This story starts during their first visit to the Swing Set in the season 12 episode, Bombshell.

Olivia caught Elliot's eye as he walked out of the Playroom and noted his nod that said "it's time to go." She turned back to her admirers and flashed her charming smile as she listened to their sexual anecdotes about the last Swing Set retreat. She and the couple had drawn more of a crowd and several people had gathered around to share stories.

"Babe, I think it's time to take your old man to bed," Elliot quipped as he walked back to his partner, scooting past people in the huddle to find her.

"Aww, I'm sorry guys," Olivia said to her new friends. "Looks like we're going to call it a night."

"You just got here!" one girl, Jessie, said. She ran her hand slowly up Olivia's arm. "We didn't even get to play!"

"Oh, we will play eventually," Olivia told them playfully. "We just wanted to watch for our first visit… Maybe next time."

"We have to know you're legit somehow!" one man exclaimed. "Come on, prove yourselves before you go and give us something to fantasize about later… Tell us, in detail, about the first time you two fucked." The crowd murmured in agreement.

Olivia feigned a shocked look. "Oh please! We can't tell you about tha—"

"It was soon after we met."

Olivia turned and glared at Elliot, who started speaking. This time she really was shocked. How the hell was he going to tell a story about their sex lives if it didn't even exist? Maybe he'll just use a story about him and Kathy, she thought.

"About twelve years ago," he said. He addressed his horny audience. He was putting on a show. They were always great at manipulating their perps, this was no different. Olivia caught on quickly and acted like she was remembering his story. She turned to the crowd and shrugged as she gestured to Elliot for them to listen to the story.

"We were so much younger," Elliot said with a nostalgic huff of laughter. "Liv's hair was just a little shorter back then. We met at work. We work in… in an office… filled mostly with men and Liv never let it phase her. She's tough and strong and she cares passionately about her work. I immediately loved those things about her. But she's also sexy as hell. Hard not to notice."

Olivia's cheeks blushed. Damn, he's really working the room, she thought.

"We never said anything or addressed it, but we always had… a connection," Elliot continued. Olivia was in awe of the ease of which he made up his story. "Then one night we had to stay late to work on a ca—a project together."

Was he about to say "a case?" Is this a fictional story or a memory?

"It was the first of many times we would have to pull an all-nighter for work."

"Yeah, I'm sure it was 'for work,'" one listener said.

Elliot laughed but held up his hand to stop the man's jest. "No really, it really was for work… Anyway… Our desks are across from each other. She was going through some paperwork and she didn't know it but, uh…" he grinned as he shyly looked down at the ground. "One of the buttons of her maroon blouse had come undone."

Olivia kept smiling, mentally willing her eyebrows not to furrow as she recalled the first time they worked together overnight twelve years ago. She was wearing a maroon, button-up blouse.

"I got nothing done for hours because all I could focus on were this beautiful woman's perfect, round breasts."

She remembered looking up to tell him something that night and he looked away so quickly that his knee rammed into his desk. Then when she asked if he could grab her a cup of coffee, he said he 'needed a second.' She didn't think anything of it at the time. But now… was he fantasizing about her back then?

"I got up and walked around to her."

No he didn't.

Elliot looked back up from the ground like he wasn't confessing anymore, but back to playing their game. He was more confident in the part of the story that was a lie.

"She asked me what I was doing when my hand went to her cheek, but instead of answering I just kissed her," Elliot said. "It took her a minute to realize what was happening but she started to kiss me back. She stood up and it immediately became heated. We were both stressed and needed a release. We grappled and pulled at each other's shirts."

"Yeah! Here's the good stuff!" a listener exclaimed.

"She cleared her desk when she was down to her bra and panties. The hottest thing I've ever seen."

Olivia looked down at his growing bulge as he worked the crowd. He was turning himself on with his story. But then she noticed her own wetness. She gave her head a tiny shake. It's just a story. A tactic. This is her partner.

"I lifted her onto the desk and ran my hands all over her impossibly perfect body… I'd seen her in many outfits and in many ways, but never like this… I could have come just from the thought—uh, the sight."

Did he just say…

Someone in the audience gave an approving whistle.

"She leaned back onto the desk and arched her chest into me while we kissed. Then I made my way down, licking and kissing every inch I could get my mouth on. I rubbed her core with my thumb until my mouth reached that spot."

Olivia started to breathe a little more deeply as her core became more slick.

"I put my mouth over the lace that covered her sex and breathed hot air before setting my tongue directly over her. She moaned and arched even more. Said my name… 'Eliot, lick me.' I kissed and licked over her panties but it wasn't enough for her. She bucked herself into my mouth and begged. 'Elliot, lick me, please!' And before she could even prepare herself, I moved the fabric of her panties aside and shoved two fingers into her while devouring her clit with my tongue."

Olivia realized her mouth was hanging open and remembered that she, too, needed to work the crowd. She turned to address the whoops and hollers with a careless façade, as though this was her normal sex life she was listening to.

"I felt her start to get tighter around my fingers and I knew she was close, so I reached up with my free hand and pushed her bra away, filled my hand with her breast and lightly pinched her hard nipple. A few seconds later she started writhing and shaking beneath my mouth, yelling my name throughout the office."

Olivia could barely keep herself from rolling her eyes. She wasn't sure what annoyed her more—the fact that she was wet as hell over his twelve-year fantasy or that the smug bastard thinks he could get her to yell his name in ecstasy.

"She pulled me up to her lips after she came and tasted herself on my tongue," Elliot continued.

Seriously, you're not done yet?

"I finished removing her bra and dove for her nipples while she unzipped me and pushed my pants down as quickly as she could… She paused in pleasant surprise when she grabbed my hard cock."

Smug. Ass. Bastard, she thought as the crowd laughed lightly with Elliot.

"Neither of us could wait any longer. She slipped her panties off and wrapped her legs around me, drawing me closer and guiding me into her. She pulled me in and her body adjusted to my… very… large size, but once she was ready we couldn't go slow. It was hot and heavy, hard and fast. She was so wet and warm and it felt right."

Liv's eyes widened as Elliot's performance turned from the crowd to her. He was talking directly at her.

"I don't know how I held out for her to finish again because I'd never been so fully satisfied by anyone else. She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever met and the vision of our bodies together like that…" his words fell apart, but he put himself back together quickly. "We moaned and touched and met thrust for thrust until she came again… And seeing her come undone made me follow immediately after."

Fuck. What. The. Fuck.

"Damn, Elliot! I call dibs tomorrow after you two get settled in!" Cassandra commented when the story came to a close. "Too bad you aren't game tonight…" she added suggestively.

Elliot turned from staring at Liv to addressing Cassandra and Olivia finally broke out of her own stare. Once she did, she realized that people were talking to her and quickly turned her charm back on.