Note: So ever since I posted that update, I've been getting a lot of compliments about me deleting the chapters and wanting me to bring them back. Well, I'm giving in to your demands. The re-write for this story will be a separation of its own. But keep in mind that I copied all of this from WordPad, so it won't look as nice as it used to be.

Chapter One: A Man Who Came

From The Sky:

In the middle of the night, a young man was jumping from rooftop to rooftop from buildings that are fifty to a hundred feet tall. The young man seemed to be eight-teen years old, 5'4 feet tall and weighed 160 pounds. The young man had turquoise green eyes and long black and bubblegum pink hair, which had it tied up in a ponytail, most of his hair was black, but the ponytail part of his hair was bubblegum pink. The young man was also wearing a black leather jacket done up and blue jeans, along with black boots.

The reason why he was jumping from rooftop to rooftop was that he was running away from his pursuers. One purser had red hair with a scar on his left cheek, and the other had short black hair, which both of them wearing black business suits and sunglasses to cover their eyes. The pursers were shooting beams at the young man, trying to shoot him down, but they would always miss him, that is until one of them got a lucky shot on him, making him yell out in pain and fall to the ground from a hundred feet tall building to the ground.

Red Hair Man: Oh God, I think we killed him.

Black Hair Man: Come on, he's the King's son, it will take a lot more than that to kill him. Come on, let's get down there before he gets back up. (The two men jump off from the hundred feet tall building)

Back down into the ground, the young man is seen getting back up from the ground after falling from a hundred feet tall building. The young man had scars all over his face, which had blood trails coming out from his scars. By the time the young man got back up, the two suited men had got down to the ground, surrounding the man man.

Red Hair Man: Give it up boy, we got you!

Black Hair Man: Give up on this game of cat and mouse and no further harm will come to you.

?: (Thinking) Damn it! It looks like I have no choice!

Red Hair Man: Hey, did you hear us, come with us now!

?: Sorry guys, but I have no interest in coming back! (Touches his wrist) Give my father my regards! (There is suddenly a bright light that comes out of the young man, which temporarily blinds them)

Four Hours Earlier:

In the city of Sainan City, there was Sainan High School, also known as the high school for perverted men. Why is the school called that? Because all the male students are all perverts, including the principle. Just like every other high school in Japan, students must wear uniforms, Male students must wear tanned suits and green dress pants, and girls must wear tan suits and green mini skirts. Now here's the kicker, for the girls, the skirts are so short, that simply bending down would show the girl's panties, this would make the men trying to take a peek up their skirts. Because of all the men are perverts, there are A LOT of single girls, especially for Riko Yuuki. Riko Yuuki is your everyday girl student in Sainan High school.

Riko is eight-teen years old, she has golden brown eyes and short light brown hair that went down just below her shoulders, and a little on the spiky side. She is 5'3 feet tall and weighed 115 pounds. She also had great looking thighs and breasts, which they were a perky 34 D cup. Because of Riko's good looks, she is said to be one the most beautiful girls in the school. There is even a fan club that gathers together to talk about Riko. That fan club is run by the young man who has the hots for her, and that young man is named Kenichi Saruyama, and he happens to know Riko's measurements which are B87-W55.5 H84, which is kind of creepy.

Anyways, Riko was in the school hallways talking to one of her good friends Haruna Sairenji. Haruna is eight-teen years old, she has purple eyes and short purple hair that just went over just over her shoulders, but without red her hair clip, her hair should be touching her shoulders. Haruna is 5'2 feet tall and weighs 110 pounds. She had great looking thighs and perky 36 B cup breasts.

Haruna: So Riko, Risa, Mio, and myself are going to go see a movie later after school, do you want to come?

Riko: I wish I can join, but I promised Mikan that I would pull out weeds in our garden, I swear, each time I pull out one weed, another one grows back in its place with a vengeance.

Haruna: I see, that's too bad. (Just then, Risa Momioka and Mio Sawada sneaked up behind Riko and Haruna by having both of their hand to go under their shirts and feeling their breasts, and because they raised their shirts, and their skirts were at their hips, their stomachs were exposed, Risa was feeling Riko's breasts while Mio was feeling Haruna's breasts) Hey!

Riko: (Tries to get herself free from Risa's grip, but Risa seems to have a good grip on Riko's breasts) Risa, stop it!

Risa is eight-teen years old has brown eyes with dirty blond hair that went down to her shoulders. Risa is also 5'4 feet tall, and weighs 120 pounds, and had great looking breasts and legs, which her breasts were a 34 C. Her best friend was Mio Sawada. She is eight-teen years old and has light brown eyes and long dark brown hair, but she normally had her hair in pigtails to make it look shorter then it is. Mio is 5'0 feet tall and weighs 100 pounds, and her breasts size is a 34 B.

Risa: (Feeling Riko's breasts) Ohhhh, it feels like your boobs have gotten bigger Riko.

Mio: (Feeling Haruna's breasts) Same for you Haruna, your boobs feel like they've gotten bigger too.

Haruna: (Trying to get free from Mio's grip) Mio... please...

Riko: (Finally frees herself from Risa's grip and frees Haruna from Mio's grip) Seriously you two, why do you always do that?

Risa: Come on Riko, you have such as a nice figure.

Riko: Well still, if Yui saw you doing that, she'd scream "SHAMELESS!" (The girls then start laughing)

While the girls were talking, a certain boy was watching the girls from a far distance and had his eyes on Riko Yuuki. And that was Kenichi Saruyama. Saruyama has black eyes and spiky black hair. He is 5'4 feet tall and weighed 145 pounds. When Saruyama wasn't running the Riko Yuuki fan club, we would be stalking Riko, and try to take a peek up her skirt and see what color her panties were for the day, and in case you ask, today Riko was wearing blue panties for the day.

Saruyama: Oh Riko Yuuki, such a beautiful girl you are! Your beautiful face, your positive attitude, your great looking legs, your nice firm butt, and let's not forget your perky 34 D size breasts. Seriously, it's like your entire body was carved by angels. Someday, you will be mine Riko Yuuki!

Riko: Huh? (Turns her head to Saruyama's direction, which he quickly hides from the other side of the wall to keep himself getting caught by Riko and her friends)

Haruna: Is something wrong Riko?

Riko: I thought I heard someone say my name... I guess it was just my imagination.

Risa: Ohhhh, is it your fantasy boyfriend?

Riko: (Her face turns light red) As if! I don't have a fantasy boyfriend. (They keep walking till Saruyama is unable to see Riko and her friends)

Saruyama: Shit, that was too close, a second longer and she would've seen me.

?: Saruyama!

Saruyama: Huh?

Saruyama turns his head sees Yui Kotegawa, the head of the disciplinary committee. Yui is eight-teen years old. She has brown eyes and long black hair that went to her hip. She is 5'3 feet tall and weighed 112 pounds, and her breasts size are 34 DD. Some say that Yui is one of the most beautiful girls in the school, and could even rival Riko's good looks, their butt and legs are the same, but Yui's breasts were bigger by one cup.

Yui: What are you doing just standing in the halls Saruyama?

Saruyama: K-Kotegawa... wh-what a surprise to see you. I... I was just chilling until the break was over, that's all.

Yui: Oh really? More like stalking Yuuki Riko, right?

Saruyama: (Becomes shocked, and his face turns light red) Wh-What? What makes you think that I'm stalking Yuuki Riko?

Yui: Because I've been getting a lot of reports that you've been stalking her lately, and I'm here to put a stop to that.

Saruyama: (Thinking) Shit, she's on to me, I need to think of something to get her off my trail, wait, I know. (To Yui) Stalking?! Is that what they told you? The nerve of those people. I'm not stalking Yuuki Riko. Am I just simply waiting?

Yui: (Raises an eyebrow) Waiting?

Saruyama: Yes, I've been waiting for the perfect opportunity to ask her out, and I have decided to ask her out today after school.

Yui: More like ask her to be your sex slave.

Saruyama: That's not it all! I'm not that kind of person!

Yui: (Rolls her eyes) Riiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggght.

Saruyama: I'm serious!

Yui: (Gives an evil smile) Okay, if you are serious about asking Yuuki Riko out today, then do it.

Saruyama: (Confused) Huh?

Yui: If you are successful in asking Yuuki Riko out today, I will leave you alone for a whole week, but if you are unsuccessful, then you will be suspended for a full week.

Saruyama: WHAT?! You can't do that?! Only the Principle can do that!

Yui: Have you forgotten that I have the principle in my pocket? He has to do everything that I tell him to do or else I'll tell the police of all the crimes he's done to all those girls he's harassed, and he will be fired from his job as principle form this school. So in other words, he has no choice but to do as I say.

Saruyama: (Stood there speechless) (Thinking) Damn you Kotegawa, putting me on the spot like that?! Now I have no choice but to ask Riko out! I can only hope that she doesn't think that I've been following for the last few weeks, or else, I'm screwed!

Later on, after school, Saruyama was standing at the gate to the exit of the school grounds, and he saw Riko coming his way.

Saruyama: (Thinking) Okay, this is it, she's coming this way. All I have to do is ask her out! That's all I have to do, all I have to do is ask Riko out, that's it. (Sees Yui from a far distance, watching Saruyama ask Riko out) (Thinking) Just you wait for Kotegawa. Once I successfully ask Riko out, you'll have no choice but to leave me alone for a whole week. (Sees Riko getting closer to him, to the point where they were only ten centimeters away from each other) (Thinking) Now's my chance! (To Riko) Yuuki Riko!

Riko: (Looks Saruyama) Huh?

Saruyama: Will you please...

Girl 1: (Before Saruyama could finish, a mob of angry girls approaches Saruyama) Hey you!

Saruyama: Huh? (Turns and sees the angry mob of girls) Oh no!

Girl 2: Give us our panties back you pervert!

Saruyama: Wait, can this wait, I'm...

Girl 3: GET HIM!

Saruyama: (The angry mob of girls ran towards Saruyama, forcing him to run away from the girls, he even jumped over the fence to hopefully slow the girls down, Yui, who was watching from a far distance was trying her best not to laugh at Saruyama's bad luck) DAMMIT! OF ALL ANGRY MOBS, WHY DO THEY PICK NOW TO CHASE ME?!

Riko: (Riko stood there, watching Saruyama running away from the angry mob) That guy stole all those girls' panties? What a pervert. (She then started walking back home)

Later, Riko went back home and saw her younger sister Mikan at the kitchen getting dinner ready. Mikan is fourteen years old. She has golden brown eyes and long dark brown hair. She is 4'9 feet tall and weighed a hundred pounds.

Riko: I'm home.

Mikan: Hey Riko, I'm in the kitchen.

Riko: Okay, I'm going to get started on those weeds, just need to get changed.

Mikan: Okay.

Riko went into her room and took off her school uniform off, while still keeping her blue bra and panties on. She then put on a white t-shirt and red shorts and headed outside to do the garden. While Riko was at the garden pulling out weeds, she saw Saruyama still being chased by the angry mob of girls.

Riko: Seriously, that guy is still being chased by those girls? Wow, those girls are really determent.

After a few hours of pulling out weeds in the guarding, Riko soon had dinner with Mikan.

Riko: So Mikan, how was school?

Mikan: Oh you know, the usual stuff, the boys always asking me out, but me telling them that I'm not interested.

Riko: You got it lucky, at least you don't have a whole fan club about you and being run by a bunch of perverts.

Mikan: Wow, really?

Riko: Yeah, it's sick and perverted, in fact, all the boys at my school are all perverts there, Mom always asks me why I don't have a boyfriend yet, well that's why every boy at my school are all perverts.

Mikan: Why do you think I didn't want to go to the same high school as you? All the boys there may be annoying, but at least they're not perverts.

Riko: Yeah, you have it easy. Its that principle, he's a bad example to the boys everywhere. (Stands up) Anyways, thanks for the meal Mikan, I'm going to go have a bath, I need to wash this dirt off of me.

Mikan: Okay.

Riko went to her room to pick out some clothes out. She took out a green nightgown and a pair of white panties and headed to the bathroom. Once Riko opened the bathroom door, there was a change room in the hallway and the bathroom itself.

Warning: The next few paragraphs are going to have sexual content in it, if you don't feel comfortable about that sort of thing in stories, please skip to the sentence where the sexual content ends. You will know when the sexual content has ended when you read "End Of Sexual Content." You have been warned.

Riko began to strip out of her clothes until she was wearing nothing but her bra and panties, she put her dirty clothes on one shelf, and the clean pair of clothes in another shelf, she then took off her blue bra, revealing her 34 D breasts with her semi-hard pink nipples. (For some odd reason, it was a little chilly in the changing room) Once she took off her bra, she put it where her dirty clothes were.

Riko: (Massaging her breasts) Man, feels good just to take off a bra after a long day.

After feeling herself up, Riko proceeds to take off her panties, revealing her nice round soft butt, and her semi hairy crotch. Riko doesn't shave her pubic hair, but she does trim it that way it doesn't look like a forest down there. The reason why she trims her pubic hair and not shave it off is that her mom once told her that if she does shave it off, it will come back thicker than before, so she decided that she would trim it than shave it off. After Riko took off her panties and put it where her dirty clothes were, she entered the bathroom itself and started running the water in the bathtub. After running the water and washing herself up, she began to relax in the hot tub.

Riko: (Relaxing in the hot tub) Man, what a day. You know, you would think that after all these years, I would have a boyfriend by now, but that doesn't seem to be the case because all the men at my school are all perverts, they only see girls as sex objects, not as human beings. All I want is a decent man that isn't too crazy about a girl's body, and well manured too. Is that too hard to ask? Oh, who am I kidding? It probably is. (Just then a small ball of light appears on top of the water in front of Riko) Huh? What's that? (Just then, the ball of light started getting bigger and bigger, and brighter and brighter, right to the point where it started to blind Riko, that she had no choice but to close her eyes) (Shielding her eyes) What the Hell is going on?!

The light was so bright, that is was filling up the bath itself. Just then, light burst out, filling up the whole bathroom and totally blinding Riko. After the light wore off, Riko began to open her eyes, at first her vision slowly was blurry, but slowly got focused again. As her vision was coming back to her, she could see that someone was standing in front of her, but she couldn't make it out who was in front of her. Once her vision fully came back to her, she could see who it was, and she was going to get the biggest shock of her life. Standing in front of Riko was a handsome yet naked ripped young man who had his eyes closed. He had long black hair with a little bit of pink on it that went down to his shoulders. His arms, shoulders, arms, chest, stomach, legs and feet were hairless as if no inch of hair was nowhere in sight, his crotch area though did have hair on it, in fact, it looked like that this man has never shaved down there once in his lifetime. Although his pubic hair is an inch long, his dick was clearly seen, and it was 2.5 inches long, only because he wasn't hard. When Riko saw this naked man, her face started turning dark red, and steam started coming out of her body, and that's not because the water was too hot. The man began to open his eyes, revealing that he had emerald green eyes, and the first thing he sees is the wall above Riko and looks around his surroundings. After taking a look at his surroundings, he starts to grin.

?: (Victory laughs) Take that you chumps! (Sees Riko) Huh?

Once the young man sees Riko in the tub, he realizes that he came to her while she was having a bath, and to make matters worse, he saw Riko's naked body, at least the upper half of it anyways. Once the naked young man saw Riko's naked body, he began to get hard. Riko then looked down and saw the young man's dick get hard. She watched his dick go from 2.5 inches long (Non-hard) to five inches long and five inches thick, (Fully hard) once the young man's dick got fully hard. It was now touching Riko's lips, and because Riko's mouth was partly open, (Due to the shock) the tip of his dick was just inside her mouth, and her tongue just five millimeters away from the tip. All Riko had to do was move her tongue slightly, and she would get a taste. When the young man saw the tip of his dick touching Riko's lips, his face turned light red and got even harder, Riko felt the young man's dick get harder and she started freaking out even more, which made her open her mouth more, allowing the headpiece of the young man's dick to enter Riko's mouth fully, and her warm tongue under the headpiece, allowing Riko to get a taste of his dick, which for some reason, tasted like gingerbread. Once the young man felt Riko accidentally licking the headpiece of his dick, he let out a soft moan, which also made him even harder. Once Riko felt the young man's dick get harder again, her eyes blanked out, and her body turned a very dark red. That's when Riko let out a loud scream, which could be heard all the way to the living room, where Mikan was, who was reading a novel for one of her classes.

End Of Sexual Content:

Once Mikan heard Riko scream, she dashed towards the bathroom, worried for her big sister.

Mikan: (Enters the changing room) Riko, what happened?!

Riko: (Crawls out of the bathroom wearing a towel around her body, with her face completely dark red and steam coming out of her head) Th... There's a... (Points behind her) na... na... naked man... in the bathroom!

Mikan: (Her face turns light red) WHAT?! (Goes to the bathroom, and to her surprise, and to Riko's, there was no naked man in sight) What naked man? I don't see him.

Riko: WHAT?! (Gets back up on her feet and goes back to the bathroom, and to her surprise, the naked young man was gone) Okay, what the hell?! He was there a minute ago!

Mikan: Riko, I understand that you're at that age, but if you can't tell the difference between wild fantasies and reality, then I'll be embarrassed to be your younger sister.

Riko: I didn't imagine him, he was real! I even touched his... (She pauses, not wanting to traumatize her sister)

Mikan: (Confused) His what?

Riko: Never mind, long story short, he looked real and felt real!

Mikan: Whatever. (Takes her leave)

Feeling defeated, Riko began to dry herself off and put her panties and nightgown on, and began to walk up the stairs to her room.

Riko: I swear, that guy was real. He looked real, sounded real, felt real, and... (her face turns bright red) even... tasted really... seriously, why did his dick taste like gingerbread? (Sighs) If it really was a fantasy, (Opens the door to her room), then I'm really screwed up in the head. (When Riko entered her room, she saw the same naked man sitting on her bed, only this time, he had a yellow towel wrapped around his hip to cover his junk) What the...

?: Um... hello... I hope you don't mind me borrowing your towel.

Riko: (It took a few seconds for Riko to realize that that man was the same naked man in the bath with her, and once she saw him in her room, her face turned dark red) WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT ARE YOU?!

?: Me? I'm Rid.

Riko: R-Rid?

Rid: Yep, I came from Planet Deviluke.

Riko: Planet Deviluke? Wait, are you saying that you're an alien?

Rid: Well, I guess for you Earthlings, I guess I am. (Riko stood there completely speechless) What? Don't you believe me? (He then stands up) I guess I'll show you. (While still facing Riko, and still having his towel around his hip, a tail black suddenly came out from under Rid's towel. The tail itself seemed to be a three-sided spear blade attached to his tail) See, Earthlings don't have these, right?

Riko: Okay, I get it, you're an alien, but why is there a three-headed spear attached to your tail?

Rid: (Looks at the headed spear on his tail) Oh this? I got the spear after I turned thirteen.

Riko: Oh, I see, well that's good to know that you weren't born with it.

Rid: Yeah, that would hurt my mom a lot. Of course, not all Devilukeans get weapons attached to their tails, only Devilukeans warriors that have proved themselves can have a weapon grown from their tails, and I ended up getting the same tail that my father ended up getting after he finishes his training. Basically, having a weapon attached to your tail shows that you completed all the training requirements to be recognized as a Devilukean warrior.

Riko: (Notices all the scars all over Rid's body) And you got the spear after turning thirteen? Plus, by the looks of those scars, the training must have been brutal.

Rid: (Chuckles and looks at his scars) Yeah, it was very tough. My father basically made me train to become a Deviluke warrior after I started walking, which I was two years old when I learned how to walk.

Riko: You were two years old when you started training?! That's rough.

Rid: Yeah it was, my father and my trainers, didn't hold any punches.

Riko: Okay, but here's what I don't understand? Why did you appear in the bathtub, completely naked I may add! Seriously, I can still taste your... (Her face turns dark red) thing!

Rid: (Nervously chuckles and blushes) Yeah, sorry about that, it was an automatic reaction when I saw you naked, I automatically... (Blushes) Well... you know. Anyways... um... to answer your question, that's because I used this! (Shows a white bracelet with a face of a demon on it around his left wrist) I call it Pyon-Pyon Warp. Sadly, I can't specify the location that I'm about to beat, but it does make it possible for any living thing to warp to a short distance. Sadly though there seems to be a glitch in it, because whenever the user uses it, their clothes are left behind, meaning they are completely naked when they get to their destination.

Riko: Warp?

Rid: Yep, I used it when I was about to get captured.

Riko: Wait, you were about to get captured, as in people were chasing you?

Rid: That's right. I thought it was a good idea to hide in planet Earth for a while and lay low, but my pursuers managed to follow me, and they were about to capture me. If I didn't use this bracelet, they would've captured me for sure.

Riko: But I don't get it, who would want to capture you?

Rid: (Looks sad) Well... you see...


Rid: (Looks at the person destination) Huh?

Just then, some sort of alien came in flying through the opened window in Riko's room. The alien had a white round head, two thick black swirls for eyes, and seemed to have no nose or a mouth. The alien was also wearing a white jacket with yellow edges with a blue shirt underneath, along with a red tie in between the jacket, along with a white pair of shoes, it also appeared to be two feet tall.

?: Are you okay Rid-sama?

Riko: What the? Who's he?

Rid: Peke! (Both Rid and Peke hug) Thank goodness you're okay. I was scared that you didn't make it.

Peke: No need to worry about me Rid-sama, I was able to get a far distance away from our pursuers.

Rid: That's good to know.

Riko: (Thinking) That... thing doesn't seem to have a mouth, and yet it's able to talk. How is that possible?

Peke: (Notices Riko) Rid-sama, who is that earth woman over there!

Rid: She lives here. (Looks at Riko) By the way, I haven't asked your name yet.

Riko: Oh you haven't? (Thinks about it for a minute) Oh, that's right, I haven't told you my name haven't I? It's Riko.

Rid: It's nice to meet you Riko. (Looks at Peke) This here is Peke.

Peke: Nice to meet you.

Rid: She's an all-purpose costume robot that I created.

Riko: (Shocked and thinking) Wait, that thing is a girl?! (To Rid and Peke) Wait, a costume robot?

Rid: Yeah, I'll even show you, but first I'm going to have to ask you to look the other way.

Riko: Huh? Why?

Rid: Well, you don't want to see my... (Blushes) You know what, do you?

Riko: (Thinks about it for a minute, then realizes what Rid is talking about) OH! Right. (Turns around, having her back towards Rid)

Rid: (Takes off his towel) Okay Peke, do you think!

Peke: Okay! (Just then, a burst of light came out of Peke, five seconds later, the bright light died down, and Riko stood there confused on what was going on)

Rid: Okay, you can look now! (Riko turns around, and to her surprise, Peke was gone, and Rid was wearing a black leather jacket done up with a white badge on the jacket with two thick black swirls on it and a pair of blue jeans, along with black boots, also, the pink part of his hair was done up in a ponytail) Ta-Da! So how do I look?

Riko: (Thinking) Holy crap, he looks so handsome in that getup! (To Rid) Um... It looks good on you.

Peke: So Rid-sama, now that we got away from our pursuers, what are we going to do now?

Rid: (Puts his finger on his chin) Hmm, that's a good question.

Before Rid could make up a decision on what to do next, two suited men came into Riko's room and surrounded Rid, in fact, they were the same men that were chasing Rid at the beginning of the chapter.

Red Hair Man: We finally found you Rid. Who would have thought that you would be so troublesome!

Rid: (Makes an angry face) Peke...

Peke: Y-Yes?

Rid: Didn't I tell you to be careful about those who may follow you?!

Peke: Y-Yes, yes you did.


Peke: I'm sorry Rid-sama, please forgive me!

Riko: (Thinking) These must be the guys that were trying to capture Rid earlier, they look really tough!

Red Hair Man: Enough of this! (Grabs Rid by the wrist) You're coming back with us, rather you like it or not!

Rid: (Just then, his eyes suddenly turned blood red) UNHAND ME YOU BASTARD! (Punches the red hair man in the stomach, making him to release his grip Rid's wrist, then Rid punched the red hair man in the face, making him fly into a nearby wall, thankfully, Rid managed to hold back that way the red hair man wouldn't go through the wall, just slam into it) I TOLD YOU ONCE AND I'LL TELL YOU AGAIN! IM NOT COMING BACK!

Black Hair Man: Oh really? Would you still say that even if your lady friend is in danger?

Rid: Huh?

Riko: (Rid turns around and sees the black hair man holding Riko down and having a knife at her neck, Riko struggles to get free, but the man has too good of a grip on her) Let go off me you bastard!

Rid: RIKO! (Attempts to save Riko from the black hair man's grasp)

Black Hair Man: Not so fast, one step further and I'll cut her throat open!

Rid: You bastard, leave Riko alone! SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!

Black Hair Man: Ah, but that's where you're wrong Rid, you see, she was in the same room as us, was she not? It's best that we don't leave any witnesses.

Red Hair Man: (Gets back up) Damn it Smutts, you don't have to go that far! We can just wipe out her memory of her ever seeing us. We don't have to kill her!

Smutts: Shut up Maul, you want Rid to come with us right? Well, this is the perfect way to get him to come with us. (To Rid) So Rid, you have two options. One, you come with us, and we'll spare this girl's life, or two, you stay on this planet, and we kill this girl right in front of you! Better think wisely.

Peke: Rid-sama, what are we going to do?

Rid: (Trying to keep his temper in check) I don't know, I don't see a lot of good options here!

Smutts: Better hurry up boy! (Lifts up Riko's nightgown over her stomach and under her breasts, showing Rid her panties) Time is running out!

Riko: Hey, what do you think you're doing?!

Rid: Hey, what do you think you're doing Smutts?!

Smutts: The longer you stall, the more I will show her body to you Rid. Even you must agree that she has a nice body.

Maul: Damn it Smutts, stop it! There's no need to do this!

Smutts: SHUT THE FUCK UP MAUL! Its been too long since I had a good fuck! (Starts rubbing Riko's stomach and started to rub his way down to her panties) Plus, I've always wanted to know it would feel like (Has his hand touching the tip of Riko's panties) fucking an Earth woman.

Riko: YOU FUCKING PERVERT! (Kicks Smutts in the balls, making him scream in pain, lets go of Riko, and grabs his balls and falls to his knees)

Rid: (Rid then kicks Maul in the face, sending him slamming into the wall once again) Riko! (Holds his hand out to Riko, Riko then grabs Rid's hand, and they go out the window running on the rooftops of the houses of Riko's neighborhood)

Smutts: (Gets back on his feet) Damn that bitch! She'll pay for that! (Runs after Rid and Riko)

Maul: (Gets back on his feet) Damn it, Maul! (Runs after Maul to catch Rid and Riko, after ten seconds, Maul catches up to Smutts) You know, this wouldn't be happening if you didn't feel that girl up!

Smutts: Oh shut up Maul!

While Maul and Smutts were chasing down Rid and Riko, Haruna, who was walking her dog out for his nightly walk, saw four shadow figures running at the rooftops of all the houses of the neighborhood)

Haruna: Huh? Are those robbers? (Takes a closer look and sees that one of the shadow figures is Riko running with Rid) Huh? Riko? And who's that boy she's with?

While Haruna was trying to figure out why Riko was running on the rooftops with a boy she's never seen before, Saruyama, who just gave the angry mob of girls the slip, was at an ally way catching his breath.

Saruyama: (Panting) Finally... (Panting) lost... (Pant) those... (Panting) girls! (Panting some more) Man... those girls were relentless. (He then looks up and sees four shadow figures running at the rooftops of all the houses of the neighborhood) Huh? Are those robbers? (Takes a closer look and sees that one of the shadow figures is Riko running with Rid) What the Hell?! Is that Riko? And who's that guy she's with?! Wait? Don't tell me... that she's seeing that man?! NO! This can't be happening! This just can't be happening!

?: Oh, I'm afraid it is.

Saruyama: Huh? (Turns around and sees the angry mob of girls, only this time, they were holding torches and pitchforks) OH COME ON!

Girl 1: GET HIM! (The girls then ran towards Saruyama, making him flee from them)






While the angry mob of girls was chasing down Saruyama, Maul and Smutts continued to chase Rid and Riko down.

Smutts: That bitch is going to pay for even THINKING about kicking me in the balls! (Just then, blue energy started gathering into his right hand, then he made a fist with the hand still covered in the blue energy) TAKE THIS YOU BITCH! (Throws a huge ball of energy towards Riko, hoping that it will kill her)

Rid: (Sees the ball of energy heading towards Riko) RIKO WATCH OUT! (Wraps himself around Riko, thus taking the hit instead of Riko, once the blast hit Rid, which was meant for Riko, screamed in pain and fell to the ground)

Maul: You idiot, you hit Rid!

Smutts: Yeah, and your point?

Maul: We're supposed to bring him back ALIVE! Remember?!

Smutts: (Thinks about it) Oh yeah! Now I remember!

Maul: (Facepalm and sighs) You better hope Rid is still alive after that blast! (Headed down to where Rid and Riko were).

Back down in ground level, Rid was laying in the middle of the road on his back with Riko on top of him. When Riko opened her eyes, she noticed that there was blood on her face, at first she thought it was her's, but after checking her face for any wounds, she realized that the blood wasn't her's, she then looked at Rid and saw that Rid's face was covered in scars and blood, and realized that his blood got on her.

Riko: Oh God, Rid!

Peke: Rid-Sama! Please say something!

Rid: (Struggles to open his eyes, and groans in pain, the first person he sees is Riko) H-Hey, are you okay?

Riko: I'm okay, but what about you?

Rid: (Sounds like he's in pain) I'd be fine if your knee wasn't digging into my crotch!

Riko: Huh? (Riko looks behind her and notices that her knee was indeed digging into Rid's crotch) AH! (Quickly gets off of Rid) Sorry! (Her face then turns light red)

Rid: (Sits up) Ah, that's better. Peke, are you okay?

Peke: Yes Rid-sama, I'm fine.

Rid: Good to know. Okay, we better get moving before...

Maul: Don't bother! (Lands in front of Rid and Riko) We're ending this game of cat and mouse!

Rid: (Grabs Riko by the hand) Come on Riko! (Both Rid and Riko try to make a run for it, but before they could get any further, Smutts throws a truck is at their direction, blocking their path) Shit, they blocked our path!

Riko: (Thinking) That's some crazy strength that these aliens have! (Sees the driver in the driver's seat of the truck, barely alive) (To Rid) There's someone still in that truck!

Smutts: Oops, let me fix that! (Shoots a beam at the driver, thus killing him, Rid and Riko stood there horrified that they just watched an innocent man get killed, and they couldn't do anything to save him, and Smutts smiles) That's better!

Rid: (Turns around to face Maul and Smutts and sounds pissed off) Smutts! You didn't have to do that!

Smutts: Why do you even care? It's not like he was a Deviluke, he's an Earthling, just like your "Girlfriend."


Smutts: You are a Deviluke Rid, the most powerful race in the universe, anyone that ISN'T a Deviluke is beneath you, you shouldn't even bother with them. And yet here you are, caring for the lives of these Earthlings. Including that Earth woman, you barely know her, and yet you risk your life for her. If she was a Deviluke, I would understand, but an Earthling? That bitch isn't worth your time.

Maul: Smutts, what are you doing?

Smutts: Opening his eyes, that's what I'm doing.

Rid: (Has his head down, and there is sudden darkness covering his eyes) So you're telling me... that anyone that isn't a Deviluke... is all expendable?

Smutts: That's right, they are all beneath you! You shouldn't waste your time with anyone that ISN'T a Deviluke!

Rid: (His hair slowly started to raise up and get spiky) Well, if that's the case... (He then looks at Smutts with his hair raised and spiky and his green eyes turned blood red) WHAT IF I TOLD YOU THAT YOU'RE EXPENDABLE TOO?!

Smutts: Wait for what?!

Just then, Rid put his hands together and started gathering energy as a red aura surrounded Rid.

Maul: Oh Shit! Please, Prince Rid, don't do it!

Riko: Wait... PRINCE?!

Maul: Smutts is sorry, he's really sorry for saying those things! (To Smutts) Isn't that right Smutts? (Smutts doesn't say anything) Don't just stand there Smutts, apologize already! (Smutts continues to stand there saying nothing) DAMN IT SMUTTS! THIS ISN'T THE TIME TO BE STUBBORN! HE'S GOING TO KILL YOU!

Actually, Smutts wasn't stubborn, he was frozen in fear, right to the point where he was unable to say a word. Whenever Rid had his eyes red, and his hair upright and spiky, he has entered his battle mode, whenever he enters his battle mode, he's a completely different person.

Rid: YOU'RE THE SCUM OF THE UNIVERSE SMUTTS! NOW DIE! (Fires an energy beam at Smutts)

When Smutts saw the beam heading towards him, his whole life flashed before his eyes. Just when the beam was about to Smutts, Maul suddenly speared Maul out of the way from the beam, thus saving him. Seeing that his beam missed and that it was heading toward a house, Rid quickly moved his hands up to have his beam to shoot towards the sky, keeping himself from killing an innocent family.

Smutts: Oh God, my life flashed before my very eyes.

Maul: We need to retreat for now and rethink our strategy. We can't beat him like this! (Both Smutts and Maul started making a run for it by hopping a building to building at a fast pace)


Peke: Rid-Sama, please calm down, you're starting to scare me, you're even scaring miss Riko.

Rid: (Once he hears Riko's name, Rid began to calm down as his eyes returned to green and his hair was going back to normal, once he calmed down, he then took his attention to Riko) Sorry that you had to see that Riko. What Smutts said back there really made me mad, are you okay by the way?

Riko: (Still trying to make sense of what just happened) Um... I'm okay.

Rid: That's good. Those guys should leave us alone us alone for the time being. (Rid then picks Riko up bride style)

Riko: What the? (She soon blushed when Rid was carrying her like a bride)

Rid: Come on, let's take you back home. (Just then, a pair of demon shaped wings came out from Rid's back and started flying back to Riko's house)

Riko: Do... you even know where I live?

Rid: I just need to retrace our steps, it shouldn't be too far. (After a minute of flying, Rid takes Riko home by flying to the window to Riko's room, the same window that they used to escape from Maul and Smutts. Once they got to the window, Riko then climbed in, thus re-entering her room while Rid stayed outside) Well... I guess I'll see you later.

Riko: Um... wait, before you go...

Rid: Yes? (Just then, Riko suddenly kissed Rid in the lips, and it was just a quick kiss, not a passionate kiss in case you're asking. After Riko quickly kissed Rid, Rid's face then turns dark red) Um... a-anyways... I'll... s-see... y-you... l-later...

Peke: Rid-Sama, are you okay? Your body heat is increasing at a rapid rate.

Rid: I'm... f-fine. L-Lets go. (Flies up)

Riko: (After watching Rid fly off to the point where she couldn't see him anymore, she then had her back to the wall near the window, feeling her heart rate rapidly increasing) Oh man, what a night. (Notices the blood and sweat on her, Rid's blood, not hers) Oh man, after all that excitement, I'm all sweaty now, and bloody, mind you, it's not my blood but still. (Sigh) I guess I'll take a quick bath before going to bed. Mikan should be in bed by now, so I won't have to worry about answering questions that I can't answer knowing that she'll find me nuts. (Heads to the bathroom)

The next morning, Riko is seen walking to school wearing her school uniform.

Riko: Man, I couldn't sleep at all last night, I couldn't stop thinking about Rid. (Remembers about kissing Rid in the lips, and watching his face heat up) (Blushes) I can't believe I kissed him last night though. I barely know the guy, and yet I just kissed him after everything was said and done. (Her face then turns even darker red) I... I think I'm in...

?: Riko?

Riko: (Turns her head to the person who called her name, and soon enough, it was Haruna, who was seeing Riko in her blushed face) AH! Haruna! (She shakes her head at a rapid pace to shake the blushing out of her face and to get Rid out of her mind) Haruna, what a surprise!

Haruna: Are you okay, your face was red for a minute there.

Riko: Oh that? I um... (Puts her hand behind her head and smiles) had a really hot shower before heading out and I'm still feeling effects.

Haruna: Oh, I see... Actually Riko, there's a question that I want to ask you.

Riko: Huh? What is it?

Haruna: Last night while I was walking Maron out for his nightly walk, I saw four people running on the rooftops, and one of them looked a lot like you. Was that really you running on the rooftops of those houses that night with those three men?

Riko: (Freaks out and her face turns pale) (Thinking) Shit, she saw us last night?! Shit, I... I have to come up with something convincing. If I tell her what really happened last night, she'll think I'm crazy! (To Haruna) Um... You saw me running on the rooftops?

Haruna: Yes I did, what was that all about?

Riko: Um... well you see...

While Riko was telling Haruna a convincing story on why she was running on the rooftops with Rid, Maul, and Smutts, Saruyama emerges from a nearby garbage can, who was in hiding from the angry mob of girls who chased him all night long. In fact, Saruyama only got three hours worth of sleep after hiding in the garbage can to give the girls the slip.

Saruyama: Oh man, its morning all ready? I think I only got a few hours worth of sleep. (Sees Riko and Haruna) Wait, is that Riko? This is it. I must ask her out now while I have the chance! (Quickly gets out of the garbage can and runs towards Riko and Haruna) RIKO!

Riko: (Stops telling Haruna her story after she hears her name being called) Huh? (Both Riko and Haruna then look at Saruyama who was running towards him, once Saruyama got about ten feet away from them, they quickly cover their noses because they could smell how bad Saruyama was after sleeping in a garbage can for a few hours) Oh God! What a stench!

Haruna: (Covering her nose) When was the last time that boy had a bath?!

Saruyama: Riko! (Now standing two feet away from Riko, and bows down to her) WILL YOU PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME! (Thinking) I did it. I finally asked her out. Now for her response!

?: (A man's voice) Uhhhhhhhhhh...

Saruyama: Huh? (He looks up and sees Rid standing right in front of him)

Rid: (Raises an eyebrow) Um... you do know that I'm a man, right?

Saruyama: (Once Saruyama saw Rid and realized that he accidentally asked Rid out, his face turned pale) WHAT THE HELL?! (Backs away from Rid) WHO ARE YOU, AND WHERE DID RIKO GO?!

Rid: Riko? Are you looking for her too?

Riko: Rid?

Rid: (Turns his head and sees Riko behind him) Oh Riko, there you are. (Turns his body to face Riko) I got worried after I noticed that you weren't home. (This made Riko and Haruna blush, and Saruyama's face to turn pale after hearing that Rid has been at Riko's house)

Riko: Well, I'm here now, so... what is it that you need to see me about?

Rid: Well you see... its kind of a sensitive topic, so can we talk about it in a more private location?

Riko: (This made Riko and Haruna blush even more, and Saruyama's jaw to drop to the floor in comedic anime style) Um... sure.

Rid: Great. (Picks Riko up bride style, making Riko and Haruna's faces to turn dark red) Off we go. (Took out his wings and flew off while holding Riko as Haruna and Saruyama watching him fly away with Riko)

Haruna: That boy just flew off with Riko? And furthermore, how on Earth did he grow wings from his back?

Saruyama: Wha... what... what the... what the fu... WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!

?: We may not be able to tell you what just happened, but we can tell you what's about to happen!

Saruyama: Huh? (Turns around and sees the angry mob of girls) OH COME ON! DON'T YOU GIRLS EVER SLEEP?!

Girl: We will not sleep until you... (Smells the stench coming from Saruyama) EWWWWWWW! (The girls cover their mouths and noses) WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT SMELL?!

Saruyama: That ladies, is the smell... (Raises his arm in a praise position) of desperation.

The Mob Of Girls and Haruna: DESPERATION?!

Saruyama: That's right because you girls wouldn't leave me alone last night, I had no choice but to hide in a garbage can to give you girls the slip. So now, you have to ask yourself a question. Do you still want me, even though I smell this bad? Or will you girls do the smart thing and run! (After the girls heard what Saruyama said, they all ran off, including Haruna, who couldn't take the smell anymore)

Girl 1: This isn't over Saruyama! We will get our panties back from you one day. (Runs off)

Saruyama: (Sigh) Finally, I can now breath easily, now that I don't have to worry about those girls for the time being. (Walks off)

Meanwhile, in space, there was a spaceship just outside of Earth, and inside, Maul and Smutts were talking to a man that appeared to be wearing dragon bone armor, both men were unable to see his face because of the shadows covering his face.

?: I see, so you were unable to capture him huh?

Maul: We're very sorry sir, we would have captured Prince Rid if Smutts here kept his big mouth shut!

Smutts: Hey!

Maul: Oh don't try to deny it, I was there when it happened. Prince Rid would be here with us if you hadn't opened your big fat mouth. But Noooooo, you just HAD to piss him off, you just had to trigger his battle mode and make him want to kill us which led us to flee.

Smutts: You're just as guilty as I am!

Maul: What the Hell are you talking about?! I was the voice of reason while you were just pissing our prince off!

Smutts: Well I...

?: ENOUGH! (Both Maul and Smutts stop arguing and immediately look at their leader) Smutts, you should know that Prince Rid has a temper, in fact, he even inherited the King's temper, you should've known better to make our price mad! If it weren't for you, Prince Rid would be with us by now.

Smutts: (Bows his head in shame) I'm sorry sir, I just couldn't help myself.

?: Very well then, I will go to Planet Earth and get him back myself. Geese, what a troublesome prince.