Due to people following this story and reviews saying they want another chapter, I've decided to do, well, another chapter. Enjoy!

Mikey was escorted into Raph's place once again, making the 6-foot turtle smile. "Hey bro. What'cah need?"

"What the hell happened between you and Leo that sent him off the deep end?!" Mike demanded as the gang member left.

"I dun wanna talk 'bout it, Mike!" Raph yelled, a snarl on his face as he turned away, crossing his arms. He heard a step, and whirled back around, ready to fight, when he realized that Mike was about 2 inches away from him.

He didn't have time to block the blow, and then he was on the ground and his own sai was at his throat. "Tell me," Mike demanded as it drew blood.

"Afta ya left, we got inta anotha argument and I said a few things I'm not proud'a."

"What. Did. You. Say."

"I said it was his fault ya left," Raph squeaked, never having felt this vulnerable in his life.

Mike stuck the sai in Raph's plastron, not drawing blood, but making it hurt. He stood up. "Why?"

Raph took the sai out and stood out. "Cuz it was! He's da one who was mean ta ya! He's da one dat shoved ya away! It was all his fault!"

Mike crossed his arms. "Last I checked, you started the argument! You were the one that stormed out of the Lair because you were too big of a coward to face what you did!" he retorted.

Raph took a step back. "Y'know what, ya smart-ass? Get out. Get out of my place. Right now. Go rant ta Don or Leatherhead. Not me," he growled, voice dripping with venom.

Mike spat on his brother's foot. "I wasn't planning on staying!"

Raph growled as his little brother left. He then sat on his chair and put his head in his left hand, tears streaming down his face.

Mikey stormed out of his brother's place, leaning against the wall. So much for getting his brother to help him find Bishop. That was the reason he'd gone there in the first place!

He sighed. Maybe he could ask for permission himself.

Mikey finally found the building that Bishop resided in during work hours and climbed up the side of the building. Fuck asking. He'd done enough paperwork today already. He used a small knife and cut the window, stealthily hopping through the hole he'd made without disturbing anything.

Bishop looked the same as he had 15 years ago. "Raphael, do you finally have my-"

"Wrong turtle, dude."

Bishop nearly jumped out of his artificial body. "Michelangelo! It's been 15 years!"

'My time machine worked!'

"Yeah, thanks to you! What did your guys do to me! Why am stuck here! Why can't I get back home?!"

Bishop aimed a gun at the orange-clad turtle. "Watch your mouth, mutant."

Mikey growled. "So it's all been an act? Letting mutants walk around, it's all an act to get people to trust you!"

Bishop chuckled darkly. "You caught on fast, Michelangelo."

Mikey slowly put his hands behind his back, not even Bishop noticing. He pressed a button on his Shell Cell, hoping his brothers would answer. He was sure the tracker was on.

Bishop didn't move.

Neither did Mikey.

For 10 minutes, they just stood there. Mikey slowly put his hands up. Bishop smiled. "You surrender?"

"Hell, no! I just needed a distraction to do this!" Mikey grinned, lunging at Bishop and punching him in the face. The man growled and dodged the next blow, kicking Mikey in the chest.

The orange-clad turtle went down with an 'oof!' as Bishop stepped on his plastron. He gulped.

Don nearly jumped out of his shell as his Shell Cell started beeping. Weird. Raph never called him. He picked it up, and his eyes bulged when he saw the distress signal and an orange dot.

"He just got here! How can he already be in trouble?"

Raph spit out his small beer in surprise as his Shell Cell started to ring. He grabbed it and did a double-take when he saw the distress signal and the orange blip.

Leo shut his eyes and covered his ears as his Shell Cell rang. "No, no... Just another hallucination."

It continued. He turned to it slowly, watching as it continued to shake and beep. He walked over to it and picked it up. The distress signal and orange blip peaked his interest.

This was just another dream, right? He'd fallen asleep!

He put the cell back down and walked away from it, mind reeling.

Mikey kicked Bishop off of himself, wishing not for the first time that he had his nunchucks. He remembered losing them in the fight before getting pushed into the portal. He dodged the laser that was shot at him, repeating this action more than once. Bishop lunged at him and was about to get a good hit in when he was suddenly knocked across the room by a big, hulking figure.

Mike smiled. "Raph!"

"Hey, li'l bro. Why din't ya invite me ta da parteh?"

Bishop shook with rage. "You little-!"

A staff wacked him in the stomach, making him fall again.


The said genius smiled. "Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late."

"It's fine, really!" Mike smiled, glad his brother had shown up at all.

Bishop was shaking with rage now. "You puny reptiles! I will destroy you all!" he screamed, pointing his gun at them. Mikey covered his face with his hands as Raph stood in front of him and Don.

There was a quick SHING, and the gun was cut in half and Bishop was seemingly unconscious on the floor, a two-toed foot on his chest and a blade at his neck.

"No one... hurts... my family," Leo seethed.

"Leo!" Mikey exclaimed with a smile, running to hug his brother. Leo hugged him back.

"I'm sorry, Mike," he whispered, tears running down his pale face.

Bishop's eyes opened, and he smirked, taking the opportunity to get off the floor and grab another, bigger, gun. He aimed it at the turtles. "While I absolutely love family reunions, I'm afraid you'll all have to be seen out. Of this life!" he exclaimed, shooting.

Leo blocked the laser with his katanas, sending it back at Bishop, who didn't react in time and was struck in the chest. He gasped as blood came out his mouth.

"I'll get you... turtles!" he rasped, then went limp, taking his last breath.

Don patted his eldest brother on the back. "Good to see ya, bro!" he smiled. Leo smiled back, but it slowly disappeared as he saw Raph.

The hothead walked toward him, and, to everyone's surprise, gave his brother a bone-cracking hug. Leo hesitated for a second, then smiled again and hugged hisbrother back, tears coming to his eyes again. When the hug broke, though, he simply said, "You got big."

"That's what I said!" Mikey exclaimed.

Don chuckled at the exchange. "OK, this is great and all, but i found a way to get Mikey home?"

Mikey's grin split his face in two. "Really?! Wow, that's great! C'mon!"

The brothers all gathered in the Jones Tech, where Don fired up the portal. "Alright, I can only keep it open for a minute! You have to hurry!"

Mikey was about to go in, but he looked back at his family. "Does this really have to happen? That we drift apart like this?" he asked sadly, the joy from their previous victory having faded as he looked over his brothers once more.

Leo was pale and malnourished from being in that padded room with no sunlight and not eating all his meals, as he'd been informed by the lady at the desk. Raph was practically a ticking time bomb, steroids in his system and making him huge. He'd seen the side effects of steroids; they weren't good. Don was isolated, probably losing himself in his work still and hardly eating, from how skinny he was.

Leo sighed and crossed his arms. "There's no time, Mikey."

Mikey sighed. "I'll fix this, guys. I promise."

With those final words, he stepped into the shrinking portal.

Mikey woke up in the alley and immediately jumped up. Grabbing his nunchucks, he leapt into the sewers and ran home.

Leo was pacing in front of the entrance, a worried expression on his face. Mikey barreled into him, burying his head in Leo's neck. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm-"

The elder terrapin hugged him back. "Don't say that, little brother," he murmured into his youngest brother's 'ear'.

"I - I shouldn't have left. I shouldn't have disappeared. I should've stayed. I'm sorry," Mikey apologized again.


"It wasn't your fault, Leo."

Leo froze, not having expected those words. "I love you, Mikey," he said instead of a defense.

"I love you too..."

There! The end! The ending looks a little rushed, I know, but I couldn't really think of anything else! So, who suspected that Bishop was putting up a facade? Eh? I didn't think about it until this chapter, actually. School tomorrow, bleh. Review, rant, flame, give requests, check out my community, and vote on my poll! BYE!
