A/N: A forthcoming story written from the perspective of Dr. Maura Isles set in the Alternative Universe of "Rizzoli & Isles" known as "Lupus Amicitia." In this AU- Detective Jane Rizzoli is a werewolf. The OC= the wolf nature named "Vuk"... which was named by Maura.
"Vuk" being the Serbian word for "wolf" in which Maura Isles (as well as Sasha Alexander in real life) being fluent in the Serbian language.
However, is Maura Isles simply a unique human being or possibly something more… such as a potential werewolf?
This set of "Memoirs" can be read as a stand alone story… however, it's best to have at least read the 3 separate "Acts" of the "Lupus Amicitia" series prior to reading this particular story for background and character development. While it doesn't have to be, can be read alongside "Vuk's Vignettes" series (forthcoming Volume II and already established "Vignette" chapters).
So, standby for the first chapter/potential prologue! And hope you dear readers will be interested in this particular new story I've now got spinning along with all of the multiple ones I have in the works! Feel free to review and be kind and leave decent critique, no trolling!