
When you least expecting it, when there's no sign that you will get even close to experiencing this strong, powerful, yet confusing feeling that is love, then you will get to know it. It hits you without any warning and doesn't take care of any circumstances. It just happens and, if it does, you're helplessly lost in its grasp.

But while it can be the most wonderful feeling that you'll ever have, it might as well be a curse. If you ever get to love someone, you'll be walking a dangerous path. Between happiness and passion lurks desperation, waiting to take a hold on you and drain your soul. The man who gives away his heart is bound to this person and separation can be a painful period of time, while togetherness is the happiest of all.

Heartaches and tears, however, are a part of love, just as the smiles and promises are. To deny love is not just a lie you would tell yourself, but a denial of your very person. It is in the nature of all beings to love, but humans got the richest possibility to express it. This talent shouldn't be left unused and people who live and die without it should be mourned for the most. It's a pitiful life without love, and even if you get hurt sometimes, it just keeps going on and on.

But why do we have the need to bound to other people? Why is it that some people decide that death is better than going on with a broken heart from a lost love? The answer is actually simple:

When you love someone, there is the possibility that this feeling disappears someday. But if you truly loved this person, there will always be a part of your heart that belongs to him or her. Love connects people in a deeper way than our minds could ever understand, and when you try to loosen this bound again, you feel like going crazy. Your world will collapse and everything will be hopeless. If every inch of your heart and mind is focused on just one person who means everything to you, and you have to let go, you'll find it to be seemingly impossible. That's when desperation took over.

It is important to listen to your heart and that you know that a lost love isn't the end. Hope is the most persistent thing in the world, and thus you should never lose it. I do believe this, and I swore myself always to be true, even if it is difficult to express the feelings a human mind can feel, 'cause not every time those feelings are clear.

Maybe I just got to know the feeling of love or something that is at least close to it, and maybe I am not that experienced, but I am sure about one thing:

I do believe in love, and I will keep it close to me, forever.

To you, my dearest friend: Even if you don't love me, I will be there for you. I love you so much and I mean the best for you. I want you to be happy, and if this isn't me for you, I will step aside, although it hurts and pains every night.

I will never stop loving you.