Yo~! I'm new to this side of fanfiction but I am in love with Boku no Hero Academia and decided to write a story on it. Couples are not sure yet, but there is an OCxKatsuki and maybe TodorokixDeku. So yeah. There's yaoi. Hope you like it!

A Strange Meeting

It was a normal day, Midoriya was beat as always as he talked to his friends Uraraka and Iida. They eventually stopped walking by each other and said their goodbyes until the upcoming Monday. As Midoriya made the rest of his way home he couldn't help but wonder where Kacchan was, he would always find him only a bit more ahead of himself since in the end, they still lived in the same neighborhood. He pushed the thought away, thinking maybe he may had gone to the arcade or something. As he passed an alleyway, almost in what seemed like slow motion he made out none other than Kacchan pushed against the wall by a taller figure. He froze in his spot, the taller figure turned his head, happening to notice him. Midoriya gasped at the other green pair of orbs looking back at him, he barely made out the specks of blue inside the orb as the figure pulled away from Kacchan to give him his undivided attention.

"Yo," the figure happened to be a roughly 6 ft and a couple inches tall young man, most likely their age or a bit over with his raven black hair parted to his right, a crooked hair stood above the crown. His figure was a slim and muscular like his friend Kacchan but his face was as handsome as Todoroki's.

"H- Hello!" Midoriya stuttered out. He heard Kacchan clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Deku… you dumbass… go away!" he clenched his teeth in annoyance at seeing Midoriya there. Midoriya gulped and the young man laughed. He was a charming man, almost irresistible.

"Oi, Katsuki-chan, don't be mean to the kid!" the raven-haired teen said as he smacked the top of Kacchan's head. Midoriya felt the color leave his face. Who was this boy!?

"We- Well I be-better lea-lea-eave! By- Bye Kacchan!" Midoriya said in a hurry, wanting to retreat quickly but in a heartbeat he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"You don't have to, Midoriya-chan, want to join us for a bite?" Midoriya felt like putty, the other teen was taller than him, his face was very, very handsome and those eyes…

"HAI!" he said unexpectedly. Kacchan was even more mad by now as he approached the two figures.

"Fucking Deku… always appearing in the worst times you little-" The raven haired teen grabbed Kacchan by the waist and pulled him close. Midoriya shrieked in horror at seeing how this man approached Kacchan and how Kacchan seemed to just go with it.

"You should be nicer, Katsuki-chan, Midoriya-chan here seems to be very scared of you," Kacchan's face looked like he was about to kill someone but just turned his head away. Midoriya blinked. His ears… his ears were red.

They walked in an awkward silence to a nearby café were the young man insisted on paying, even for Midoriya. It was after they ordered that Midoriya made out the rest of this young man's face. His skin was almost tan in color, hair was raven black, there was a beauty mark right on top of his collar bone and he had the most amazing set of green eyes with specks of blue in between, lighter than his own eyes. He was… so handsome! He quickly glanced towards Kacchan who was silent. He wondered where the two had met.

"Ah, Midoriya-chan, sorry for my rudeness," the other began, placing a hand against his chest. "My name's Kurogami, Hiro, pleased to meet you," Hiro smiled. Midoriya gasped, he'd never been so taken aback by anyone before. This person, as a hero he would! He smiled back shyly.

"My name's Midoriya, Izuku," Midoriya replied, bowing slightly at the other teen who smiled back.

"Izuku… Izu-chan," Hiro said to himself and gave Midoriya a thumbs-up with a dazzling smile.

"Um, if I may ask but you…" Midoriya twiddled his thumbs, looking between Kacchan at his side and Hiro in front of him. "How do you know Kacchan…?" if it wasn't for Hiro's good hearing he probably wouldn't have made out the rest of the sentence which came out barely a whisper.

"Deku… you…" Kacchan turned towards him and Midoriya could feel his friend's killing instinct immediately. Hiro just gave Kacchan a look before returning his attention to Midoriya.

"Katsuki-chan is my boyf-!" Kacchan flew from across the table to place his hand on Hiro's mouth before he said anything else but Midoriya felt like he had gotten the point. His face was pale, hands sweaty, he averted his eyes.

Boy- Boyfriend?! And Kacchan?! Midoriya laughed awkwardly.

"You bastard… Deku, you… don't know shit, got it?!" Midoriya nodded as their food got to their table and Hiro continued talking as if Kacchan wasn't about to kill them both.

"So, Hiro-kun… do you have a quirk of some sort?" Midoriya asked, now feeling more comfortable around the handsome teen and almost forgetting the existence of Kacchan fuming at his side. Jealousy perhaps? Midoriya didn't really want to think about it.

"I happen to do have a quirk… it's kind of an awkward one though," Hiro replied and Kacchan growled in annoyance.

"Eh? Awkward?" replied Midoriya, unsure as to what he meant by awkward, maybe it made Kacchan like him…? Midoriya paled slightly.

"And no, it's not something like pheromones or anything like that, haha," Hiro smiled as he shook his head. "It's an elemental quirk."

Elemental… elements? Fire and ice… Todoroki-kun… water… electricity, earth, wind…. Midoriya's eyes widened… there was no way…

"That's right Izu-chan… fire, ice, water, earth, wind, and electricity… what ya think?" Hiro finished and Midoriya was left stunned. His eyes were wide, his mouth gaped open…

"Tch… Deku… why ask something and then look like a dumbass?!" Kacchan fumed, smacking Midoriya out of his trance.

"Sor- Sorry Kacchan! Hiro-kun!" Midoriya replied. He stopped talking, just replying when Hiro asked something of him and such. As they left the restaurant, Hiro grabbed Kacchan by the waist again and Kacchan pulled away, not wanting to be touched in font of dumbass Deku.

"Take care Izu-chan! You should show me your hero journals sometime!" Midoriya went red.

"Eh!? How- how do you know about those?!" Midoriya asked surprised as he grabbed on tighter to his backpack.

"Hm? Katsuki-chan told me," Hiro replied. Kacchan clenched his teeth.

"Go home already dumbass Deku! And you! Let's get going already!" Kacchan yelled as he stormed off. Hiro waved Midoriya off one more time as he walked behind Kacchan.

Midoriya turned to walk away but then turned to look at the other two one more time. Hiro had his arm around Kacchan's shoulders. Midoriya arrived home a bit dazed, so much had happened in what seem like a whole day but really had only been 2 hours.

"I'm home!" he called as he began to remove his shoes. He made his way up to his room and threw himself up on his bed. And elemental quirk… how was that even… so much power in such person… and for Kacchan to not mind being with that person…? Who could be worlds stronger than him? He closed his eyes in confusion. He then opened them again, it had been a while since he had eaten out with Kacchan.

Monday came faster than expected. He had plan his day perfectly. He would find All Might, ask about the possibilities of an elemental quirk and not mention anything about Hiro-kun or Kacchan. As he stepped into the school he was pulled back by a strong force into a corner and two hands slammed at either side of his head.

"Deeekuu..." Kacchan let out, Midoriya began to shake.

"K- Kacchan! Fancy seeing you here! HA- Hahaha-ha!" Midoriya looked everywhere but at him. Kacchan pulled away.

"Hiro is no threat to me, but for the safety of your whole being… keep quiet about yesterday, and his quirk. Got it?" Midoriya nodded. With a click on his tongue he left him there to his thoughts. He bit his lip… he had to ask!

"Gomen… Kacchan," he said silently to himself as he ran off to find All Might, but instead crashed into Todoroki. "Ugh, sorry Todoroki-kun," Midoriya apologized as he looked up at the handsome half and half boy. He only nodded.

"No problem," Todoroki replied, blinked once, then twice. "Is something the matter?"

"Todoroki-kun! How do you manage two quirks?" Midoriya asked. Todoroki blinked.

"Well… each power divides into each part of the body, left is fire, right is ice, why the sudden question?" Midoriya began to mumble to himself, making Todoroki just a bit nervous. He placed a hand on his shoulder and Midoriya jumped up startled.

"Thanks for the information Todoroki-kun!" and just liked that, Midoriya blasted.

All Might was in the teacher's lounge, he was just thinking about his successor when the young hero came through the door.

"All Might!" the door closed dramatically behind him. "I have- a question!" All Might blinked and cleared his throat.

"Well! It sure is nice to see you on such high spirits my boy! Tell me, what is your question?" Midoriya cleared his throat and looked directly at his role model.

"Is it possible to manifest more than two elements into your body as a quirk?" All Might was silent for a bit. He had seen mostly just one element and in young Todoroki's case, two at max. he blinked.

"I don't think that could be possible, to be able to control more than two is already tough, take young Todoroki for example, he has been training for so long which is why he has such control over the two but more than that… it's hard to imagine, well of course asides from you know… Nomus and such… but that would leave the person pretty much just a human weapon" All Might finished his explanation. "Why the question young Midoriya?"

"Well… you know how they've said that even though many civilians have quirks, who knows if some civilian has some amazing quirk but no want of becoming a hero?" Midoriya trailed off, remembering Gran Torino and how he had only gotten his license to use his quirk more freely and be able to teach All Might but had said he had no interest in hero work. All Might placed his hand on his chin.

"That's quite the question young Midoriya, really makes you wonder what other amazing quirks are out there and people aren't using, doesn't it?"

The day went on normally, as he was getting ready to leave he noticed that Kacchan was… on his phone. He blinked, it was so rare to see the explosive blonde on his cell. Could it be he was talking with…

"Kurogami-kun…" Midoriya said silently.

"Kurogami?" Midoriya jumped up at Iida's voice, the megane teen pulled his glasses up and cleared his throat as Uraraka came up behind him as well.

"You've been very thoughtful all day Deku!" Uraraka pointed out, Iida nodded and began motioning his hands as he usually does.

"Uraraka-kun is right! You've been spacing out all day!" Iida's eyes grew with worry. "Could it be you're sick, Midoriya-kun!?"

"No, no! Thanks for worrying!" Midoriya flailed his arms around. "Some stuff on my mind that's all!"

"Well if you need anyone to talk to, we're here, Midoriya-kun," Iida smiled and Uraraka nodded behind him in agreement. They walked outside the school together and at the very entrance, clad in a gakuran and waiting, was none other than Kurogami, Hiro.

"Kuroga-"Midoriya shut his mouth as Kurogami caught sight of him and lifted his index finger to his lips, Midoriya quickly turned away. No one noticed when Kacchan turned to meet the tan teen and walk away together. Midoriya kept his sight on the two figures leaving as Iida and Uraraka kept talking, Todoroki followed Midoriya's sight and noticed what seemed like Kacchan and a taller young man in a gakuran, he blinked confused, suddenly the conversation from earlier crossing his mind.

"Could it be another quirk like mine or something?" Todoroki was silent, deciding it was best to confront Midoriya soon.

"Kacchan is a cute nickname," Kurogami broke the silence once they were far enough from UA. Kacchan stopped and looked ahead.

"You can't use that," he said very straight forward.

"Mou, Katsuki-chan is so long though…" Kurogami complained and Kacchan rolled his eyes.

"Are you coming to my place?" Kacchan asked, Kurogami shook his head.

"I can't, I still have a lot to unpack at home…" Kurogami began but then grabbed Kacchan by the hand. "Come help me!"

"You… lazy ass can't even do that by yourself!" Kacchan began to scold the taller teen, the taller teen looked at him with soft eyes, Kacchan looked away, ears fuming. "FINE! AGH!"

"Love you Katsuki-chan!" Kurogami smiled.

"I said to drop the chan you, dumbass Hiro!"


Bakugou, Katsuki- age 7

"Sure sucks you can't come camping with us Deku!" Kacchan laughed at the small Deku in front of him. Sadly, Deku had fallen sick and wasn't going to join them on their annual camping trip. "Bye loser!" he laughed.

At the camping sight, Kacchan went exploring, now able to control his quirk much better than before he felt at the top of the world, he was better than everyone, better than Deku!

"Poor useless Deku," he laughed to himself. "When I become a hero, I'll probably offer him a job as my secretary, maybe he'll be good for that,"

"Dude, you just stepped on poop." Kacchan stopped completely as he lifted his right foot, nothing, left foot…

"AGHH!" Kacchan yelled in frustration, he couldn't believe it! Poop! "Disgusting…"

"Here," the kid made him sit down on a log and from his hand came a small flow of water, washing away the poop from his shoe. Katsuki stared impressed.

"Hah? Your quirk is water? That's pretty amazing but it's not better than mine!" Kacchan said, forgetting to say thank you for washing the poop away from his shoe.

"Oh yeah? What's your quirk?" the kid, who had black hair and bright green eyes with blue asked back. Kacchan smirked.

"My sweat becomes like explosives!" he replied, the kid nodded.

"That's pretty cool, you're like a walking grenade," the kid said. "You can go off anytime as long as there's some sweat running!" Kacchan looked pretty proud of himself.

"That's right, I guess water is okay, you can evade some explosions from me," Kacchan laughed.

"Well but there's also the other things you have to worry about from me," the black-haired kid shrugged.

"Other?" Kacchan asked.

"Un, like this," he made fire on his left, Kacchan stared amazed. "Or this," he hit the ground with his leg and vines and tree roots sprouted from below. He then lifted his right and electricity sparkled through his whole arm, then again, his left now made ice on the ground and finally with a wave of both hands, he cleared their area as a strong gust of wind hit them. Kacchan covered himself as the leaves and debris stopped coming down.

"You! How!?" Kacchan asked in pure disbelief. He couldn't believe something like this to be possible.

"My quirk, elemental," the kid smiled. "But you know, I will never be a hero, so you with your power, I'm sure that'll be amazing as a hero,"

"Don't mess with me! What do you mean you don't want to be a hero!?" Kacchan caught himself. "Are you… the son of a villain?"

"Eh? No!" the kid looked attacked. "I want to be a doctor and cure people of illnesses, I'm not a villain!"

"But with a quirk like that…"

"I know, it'll be amazing and everything, but you know," the kid looked towards the open area. "Quirks are amazing, but some just shouldn't be used, you know? And besides, you don't have to be a hero to save people," the kid smiled.

"Bakugou, Katsuki," Kacchan put his hand forward, the kid looked at his hand and then at him, smiling softly.

"Kurogami, Hiro," he presented himself.

"EH? Even your name sounds like Hero already!" Kacchan said annoyed.

"Katsuki-chan is such a cute name too!" Kurogami beamed.




"Hey, let's date!" Kacchan's face was blank and then it went full red.

"EHH BAKA! WE'RE BOTH BOYS YOU! SHAMELESS!" Kacchan went off making Kurogami laugh.

"But you're so cute! Come one, yeah?" Kacchan huffed.

"Ugh… whatever!" the two exchanged contact numbers and when Kacchan came back from his camping trip and bragged about it all to Deku, he made sure to leave Kurogami out of it.

"Eh… Kacchan… why is there a heart on your hand?" Kacchan looked at his hand, a big heart with the letters H + K was written.

"It's nothing! Dumb Deku!" and he left, Deku just shrugged.

"Lucky Kacchan! Had so much fun camping! Achoo!"

"Dumb, dumb Hiro!" Kacchan fused as he scrubbed the heart from the top of his hand, ears red.

New story! Hope you all like it~! Kurogami does seem like an OP character but Kurogami has no intentions of fighting or becoming a hero, which could be a reason as to why Katsuki doesn't mind being with him, since he doesn't see him as a threat.

Conscious: Read and Review~!