Immer: Yay my story finally got loves. So I can continue! Here we go.

For a first time the chapter title is based off of a song, a running theme among my stories. This one is based off the song Crossfire by Stephen.

Chapter Three Caught in the Crossfire


Suzaku was aware of the change in the air. He knew he started it by accident, and he was thinking over how to fix it. As the day went on he noticed how Lelouch was mostly giving him the cold shoulder. It was an improvement from before where he would actually speak to him, but his voice was strained and none of the warmth that was meant only for him was there.

"Why are you protective over him?" Suzaku asked Rolo when they were cutting vegetables in the kitchens. Shirley was humming not too far away, so Rolo couldn't use his Geass.

Rolo eyed him, knowing full well he couldn't escape this question.

"You weren't there during the pregnancy. He was always crying. And his nightmares wouldn't leave him be. To this day I don't know what his nightmares are, but they refuse to leave him even after Elijah was born. Which, by the way, on that day the operation to use him almost fell apart."

"What do you mean?" Suzaku frowned, this was the first time he heard of this.

"He died while giving birth. Elijah came out fine, but Lelouch was almost dead for three minutes. And when he was brought back he wasn't stabilized for another few hours. He didn't even get to hold Elijah until later that night when he had enough cognitive sense to understand what was going on."

Suzaku froze, taking all of this in. This was all news to him. Why hasn't anyone else told him? Or perhaps they didn't know, and Rolo kept it secret from everyone to not worry over Lelouch? That seemed to be the most likely answer.

"Does Lelouch know that he died?"

"He's aware. He doesn't let it bother him, but I can tell that it scares him."

"Well yeah, everyone is afraid to die, right?" Suzaku flinched at how insensitive that came out.

"Yes, but for different reasons. His was leaving Elijah behind without a plan to ensure he would live a happy life."

Suzaku considered the words for a moment. He noticed how Rolo didn't mention himself, as if Lelouch wasn't worried about him in the event of his death. He kept this to himself as he continued his chore.

As the day progressed, Suzaku was having doubts whether or not to do his little experiment. When the party began, he was distracted by all the dancing and several girls fawning over him. It was a difference in comparison to the previous year, when no one would be around him. He supposed the people viewed him depending on how Lelouch treated him.

At the beginning he avoided me. People noticed and started doing the same. Now the girls want to use me to get close to him.

Suzaku wondered how these girls would react if they knew Lelouch had been born a girl, and was mostly complete with his transition. It would dampen some of them, but others would want to overlook it. The problem was Lelouch didn't swing that way. At least, Suzaku didn't think he did.

As the night went on, Suzaku needed to take a break from all the excitement. He excused himself to find himself a spot to simply breathe and watch the dancing as a spectator. He found himself on a roof of one of the buildings.

"Fancy seeing you here. The party is meant for you, and you watch from the sidelines?" A voice teased, Suzaku turned to see Lelouch.

"It just reminds me of the parties thrown at me at every turn since I became a Knight of the Round. While I appreciate the sentiment from Madame Prez, it gets a little overwhelming." Suzaku chuckled, a faint smile from the heart was shown.

"She finds anything as an excuse to throw a festival or party. It is her last year here." Lelouch approached until he was a few feet away from Suzaku, watching the other students dance. "I don't blame her, honestly."

"How so?" Suzaku couldn't help but ask.

"She wants to make happy memories before she is thrown out into the world as an adult. I hear she's engaged already. Won't reveal to whom, though." Lelouch crossed his arms.

"She's engaged? Really?" Suzaku couldn't really see it.

She seems to be the type to be so free from the standard responsibilities.

"I didn't believe it either until she showed me the engagement ring. Whoever it is has money and influence, enough for the Ashfords to hand over their heir to keep their family going strong. They're still recovering from the head taking a stance with Marianne the Flash, it seems."

Odd he brings her up. Is it a coincidence?

"Even after all this time?" Suzaku blinked.

"It's the way things are." Lelouch spoke with a solemn tone. The knight decided to change the subject.

"What are your plans after you graduate?"

"I don't know, truth be told. And I don't know what to choose and stick with just to please everyone. Even the Ashfords threatened to be my s for marriage. How they plan to do this, I have no idea. I am already a parent to a child, and refuse to name the father under both of their protections. Not many will hand over their sons or daughters to a trans male already bore a son, no matter if I come from a well bred family."

He's talking like it's so casual to be married off in the standard Britannian way.

Suzaku felt the fury rise within. The thought of anyone marrying, let alone touch Lelouch made him furious. Without thinking he reached out to a pale hand, surprising them both. Violet eyes warily watched him, curious but guarded. Suzaku took a deep breath as he prepared himself for whatever happened next.

"If I prove to you I am worthy, would you choose me?"

Lelouch was confused on many things. On one hand, he wanted to exact his revenge upon his father and get his answers for his mother's murder. He wanted Nunnally in his arms again. He wanted to protect Elijah with all the power he had. But it all came down to choosing one over the other.

If I choose revenge and Nunnally, then I have to take up the mask again. But the cost to do so would be...


And by default he would lose Suzaku as well.

Lelouch didn't know what to do. He was at a loss at this fork in the road, and hardly any solution he could think of would help him keep everything dear to him. His heart was torn to place faith within Suzaku, while at the same time he was still bitter with the betrayal.

But I suppose I should establish something. Suzaku rarely gives second chances.

"Sir Suzaku Kururugi. If you prove yourself to be worthy of my hand, then I will consider your offer. On the condition you promise me to never use Elijah against me, or allow any harm come to him. Should you ever break that promise, I will make sure you never see him ever again."

This was too close to how a prince would act, but at this moment he didn't care. He could trust Suzaku protecting Nunnally, he could trust him to do the same for their son. There wasn't anyone else he could trust Elijah to, other than the witch, but she didn't have the burning fire Suzaku had.

"I vow that from this day forth, I will protect Elijah with my very life. And I promise on my honor as Knight of the Round to never use him against you."

Suzaku sealed the promise in a kiss.


Lelouch was unable to prevent the flood of emotions surfacing. As the days went by the urge to open his arms for Suzaku grew stronger. Even more so as Elijah clung to Suzaku as his new favorite person. But if he so much imagined living a life with Suzaku and their son, the more painful it was for him to come to a decision between this path or Nunnally.

At some point it became impossible for him to focus so he skipped school later that week, only a few days after Suzaku made his vows. For some reason he took Elijah with him, strapped to his front in a harness to free his hands. However, he should have known that it would attract attention. As he ventured around the mall for baby clothes, Suzaku caught up to him.

"Skipping school again, huh?" The knight's voice startled him.

"You still use that lame disguise, I see." Lelouch rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I think it does the job quite well." Suzaku shrugged, rather liking his long coat and sunglasses. "So you're shopping for more clothes for him?"

"He's going through another growth spurt. So I'm getting a few clothes in preparation and save the big plurge of new clothes later." Lelouch explained, noticing his son reaching out to Suzaku, who held a hand out so the tiny fingers gripped his.

He's bonded to Suzaku. It's almost as if he knows he's his father.

They spent another fifteen minutes going through different stores before settling on some food. Elijah was asleep, so Lelouch was free to eat. It was also when he needed to use the restroom. But the problem was due to having a baby strapped to his chest.

"Hey, can I switch the harness over to you for a second? I need to use the restroom." He inquired, and Suzaku blinked as he glanced up.

"Sure. You usually don't let me use the baby cuddle." He was surprised.

"He's been favoring you a lot lately. Still prefers me, but I think you're his second favorite person." Lelouch had already begun to undo the straps.

The transfer didn't have any incident. The most Elijah ever did was wiggle, but otherwise didn't wake up. Lelouch left to find the nearest restroom to do his business. The journey ended up taking him to the other end of the mall, and just as he was finished he felt his eye tingle.

What is this? It's never acted like this before.

Suddenly explosions were heard, shaking the grand building like an earthquake. Machinery moved, the sound that wasosr definitely of knightmare frames. Gunfire followed seconds later, and Lelouch took cover. When the bullets stopped, he peeked outside the restroom.

I have to get back to Suzaku and Elijah!

First, he had to see if the knightmare frames were enemies. They were regular Burai, but not blue of Britannia or black of the Black Knights. Which meant this was another small faction of Japanese rebels. They were scanning for survivors. The ones that were found were shot dead.

What is this, a mindless terror for attention?

"Hey, we're supposed to round up hostages." One of the pilots scolded.

"There should be plenty more further down. This is a mall. Relax, man."

"I'm picking up a heat signature on the second floor."

Shit! I'm up here!

Lelouch panicked, his odds weren't good. He didn't have the speed or stamina to run. Geass was useless against metal frames. And before he could come up with a plan, suddenly the ground gave way under him. They sent a rocket to blow a hole at the wall in the hopes to kill him. It didn't hit him, but the blast sent him flying out through the large gaping hole in the wall and suddenly he was free falling.

Elijah! Suzaku! Nunnally!

A claw caught him before he collided with the ground.

"Zero! Orders?" Kallen's voice was welcome to his ears.

"Get me a knightmare! We have to put a stop to them!" Lelouch wasn't going to wait around for the Britannian Army to respond.

Minutes later he was inside a black Burai. The controls of the frame were welcome to his hands as he turned it on. He formed the Black Knights to surround the building, using heat signatures to locate the hostages. Roughly ten minutes later he received word.

"Zero, we found the hostages. They're in the center by the fountain."

"Good. How many with us?"

"Just Kallen and three others. Tohdoh, Ohgi and the others are still prisoners." Chiba reported.

"That is enough. Use Four Star formation with Kallen in the lead to swarm in from all sides. I'll be coming in from the back entrance."


"So, what brought you all here anyway?" He couldn't help but inquire. This couldn't be a coincidence.

"C2 said you had to be watched today."

Of course. She was always good at knowing when something was going to happen to him. He couldn't fault her for keeping her distance. And with that in mind he maneuvered the knightmare frame to continue his plan. This meant separating from the rest, but he was confident to be just fine.

I just hope they're safe and among the hostages.

The first to make the move were the small band of the Black Knights. Lelouch arrived seconds later to all four of them in battle, making a protective circle around the hostages. However soon as he arrived, reinforcements arrived, as well. The four were forced to break formation. Lelouch charged forward to protect the hostages, all the while eyes searching the faces.

Please be here...Please be here...

There. Suzaku's blue coat stood out among the others. His arms were wrapped around the precious bundle in his arms, who was crying from all the chaos. And in that instance relief flooded him. But the feeling didn't last long.

"Zero! We're outnumbered!"

"Oho! Which one of you is Zero?" The leader of the group called out, and the fighting was diminished to having the Black Knights surrounded.

Lelouch straightened his Burai to face him. The leader was in a white knightmare frame with a solid red disk on the chest. So it was to symbolize Japan. Yet they chose an establishment where innocents frequented. This was everything the Black Knights refused to do. He switched the communication to portray his altered voice for Zero.

"I see you carry the symbol of the Rising Sun. Yet while you fight a noble cause, you involve innocents."

"Is this not the same that you do? Target all that is Britannia to make a statement we are not to be messed with?"

"If strategically placed attacks are executed to cripple the enemy, rather than attack innocent civilians, then yes, that is what I do. However, I refuse to involve innocent blood in my feud with Britannia! My aim is for the army, not some establishment built by the Britannians!"

"So you're willing to die along with these filthy disgusting pigs that take everything from us!?"

"They are innocent spectators! I stand for the weak, no matter if they're Britannian or Japanese! The strong should fulfill to defend the weak! That is what the Black Knights stand for. We are fighters for freedom, not oppression."

"And it is the oppression of the Britiannians that I am raising my sword against!"

These people are all the same. There is no means to make them change their minds.

This left Lelouch in the corner with no way out. What was taking the Britannian Army so long to respond? Normally they would respond in a faster time than this. However, since Cornelia's disappearance, the army has been quite lacking.

The only thing I can do is ensure the hostages are free at this point.

This whole time the leader was going on in a rant of why he was leading a group, believing he had the better chances than the Black Knights. Lelouch sighed as his mind raced one last time. When nothing else came up to better his chances, Lelouch had enough and swung at the leader.

If I took out the leader then they would hopefully disperse.

He knew it was pointless for him to fight one on one with a simple Burai against a special unit. He knew it would be better off if he had Kallen fight. But his drive to protect Elijah and Suzaku drove him to the brink of insanity. He had already lost so many people, he wasn't going to watch them die before him.

Lelouch had always fought for Nunnally, to create a better world for her. But now, his heart wanted to change that wish. It was more than just for Nunnally. This was also for Elijah. And perhaps for Suzaku, but he had already messed his world up. The best he could do to compensate is to change the world for the better for their son.

For better or for worse, we made a human being together. We were both foolish to think I wouldn't be able to conceive. And now we have to live with the consequences. We have the power to change the world.

Lelouch closed his eyes. He hated this feeling of guilt. He hoped Nunnally will understand. In this instance he chose Elijah. And it was a choice he had to see through until the very end. For better or for worse, he was going to stick with this choice. He opened his eyes to keep focus on the battle.

Something within him changed. His eye tingled, almost annoyingly so. But his focus was on the task at hand. His movements were automatic as he maneuvered the knightmare in a dance. Those watching were entranced, never before seeing Zero operate like this. It was similar to how Kallen was with the Guren, or Suzaku with the Lancelot.

And Zero was winning.

With a regular Burai, no less.

His skills were better off with specialized units like the Gawain, fighting from a distance than up close and personal where the Guren Mk II was known for. His movements were on a different level iin comparison to before. And many wondered what brought this change.

There's no doubt about it. Lelouch remembers.

Suzaku watched on with mixed emotions. On one hand, the monster within Lelouch had awoken. On the other hand he was protecting them. He could have escaped. He could have used his silver tongue to bargain or trick his opponent. Instead he stuck by, possibly dooming them all.

Perhaps we can sneak out.

Suzaku noted how all eyes were on the fight. While he hated leaving Lelouch behind, he was willing to put his faith in Kallen to keep him alive. He began to whisper for the other hostages to move for the nearest exit. He let them all go ahead of him, ensuring their safety, before taking his leave.

He met with Cecile and Lloyd. Without a second thought he handed his son over to Cecile, who was confused but didn't question it.

"Don't let anyone else take him." He warned her as he made his way to the Lancelot.

"But, whatever for? Is he an orphan?" Lloyd blurted out.

"He is my son." Suzaku stated before going inside the cockpit of his frame.

I have to return the favor. And pray I get to them in time.

Zero's luck had run out.

He lost both arms of his Burai, and one of his legs sustained damage. The battered frame was reduced to knelt on one knee, yet he continued to fight. He sent his slash harkons to bring his opponent down on his back. This was when Kallen finally snapped into reality and sprung into action.

Her claw was on the head of the leader, and without hesitation she activated her claw. However as it was warming up the leader broke free. He tackled the black Burai and they tumbled down to the floor. Kallen reduced the heat of the claw, but it was still activated.

"Zero!" She cried out in panic.

If I use the claw now, they'll both be melted

"Kallen just do it! End him! This is an order!" Lelouch hadn't noticed the hostages had gone.

Enemies swarmed in, and the other Black Knights fought to keep them back. Time was against them. At this rate there would be no cover for their escape when Britannia made their move. An explosion was heard, Lelouch didn't have to look to know it was one of his own dying.

A beep had him aware of someone trying to speak with him in a private channel. Lelouch accepted it. He didn't bother wasting on changing to audio only once he read the name.

"I see it is you. You remember."

For some reason green eyes weren't accusing.

"No more secrets. No more lies. I choose you. I choose to stand by you, even as a prisoner. Just...don't take Elijah away from me. Please. Suzaku." Lelouch wasn't aware he was crying.

The leader on top of him was now trying to crush Zero by the very knightmare frame he piloted. Kallen was too much in a panic to get him off, in the event of accidentally crushing Zero. When she did try to swing in, another opponent broke through the barrier and took her head on. She was forced to fight someone else while Zero was being crushed.

"I told you. I don't plan to take him away from you."

Suddenly the white knightmare frame burst through from the glass ceiling from above. With grace it landed, then bypassed the Guren, who had ended her other opponent, in favor for the leader. With a kick the other white knightmare frame was pushed off of the black Burai, badly damaged beyond repair. Part of the cockpit was squished, but Suzaku knew Lelouch was just fine for now.

The exiled prince opened an audio channel with Kallen.

"Kallen, work with him. I'll explain everything later."

She hesitated, but did as ordered. Together the Lancelot and Guren Mk II made quick work of the terrorist leader. And upon seeing the power of the two working well together, the followers of their fallen leader fled. Chiba exited her frame in the hopes to pull Zero out of the mangled Burai.

The machine burst into flames. In a panic Suzaku exited his frame. He was by Chiba's side and together they worked together to open the cockpit. But it wouldn't budge. The damages were too much for the machine to give up its pilot inside.

"Kallen! Use your claw to pry it open!" Suzaku knew it was risky, but this was the only idea that came to mind that would work.

With careful precision she sliced at it. A gash appeared, and she used her claw to widen it with two elongated fingers. Soon as it was pried open Suzaku went inside. He found Lelouch unconscious, but surprisingly unharmed. With care he pulled the lithe form in his arms and carried him out.

"Hand him over, Kururugi." Kallen's threat was ignored by him.

"That would be a bad idea. He chose me. Therefore, we're now a team, unless you wish to make yourself an enemy of him." He stated coldly.

"What do you mean?" Chiba lowered her gun.

"Our son needs him. If you take him away from his son, he will lose what little sanity he has left. And I can't say what he will do if he woke up to you lot forcing him away, then to whisper lies about me."

"And what will happen to us?" Kallen was wary.

"I am Knight of Seven. I can offer you enough leniency to not be locked up, but the decision is ultimately up for the new Viceroy."

Reluctantly they followed his lead. The only survivors were Chiba and Kallen. Their chances of escape were slim to none now that the Britannian Army was surrounding them. Suzaku brought them to the trailer that Cecile and Lloyd were using. The proof of his words were a slap to the face for the two women when their eyes saw Elijah, crying and squirming in unfamiliar arms.

"So that's..." Kallen was at a loss. "How?"

"Lelouch is trans. Before...Princess Euphemia, we fooled around." Suzaku didn't get the chance to explain when the Lancelot creator spoke.

"Suzaku, I hope you got some answers. Because the officials are unhappy." Lloyd eyed Lelouch all over, taking the information in of the transition.

I won't let you touch him.

"As Knight of Seven, I take these people in my custody. I will hear the words of the officials later. First, take us to the Viceroy. And Lelouch needs to be attended to, as well."

This will land me in hot water. But I will put my trust in Lelouch. He was willing to sacrifice himself when he never did so in the past.