Setting is Regency Era but where demons and humans live together.
Well - hope you guys enjoy! Let me know if this is something you guys enjoy and I will post new chapters. (n_n)

~o0o~ ~o0o~ ~o0o~ ~o0o~ ~o0o~ ~o0o~

"Higurashi-san! Higurashi-san!" An all too familiar voice called out from the across the grassy knoll. Well aware that the sweet, melodic voice of the Lady Akitoki held another purpose, Kagome lifted her face and waved at the matron.

Her attempts at ignoring said lady had been somewhat successful; however, she was curious as to how this impromptu outing had been discovered. It's not as though she was purposely ignoring her future in-law. Was it so wrong for a girl to enjoy her freedom while she had it? The darn woman wouldn't let Kagome have a single moment alone. Marriage preparations were meant to bring joy and happiness to the bride. In Kagome's case, it only brought headaches and a large bill.

Lady Akitoki shamelessly spared no expense. While it was true that the Akitokis' financial situation would improve immensely once the marriage knot was tied between Kagome and Hojo (the sole heir of their crumbling legacy as Lady Akitoki so eagerly reminded them each time she made a purchase for the wedding), the least Lady Akitoki could do was show some humility in the situation!

A quick glance at her younger sister, playing under the tree with their beloved house pet, had Kagome suspecting the source of the news.

To the unseeing eye, Rin appeared fragile and soft, sitting under the tree with her flowy dress, the pink and white ribbons tied at the waist played with the summer breeze. The large hat on her head shielded her porcelain like skin from the sun. She resembled a sweet, little angel but Kagome knew better. The 18-year old was as sharp as a knife.

Meeting Kagome's gaze, the girl snickered behind her hand before she broke out into a small laugh. Kagome narrowed her eyes at the source of her undoing.

"Oh dear me! It is like the devil's play pen today!" Lady Akitoki flicked open her silken hand fan to rapidly fan herself while the other hand tilted the parasol in a way that ensured Kagome was shoulder to shoulder with the woman.

"Good Afternoon, Akitoki-sama." Kagome bowed, shielding her annoyance behind closed lids briefly. When she lifted her head, Kagome noticed how flushed the lady had become from her brisk walk towards her. "You didn't have to rush. I wasn't going anywhere."

Tilting her face at Kagome, the lady gave a toothy smile. "I had to make sure, Higurashi-san. Hojo had mentioned something about you coming down with a fever of sorts so I wanted to see for myself. Did you get my message?"

Kagome sighed through her nose. She now recalled her letter to Hojo from a few days prior mentioning something about an outing if the weather permitted. Rin was off the hook. For now. As for the matter of the messages - the blasted woman had sent her over ten since their last meeting yesterday afternoon. Their content the same: to discuss the matter of the flower arrangements.

"Ah, I apologize, Akitoki-sama. Grandfather was out of sorts due to the heat so I had to tend to him." Kagome lied without a second thought. They had already discussed the bloody flower arrangement several times. "Besides, I thought we had agreed with Calla Lilies and Hydrangeas? Has anything changed?"

The ladies eyes resembled her late mother's china saucers. "Is that right? I thought it was Calla Lilies along the seats and Hydrangeas for the tables but what about-"

Off Lady Akitoki went into her drawn out lament that was sure to suck the Higurashi's pockets dry.

Kagome waited patiently for the lady to finish. "Yes, yes. I agree; however, I have yet to pick out a dress, Akitoki-sama. I'm sure you can agree it is a vital part of the ceremony?"

"Of course. Of course, darling!" Lady Akitoki eagerly agreed. Her fixed focus on Rin sparked Kagome's curiosity.

"Isn't Rin a bit too old to be playing with that dog of yours?" Lady Akitoki said sheepishly, hiding the lower half of her face behind the hand fan.

"It's a cat, my lady. His name's Buyo."

"A cat? Outside? Playing like a dog! Not only is that odd but also the ease with which your sister is accepting it all!" The lady intoned and with a heavy sigh flicked the hand fan closed then placed the same hand gently on Kagome's shoulder. "It's not your fault, dear. After all, the lack of a matron's presence can be daunting for young ladies such as yourselves. Not to worry - once you and Hojo head to your honeymoon, I'll be priming Rin into a lady suitable for a prince. I can promise you that."

This wasn't the first time that Lady Akitoki had so bluntly taken a shot at Rin's unsuitability. "Rin is a bit unconventional but she's extremely kind and intelligent. Did I mention that she was completing her accounting studies at Shikon University?" Kagome proudly boasted.

"Accounting?" Lady Akitoki repeated with some hesitation. "Still - she needs someone to gently remind her how to appeal to the other sex. Crunching numbers can only take her so far."

Perhaps Lady Akitoki could use a lesson on economics so she would stop digging into their family's hard earned capital for flower arrangements.

"Hm, what was that, dear?" The lady faced Kagome with wide open eyes.

"Oh look - isn't that Suzuki-sama waving at us from her carriage?" Kagome evaded.

Instead of responding, Lady Akitoki simply waved at her friend, her hand still resting on Kagome. "By the way, I heard that Tajiya-san has proposed to Rin."

Kagome quirked a brow, wanting to clarify any doubts. "There has been no such proposal."

The 'o' shape of her lips quickly dropped and the lady chewed on her lower lip for a moment. "Well - I'm sure it'll happen soon enough, Higurashi-san. I'm sure."

Excusing herself with a nod, the lady skipped off to engage in gossip and no doubt hot news about the flower arrangements at her son's wedding.

"Gosh that woman is exhausting." Kagome whined as she took a seat next to Rin on the grass under the large oak tree.

"You can't avoid her forever you know. Thankfully she's older so she'll likely die first." Rin stuck her tongue out playfully at her elder sister. Kagome simply smiled in response.

Buyo was purring loudly now as Rin stroked his back, patches of his white fur shining brightly even under the tree's shade.

Customarily, Rin would remind her that marrying Hojo would come with the disappointment of marrying into a household where Lady Akitoki would be stuck at her hips. Knowing that she would be with someone who was compatible with her was some assurance that despite the hardships, she would be content.

"Have you spoken with Hojo?" Rin inquired, peeking from underneath the brim of her hat.

"I wrote to him the other day." Kagome shrugged.

"Yes - but have you spoken with him?" Rin exclaimed, fully staring at Kagome with her large brown eyes and clutching at her sleeve.

"Between dealing with his mother and taking care of his crumbling finances, I don't really want to bother him. Besides, we'll have plenty of time to talk when he's back." Kagome responded.

"Kaggie, surely you care about Hojo?"

"Of course I do. But he's deep in demonic territory. I don't want to bother him while he's busy on the battlefield tending to injuries." The last thing she wanted to do was cause a distraction between a life and death situation for one of his patients.

"True but you should send him an audible message through your magical powers. Something he can listen to on those lonely nights." Rin winked.

Kagome chuckled and reconsidered. Connecting with him for a live trance may not be ideal but she could send him a magical message, letting him know how the marriage preparations are coming along and that she hoped for his safe return.

Despite their financial situation, the Akitoki household were well-known for their medical prodigies. Hojo's grandfather was a renowned apothecary and alchemist, popular among humans and demons alike. Hojo followed in his grandfather's footsteps. As a result, he was now working for an organization that was completely isolated from any human or demon political faction. It made Kagome proud knowing that her fiance was such an honorable man and that he genuinely cared about others.

As she spent more time with him, she learned that he was very open when he spoke with her and encouraged hearing her dreams and desires. Yes - there had been many nights where they spoke to each other of their dreams and desires. One of Hojo's dreams was to redeem their family business. By trade, his family were merchants of herbs and spices; however, upon his father's death, his business had been suffering financially. Once he returned from the war, he would open a shop in the city district. With Kagome by his side, he predicted fortune for his business.

It was those nights that Kagome couldn't help feeling a tad bit jealous of her fiancee. Life was anything but easy for him but at least he was following his dreams. The Higurashis were known for their acute sense of economics especially where trade and land was concerned. However, Kagome found herself vying for more than that.

Historically, her family hailed from a unique ancestry of priests and priestesses, born with exceptional magical powers. Both her and her sister had been tested for the purity of magic and while they both were blessed by the kamis, Rin simply didn't want anything to do with it. She, instead, chose the comfort of numbers over magic.

Kagome, however, had been overjoyed upon hearing that she had even the slightest chance of living an adventure like her ancestors of old. Over the years, she was primed not only as a noble lady of the Higurashi clan but also as a high priestess. It was after her mother's passing that she learned being the first born and the high priestess in the Higurashi clan came with a certain level of responsibilities.

Marriage was an arrangement in the Higurashi clan and as the first born, Kagome was not exempt from it. The family astronomer had matched her with two possible suitors and she had chosen Hojo. Despite being an honorable man, he was very handsome, with dark brown hair and a sunny disposition. He wasn't much taller than her but that was something that his personality made up for.

In her small group of friends, she often heard of tales of longing and desire for the men they were having affairs with. The one time she had shown interest in a suitor without the family's consent had resulted in long days of scoldings from her mama.

"There are men and women who will use you, Kagome, not only for your wealth but also your powers. Our family has been careful to stay out of the limelight of scandals and we will continue that tradition."

As she mulled over her thoughts, another set of visitors approached them.

"Kohaku-kun!" Rin piped up and with eagerness, jumped up to greet him. She knew she couldn't hug him - after all that wouldn't be the lady like thing to do and she didn't want scoldings from Kagome and especially grandfather - but she did shake his hand quite boldly.

Kohaku Tajiya was a handsome 20-year old that Rin had quickly fallen heads over heels for at a spring ball held by the Akitoki's earlier in the spring. Upon meeting him, she had felt a deja vu of sorts. Almost as though she knew everything about him, everything about the depth of his voice to his deepest desires, from the hair on his head to the toes on his feet. When they had waltzed together, it felt as though they had a deeper connection than the physical. Lastly - they had similar interests, which meant that they almost never stopped talking unless they were honest to the kamis exhausted.

He had been serving in the armed forces for over two years now as a hunter of rogue demons. That had only added to his appeal. He wore his military uniform today, it was a navy blue with a white shirt, his hair was slicked back and tied into a ponytail at the nape of his neck. His boots were shiny and black and his cap, adorned with medals, was tucked neatly underneath his arm.

Said boy greeted Kagome fairly quickly and resumed his interest in Rin. "How have you been, Rin-chan?"

Kohaku's greeting, made Rin's cheeks heat and she felt giddy.

"I missed you terribly! I'm so happy to see that you're doing well. I can't wait to hear more of your stories. They keep me occupied when you're away." Rin admitted without hesitation.

Kohaku's cheeks dusted pink and he cleared his throat. "I have some particularly interesting stories to share this time around. I'm in town until the end of the week and I'd like to come by sometime if that's alright?" Kohaku faced Kagome.

"Of course." Kagome responded to which Kohaku audibly released a breath.

The deep clearing of someone's throat had Kohaku standing up a bit straighter than usual.

"Miss Higurashis, may I introduce our high commander, Captain General Sesshomaru Taisho." Kohaku gestured to his right and with gleeful interest, Rin's eyes travelled the length of his arm to the tall figure standing beside him. Up until now, said figure had been completely invisible to the dainty girl.

Rin tilted her head as she studied the general in front of her. Her eyes roved the length of him, starting with his feet. He wore knee length black boots with white pants tucked into the top of the boots. Unlike Kohaku, his outfit was mostly white. His white jacket had several medallions on the left and right shoulders, and the right side of his chest. A crisp blue shirt was peaking from the opened buttons of the jacket, and his military issued hat, with several medals adorning it, was positioned evenly on his head.

An almost inhuman fluffy appendage protruded from his shoulder and ran along the length of him to his feet. His unusually long silver hair fell around his head like a halo, and his large figure shielded her from the rays of the unforgiving sun. Finally, she saw the markings on his face, one crescent moon on his forehead and two lines on each cheek evident of his demonic heritage. His forehead was covered with bangs that framed his face quite nicely, he had a straight sharp nose, thin hard lips, proud chin and high cheekbones. The most prominent feature, in Rin's opinion, was the sharp gaze in his dark amber eyes.

"You're a demon!" Rin blurted to which Kagome lightly jabbed her in elbow. Immediately, Rin was apologetic. "My apologies, Taisho-sama. I have never seen a demon like you before."

"The entire country is at war against rogue demons, I would have assumed you were aware of the general countenance of them, Higurashi-san." The demon's words were in exact opposition of his courteous bow.

Rin blanched visibly at the man, and pursed her lips harshly. "The demons I've seen are the worst sort, not the type to stand in front of you and speak so properly. They barely know how to speak much less form words and - and they certainly don't look like you!"

"You'll be surprised at how much we can resemble the very basic of life forms such as humans. Apart from forming words, we can do many other human tasks not to mention partake in intimate engagements."

Rin felt her cheeks burn and her hands close into fists from his outrageously bold statement. She promptly gave Kagome a sharp look after the elder chuckled at the general's words. Kohaku's face was red like an apple and a spot on the grass had taken his immediate interest.

When Rin faced the crude General, he was staring at her as though boring holes into her face. Rin glared right back, refusing to concede. Never in her 18 years had urge the to use her magic been so intense. If it wasn't for Buyo's gentle purring as he rubbed against the general's boots, Rin would have summoned her inner priestess to purify the general into ashes.

Bending on her knees, Rin easily scooped the overweight furball. Buyo squeaked. "Don't bother Taisho-sama, Buyo, otherwise he'll eat you."

"Felines are pitiful, they don't deserve to sate my hunger. I can, however, possibly consider ripe, young virgins." The general clipped. With a huff and finger pointed in the demon's direction, Rin was about to give him a piece of her mind when Kagome cut in.

"Are you visiting our town for some time, Taisho-sama?" Her sister's voice was even.

"For the next little while, yes." The demon admitted.

"Would you like to join us for tea tomorrow afternoon? Of course, Tajiya-san as well."

Rin narrowed her eyes at Kagome to ensure that the girl was actually her sister and not some demon disguised as her.

Had Kagome lost her mind!

"Onee-chan?" Rin's voice was barely a whisper. It was a plea. A plea that that went unanswered.

"I can make it shortly after lunchtime." Kohaku added, fairly quickly. "What about you, Taisho-sama?"

"It should be fine." The general responded.

"Perfect." Kagome swiftly put her arm around the small of her sister's back and whispered in her ear. "Bid your goodbyes. We'll be leaving soon."

Rin didn't bother retorting. The undertone of annoyance was heavy in Kagome's voice and no level of magic could save her from that.

Rin obeyed albeit hesitantly. Save for his customary nod, the general remained quiet. With a simple nod in both the direction of Kohaku and the evil general, Kagome walked towards the carriage. Speechless is how Rin was for just a moment before Buyo slipped out of her arms and ran behind Kagome. Rin wordlessly called him a traitor before following behind the duo.

~o0o~ ~o0o~ ~o0o~ ~o0o~ ~o0o~ ~o0o~

"You don't say, Kagome!" Grandpa Higurashi exclaimed with wide eyes as Kagome pried the broom from his frail hands. She had just broken the news of their afternoon engagement with Kohaku and General Sesshomaru.

Grandpa Higurashi often described demons as irrational but extremely powerful beings. With that combination, they are not the type to be trifled with, Grandpa Higurashi had often warned.

Upon hearing the Taisho name, he immediately piped up about the love story between a powerful and noble, demon lord and a beautiful, gentle human noblewoman. Although he couldn't remember the details, what he did remember was that it had ended in tragedy. A pity because the couple's love story had made it to the history books!

Although upon learning that it was Sesshomaru Taisho gracing his household that afternoon, Grandpa Higurashi's excitement had promptly deflated. Unlike his half-brother, born from the demon lord and his human wife, the pure blood demon was the offspring of the demon lord and his first demon mate. Sesshomaru was feared and admired among human and demons alike. In the case of Grandpa Higurashi, he was most definitely someone to be either purified with powerful sutras or avoided altogether.

"Grandpa, need I remind you that our household is well known for our purification powers." While Kagome didn't blame her grandfather for his overly cautious attitude, and she didn't want to be inhospitable to any guest regardless of their ancestry, she was simply hungry for exciting news!

"Besides," she licked her lips, "I hear there's a rogue faction, nothing like larger terrorist organizations, but a faction nonetheless that have been involved in human trafficking. It's all hearsay but I want to confirm from the source."

Her grandfather raised a bushy white eyebrow. "You seem to think Sesshomaru, the Killing Perfection, the Perfect Assassin and Lord of Death will reveal you anything?"

"Not me but a certain other young lady." Kagome winked at her grandfather.

"Hm?" Grandpa Higurashi faced Kagome, until realization struck him. "You mean Rin?"

Kagome nodded. "They met at the park the other day and they hit it off really well. I was surprised seeing as how Rin has never met a demon before much less a pure blooded one."

Grandpa Higurashi rubbed his chin. "I still think we should put up a barrier."

"I still disagree to that." Kagome asserted. "Now hurry up and get ready. I'm going to check on Rin."

"Okay. Alright." Grandpa Higurashi mumbled.

At the foot of the staircase, a ray of light fell on a shiny piece of paper perched atop a silver plate on the credenza by the wall. It was Lady Akitoki's invitation. Kagome suppressed a groan.

To think that woman had summoned her and Rin to a night vigil for her late brother! A vigil. For someone she never knew.

Kagome dreaded to think what else that woman would subject her to once she was married to Hojo. The last they had spoken, Hojo had mentioned something about his mother living in the countryside and coming to visit him no more than twice a year. Kagome supposed that it was the excitement of her son's impending wedding that lead her to become so active of late. At least once they were married, Kagome and Hojo would be left to their own quiet lives.

The wedding dress had been purchased and all the preparations were complete. Come next Sunday, Kagome would be a happily married woman. Despite all the things she could be happy for, Kagome walked up the stairs with a heavy heart.

Perhaps there was a part of her that longed to put her skills to good use. Her skills as a herbalist would help Hojo's in his line of work but it was her other skills she often wondered about. Using a bow and arrow, administering holy rites to unsettled souls and her personal favorite purification of immaterial taint - only to name a few.

The thudding of soft footsteps along the hardwood floor distracted Kagome somewhat.

"Kaggie!" Whined a disgruntled Rin. Her hair resembled a bird's nest minus the little chicks. Kagome chuckled before guiding her into the dressing room. Not a few minutes later and Kagome worked her magic, sans spells, on her little sister.

"There you go, all set." Kagome smiled at Rin from the mirror.

Rin's thick locks were done up in a half updo on the side and the rest of her obsidian strands fell over her left shoulder. Under Kagome's instructions, Rin had been dressed in a periwinkle blue gown with a square neck, it was deep enough to accentuate the plumpness of her breasts. Her sleeves were short and gathered at edges. The gown was fitted at the chest and flared downward; it was long enough to reach her ankles. Fabric flowers and other lace adornments were sewn to lift up the edge of the gown, revealing her lacy petticoat from underneath.

Kagome often wondered that despite being sisters, why she and Rin looked so very different. Where she was tall and lithe, Rin was short and more voluptuous. With heavy breasts and thick hips but an unusually narrow waist and flat tummy, she was often the type of woman that men lusted after. Part, no the only, reason why she had such a hard time keeping suitors away from her. While some of them had good intentions for marrying her sister, the number of those who didn't have good intentions outweighed the former. Kagome didn't need to be a priestess to see a pervert from a mile away.

Part of her was relieved when Kohaku Tajiya showed interest in her younger sister. Kohaku came from good stock; his family was well respected, he had a promising career and he was a kind person. The fact that he and Rin had practically grown up together was an added bonus. They were friends even now. Kagome suspected that by the time he was done with his tour, that he would propose to Rin.

Placing her fingertips on the side of Rin's face, Kagome tilted her face up towards her. Bright brown eyes stared at her intently.


Kagome hummed, dipping her other forefinger in a container full of rouge and gently applying it to her sister's bottom lip.

Rouge? Rin wondered. Kagome was often strict about the no make-up policy. Did this mean that the elder girl had forgiven Rin for yesterday's kerfuffle with the demon? She had suffered scoldings from her sister for the remainder of the day when they had returned.

So maybe she deserved it. The last time she had lost her cool, when her late mother was alive, she was denied dessert for a month. Her late mother she could handle but Kagome's punishments were another matter. It was about four years ago. The subject had been literature, the governess was an annoying human loving know-it-all and the result, after a series of insults at the chit, was a frontal attack. Rin nearly ripped the prim hat from her hair and scratched most of her face. Had Grandpa Higurashi not stopped them, she would have been missing an eye.

Kagome had promptly stopped her from defending herself despite her reasoning that it was because the 'bitch' kept insulting their household. Something about not having the back bone it once did, and priestesses lacking grit, and supporting the vile demonic race. Admittedly Rin had never met a demon before nor did she know much about them but their household did not randomly kill demons.

The current laws ensured a fair process was in place for both humans and demons alike. To ensure the preservation of human life, which had lessened severely since the last magic war, a negotiation of sorts had been struck with the demonic species. It was their parents who had played an important role in publishing this key treaty.

The two month punishment had been too much to bear. She had been assigned to tend to the the woman's injuries and serve as her assistant should she require any help with teaching new or existing students. Those few months had been torture because she had to listen to the backward, narrow minded, god awful woman endlessly until Kagome came to fetch her.

She learned then how to report to Kagome. Whining would do no good. No. Like a proper thesis, Rin had to create a plan outlining what she had done wrong, how she had reflected on those actions and what she could do to improve.

After that, she dared never to let herself get carried away in front of Kagome. That is until she met the evil general yesterday. Honestly - were all demons so painfully annoying?

When she reached for the rouge the second time, Rin spoke again.

"Does this mean you're not mad at me anymore?"

Kagome applied the rouge to her upper lip, and shook her head.

"No - but you need to be mindful of how you speak, Rin-chan. Taisho-sama is a powerful demon with very good connections which may be useful for us someday. Not only is his family rich and powerful but they also control most of the global trade unions."

Rin sighed. Leave it to Kagome to point out how he would affect them politically. Part of her wished her sister understood what she went through when she had such outbursts.

She wasn't one to get easily flustered over someone but there was something annoying about that Sesshomaru Taisho that made her want to pull her hair out.

"I don't care if he's the god of global trade unions, Kaggie! He's awfully crude and mean and I don't like him." Rin's whisper earned a heavy sigh from Kagome.

Kagome massaged her temples. A habit she did when she was worried. "Rin-chan you don't have to like him. You just have to bear him. Can I expect you to be on your best behaviour when he arrives today?"

Part of her really wanted to defy Kagome and her damned emotionless approach to life, but another part needed to be the grown up that Kagome always hoped for. Rin swallowed thickly. In essence, swallowing all her defiance.

"Yes." Rin said and folding her hands in her lap, pursed her lips. Soft lips touch her forehead.

"Perfect!" Kagome smiled and placing her hands on Rin's shoulders urged her to stand.

"You look beautiful enough to tempt a demon!" Kagome winked.

"Don't count on it." Rin countered and felt a shiver go down her spine. Regardless, she'd have to keep her guard up around this Sesshomaru Taisho. She'd rather go to hell than suffer anything rude he would have to say about her dress tonight!

A knock on the door interrupted them. "Your guests are in the living room, my ladies."

Upon hearing the announcement, Rin headed for the door. "I'll take care of them while you get ready. Thanks, Mizuki!"

"Are you actually trying to be a grown up?"

Rin simply waved at her sister. Turning around would mean looking at that silly smile on her face. "Hurry up and get dressed. We'll be fine!"

With that, Rin shut the door to the dressing room and made her way down the stairs.

~o0o~ ~o0o~ ~o0o~ ~o0o~ ~o0o~ ~o0o~

As Rin trekked down the spiraling staircase, she mentally prepared herself to face the demon currently socializing in her living room. Funny that after they had butt heads in the park the other day, all her thoughts had been consumed by his arrogant ass!

Rin breathed evenly several times as she approached the ground floor, collecting her thoughts and reviewing her game plan. She would play the role of the polite hostess. In fact, she would be so polite that he would have no choice but to apologize for his actions the other day.

Turning around the corner from the stairwell, Rin entered the living area where she made quick work of deciphering exactly what had transpired while she and Kagome were getting dressed.

Grandpa Higurashi was leaning on the bar counter as though he was about to tip over. The two large bottles in each of hands, his flushed face and slurred speech were all indicators that her grandfather was pissed drunk.

"I said it loud and proud, ya know! The damned bedpack resembled a limp penis. We all broke out laughing 'cept for our inspecting corporal!"

Rin's blood was boiling. So it wasn't enough that he embarrass her in the park in front of her sister that he had to make her grandfather drunk as well? In the afternoon? It was 3 o'clock for kami's sake! She prayed for strength to face the upcoming ordeal.

Kohaku was desperately trying to reach for her grandfather's arm to steady him. The look on his face when their eyes met was one of desperation.

"He couldn't control himself!" He formed the words silently with his lips. Rin simply shook her head.

To her recollection, there were only a few people in front of whom her grandfather dared to drink. Kohaku was definitely not one of them. She dared not think that her grandfather was so comfortable to drink in front of the evil demon she was willing herself not to look at. The elder Higurashi was not one to be meddled with when so inebriated.

Somehow her eyes met Sesshomaru's, even though she was trying to avoid him so desperately. Immediately, the demon lord got up. His eyes roved the length of her, starting from her head down her chest, the length of her dress and finally the tips of her feet peeking from underneath her petticoats. His actions confused her and made her cheeks heat. In fact, the entirety of her body was heating up and she hadn't even had any brandy yet!

Why on earth was she gettings so self conscious?

"Good evening." Rin said with an air of nonchalance and approached the trio.

"Eh?" Grandpa Higurashi turned and in attempts to not fall face flat on the floor, reached for a chair. The action resulted in a bottle falling from his hand and crashing on the floor. Kohaku immediately grabbed him, his own brandy spilling on the shiny marble floor in the process.

"By the kamis, Rin, I barely recognized you!" He hiccuped. "You look stunning!" Another hiccup. "No wonder Sesshomaru-san can't keep his eyes off youuu-aah!"

By now, Kohaku was trying to steady Grandpa Higurashi. That action resembled more of Kohaku steadying a loosely tied potato sack than an old man.

Without wasting a moment, Rin called for a maid to clean up the mess, and walked in the direction of her very drunk grandfather.

"Let me." Sesshomaru said, interrupting her path as though he read her mind. Rin watched as he easily steadied her grandfather by putting his lean arm around the old man's waist and Grandpa's flabby arm around his large shoulders. Were his shoulders always so large and strong? Rin wondered.

Not a moment later, Sesshomaru had brought Grandpa Higurashi to standing next to him. Kohaku also helped by putting Grandpa's other arm around his shoulders.

While Kohaku was not a short man by any means, he was at the very least at least a good foot or so shorter than the general. The general was just as lean as Kohaku but with larger shoulders, a trim waist, long legs and muscular thighs (from what she could make of his fitted pants).

"Thank you." Rin said but did not make eye contact with either of her visitors.

"This way." She said and led the trio to her grandfather's quarters. A few maids followed close behind.

After securing her grandfather in bed and ensuring that two of their strongest maids were tending to him with water and other medicine, they made their way back to the living room. Soon they were greeted by Kagome, who was now dressed in a long flowy burgundy dress with long sleeves, and a deep 'u' neckline; her hair was done up in a loose bun.

Kagome promptly apologized for her grandfather's behaviour and expressed her thanks in their assistance of carrying him upstairs to his chambers. Shortly after, they headed outside to the gazebo where a table was laid out for them. Within moments, they were immersed in drinking tea and snacking on biscuits.

"Wow! That sounds exhilarating!" Rin enthused, staring wide eyed at Kohaku. The current subject of discussion was how his battalion had single-handedly taken over the southern resistance. "Did you use magic, Kohaku-kun?"

Kohaku shook his head. "I do from time to time though."

"Can you show me sometime?" Rin clapped in excitement.

"I can only use spells approved by our organization but it's nothing like the magic that you and your sister possess. Our spells are concocted by our lead alchemists but you both have an inner magic that you can summon with your chakra." Kohaku explained to which Rin simply glowed, despite having already known this information.

The afternoon was bright and sunny with a few chance clouds in the sky that offered some reprieve from the heat. A light summer breeze was blowing, rustling through the leaves.

Bringing her teacup to her lips, Kagome sipped some of her brew. So far the conversations she had with General Sesshomaru were short, and typically about boring topics such as the weather. Although he gave her his full attention when they did speak. Whenever their conversation came to a halt, she chanced a glance at the polite general, and noticed that his gaze was set in the direction of Kohaku and Rin.

Overhearing Kohaku talk about his latest tour, Kagome decided to interrupt into their conversation.

"I heard that the southern resistance were in possession of a certain demonic charm. Had either of you come across any such artifact?"

Both Rin and Kohaku faced Kagome and blinked. "Magical charms are collected by priests and purified immediately, Higurashi-san. We are not allowed involvement in that process because it's handled entirely by priests."

"Of course, of course, Kohaku-kun." Kagome nodded politely. Of course she knew that much! Granted she didn't have enough field experience but she knew that should magical charms get into the hands of rogue demons, they would be twice as difficult to subdue.

Kagome chewed on a biscuit for a few moments before continuing.

"This particular charm, a stone, is sought out by demons and humans alike because of it's ability to grant wishes. The last I heard about this was from Akitoki-san before he had been dispatched to North."

"The ability to grant wishes?" Rin sniffed slightly. "Sounds a like a child's bedtime story."

"It is nothing more than a rumor." It was General Sesshomaru who had spoken. "There is no authoritarian record of such a charm even existing. Any records that reference the charm are vague in their description of how it can be found and what it can actually do. If anything."

Kagome watched as Rin faced General Sesshomaru briefly before turning her back to him and busying herself with Kohaku once again. Although Rin had been on her best behaviour, she had been avoiding the general quite obviously.

"Taisho-sama," Kagome began, "I hear that your family is involved in some trade shows coming up in the fall. How are the preparations coming along?"

"My mother usually heads those shows," General Sesshomaru responded, "My involvement is mostly around sourcing new and upcoming talent."

"Ah - would you ever have need for a general accountant?"

Rin's face immediately snapped into Kagome's direction.

General Sesshomaru quirked a brow. "Possibly."

"I see. Did you know that Rin was thinking about doing some freelance work in the fall? Perhaps you could keep her in mind?" Kagome asked.

"It's quite alright, Onee-chan, I'm sure Taisho-sama has his own pick of very highly recommended accountants to bother with someone like me." Rin added. Kagome inwardly groaned.

General Sesshomaru straightened his back and faced Rin square in the face. "Now that you've mentioned it, Higurashi-san, I am in the need of a general accountant. Any recommendation from you would be my first choice."

In all her 18 years of knowing Rin, Kagome had never witnessed a surge in her sister's energy. Until today that is. There was a blue aura emanating from her sister and while it was impressive, Kagome became a bit concerned. Until another wave of aura hit her from the general's end. His was bright red.

The tension in the air grew thick fairly quickly.

"Rin-chan, I think this would be a great opportunity for you." Kohaku exclaimed happily, to which Rin's countenance immediately changed. Kagome was thankful.

"You really think so?"

Kohaku confirmed with a nod. With an ear-to-ear smile, Rin tucked some stray strands behind her ear.

"I'll consider as well then." Rin admitted and reached for a biscuit.

Kagome released a breath of relief and proceeded to drink to her tea.

The general gulped his tea in one go and proceeded to refill his cup. The afternoon seemed to be passing quite well until Kohaku announced his departure.

~o0o~ ~o0o~ ~o0o~ ~o0o~ ~o0o~ ~o0o~

"Kohaku-kun do you have to leave already?" Rin asked, her tone suddenly softened and a hint of sadness in her voice.

"I must, Rin-chan. Come, would you bid me farewell?" Kohaku smiled and Rin blushing nodded but linked her arm with his regardless. They walked towards the front door.

"It was a pleasure meeting with you this evening, Taisho-sama."

"Of course, Higurashi-san." General Taisho nodded regally and reaching for his hat placed it evenly on his head. "Any opportunity to relax with pleasant company is a reprieve these days."

Kagome nodded in agreement. The general couldn't be more accurate. Spending the afternoon with both him and Kohaku was an excellent way to free herself of the worries that involved her marriage arrangements.

As Kagome pondered on his words from earlier, the general came to an abrupt halt. Startled, Kagome faced him. Despite his usual stoic facade, his eyes had softened somewhat. Within seconds, they turned back to their usual icy gaze.

"Taisho-sama, are you alright?" Kagome worriedly asked.

"It is not I you should be worried about." He replied and continued his walk towards the door.

A very confused Kagome followed behind him until the front door slammed open and in ran a teary eyed Rin. Rushing past the general and herself, the girl ran up the stairs in a series of sobs and with her hand on her heart.

"Rin? Rin, what's wrong?" Kagome yelled at the girl but she had already run into her room and slammed her bedroom door shut. She would deal with her later but first she needed to see off her visitors.

"Kohaku-kun, do you have any clue as to why Rin is so upset?" Kagome inquired as she stepped out onto the veranda.

Kohaku was leaning against the wall with his arms across his chest and his head tilted to the ground. His face was flushed but Kagome doubted it was because of a kiss the couple may have shared. With a heavy and audible sigh, he put on his hat and faced Kagome.

"My apologies Higurashi-san if I've done anything to upset Rin-chan. I have only ever been open and honest with her. Good evening to you. Please give my regards to Rin-chan as well." Having said that, Kohaku made his exit to the carriage.

Utterly confused and unsure as to how the evening had ended so abruptly, Kagome faced General Sesshomaru.

"I'd much rather not get involved." The general clarified fairly quickly and bowed deeply before heading towards the carriage. "Good evening to both you and Lady Rin."

Kagome's eye brows shot up above her bangs. Lady Rin. Now that she definitely wasn't expecting to hear.

Once the carriage had left, Kagome promptly made it up to her sister's room. Rin was sprawled on the bed, crying heavily into her pillow with heavy sobs.

"Rin, what happened?" It took some cajoling but finally the girl decided to speak, after Kagome had given her a handkerchief to blow her nose.

"Kohaku is terrible! He's terrible, Kaggie!" Rin hiccuped. "He told me that he's going away for the next several months and he won't keep in touch with me so I shouldn't try reaching for him. I shouldn't write to him and if I should, he won't bother replying so not to wait for him. He said that should I find someone else that I should, I should just, I should just -"

Rin's head fell into her sister's lap where she wailed a bit more. Absorbing all this information was difficult for Kagome who had only the highest respect for someone like Kohaku. When Rin collected herself a bit more, she continued.

"That I should just fall in love with someone else. Then he said something about nothing being wrong with me but the problem lay with him. I don't get that at all, Kaggie! What did he mean? Why is he doing this?"

Kagome had no answer for her younger sibling. Instead, she kept quiet, softly stroking her sister's head as she wept bitterly.

Later that evening, Kagome took two supper trays to Rin's bedroom. While they were eating, Kagome announced that she would go to the vigil alone.

"I want to come with you. I promised I would." Rin asserted, playing around with her food. Her eyes less puffy now after Mizuki had treated them with cucumber slices. She had already come out of her dress and was sitting Indian style with her legs folded on the bed.

"I'll get Mizuki to help you wash up and get you dressed. It's only a half hour journey to the Akitoki's estate so we won't be too long in getting there."

Rin nodded and pushing the dinner tray away from herself, jumped off the bed.

Shortly after getting dressed, Kagome and Rin were comfortably seated in the carriage. Mizuki had given them an extra blanket in case the girls needed to warm up their feet and hands in the carriage. They both waved to Grandpa Higurashi as they head out of the estate and the gates closed behind them.

She and Rin were both dressed in black dresses and fascinators with black netting. While the swelling around Rin's eyes was almost gone, they looked dull in comparison to their usual carefree, happy countenance. The color in her cheeks had been drained and her mouth was turned slightly downwards.

Barely a few minutes into their ride, Kagome heard soft sobs coming from other side of the carriage. Reaching around her shoulders, Kagome scooped her closer.

"I'm so stupid, Kaggie. So stupid! He must have left me for a lover. He must have! But - he never mentioned anyone to me. If he cared about me he should have said something! Oh I feel like an idiot!" Rin was now openly sobbing into Kagome's chest.

Kagome passed some spare handkerchiefs to Rin and some extra cucumber that Mizuki had happened to pack for her. Accepting the offering from Kagome, Rin leaned back against the carriage seat.

"You're getting ahead of yourself, Rin-chan. Neither of us know if that is the reason behind his unusual actions today."

"I didn't expect you to understand anyway." Lifting the netting from her face, Rin wiped her eyes and put some cucumber slices on them. Kagome remained quiet and placed her hands in her lap, wishing that she could do something to help her dear sister.

As they continued the bumpy ride in silence, the carriage came to an abrupt halt, lifting the sisters off their seats. The horses whinnied loudly. Before Kagome had a chance to call out to the carriage driver, a gunshot was heard. Both girls gasped and faced each other.

Kagome put a finger on her lips, indicating for Rin to be silent.

"She's inside the carriage you dummy!" Someone shouted.

"I bet you she's an old, ugly hag." Came another's voice. It sounded different from the first.

The carriage rattled. "Damn, it's locked."

Thankfully there was a lock on the inside, giving Kagome some time to think. The only thing she could see was the blanket that had been neatly folded and kept on the other side of the carriage, now on lying on the floor.

"Move outta the fuckin' way!"

Holding two ends of the blanket, Kagome opened it with a whoosh, and mouthed the words 'Whatever happens, don't move.'


Kagome shook her head and wordlessly repeated. 'Don't move, understand?'

Rin's large eyes that had just dried, were now filled with a fresh set of tears but she nodded in understanding.

Without wasting any time, Kagome got to work. Careful not to tuck the ends around Rin, instead loosely spread the blanket making it seem as though she had thrown the blanket on the other side of the carriage. Now more than ever, Kagome was glad that her sister was the smaller of the two.

No sooner had she covered Rin that she heard another gunshot. This bullet caused a hole in the spot where the lock was bolted. It also pierced through the flesh in Kagome's arm, resulting in a scream from the priestess.

Someone swung the carriage door open roughly. Grasping her bleeding arm with one hand, Kagome's pained face met with the amber eyes of her captor.

~o0o~ ~o0o~ ~o0o~ ~o0o~ ~o0o~ ~o0o~

Any guesses on captor-sama's identity?
