eating it.

"And people say i'm the glutton," Plagg said, watching the 9 humanoid figures hanging out and getting antiquated with each other. As they talk, they all have this feeling within their guts, saying that this group was destined for greatness, and it'll be even greater when Dipper and Mabel were back home and with their friends.

"I have a strange feeling that this is the start of something big, you guys," Star said, feeling something weird inside her soul. They all stare at her, confused at what she just said. "I think...I think we were destined to find the twins as a group. What do you say, shall we travel the Earth, making people happy and bringing Dipper and Mabel back home with their parents?"

The others look at each other with confused and worried looks, but one by one, they all join her quest.

"I'm in."

"Count me in."

"This better count as my good deed for the day."

"A chance to sight see for my blog without paying any cash? Dibs."

"I wonder how this will look on my phone bill? But who cares, the twins are more important."

"My mom wouldn't leave anyone behind, and neither will I."

"I'll join as Steven's knight and as his best friend."

"We're with you, Star."

Star smiles brightly, as she never had this many friends supporting her at once. She stands up on the table and asks the important question. "OK," She began "Where do we start looking first?"