Title: Artemis and Luna

Rating: PG (violence)

Author: Alcandre

I thought this up a while ago but haven't typed it up til now. It'll probably be a two or three part story about how Artemis and Luna became cats. Ooo, cool, ne? It's just an experiment and I won't continue it if y'all don't want me to. Just review and tell me want ya think.

The characters look like they do in the manga. well mostly Artemis and Luna do when they are human. If you haven't read the manga, for Luna picture a younger version of her human form in the S movie.

I don't own Sailor Moon but the idea of this story is mine. Mine, MINE, MINE!!!!!!! ::laughs hysterically then runs off:: Now I'm hungry!!! FOOD!!
I was human once. Not many people realize that but I was. Back in the Silver Millennium, before I started working for Queen Serenity, I was a regular human boy on my home planet, Lucer. We were peaceful people. My family and Luna's, my best friend, family was like one big family. I remember playing outside and running and walking around on two legs.

Then, one day that all changed. Two months after my 14th birthday, our planet was attacked by an evil being. I was outside with Luna when the sky darkened and they came.

They came without warning, just appearing out of the sky in their ships. I don't think I have ever been that scared and never will be again. Luna and I were just sitting in my front yard talking when a blast shook the ground. Luna's eyes widened and I felt my heart start pounding wildly.

"Artemis, what was that?" she asked me in a shaky voice.

I shook my head and slowly stood up, looking around. It was then that I saw the smoke in the sky and the hundreds of ships in the air looking like giant bugs about to descend on our peaceful planet.

"Luna," I stated. "We need to go inside."

She just stared at me so I pulled her up, grabbed her hand, and pulled her into my family's house.

I heard her give a small whimper behind me but I didn't stop running until I found my mom, dad, and sister looking out the back windows at the sky.

"Father," I began.

"Artemis, go to the basement." My father didn't even look away from the window.


"Now, son."

I hesitated only for a second then pulled Luna after me to the basement. Her long black hair had fallen from its usual style and was hanging loosely down her back. She looked frightened and had a death grip on my hand.

We sat on the floor of the basement for hours. I don't know how many because I lost count pretty soon after we settled down. Luna fell asleep in my lap eventually but I just sat there, staring at the door that led up to the main floor of my house. The yelling, screaming, and shaking had stopped and a silence had fallen that seemed to want to explode.

"Luna." I gently shook her awake.

Her red eyes opened and she blinked once then sat up. "It's so quiet, Arty," she whispered.

I stood up and helped her up after me. "Let's go see if we can find everybody." I said that to try to keep faith but deep down I think both of us knew that our families were gone and we would never see them again.

I opened the door at the top of the stairs and was met with an even thicker silence. I felt Luna walk up beside me, gasp, and grip my arm.

My house was just rubble. It looked like hundreds of people had broken in, had a party, broken everything, then left.

"Come on," I said, taking her hand and stepping away from the basement door. I could hear her breathing beside me in my ear and my palms wouldn't stop sweating.

We found my parents and sister dead on the kitchen floor. All of their throats were cut and the once white floor that my mother had cleaned everyday was now stained red with their blood. Luna started crying then and cried even harder when we found her family in her house. They had been beaten to death.

I didn't cry until Luna fell to her knees beside her mother. Luna started mumbling things I didn't quite catch but the way she was hugging her mother's body to her while rocking back and forth was enough to break my heart.

After hours of watching Luna cry I sat beside her and put an arm around her shoulders, hugging her to me. She dropped her mom's body and threw herself at me, burying her face in my chest.

We stayed like that for another thirty minutes until she suddenly stopped crying, sat up, and looked me in the eyes. "What do we do now?" she asked softly. "We're orphans."

I shrugged. "I don't know, Luna. We may be the only ones left on the planet." At that, tears started to fall down her cheeks once more.

"Why are we the only ones left, Artemis? Why can't we have died with everyone else?"

I pulled her back into a hug, patting her back. "I don't know. I just don't know."

The house, or what was left of it, started shaking then. Luna gasped and sat up, her eyes wide. "Are they still here?"

I jumped up and ran to the door, straining to see if the ships from before were back in the sky. "I don't see anything."

"Artemis!" Luna shouted from behind me.

I turned around but it was too late. The house was collapsing and Luna was about to be buried underneath the ceiling. I ran to her, not wanting to lose my best and only friend I had left. But the gods weren't on my side. I watched in horror as she was hit in the head with a falling tile and then, everything went black.

The first thing I was aware of was someone calling my name. I struggled to open my eyes but they just didn't seem to want to.

"Artemis? Artemis, please wake up. Please!"

"Luna?" I mumbled, feeling her arms around me.

She gasped and tightened her grip on me. "Oh Selene, I thought you were dead."

My eyes finally opened and I saw her bending over me, blood running down her face and a worried and pain filled look in her eyes. "Luna? What happened?"

She sighed and looked around. "I don't know. All I remember is being hit in the head and then waking up here."

It was then that I looked around at where we were. It was a sort of room with low lighting and stark white walls. The ceiling was high and white and the floor was cold and hard. Oh, and also very white. Nothing was in the room except for us: no bed, no chair, no table. Nothing.

"Where are we?" I whispered, sitting up. I felt my head and realized with a start that I also had blood running down my face. "Have we been captured?"

Luna sniffed and laid down, her head in my lap. The blood ran freely onto my pants but I didn't care. They were dirty and bloody anyway.

We sat there, staring at the whiteness of the walls for a pretty long time until the lights suddenly got brighter and a door appeared out of nowhere. Actually, I don't really know if it was always there. It probably was and we just didn't' notice it because it was white and we were scared.

A soldier stood in the doorway, looking at us. I would have gotten up but my head hurt and Luna was still in my lap. She probably didn't have the energy to get up anyway. We hadn't eaten in a long time. And my stomach had just told me so in a rather loud and protesting growl.

"So you are the two from Lucer, huh?" The soldier asked quietly.

I nodded and felt Luna do the same. Who was this guy and what did he want?

"Well, then," he stated. "Come with me."

Luna slowly sat up and I stood up beside her, swaying on my feet. I knew I had lost a lot of blood and so had Luna but what could we do, we were just prisoners.

The soldier turned from the door and walked into the hall outside. We slowly followed. When we reached the hallway, Luna stumbled. I swiftly caught her and tried to carry her the rest of the way, but had lost blood as well and was starving. I finally fell with a thud on the floor, twisting my body so that Luna landed on top of me and I took the brunt of the fall. Then, for the second time in just a few hours, I blacked out.

I awoke a second time to someone cleaning my head wound. It hurt but I didn't have the energy to cry out in pain. I just winced.

"Sh, darling. It'll be all right. Just let my get this blood off," a soft voice said over me. I opened my eyes and was greeted by the sight of an elderly woman with a kind face and gentle eyes smiling down at me. "That was quite a bump you got there, sonny."

I tried to sit up. "Where's Luna? What have you done with her?"

The old woman pushed me back on the bed I was on and smiled. "She is fine." She pointed beside me and I noticed for the first time, Luna lying in the same bed with me, head bandaged and sleeping peacefully.

"Where are we?" I demanded, my fear for Luna having been settled. "Why are we here? Who are you?"

The old woman chuckled and continued wiping my head. "You are on a shuttle to the Moon."

"The Moon? But, I mean, how, what?"

She smiled and started wrapping a bandage around my head. "The queen felt your planet being destroyed and ordered all the survivors to be brought to the Moon. And you are the only two we found."

I felt my throat tighten and my heart break. "We are the only two survivors?"

"Yes, my dear. And the two of you were buried under a house's ceiling. If it wasn't for the powers of the soldiers we wouldn't have found you."

I swallowed and looked back over at Luna. She looked so peaceful. Why did this have to happen to us?

To be continued.

Why indeed? Please review! I love reviews! I live for reviews! YAY reviews! Thanks for reading!