Author's Note: This is it. The last chapter. I hope every one of you enjoyed the story. Until next time. xo

Strangers In Love

Chapter 11

Morning dawned, and Kurt awoke with a burning in his eyes, a pain in his chest, and an onslaught of memories of the previous day.

Blaine. The thought brought on a flurry of mixed emotions for Kurt. He longed for the warmth of his cuddles, ached for his company, but above all, he felt hurt. He was not upset with Blaine for leaving him. No, he had been through this too many times to blame the other man. He was upset with himself for not being good enough to hold onto Blaine.

His stomach was in knots over the loss he felt, but still, he smiled at the comforting sight of his best friend propped up against her headboard, hand sleep frozen mid-pet on his back. Rachel may have been the most overbearing and pushy person on the planet, but at times like these, it was easy to forget all of that. She had a good heart that showed itself quite extraordinarily when Kurt needed her.

Upon their reunion in the car the night before, Kurt had held in the tears until he was in Rachel's arms, then he had been unable to stop them from flowing all night. He had not even been able to calm down enough to tell his roommate more than "it all went wrong!"

Rachel had stepped up spectacularly to fill the role of supportive friend, allowing him to cry it out, and, going against her very nature, refraining from asking questions. She had laid in bed next to him, singing soothingly to him until he finally fell asleep, and apparently, she had fallen asleep as well.

Now, stretched out next to him in his bed, she felt Kurt stirring next to her and opened her eyes. She appraised him nervously for signs of continued hysterics, but found none. When she determined it to be safe, she asked in a scratchy voice, "how are you doing?"

He considered the tightness in his lungs and the awful memories of Blaine's words before speaking honestly. "Horrible." Kurt pushed himself up to sit against the headboard. A hand subconsciously wandered over his heart, pressing gently against it. "Even after finding out that Alex and Jake were sleeping with other people, nothing has hurt me quite like this. Blaine is just...He's Blaine. Nothing and nobody can stand up to him. I know I've only known him a week, but I feel like he's one of the only people I can truly be myself with. And I know that's true for him, too." He looked at Rachel with tears in his eyes once again. "At least, I thought it was. I honestly don't know what to think anymore. I'm so confused."

Rachel listened attentively while he talked, leaning her head against his shoulder. Kurt was so grateful for the way she comforted him and made him feel like he wasn't alone. He would never tell her that, of course. She sat up straight and pushed herself up off the bed, straightening out her shirt.

"I'm going to go make us breakfast and then you can tell me the whole story from the beginning while we eat. You still have that audition today, and you need fuel."

Kurt reluctantly agreed, not because he did not want to share the story, but because Rachel's cooking was seriously subpar. She was being sweet, though, and hadn't turned the situation around to herself nor had she thrown any backhanded insults, so he let her take care of him. God knows he had taken care of her after a breakup too many times to count.

Twenty minutes later, though, Kurt was wishing he had insisted on cooking. Rachel's vegan breakfast croissants left a lot to be desired, he thought as he chewed on egg substitute and soy-based cheese.

But Rachel looked at him expectantly over her coffee, so he took a big bite, swallowed, and began talking. He told her everything. He told her how he felt the first time he saw Blaine, how he felt awkward and disliked when they first arrived in Hawaii, how Blaine slowly warmed up to him by acting confident, how they made out drunk and did body shots, and how he realized the exact moment he knew Blaine wasn't acting anymore. He told her about sleeping together for the first time, about the beauty of their last few days together, and about the final interview that ruined everything. He told her how deeply he felt for Blaine, how intense of a connection they had forged, and how he had thought that Blaine felt the same. Clearly he had been wrong.

When he finished, her eyes were shiny, and her empathy nearly broke Kurt down again.

"He just said you wouldn't see each other again and walked away?" she asked in disbelief when she was positive he was done talking.

Kurt nodded slowly, sipping on his morning coffee. "Basically. I mean, we didn't really have a choice with the cameras on us and everything."

Rachel grabbed his hand on top of the table. "Kurt. You can't let this slip away. It's obvious you love him." She ignored his gasp. "You have to try. Give him a call. Go to his house. Something. Don't give up. Fight for him."

"I can't," Kurt hung his head.

"You can! What's the worst that can happen? He already broke your heart."

There was the Rachel he knew and loved. "Yeah, thanks for that, Rach. But I can't. Like, literally can't. I don't know where he lives, and we never exchanged phone numbers."

"Are you insane?!" Her voice rose a few octaves.

"We didn't have any need for each other's numbers in Hawaii, and then the way we parted…the opportunity just never arose."

"Well, find a way, Kurt. Just tell him how you feel."

Kurt only knew of one way to contact Blaine, and it could be months before he received a response. Still, Rachel was right. He needed to let Blaine know how he felt, even if it could never be returned, because maybe they could still be friends, and having Blaine as a friend was better than not having Blaine at all.

He began composing a message.

"You're different," Sam told Blaine with an accusatory narrowing of his eyes. "You were only gone for a week, and you're different."

Blaine flopped into Sam's favorite recliner, kicking back with a gigantic grin on his face. "A week is long enough to change someone's life, my friend."

"Oh no, if you're going to become all sappy and philosophical every time you meet a guy you like, I'm requesting a refund on our friendship." Sam jokingly rolled his eyes, but Blaine knew he was over the moon that Blaine had finally fallen for someone.

"I don't think it will be like this every time. In fact, I hope there aren't any other times at all."

Sam's jaw dropped. "Holy shit. You love him."

Blaine tried to shrug it off, but his face-splitting smile was telling. "Oh, stop it. Let's play Super Smash Bros."

A surefire way to help Sam forget everything else around him, they began playing an intense round of the video game without much exchanged between them aside from a few taunts.

A while later, Sam had defeated Blaine, who was distracted by thoughts of a particular gorgeous man.

"Yes!" Sam jumped up to celebrate his victory, more than willing to capitalize on Blaine's lapse in attention. "You're buying Chinese tonight."

"Kurt—" Blaine cut himself off, but Sam was curious.

"What about Kurt?"

"I was going to say Kurt will be so jealous. He loves Chinese food." Blaine sank back into the couch cushions, coming to a sudden realization. "Oh god, we decided to get Chinese for dinner and the first thing I wanted to do was tell Kurt. What does that mean?"

"I think you know what it means."

"He doesn't love me."

"I love him."

"He never wants to see me again."

"I want to see him again as soon as possible."

"I have no idea how to get ahold of him."

"I know the perfect way to get ahold of him!" Blaine realized, perking up as he and Sam went for another round of video gaming.

"What's that?"

"He told me about this place he goes to in Central Park to people watch. I bet I could find him there."

"So you're just going to stalk his spot until he shows up?" Sam was skeptical.

"Basically, yes."

Sam shook his head. "I can't believe you never swapped phone numbers."

"We didn't ever really even talk about what we would do once the vacation was over," Blaine shrugged.

"What?! Then how do you know he even wants to see you again?"

Blaine frowned. "The things he said. He said being with me felt right. He didn't deny it when I jokingly said he loved me. He asked if there was a possibility we could still be together after the trip...lots of things, Sam. I'm not making it up, I swear."

"Okay, okay. What did you say back so that he would know you want to see him again?"

Blaine thought back, but couldn't come up with an example. "You know I'm not good with words."

"But you must have told him something."

"Well I told him with my actions. You know I'm a physical person rather than a verbose person."

"But you didn't tell him?"

"I did. In my own way."



"And then you just told the camera crew you didn't like him enough to see him again and walked away from him?"

"I hugged him goodbye. That told him everything he needed to know."



"And you didn't talk to him beforehand about what you were going to say to the cameras?"

"He knew I wanted to downplay things for TV. I squeezed his hand to reassure him when we saw the film crew."



Sam rose to his feet and smacked Blaine upside the head. "You are such an idiot. What do you think Kurt is doing right now?"

"I don't know, he told me he had an audition this afternoon, so he's probably rehearsing." Blaine sighed happily thinking of Kurt's singing voice, but was jarred by Sam's next words.

"Wrong. He's sitting at home, thinking that you've just dumped him and left him high and dry."

"That's insane," Blaine laughed. "He knows how I feel about him." Didn't he? Hadn't he shown Kurt how much he valued their relationship?

"Are you sure? We already established that you never told him. Take a step back, Blaine. Put yourself in his shoes. I understand that you speak with your actions, but most people want to hear words when they're being told something."

Uncertainty started to creep in on Blaine. "What are you—you don't think—"

"That's exactly what I think. You have to tell him."

Blaine agreed. He had been positive Kurt understood how he felt. He was still sure, but it would not hurt to tell him again. "I'll hit up his spot in the park tomorrow. We're bound to run into each other soon."

"No," Sam said, holding Blaine's phone in his hand, a shocked expression on his face. "I don't think it can wait. You won't think so either after you read this."

Blaine, I wish I had a way to reach you that was better than Grindr...but then isn't it appropriate that our relationship started out here, and now it may end here?

I heard what you said to the GMA crew, so I know you have no intention of really hearing from me again, but Blaine, I just need to say something before we part ways forever. You could have been it for me. My beginning and my end. The short time we had together brought me closer to you than to anyone else I've ever known. I thought the connection we had was pretty special. I understand that you don't feel the same way, but I want to explain what it was like for me.

Being with you last week was finding who I am and where I'm meant to be. It was finally understanding my purpose in this life. It was realizing that there is someone out there who can make me completely happy. It was discovering what love actually is.

I want to be clear that I'm angry, but with me, not with you. You're under no obligation to want to continue to date me. I just wish it could be different. That I could be different.

That's what I do to people. I fall for them and then they leave me. I'm used to it. But I sure as hell hoped I wouldn't have to be this time. If you're interested, I would love to stay friends. If and when you're ready for that, just say the word.

Thank you for giving me the greatest week of my life.


Kurt stood at the entrance to the theatre, amazed that Rachel had somehow convinced him to come to his audition anyway, despite his mood. The song he had prepared for the audition was a happy song about being in love. How could he believably play that role in his current state? He breathed in and out slowly, trying to put himself in the right headspace.

He had done little more than sulk all day, spending most of his hours remembering the good times with Blaine and wondering how he could have misread the signals. How it could have all gone wrong. For the millionth time that day, he recalled Blaine's assertion that what they had wasn't casual. Had he been playing a role the whole time? Did Kurt even know the real Blaine?

But then...everything they shared was so raw and real. The touches, the kisses, the moments of honesty. For Blaine to just turn it around and walk away from him seemed impossible. He had to have been missing something.

With a deep, bracing breath and an attempt to push all things Blaine out of his mind, he gripped his sheet music and pushed through the doors, which clanged shut behind him.

"Hi," came a shy voice from across the vestibule.

Kurt's head whipped around to see Blaine standing there. He was frozen on the spot, everything in his body completely paralyzed, except for his heart which was thumping madly against his rib cage.

Blaine took a tentative step forward. "I was really hoping this was the right theatre. Do you know how many there are? I went into at least six others before even finding one that was holding auditions."

Kurt's mouth moved soundlessly before he forced out the words, "What are you doing here?"

Blaine lifted up his shoulders and offered out his hands. "I promised I would accompany you anytime you wanted. Do you want?"

Kurt was struck dumb. "Um...what?"

"In case you didn't realize, we never exchanged numbers. I had no idea how to find you."

"Why did you want to find me? You walked away. Didn't you say you didn't want to see me again? Why would you show up here if you didn't like me enough to keep me around?"

Kurt paused upon seeing Blaine's face as open and as sweet and loving as it had been all week.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Please don't. It hurts too much to remember." He curled in on himself, hand pressing protectively against his heart again.

Blaine placed a hand softly on Kurt's cheek. Kurt looked up at him, moving into his touch like it was where he was meant to be. "Kurt. You're asking me all the wrong questions. What's the most important one?"

Kurt still looked absolutely confused. He couldn't figure out Blaine's angle. He searched Blaine's eyes, which were pleading with him to understand.

"It's the question you've asked me a hundred times this past week," Blaine hinted. He waited with excitedly expectant eyes for Kurt to put the pieces together.

When he did, Kurt almost couldn't bring himself to ask. It made too much sense. Why didn't he see it before? He cursed the high pitch of his panicked voice. "Were—were you acting?"

The words were barely out of his mouth when Blaine scooped him up and twirled him around in a hug. "Yes! Yes, of course I was acting. I didn't think America needed to know about us. I didn't want any unnecessary attention on us going forward. I want our relationship to be ours and ours alone. Kurt, everything I said to you last week was true."

Kurt's brain was still hesitant to believe, but his heart was dancing along happily. "You didn't say anything. That's the problem."

"That hug I gave you before we left said everything. I have a hard time saying things with my words. You know that. Words aren't nice to me. Don't listen to what I say. Listen to what I do."

Blaine's hands hadn't left Kurt, and having reestablished their connection in that way made both of them feel at home. Kurt blinked his red-rimmed eyes before looking straight at Blaine. "But you told them we were strangers."

Blaine squeezed him, looking insanely happy. "We just met a week ago. We are strangers. But Kurt, we're strangers in love."

Kurt's mouth gaped. His brain was whirling at a crazy speed. Blaine loved him? In a rush, Blaine's touches made sense. The way they seemed to say more than the touches of other men he'd dated, the way they felt more like a conversation than simple gestures.

"Blaine. Those were nice words."

"But this is nicer." Blaine leaned in and captured Kurt's face in his hands, their eyes locked together, speaking volumes.

Kurt's breath stuttered before he spoke. It was barely above a whisper, but he needed to get it out.

"Yes. Accompany me. In this audition, and in life. I love you, Blaine."

Blaine's smile was blinding. He moved in for a tender and passionate kiss that erased any lingering doubt.

I love you too, Kurt.

Three Years Later

"I can't believe Cooper offered to send us on our honeymoon," Blaine mused as he unlocked the door to their favorite Hawaiian villa.

"You can hardly call this a honeymoon," Kurt argued, following him in. "We've been married for a year already."

"Yeah, but we were too poor to go on a proper honeymoon a year ago since we both insisted on the starving artist life path. So I'm claiming this as ours. Are you complaining?"

"About the fact that we get to spend seven uninterrupted days doing nothing but hanging around by the ocean and having sex in our favorite place in the world? Never."

Blaine nodded smugly, setting down his and Kurt's suitcases by the dresser and turning back to his husband, trapping him between his body and the bar counter. "That's what I thought. And to think I never would have reconnected with Cooper if it hadn't been for our trip."

"Nothing in our lives would be the same if it hadn't been for that trip," Kurt brushed a stray curl out of Blaine's face.

"We never would have connected with each other, Blaine agreed.

"I never would have found the person my soul is meant to love."

"I might not have known what it felt like to be in love."

Kurt kissed Blaine slowly, allowing himself to be pushed back into the counter.

A moment later, Kurt pulled his lips away just enough to say, "I never would have learned to paddle board."

"I would probably still be a virgin," Blaine joked.

Their kiss broke off as Kurt laughed loudly.

"I'm really glad you're not." Kurt pushed his hips into Blaine's fingertips, asking him to hold him tighter.

"Mmm. Me too." Blaine obliged, dipping his tongue into Kurt's mouth.

"Sometimes I still can't believe someone like you could want to be my husband," Blaine admitted as he separated from Kurt, though he kept their bodies close together.

"You're ridiculous," Kurt slipped his hands under Blaine's shirt to trace lines above his waistband. "It's the greatest decision I've ever made. Best year of my life."

"Best three years of my life," Blaine corrected, shivering as Kurt moved to trace over his ribs. "Seriously Kurt, I don't think I tell you enough how much you've changed my life. Growing up shy, going through high school and college without finding someone who wanted to date me, or whom I could even talk to, I never thought I'd find love like this."

"Love like what?" Kurt's face was so close to his that it blurred. His arms wrapped around Blaine's waist to hold him close and tight, just like Blaine liked.

Over the years, Blaine had improved in his ability to express himself using words, but Kurt had perfected his ability to interpret Blaine's gestures. No more misunderstandings, no more heartbreak. Just a gorgeous language of love and trust, spoken or not.

"Like this," Blaine whispered, lifting Kurt up onto the counter and this time, he wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist. He unbuttoned the top few buttons on Kurt's shirt and pulled it aside to kiss tenderly over his heart, then turned his head and rested his cheek there, feeling Kurt's heartbeat.

"I understand, Blaine. It's all consuming. You're like an extension of me, too. I love you so very much."

"I love you, too. Happy anniversary."

And afterward, every two years on their anniversary, Kurt and Blaine visited the place where two strangers fell in love.