Author Note: Hello Everyone. Sooooo... I hear a lot of you like Goku X Caulifla? Well ok... I'll do a Goku Black X Caulifla for you. This will be slightly AU. This takes Place AFTER Universe 6 VS Universe 7 Ark but BEFORE Tournament of Power Ark... With a few more alterations you'll find. Hope you enjoy...Oh and one last thing... This is Future Timeline so things are a bit different... So all of this can happen along with "Ascending" (By Strawberry the cat)
Chapter 1: TOP
Zamaso Held his hand ready to end Gawasu's life. Just as he was about to end Gowasu's life Gowasu chocked on his tea and coughed. Zamasu stopped and put his hands down. For a second was he worried about Gowasu? That made no sense. He was about to kill him. He paused and contemplated. He thought about al l that Gowasu had taught and how Gowasu had treated him. He stopped and lowered his hand fully without causing any disturbance to Gawasu... He had failed to Kill Gowasu...
A while passes and Zamasu had calmed down. He still has the same feelings as before but he knows he can never do anything about it. He has declined killing Gowasu. So Zamasu bides his time until Gowasu dies, Then he can finally carry out his plans to end the evil mortals existence.
Today Zamasu came out to the garden to deliever Tea to Gowasu as he usually does. Today Gowasu had an odd expression on his face. Zamasu went up to him saying "Good evening Gowasu. Is something the matter?"
Gowasu looked up at Zamasu and said "Sit, please Zamasu. I wish to talk with you." Zamasu blinked and sat down. He expected another lecture about how mortals would eventually change and bring good things to the universe. He inwardly sighed.
After they both had sat Gowasu said "Please Zamasu, would you pour us some tea?"
Zamasu poured the tea with care following up with an inquiry "So what is it you wished to speak with me about Gowasu?"
Gowasu's expression turned sour "It appears that Zemo-sama is going to be holding a tournament for eight of the universe including ours." Zamasu listened in not knowing the full magnitude. Gowasu continued "We are to get the top ten strongest members of our universe to fight in this tournament."
Zamasu didn't see why this was a huge concern so he asked "But Gawasu why does your face seem troubled? What is the issue with this tournament?"
Gawasu closed his eyes for a minute and opened them. He said softly "The losing universes are eliminated".
Zamasu was silent. He didn't know what to think. After all this would get rid of all the mortals. But if he didn't exist then he would not be able to enjoy it.
Zamasu asked " So why is this tournament taking place?"
Gowasu said "Apparently someone in universe seven asked Zeno for a tournament."
Zamasu frowned. He thought to himself 'Of course, a mortal would be the one to make this happen'.
Gowasu continued " If we can win the tournament we can use the super dragon balls to wish back all the lives lost. I believe that would be best. "
Zamasu blinked and said "Super... Dragon Balls? W-What are those?"
Gowasu replied "They are magical orbs that allow for any wish to be granted"
Zamasu thought about this. If his universe won could he wish for all mortals to be eliminated?
Gowasu took a sip of tea. "Zamasu"... Zamasu looked at Gowasu "As the Surpreme Kai I am not allowed to be in the tournament, but I have asked and been given permission for you to enter even though you are a kaioshin." He looked down " I should have asked you if you were ok with this but... I hope you can consider it a part of your training?"
Zamasu looked at Gowasu in the eyes and said "O-Of course Gowasu. I shall."
Gowasu smiled. "Good..." He paused " I was told that as part of your acceptance you'd be in a preliminary bout to entertain Lord Zeno"
Champa looked at the ten members of his team. He said " So who of you wants to be in the preliminary fight?"
The ten members looked at each other except a distinct female voice saying " I'll take out whatever weakling they have"
Champa looked at the girl and asked "Who are you again?"
Caulifla looked at Champa like he was an eyesore and said "Caulifla."
To Be Continued...
Please Read, Review, Favorite and Follow... More to Come!
Note: Please leave your ideas and reviews so that I can know what to do next. I am not sure how often I will update this and if I don't feel right about it I may delete it... Or this may be a good story and I may continue it. Please show your support? and give me your ideas... I am open to a rewrite of chapter one.