Here we are, next chapter in this cheesy cheese saga!

I'm sorry for the cliffhanger last chapter but oh boy, your comments had me laughing... Hopefully this starts to make it better and I can win you all back after being so damn evil.

As always, comments and kudos and the rest of it makes me grin like an idiot, so feel free to leave some!


Beca woke up all of a sudden, eyes shooting open as her heart did a spectacular flip in her chest. She looked up at her ceiling, trying to calm her pounding heart beat for a while, listening to Fat Amy's sleep mumbling from the bed across the room.

After realising it was just a dream, Beca let out a long frustrated sigh into her hands that covered her face. She dragged her fingers down her face before turning her head to look at the clock on her nightstand, the white blocky numbers reading 04:12.

This was the third time this week she'd woken from this dream and it was only Wednesday morning. And each time she had stared up at the same patch of ceiling trying her very hardest not to think about the subject of said dreams sleeping on the floor below.

Beca sat up in bed, cringing at the noise of the springs creaking and looking over to Amy to check it hadn't woken her. After a long moment of no reaction, Beca stepped out of bed and tip toed her way across the carpet to the stairs, deciding to do what she did every time these dreams woke her in the early hours and go downstairs to watch TV and eat very early breakfast.

Beca descended the stairs silently, her sock covered feet making no noise in the still sleeping Bella house as she walked. She'd learnt the ways of manoeuvring the house undetected after the last few months of restless nights; the same kind of dream playing in her unconscious mind nearly every night ever since she'd developed feelings for the co-star of aforementioned dreams.

Beca had denied it at first, trying to convince herself that the way she wanted to be around Chloe at all times was just from having a best friend- something that Beca had never had before. She'd even tried to push it down after realising she was finding ways to be close to the redhead like cuddling during movie nights or holding on just a second longer when they hugged.

But it was about five months ago when she had finally admitted it to herself, after Chloe had invited her to spend Spring Break in Florida with her and her family. The sight of Chloe lying in the sun in a bathing suit that left little to the imagination had been the final straw and Beca had found her enjoyment of the beautiful Florida weather slightly dampened by her ongoing crisis at the realisation that she was not only into girls but she was in love with her best friend on top of that.

That was a lot to figure out and she was still doing so all that time later.

Beca sighed as she reached the same door she had stared longingly at every night. Chloe's door. With the single polaroid photo of the Bellas after their first ICCA win tacked neatly in the centre of the white wood panelling.

Beca couldn't count the number of times she had looked at the same door in the last year or so. She was fairly certain that the patch of carpet in front of it had worn down where Beca always stopped and stared.

And it was on that very patch of carpet that Beca stood now, her head fighting with her heart as to whether she should knock on the door. A battle she had every time she was stood there.

Every other night before that, her head had convinced her it was a bad idea: that it was the middle of the night and Beca could mess everything up and end up losing her best friend. It was always a multitude of reasons that had her continuing her journey to sit downstairs with a bowl of Rice Krispies and whatever was on TV at five in the morning.

But tonight, the battle wasn't there. There was no weighing up of options or what ifs, just the imaginary ghost of Chloe's lips on her from earlier in the dream that had her stomach doing constant flips. Beca's palms itched with a need to be close to her best friend and she didn't know if after that dream she could stay away.

And that was what had Beca stepping forward and slowly turning the doorknob to the door she had become well acquainted with, her heart beating hard in her chest as she stepped into Chloe's room and closed the door behind her with a soft click.

The room was pitch black, save a thin strip of moonlight that came through the gap in curtains and cast it's beam across the right hand side of the bed. Beca used it as a light as she padded across the room carefully, picking out each step with the limited light to prevent stepping in any piles of laundry or empty mugs that were often scattered on Chloe's bedroom floor.

After a few steps, Beca reached the edge of the bed. By that time, her eyes had adjusted to the dim light and she could finally make out the shape of a person under the duvet on the bed.


She slept in the middle of the bed on her side facing away from Beca, meaning she couldn't see the inevitably beautiful face of Chloe Beale, but Beca knew it was her from the mess of red hair that was fanned across the pillow. Beca took in a shaky breath and sat down slowly onto the edge of the bed, just remembering to push the duvet out of the way before she did so.

Chloe breathed deeply and stretched an arm above her head and Beca froze, thinking for sure that the redhead was about to wake up and discover Beca creepily staring at her. But after a moment, Chloe's arm fell limp against the white pillow above her head and she let out the breath she'd taken in a peaceful sigh.

Beca smiled fondly at the sleeping girl, fighting the strong urge to hold the hand on the pillow that arose in her. Her brain screamed at her to get out of the room, that this was in serious breach of their friendship- watching her sleep- and that it could only end badly.

But in the battle between sense and sensibility in Beca's head, her brain was told quite frankly to shut up and before she could even think of what she was doing, Beca was pulling off her socks. She threw them on the the edge of the rug before lifting the corner of the duvet and carefully sliding under it to lie next to Chloe.

It wasn't like they hadn't shared a bed before. In fact, there had been many nights where Chloe had shared hers or vice versa for a whole host of reasons: they were drunk and had to help each other to bed, they had nightmares and had gone to the other in the night, they were scared of the lightening outside (okay, so that may have been Beca, not that she would admit that to anyone other than Chloe) or just because they had wanted to.

So this wasn't out of the ordinary. Neither was the way that Beca just watched Chloe as she slept. Or the way Beca fought every urge to move closer and wrap her arms around her best friend.

Not even the tiny, so light it almost wasn't there, kiss that Beca pressed to the back of Chloe's hair before she shuffled into the blankets in preparation for a few hours of lying awake just going over the dream in her head.


So it wasn't all a dream! A ha! And now you get to sit through the first seven chapters all over but with 100% more added Beca Mitchell internal monologue. You're welcome? I guess?