This chapter features Alfred/America as Cersei Lannister and Matthew/Canada as Jamie Lannister.

The Silent Sisters circled around on Jon Arryn's body on the pyre, waving copper pots filled with incense and letting the fragrant fumes drift over the body.

Alfred watched from the balcony of the throne room, leaning against the balcony's wide railing, his pink garments wrinkling as he pressed against it.
Matthew approached him, walking with a jaunty stride.

"As your brother, it's my duty to too inform you that you worry way too much, it's showing." Matthew said, leaning against the railing by his brother.

"And you never worry about anything." Alfred retorted, looking away from Jon Arryn's body and at his brother. "Remember when you jumped off the cliff at Casterly rock? You weren't scared then."

"Because there was nothing to be scared of," Matthew replied. "Until you told father. Lannisters do not act like fools," Matthew intoned, deepening his voice to sound like Arthur Lannister.

Alfred looked back at Jon Arryn's body. "What if he told someone?" Alfred queried.

"Who would he tell?" Matthew said.

"My husband." Alfred said in a nonplussed tone.

"If Jon Arryn had told your husband, we'd both be hanging from the city walls right now." Matthew reassured his brother in matter-of-factly. "Whatever Jon Arryn knew, it died with him." A mischievous tone crept into Matthew's voice as he met his brother's eyes. "Rome will find another hand to rule for him, while he fucks boars, and hunts whores, or, is it the other way around?"

Alfred's lips lifted up at the corners, and a laugh vibrated in his chest.

"And life will go on." Matthew said confidently.

Another Stark Chapter soon. Tell me your thoughts.