There are many oddities in the world. Mystical things that leave even the most devoted followers of logic and reason scratching their heads.

Things that simply, for one reason or another, shouldn't exist or make any sort of sense.

For Aijo, finding two of the four strongest Devils said to exist sitting outside Lady Yasaka's office, like grad schoolers outside the Headmasters, was one of those things.

Sirzechs Lucifer, the financier of the orphanage she oversaw and technically her boss.

Serafall Leviathan, the undisputed strongest woman in the entirety of the underwrold.

Powerful beings that many feared and even more respected.

Both looking positively cowed and, if Aijo interpreted the expression correctly, pouting.

Naruto tugged on Aijo's sleeve, pulling her attention away from the two walking army killers acting like they were in a time out.

"Hey Granny," "I told you to stop calling me that brat!" "Yeah yeah, but you DIDN'T tell me why we have to see Yasaka-sama again, and then you spaced out looking at tall, red, and pouting." Naruto pointed his thumb at the depressing form of Sirzechs Lucifer.

Usually, something like this wouldn't get more than an annoyed lecture on politeness in public, maybe a bop on the head.

However, seeing as the door to Yasaka's office opened at just the right moment for the Ruler of Yokai to hear Naruto's declaration, such a thing had a far different outcome.

Namely Yasaka hastily trying to cover the snort of laughter that left her at the blond's words.

Aijo really wanted to hit the blond brat beside her, but she knew such an action would undoubtly look bad before the Nine-tails.

She'd just have to get him later.

"Well, if Naruto-san here is finished making astute observations," the tone Yasaka spoke with had a touch of a laugh, and if possible, it looked like a storm cloud appeared over Sirzechs hanging head. "I would like to talk to you inside my office."

The Yokai fox stood to the side and made room for the fox and dog duo to enter.

Yasaka didn't comment on the light giggle she heard from Serafall as she shut the door behind her.

Silence reigned for a moment in the hall.

"...I'm not pouting."

Serafall just laughed more prominently.


"I'm pleased you were so prompt in answering my summons, I understand these last few days haven't exactly been easy on you." Yasaka started the conversation as politely as possible.

The poor blond had a lot dropped on his plate, no reason to add more just yet.

"Aijo, Naruto, please allow me to introduce you to both Rias Gremory, Sirzechs Lucifer's younger sister, and her Rook, Koneko Toujou." Yasaka waved her hand towards two young girls sitting on one side of a decently sized chabudai. One girl, the smaller of the two, immediately grabbed Naruto's attention.

Not even caring of his actions, Naruto found himself face to face with the white haired girl, his nose twitching softly as something familiar called out to him.

Koneko for her part gave the first emotive response to outside stimuli in the better part of two weeks at the strange blond's proximity.

Namely she leaned back, her face equal parts blushing and blanched. He was too close.

Naruto suddenly gained a doopey, half-cocked smirk as his tails and ears shimmered into existence amidst a soft laugh, the sound of palm hitting flesh, and am amazed gasp.

Aijo could be forgiven for the face palm. Naruto did just reveal his existence to her boss' little sister after all.

Koneko just stared at the blond a little dumb founded, she was aware of the fact that more than one Kyuubi walked the earth.

She was just under the impression it was only two, both of which were said to be female.

Rias was equal parts amazed, shocked, worried, and excited! There had been the reason for her gasp after all.

This would mean a possible paradigm shift was in the works for the Yokai Faction! As far as she knew (and she studied the lore extensively) a male Kyuubi had never been heard of! This was huge!

While most supernatural factions and pantheons were usually lead by a male ruler, the Yokai has always been run by a female Nine-Tails. The current heir to the throne would be Kunou by her reckoning, but this boy could change everything!

"Hiya! I'm Naruto." The boy spoke with a strange grin. Both Rias and Koneko failed to respond, mostly from surprise.

They hadn't expected such a candid greeting either, it was far and away from what they had become use to in the last 10 or 15 minutes they had spoken to the Yokai Ruler.

"At this time Rias, I would like to ask you to step outside with your brother. The conversation we are about to under take is of both a private and sensitive nature." Yasaka's voice broke through the strange meeting of children, making all eyes turn to her.

The redhead looked like she wanted to protest, but made the decision to heed the female ruler's words.

No reason to land her Onii-sama in MORE hot water.

Rias turned to the white haired girl and gave what would have passed as an encouraging smile. "I'll be right outside Koneko-chan."

The white-haired girl just nodded, a slight apprehensive tone in her features, though little else showed through.

Naruto decided that bothered him.

"Don't worry! Yasaka-sama is really nice. I'm sure she just wants to talk about weird Yokai stuff." The blond nodded sagely as both girls looked at him. To him it only made sense. The girl was a yokai too after all.

Yasaka waited until the door had latched behind the red headed girl before a much less formal atmosphere washed over the room.

"Well then, as to why I called you all here. Koneko-chan here is one of the few survivors from what most in the supernatural world are simply calling The Purge, a fitting, if grim, title. Rias was tasked with her care recently by Lucifer and so far, it seems to have been more or less easy living." Naruto looked down at the table as Yasaka spoke. Aijo had told him about the massacre of the Nekomata species just two days ago, and it tore him up inside.

An entire people just...gone. He couldn't even begin to try and understand how Lady Matatabi must feel. Much less how this Koneko must be handling things.

He just couldn't understand the world. It always seemed so...dark.

"However, I wish to change that." Yasaka spoke after a moment, pulling the wide eyes of the others back to herself. "Koneko-chan, what has happened to you and the others is nothing short of a tragedy, and an insult to all of Yokai. Here and now I'd like to offer you an open door. While I don't doubt the Young Gremory's good intentions, her brother is another matter. If you like, I will have you released from her service and you can live here, safe and away from any who would seek to harm you."

Naruto brought a hand to his chin in thought. That made sense he supposed. With the Neko people now down to a scant handful, having them all in one place would be both good and bad.

Good because they could be protected more efficiently, on top of the fact that it could possibly lessen the blow of everything that had happened to the poor girl.

Being around people like you helped in such a way.

Bad because they would be easier to track and target, not to mention Yasaka-sama would be stepping on more than a few toes to get it done.

Not that she seemed to mind in the slightest.

The Nekoshou looked at the table, her eyes searching its rich, dark surface, taking in the offer with all the seriousness in the world.

Koneko was truly lost, such an offer was unprecedented, not only would she be allowed to abandon her [Queen], but she could also truly be protected. If she stayed in Kyoto, no one would dare search for her, especially if the leader of Yokai made it clear she was under her protection.

The diminutive girl paused for a moment, her eyes slowly relaxing.

"I...appreciate the offer Milady...but I can't accept it." Koneko spoke lowly, her head bowing. It was an amazing offer, really, but hadn't been long knowing that girl, but something about her just latched onto the girl.

She had even given her a new name.

Rias was to thank for her first steps to recovery...she...she couldn't abandon her. Not like Koneko herself had been abandon.

Yasaka took in the girl's form, a slight downturn of her lips. She had hoped against the girl declining, but she couldn't force her to accept. If she wanted to stay with Rias, so be it.

"Don't look so glum Koneko-chan. Yasaka-sama DID say it's an open door." Naruto's voice chimed up. He wasn't ENTIRELY sure what was going on, but he understood enough. "We'll be here if ya ever need some thin', so don't be afraid ta ask!" The boy threw her a thumbs up, his cheesy smile all most lighting up the room.

The three women of the room each had different reactions to the outburst, from Koneko's confused head tilt, shocked that ANYONE would speak out of line in the presence of their ruler, to Aijo headdesk manuver that shook the teacups. She shouldn't have been surprised, it WAS Naruto after all.

Yasaka took it all in stride, greatful to her fellow blond defusing the tension that had slowly begun to build in the room. Give the boy a few years and he would be might good at negotiating.

"Yes, yes, it is as Naruto said. If you ever need assistance, we of the Yokai Faction will gladly offer aid." She spoke with a slight chuckle, the sound doubling at the beaming smile Naruto sent her.

That boy was too kind for his own good.

Aijo paused, hand raised to the air, about to launch into a tirade of reasons why you DON'T speak out of line in such an important meeting, only to deflate at Lady Yasaka's words.

Everyone was going to ruin the manners she had tried to instill in Naruto damnit!

"I believe we can move to less trying conversation for the time being, such as your living conditions under Rias Gremory." Yasaka spoke up after a moment.

If Miss Toujou was adamant about staying with the girl, Yasaka could atleast ascertain that she had proper housing.

If Koneko was living in less than stellar conditions, well, Yasaka DID have Sirzechs by the figurative balls. She could use that leverage for something at the very least.

Naruto was graced with seeing the very small smile that spread across Koneko's face as she began to explain her new 'home'.


Naruto sighed in an odd mix of exhaustion and boredom, watching as Lord Lucifer and Lady Leviathan left the Shrine grounds with Rias and Koneko in toe.

It had been a long, long day filled with one meeting or another, and it had left the youth feeling tired, bored, and mostly confused.

"Lady Yasaka..?" Naruto asked as he kept his eyes on the steps leading to the large arch doorway to the inner Shrine.

"Yes Naruto-kun?"

"How come you had me sit in with all of those meetings today? I couldn't place most of what you talked about, especially with Lord Lucifer and Lady Leviathan, but it seemed pretty important and secretive."

Yasaka hummed in the back of her throat, a small smile crossing her face. "Yes it was. I spoke with my uncle and he was of the same mind as you for a time. If I am to understand the game they are playing, in a few years, yours is an opinion many would like to have. I prefer you learn how to give it early on."

Naruto's eyes lit up in understanding. "Oh so this is like training!"

Yasaka gave a chuckle, nodding as she turned to re-enter the Shirne complex. "Exactly. While I'm sure my Aunts and Uncles wouldn't allow you to be uneducated, they have no real desire to step into any political turmoil if they can avoid it. Something about paperwork."

Naruto shook his head childishly as he followed along behind Yasaka, "That doesn't seem very responsible." The young blond spoke.

"And I suppose skipping out on history classes is?" The female Yokai spoke with a slight hint of teasing.

Naruto has the decency to blush.

"Keep in mind, you start physical training with Son-Oji-sama tomorrow at noon. I'd avoid being late if I were you." Yasaka spoke in fairwell as she rounded the corner to head back to her office.

Naruto just watched her go, wondering what was going through her mind, before pushing it off with a shrug. It was already evening, maybe he should find Kunou and get some dinner!

A.N. A hella short chapter this time, but this is basically filler and to show the kind of interaction I plan on having between Naruto and Yasaka. Next chapter will be a bit of a conflict mixed in with some minor training montage and/or timeskip, haven't really decided how I wanna do that yet. If it is a timeskip, it'll be a few months at max, basically Naruto having time to learn a bit of fighting and information on the supernatural. Till next time!

DarkStar, Out.