Really late update for the fifth day of the Dianakko Week, this was something I wanted to write since I knew the week existed and I'm really happy I did, this one is placed about a week before the first date. So as a reminder, in chronological order.

"Sucy, are you sure this is a good idea…?" Lotte whispered to her friend, she couldn't stop herself from doubting about this little plan she had.

"Trust me, if we don't help those idiots, it's going to take years to happen." Sucy answered as she placed some drops of a mysterious potion on an empty tea cup.

That day the red, green and blue team were going to meet on their usual spot to talk and have fun as they normally did, but someone had another plan on mind. The first to get there were Lotte and Sucy, leaving Akko behind so she wouldn't discover what was going to happen. They knew it was just a matter of minutes before the blue team arrive, since they were always the first ones.

"Here she comes…" Sucy said with a small evil grin on her face. Her experiment was about to take place, the potion she had brought was her new creation, and it was one she was proud of. On the other side, Lotte tried to ignore her fears as she had her own theory she wanted to confirm.

"Hello!" Hannah and Barbara greeted them from the distance, and once Sucy saw them she started to pour water onto the tea cups, hiding the potion from Diana's sight.

"Hello." She greeted them back with her usual boring tone, as she needed her intentions to be hidden for the heiress.

"H-hi!" Lotte tried to imitate the normality her friend was pretending, but the nervousness on her face was quite noticeable.

"Good afternoon, is Akko not here yet?" Diana scanned the place with her eyes, unable to find the girl she was hoping to see. As she registered the fact that Lotte was troubled she started to wonder if it was related to the fact the brunette was not there.

"Not yet. But don't worry, you will see her soon." Sucy answered as she handed her a cup of tea. The blonde found this situation strange, but she decided to simply wait. She took the cup with her hands and unsuspectingly took a sip of it.

"Oh my… This tea has a rather peculiar flavor… It's… Horrible." Diana surprised everyone with her words, including herself. "What…? I didn't mean to say that… But it's true." She did it again. The mushroom girl face twisted in an evil grin as she knew her potion was working. Diana noticed this and immediately realized something was wrong. "Sucy Manbavaran! You will give me an explanation of which potion did you use just now!" She could tell the effect, but she needed to know how it has been crafted to create an antidote.

"You want to know? It's a powerful truth potion I have created; I gave it to you so you can confess your love for Akko." Sucy answered as if what she just said wasn't important.

"The fact that I'm in love with Akko is none of your business!" The heiress yelled before blushing and covering her mouth with her hands, she couldn't believe she had just said that. Barbara and Lotte immediately high-fived each other in happiness, while Hannah sighed.

"I knew I shouldn't have done that bet." Hannah commented and gave Diana a supportive smile.

"Wait, what were you betting on…?" Diana took her hands out of her way and asked.

"We made a bet about if you were gay or not…" Barbara confessed as she received the money from her friend.

"So you knew that I'm gay…?" The blonde sighed as she once again had spoken without control.

"Oh right, don't even bother trying to cover your mouth, it doesn't work." Sucy started to laugh after she commented this fact, which only made the heiress even angrier.

"I will get you for this, I'm leaving. Good bye." Diana gave her back to everyone and started to walk away, she wanted to search for some way to break this stupid spell, but before she could take one step a voice called her, it was Amanda's.

"The princess is leaving? How are we going to have a party now?" The redhead teased her as she usually did.

"Amanda O'neill, you will refrain from using those cheesy nicknames on me. The fact that you are hot doesn't give you the right to tease me on such a way." Diana started to panic with each word she was saying, but she wasn't able to stop herself, something prevented her hands from covering her mouth until she finished to speak. Once she said that everyone looked at the blonde in complete surprise, none of them expected her to say that. "I'm going to take revenge on you on a moderated and not truly hurtful way, Sucy Manbavaran!" The furious and embarrassed girl cried before she started to run towards the library.

Once back on the main building of the school Diana slowed her pace. She feared that if she had been seen running somebody would stop her to ask questions, and she couldn't afford that for the moment. She needed to find a way to fix this mess, and she needed it soon.

A few students that she recognized had passed on her way, but none of them greet her as she had an intense stare on her face most people had not seen before. The plan was simple, she needed to get to the library, ask to borrow books about potions and mushrooms and get out of there before Akko started to look for her. But things didn't ever go as expected when the brunette was involved, she was almost there, but on her way a professor had seen her.

"Diana, are you okay?" Professor Finnelan could perceive something was wrong.

"No, I'm not. I must not by any circumstances meet with Akko on this very moment." Diana answer and hit her face with her palm as she once again had talked too much.

"What did Ms. Kagari do this time?" The woman answered sighing, which made Diana mad.

"As a matter of facts, Akko did nothing wrong, at least this time. I appreciate your concern but it speaks lowly of an educator to only care about students with good grades and not all of them." She had done it. For the first time since she got here, she had made a professor mad. Finnelan stared at her with anger and shock, but she stayed silence as she didn't have a rebuttal for her words. Diana wanted to apologize, but she knew opening her mouth or keeping this conversation could only lead to disaster, so instead she chose to run towards the library.

Diana entered the place and started to inspect the shelf for books that might help her to end this ridiculous prank. She noticed a book about potions that affected people behavior and she prepared her wand to get it, when she heard a voice.

"Hello Diana." The heiress turned back and saw Chariot walking towards her.

"H-hello Professor Ursula." She answered quickly, she didn't want to start a conversation she would regret.

"What are you doing?" The woman asked and Diana internally sighed as she knew what she was going to say.

"Escaping from Akko until I can fix this mess." The redhead blinked in surprise.

"Why are you escaping from her?" She asked confused.

"Because I fear that I might confess my love for her on this very moment." The blonde left a sigh again as she noticed she was getting used to saying those words.

"And… Why would that be a bad thing?" Chariot asked, causing Diana to fear her words once again.

"Because she might not love me back and I don't want to ruin this friendship, and also because if I were to do it I would prefer it to be on my own free will." Once the woman heard those words she noticed the book her student was holding, revealing the rest of the story.

"Diana, I'm sure Akko is not the type of person that would hate you for something like that. And also, I'm sure she is in love with you too." She patted her student's head with a smile on her face. "Everything is going to be okay, let's just get rid of that spell and-" Chariot noticed panic on Diana's eye and a voice interrupted her words.

"Diana!" Akko yelled from the door, forcing the blonde to hide behind a bookshelf and take the woman with her. The girl entered the place and ignored the 'shush' she received from the librarian.

"Why do I have to hide too?" Chariot whispered.

"Because if she asks you a question I might answer it too." Diana replied and sat on the floor forcing the other to do the same. She hoped that maybe and just maybe, the usually distracted girl wouldn't see them and she could run once again.

"This is not going to work." The woman thought to herself, before noticing how Akko passed right by them without noticing that they were there. Diana saw this as her chance, she slowly got up and started to stealthily walk back to the exit. She could return later for the book, for the moment she needed to escape.

Diana was almost at the door, she fastened her pace and just at the same time that she was entering the hallway the brunette saw her from her back.

"Diana!" Akko called and the other immediately panicked. Diana started to run, she wasn't sure where she was going, but she couldn't bring herself to face the brunette.

Akko was confused, she has been searching for her for quite a while and when she finally found where Diana was, she simply run from her. "What's going on?!" The brunette thought before giving chase to the other.

The heiress looked at her back and noticed how Akko was getting closer and closer. She needed a place to hide, but with so little distance that was impossible.

"Diana! Why are you running?!" Her concern was noticeable on her voice, which made the blonde felt guilty about her actions.

"Because I absolutely must not speak to you right now!" Diana thanked Jennifer for preventing her from saying another word on that sentence, at least she had not confessed her feelings. She looked at her back once again to notice that Akko was losing speed.

"Do you hate me…?" The brunette stopped and so did the blonde.

"Why would I hate you? Don't be ridiculous." Diana noticed something on her answer, she was able to control how much she was saying. She probably couldn't lie yet, but she could prevent an accidental confession.

"Then why you don't want to talk me?!" Akko asked both confused and angry. "Everyone told me that you were acting weird so I got worried and I looked for you. And when I found you, you just ran!" Piercing red eyes met scared blue ones, and Diana took her time to answer, as she now had the power to do so.

"I… Sucy gave me a potion which a certain effect and I feared the consequences of talking with you, that's why." She answered the best that she could, but immediately noticed her answer had not satisfied the brunette.

"Why?" Their gaze was fixed on each other; the heiress could feel a rush of adrenaline as she had an opportunity to finally say it, she took a deep breath and opened her mouth.

"Because… Because I feared what I could have said to you…" And just like that she wasted her chance. She wanted to hit herself for being a coward, but before she could think another thing the other answered.

"I don't get it, we are friends! You can tell me anything." The brunette said with a smile and Diana's heart hurt as she heard the word, "friends."

"Even the fact that I don't want us to be just friends…?" Akko blinked repeatedly and Diana started to internally scream.

"You don't want to be friends with me…?" The internal screams intensified as she wondered how dense could she be.

"That's not what I said! I said that I don't want us to be just friends!" Diana's frustration calmed a little as she externalized some of it.

"What do you mean?" This was it, it was now or never, this was the perfect chance and she had just created it.

"It means that I want us to be something more than that, if that is okay with you." She finally did it, after months of keeping it a secret, she had finally confessed her feelings.

"Like bffs…?" And Diana started to scream once more.

"I'm telling you that I'm madly in love with you!" She prepared herself for the worst and Akko froze completely, she wasn't moving or answering. For a moment a complete silence filled the place, the blonde started to panic and it was getting worst with every second, but she waited until the other finally spoke.

"What?! Really?!" The brunette suddenly reacted, she wanted to believe on those words, she had been wanting to heard them for a long time, but she couldn't. She knew Diana was under the effect of an unknown potion, and because of that she wasn't allowing herself to believe what she had just heard.

"I couldn't lie even if I wanted, that truth potion Sucy gave me prevents me from doing so." Never on her life the heiress had tried this hard to keep her cool like on this very moment. She wanted to run, she desired to cry, but she held back all of that, because she needed an answer. She waited in silence without moving her eyes out of the other.

"So you want to be my girlfriend?!" The shock in Akko's face was wiped out by a smile as bright as the sun, one that erased all doubts on Diana's mind.

"Only if you want to be mine." She smoothly answered.

"Yes! I would love to!" The brunette jumped to the blonde in an embrace, but at the same time she hugged the other, she noticed Diana had flinched by the sudden physical contact, which made Akko let go immediately.

"I'm sorry…" Both of them said at the same time. An awkward silence filled the hallway, they didn't know what they should say or do. This was something new to them, and Akko had realized just a moment ago that Diana wasn't entirely comfortable with things that she perceived as normal. The blonde was lost in thoughts, guilt filled her mind as she noticed that she couldn't hug her new girlfriend. They stayed disconnected from each other for a while, but as time passed the brunette was feeling more anxious, she was unable to stand silence. Akko needed to say something.

"We should go back! I'm sure they are waiting for us." She didn't mean to yell, but doing so snapped Diana out of her worries.

"Oh, right. Let us walk back." The blonde gave her a smile and she started to head to the place they usually meet. Akko followed her, walking at her side. She thought about taking her girlfriend's hand, but rejected the idea in fear she might scare her again.

"Ne, Diana." She needed this awkwardness to end, she knew she wouldn't be able to stand it for long.

"What is it?" The heiress was afraid that her previous flinching had hurt the other's feelings. For the first time since her confession she took the courage she needed and looked at Akko's eyes, just to be surprised as calm red orbs were staring at her. She had not seen her like this before, the girl's eyes weren't passionate, and they weren't sad either, she was at ease. Diana wondered about the meaning of this, "can she truly be this tranquil? Or is she holding herself back for me?"

"We can take things slow, don't worry." Akko smiled at her, trying to reassure to her that everything was okay. Diana saw her smile and immediately knew she was holding herself back. She wanted to answer, as she was still blaming herself, but the brunette saw right though her and gave her no time. "Anyway, the other day Sucy gave me some weird poison, and because of her I had a strange dream!" And just like that, Akko was her usual self once more.

"What kind of dream?" The blonde giggled at the sudden outburst.

"I was on a world where magic didn't exist! And you were there! I talked you about Shiny Chariot and you didn't even know who she was! I was so mad." The brunette pouted which made the other laugh again.

As they were walking back, their continued to talk about whatever random thought popped in Akko's head at the moment. They both knew they still had important things to talk, and they knew they still would have things to sort out, but that could wait, for now, they simply wanted to enjoy the other's company.

AN: I have a little announcement now, since I really love writing those cute little episodic stories I will continue them even after I finish the seven fics for this week~

If you liked this please let a review, it let's me know you want me to continue~