My second Pirates of the Caribbean story. This first chapter is short I know, but it is just a beginning and there shall be more. Wanted to get the idea out of my head and published before letting myself get carried away with the whole of the story.

"If ye were anythin' like yer father you would know better than to talk back to 'im." Barbossa lectures his young daughter as the child smacks at his fingers. She gives him another cry before smiling. He laughs a short laugh. A day old, and the little baby girl was already smacking his hands about and crying out whenever the man set her down. Her mother was gone so now it was only Barbossa who could care for her. At first the thought terrifies him. He ran around finding out about any and all other options he had. He almost left the poor girl on the doorstep of an orphanage, but when her eyes opened for the first time, and her small hand reached out to him his heart melted.

"You aren't goin' anywhere youngin. Nowhere that I can't be watching ye. Aye, you'll stay with meh and me crew. I just need ta find a wet nurse for ye."

"None of us know of any women who could fill that role sir." One of his men replied when Barbossa order them to go out and search for one. He should have known better then to ask his men. Of course none of them would know of any women who could help.

"Aye we need a woman who would know where to go, and we need 'er quick."

"W-we could always ask Miss Swann." Ragetti suggests as he tries to quell Carina's hunger with a wet rag full of milk her father had bought from the town market. Some old woman in the market suggested that he try it. She was not really taking to the milk so Barbossa needed another option and quickly.

"Aye, poppet would know of someone. She is a woman after all." Pintel adds.

"Aye, she is." Barbossa agrees. She was also a friend of Jack's. One man who could never know about his child. Elizabeth may be the king of pirates but she at least had a smidge of honor more than the other pirate lords. If he asked her she wouldn't tell Jack. Hopefully. "Set sail for Port Royal immediately ye scurvy ridden fools!" Barbossa orders motioning the ship quickly into action with his sword. "Ragetti, get me girl into meh cabin, now!"

"Yes Cap'n." The fool scurries away. Carefully carrying Carina in the folds of his arms so as to not drop her. Barbossa goes to the helm of the ship and takes control. For Port Royal they were sailing, and once they were there he was sure his little Carina would be safe.

Constructive criticism is always appreciated