I know what you're thinking...

"17? An update after a year? You'd might as well abandon the story..."

Well I would have, but thought I would continue it for the fun. After all, it is for my OC and was meant to be a revamp from Cam the Patroller (Because that shit was skraight nasty and trash). But that's from me, I will add an Author Note if I need to, see you at the end of this chapter!

The next day, Cam wakes from a well rested sleep. He proceeds to do his daily morning routine and yet, still waited for his mother. He wondered why his mother took 10K instead of 8K.

Cam thought: "Jeez, sure is taking her a long-

Then he thought of her so-called job, so he stopped his thinking process.

Cam thought: "Oh wait, she probably 'Can't clock out until 10'..."

He finished with his morning extracurriculars and headed for town.

At the Lookout...

Chase is seen cleaning out his pup house. As he does so, Skye walks up to the entrance.

Skye: "Hey Chase. What do you doing?"

Chase turns around to face her.

Chase: "Well I'm just cleaning out my big inventory."

Skye looks behind him and was greeted with loads of unnecessary cosmetics.

Skye: "Jeez, Chase. Do you like to hoard?"

Chase: "I don't know how I should answer that."

The two slightly giggle.

Skye: "Have you calmed down from yesterday?"

Chase: "Yes, a little."

Skye: "A little?"

Chase: "Yes. I just know it was him. Maybe if I could use a sample of one of the one hundred dollar bills in those bags-

Skye: "Looks like you obviously need to clear more than just your home area. Your brain also has unnecessary thoughts."

Chase: "Skye, I swear I saw him."

Skye: "Stop what you're doing. Come with me to the town. We're going to enjoy ourselves today and you need to clear your head."

Chase: "Thanks for the offer, but is it necessary?"

Skye: "Yes. You are my friend, and this is what friends are for."

Chase: "Well, I guess maybe I am a little hungry. Mr Porters' sound alright to you?"

Skye smiles knowing that her plan was somewhat working.

Skye: "It sure does."

And off they went. To Mr. Porters'.

With Cam...

Cam could be seen making his way down town. He was already making a list in his head of places he could rob or people he could manipulate. His eyes flashed again. He couldn't tell what he had just gained, just like all of the other times. The abnormal intelligence wasn't all there, yet. By this point he knew that he wasn't in control over what he gains. He sits at a nearby restaurant and stared out of the window. A man walks to the counter of the restaurant appearing to be rubbing his hands with a towel.

Man: "Can I get you anything?"

Cam looks behind himself.

Cam: "Oh, hi."

Mr. Porter: "You've made a great choice by coming to the right place. My name is Mr. Porter."

Cam: "What's good, I'm Cam. I wasn't originally planning on buying much."

Mr. Porter: "That's okay. Maybe you could check out the menu?"

Cam nodded: "Will do."

Mr. Porter: "Alright. I'll be with you shortly."

As Mr. Porter leaves and goes to the back, Cam hesitantly picked up the menu.

With Chase and Skye...

Chase and Skye were walking down town. They approach Mr. Porters' and walk inside. Skye sits to the left of Cam as Chase sits to the left of Skye. Cam looks to his left.

Cam: "Hey Skye."

Skye: "Hey Cam."

Cam: "So what brings you here?"

Skye: "Oh, I'm here because my friend needs to clear his head."

Cam: "Oh, lots of thoughts going through your head?"

Skye: "Umm, yeah."

Skye looked at Chase and wondered how he didn't revert back into his suspicious behavior after seeing Cam. Mr. Porter arrives with a glass of water.

Mr. Porter: "One water for Cam."

Cam: "I didn't ask for a glass of water."

Mr. Porter: "You seemed a bit tired."

Chase: "May you assist me to the bathroom, Mr. Porter?"

Mr. Porter: "Sure, why not?"

And off they were to the back. Cam decided to make some small talk.

Cam: "So, the PAW Patrol huh? How's that?"

Skye: "Well it's a lot of work, but for the most part can be a fun experience."

Cam: "That's slap. Chase is starting to act like a cool jhit."

Skye giggles: "I don't know what you said but I'm assuming that it's good."

Cam smiles: "You betcha."

Skye thrusts her paw slightly forward, knocking the glass of water off of the counter. Cam notices this and saves it by using his telekinesis on the glass and places it back on the counter. There was silence between the two.

Skye: "Cam, what was that?"

Cam: "Well, due to the fact that it is impossible for me to make up a lie at this point because you saw it with your own eyes. I'm just gonna go ahead and say that I used telekinesis."

Skye dropped her jaw.

Skye: "Cam, that is remarkable! No pup on Earth owns such power!"

Cam: "I know, but I'm keeping this remarkable power on the low. Better to use with unknown identity."

Skye: "Okay but-

She notices that his eyes changed colors.

Skye: "Cam, your eyes are acting weird."

Cam: "Everytime my eyes flash I gain a new ability."

Skye: "Something like this is honestly one out of a trillion."

Cam: "I try not to think of the statistics. Doctor says there was a high percent change I could've died."

Skye: "Wait, so you haven't had them all of your life?"

Cam: "Naw. This was previously."

Skye: "Tell me, but how did you get them?"

Cam looks around the restaurant and back at Skye.

Cam: "Alright, so I may or may not have been out on the day of the bank robbery."

Skye: "Waiiit, so you-

Cam: "Shhh, your volume."

Skye: "Sorry."

Cam: "While escaping, I fell into some radioactive bucket and soaked up everything. I had to get out and keep running though, didn't wanna get caught. Those bags? Yeah, they are from the bank."

Skye was gifted with life changing information, but she knew how to keep a lot of secretive things to herself.

Skye: "Chase wasn't wrong, then."

Cam: "Yeah he was spot on. He is really good at his job."

Skye: "But it's sad to see him feel down."

Cam: "He's going to have to be like me and cope with it. As long as you don't spill."

Skye: "I'm taking that information to the grave. You can trust me."

Cam felt like he could really trust her. When Chase came, Cam and Skye winked one good time before they ended up leaving. Soon after Cam got up from his seat. He walked to the front entrance. Mr. Porter watched as he did so since he hadn't really ate anything. Cam headed for his home and called it a day.

Author Note: That was one important conversation. Hopefully Skye keeps her word and never tells a soul. What do you think will happen next. See ya next time!