Oh my goodness, I'm finally updating this story! I'm so sorry to keep you guys waiting! I've been so busy and I'm writing this after I just got out a shower and I'm an hour I'm going somewhere so I'm making time for it! If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave comments! I hope you guys enjoy!
"Barry I'm not just going to ignore it if you get yourself killed, we aren't going to let you die," Oliver said with a soothing look on his face.
"You don't know what Zoom is capable of," A distraught Barry said, catching Oliver's eye as he looked up. His eyes were full of worry and support.
"Yes, I do, I've seen the news Barry. You have a good heart, it's better to have a good heart than fast legs," Barry looked up, he recognized that quote. It was something his mom had told him as a kid.
"I just need a break right now, do you still have that treadmill that we brought here last year?" Barry asked, he really needed to run but he didn't know Star well so he just wanted to run on the treadmill.
"Yeah it's back there," Felicity finally spoke up, she pointed next to all of Oliver's training equipment. The whole time she had been lightly whimpering in her chair, only now speaking up.
Barry walked over to the treadmill and looked at the pattern on the treadmill. After looking at the pattern for a good second he finally started to run. He ran slow at first trying to clear his mind, then picked up his pace to about two-thousand miles per hour.
Oliver and Dig watched in amazement, they've seen Barry run before, but not in one place.
"Do you think the kids gonna be alright?" Dig asked, he was genuinely concerned for the kid. He may be more powerful than both of them but he's still young. Barry was like a little brother to Dig and Oliver, more so Oliver though.
"I don't know, he's strong, but he's not invincible," Oliver said as a tear streamed down his face. The two turned back to the blur on the treadmill, lightning sparking off of him. It was an amazing sight.
Barry could hear every word that Oliver and Dig were saying, but he wasn't focused on them. As he ran, tears fell down his face, it was one of the only times he'd freely be able to cry without someone telling him it's okay. It's not okay. He just got over his mother's death and was finally ready to move on. Barry ran for what seemed like forever, everyone had left the Arrow Cave, leaving Barry to himself.
After about 2 hours Barry decided to switch to the punching bags. He pretended it was Zoom. As he stood up to the bag, he got in a fighting position. His hands up to his chin and his feet apart. He started punching the bag with everything he had.
"This is for killing my dad!" Barry yelled to the punching bag furiously. "You don't deserve to live after how many people you've killed," he punched even harder. "One of the cops you killed at Jitters had a son, an 8 year old son, and now he's going to grow up without a father!" Barry grew more and more furious as he punched the bag.
Suddenly Barry's rage grew and he forgot he punching bag was just a punching bag and stuck his vibrating hand right through it. He watched as sand poured out of it, falling to the ground, taunting him. Telling him he didn't kill Zoom, he just destroyed a punching bag. Barry fell to his knees sobbing, tears falling down his face harder than they had before.
"Oh what a shame," Barry recognized the voice, the voice of the man who killed his father. Barry whirled around very quickly, to see himself face-to-face with Zoom, unmasked.
"Now, why don't we go for a little run to your friend Oliver's," Zoom said is his menacing voice as he sped off toward the Queens' apartment. Barry ran faster than he ever had before. He wasn't going to let Zoom touch any of them. When he arrived he saw Zoom standing in the dining room. Suddenly Oliver came running down the steps.
"What's going on, Barry why are yo-" Oliver was cut off by the sight of Zoom standing in his home, he was even more unsightly than what he'd seen on the news. Suddenly the black creature removed its mask to reveal a man, he looked up and smiled a menacing smile at Oliver.
"Don't touch him Hunter, I swear to God if you lay a finger on him I won't hesitate to kill you this time." This time. What did that mean, had Barry almost killed him before, Oliver thought as he looked at the two.
"Oh Barry, why would I just lay a finger on him when I can stick an entire vibrating hand through his heart?" Zoom asked, it was retorical of course. Barry hated him, he hated him. Without thinking Barry ran towards Zoom, pushing him up against the wall. He punched the smug look off the mans face. Every punch Barry threw was a rage filled punch, and he didn't regret a single one.
"I've got you Zoloman, I've got you and I can kill you," Barry yelled, his voice filled with pain. Then something unexpected happened, Oliver said something to Barry.
"Don't kill him, Barry. Barry, you have a good heart," Barry turned around to see Oliver inching closer, "if you kill him, it will only become easier to kill after that, trust me. You are better than this, if you kill him, you're showing him that you've given up."
By the time that Oliver was done talking, Barry had let go of Zoom unintentionally. As the two were caught up, Zoom had speed off in a flashing light of blue.
All the two could do is stand there, looking at eachother. Then Barry fell to his knees, then to the ground. Oliver was confused at first until he realized what had happened. Zoom had stabbed Barry with a kitchen knife before he ran away.
"BARRY!" Oliver screamed at the sight of the man on the ground.
Hey guys! So this one is a little weird, tell me what you think! Barry is not going to die, he's just going to be injured. Also more arguments between Barry and Oliver will be happening! Just leave a review and I'm open to suggestions!