Catching Up, Season 2
Prologue – Catching A Break…Not Really
A/N: Hey guys, the enormity of this undertaking is starting to hit me but I am as determined as ever to see it through. Although, this series may very well outlast the television show its based on. Just so we're all on the same page. I will be slowly incorporating more of the plot that I want to have for this, including the reveal of Sammy's mind buddy. Something vaguely resembling a ship shall emerge and we'll be having a few friends drop in. So until next time, ENJOY! R&R PLZ!
Following accident and the show going dark, the room was silent. The final rollercoaster of the last episode had everyone reeling, though more Mary than anyone else. Her mind was pitching back and forth between utter self-loathing and wanting to strangle John. She pulled in shallow breaths through her teeth, trying to come up with the appropriate reaction. She didn't realise how long she'd been quiet until Sam spoke up, "Mom please say something."
Mary opened her mouth but words simply failed her. She went with, "That wasn't a vision was it?"
"No that happened," Dean confirmed.
"Right," she slapped her hands on her thighs and stood up. "Well on the bright side, I can't possibly get anymore pissed at John right? Right?"
"There's enough time to get just slightly more pissed," Sam informed her.
Mary rubbed her face with both hands, "Well Bobby was right, John does have that effect on people."
"Mom I told you, it wasn't all bad," Dean said.
"Yeah but I just thought in John's last moments, he would try more. I mean he opened up to Sam and started treating you boys with more respect. But for every step forward, it's like he did something that was an automatic two steps back. Not to mention, this," she waved a hand at the tv, "this is all on me. Anything and everything to do with that yellow-eyed son of a bitch, that's my fault."
"I wouldn't go that far Mary," Cas stated.
"I would," Mary countered. "Maybe if I had just done more, I wouldn't feel quite so crappy but face it, I did nothing. No wards, no traps, not a fricking salt line at the window. I knew that thing was coming, I just always assumed it was coming for me and it would ask me to do something for it. At least that was the way it sounded when I made the deal."
"Mom dragging yourself over hot coals isn't going to change anything," Dean said.
"Then what will?" Mary asked.
"Nothing," her eldest son replied honestly.
"Maybe we should stop for now," Sam proposed.
"Right after I watched you get plowed by demonic truck clean off the road," Mary scoffed. "Not likely Sam, let's switch to the next one. I'll do the honours." She swapped out the last DVD of season one and put in the disc for season two. She grabbed its case and headed back to the couch, falling into her spot. "Boys, just do me a favour," she requested. "You're obviously good hunters, tell me you catch a break this season."
"I'm afraid we're not that good," Dean broke it to her.
"Couldn't hurt to ask," Mary looked at the case for the next episode and let out a humourless laugh. "Case in point, season two, episode one, In My Time Of Dying."