I don't own Hanazuki: Full of Treasures.

Guest (6/4/18): ironically she's my favorite Hemka. I think I said that before. If you've read Fading Flame before this will be a little different but still... yeah, pretty sad. Feels Fest 2018?

I don't have anything against Pink, of course. The purpose of her passing is to illustrate that loss can happen early in a child's life and it can hurt them a lot. How does Hanazuki deal with it and how do her loved ones help her? That's the question. How do you find happiness when you feel lost? Of course she has a legacy. Never forget :)

On the subject of the flowers, that's a very good observation! I think Hanazuki's flower is a hydrangea simply inspired by a statue of her at the 2017 Hascon- it looked like one to a friend of mine and after taking a closer look I decided to put that in this work. Though a dandelion is also a nice guess, we don't know for sure until the staff confirms what kind of flowers they have if necessary. On a side note, I thought dandelions were technically weeds and wouldn't really work with the whole flower thing.

I'd simply like to thank you for reading my work! :)

Someone tell Hasbro to upload Season 2. I'm going crazy and need some new inspiration... but guys they spoiled a new Hemka in those leaked shorts and I love her


Her voice is whispery and frail, but even after all she's been through, it still sounds like her.

Pink is strong, Hanazuki thinks; she's strong because she loves me... she wouldn't want me to give in to despair... These thoughts drift from thoughts of strength to thoughts of guilt, thinking Pink would be very disappointed if Hanazuki didn't tell her about the black Treasure Tree, even if it would be their last conversation. She could not simply accept that Pink was dying. And it's her fault, all hers...

"Don't be scared... it's still me."

The Moonflower crawls closer to Pink, Kiyoshi and the other Hemkas backing up to give them room.

And Hanazuki just cries, clutching the translucent fur she can barely feel anymore, Pink staying silent. It felt cold, and Pink's tears felt like ice. Her presence was the most comforting thing to Hanazuki, and to lose her would be losing hope.

Memories of being a Seedling, Pink cradling her, hugs, kisses, and that lullaby race through the girl's mind. How long ago had it been since she last heard that song?

"Pink... I love you, I love you..."

"I love you too, flower... I'm sorry this hap-"

"No!" Hanazuki blurts out, "I'm sorry... I'm killing you! I left and the... the Big Bad hit and I... It's my fault... I grew a despair Treasure Tree, Pink, and that only draws the Big Bad back here... I don't want this happening to you, I never did, and for it to happen to anyone else, I..."

The other Hemkas stand, wide eyed in surprise at the outburst and the confession.

"Hanazuki," Pink starts softly, doing her best to wipe the tears off of the child's face, "if you hadn't gone to space, what would have become of Kiyoshi? He would still be hiding from the unicorns if you didn't go. He never would have bloomed as beautifully as you if you didn't find him. You saved someone."

The Moonflower blinks.

"One thing has a chance to live, I suppose... balancing it out is fair. That goes for your Treasure Tree, too. All of those colorful trees and only a single Despair one. The Big Bad may try to seek it out, but the rainbow of colors, those hundreds of other trees that you and Kiyoshi made won't allow it. You didn't kill me. Don't ever think that, please. I didn't want to leave you yet, and it hurts me to see you like this... I can't possibly imagine how confused and hurt you feel... but if I can offer something to console you; to me, this isn't really my end," Pink smiles.

"It isn't...?"

"I believe," the Hemka speaks again, her voice getting quieter by the minute, "that even if I can't be seen or heard, I'll still be here. In little bits and pieces of conversation, in memories, in everything I loved in life, and that means you, too. People are not necessarily gone when they pass. In fact, as long as you remember them, they're always there, just not in a physical way. The story goes on for them. We aren't gone forever. We all have a spirit that lives on."

She's fading away, little by little. Hanazuki cannot feel her touch anymore, it just felt cold.

"There wasn't a single moment in your life that I wasn't proud of you, Hanazuki... thank you for being honest. That's the kind of person that I hoped you could become, and that makes me even more proud.

"Could you do me... one last favor?"


"You remember that lullaby I used to sing to you?"

Hanazuki's face pales. She wipes away the snot and tears covering her face.

"Yes," she says. Her tone was more serious this time. She could easily predict what Pink wanted, but allows her to finish her final request.

"I haven't heard your beautiful singing in a long, long time, and I was wondering... if you could sing that song for me this time around. Words can't describe how much I'd appreciate it, flower."

The young Moonflower takes hold of one of Pink's freezing ears, barely an outline now.


She takes a deep breath, and started singing.

"I found a star and I put it in the night sky

so I could show it to you.

And the night, it will flicker, and your eyes catch a glimmer

Of the lighthouse I made for you..."

Pink was crying again, but she was smiling... Hanazuki did her best not to cry again, herself. She wanted to be as strong as Pink was to live with the Big Bad sickness for so long, in these final moments they had together.

And as she sang, she smiled back... her highlights turned from blue to bright pink.

"Old photographs, capture the light,

search for a glow we can keep..."

Pink mouths a shaky "thank you" as she starts to fade away completely.

"With two tiny eyes,

blue, like the skies,

or the waves, the waves of-"

As Pink's presence vanishes from sight and feeling, Hanazuki manages to hit the final two notes.

"...the sea..."

It takes a moment for everyone to take in the situation. Hanazuki stares at her empty hands. Nothing was left behind but the memory that Pink was once there. The emotion of love was Pink's gift to Hanazuki, though, and thinking of that kept a smile on the Moonflower's face. In a way, Pink was a part of her now.

She had died smiling, sweet memories flooding back from a familiar tune.

Hanazuki steps out and looks up at the ethereal starry sky. The tears came back, but never shattered her smile or the pink glow surrounding her. The other Hemkas and Kiyoshi follow, looking inspired by her example.

Little Dreamer drops a single treasure- it turns pink upon reaching Hanazuki, who drops it where she stands. The Treasure Tree grows and the group just observes it for a moment.

A heart shaped leaf blows off of the branches and into Hanazuki's open hand. She curls a fist around it and holds it to her own heart.

Thank you for the memories.

Thank you for loving me.

Thank you for helping me be a good person.

Thank you just for being you.

No one can take your place in my heart.

*blasts "Remember Me" from Coco*

im sorry

This chapter genuinely hurts me bad.

I also apologize if it's too cheesy.

pink was always a fan of sappy dramatic cliches. rest in peace favorite hemka.

The story still goes on. We get to meet another familiar face and I did not forget about Glamour/Teal/Light Blue's memory! (HASBRO STOP CHANGING HER NAME!) I had nowhere to put it in this chapter.

See you next chapter, thank you for reading, and any comments, positive or negative are appreciated.