The OC's are now closed ;D!
Leader: Moonstar-light grey She-cat, with a moon-like circle on her face, and sky-blue eyes.
Deputy:Stormcrash- grey-and-white tom with bright yellow eyes
Medicen cat:Bluepool- dark blue-grey She-cat with ice-blue eyes. Apprentice: Birdpaw
Frostheart -grumpy white tom with ice-blue eyes. Apprentice :Rosepaw
Gullquake -grey-and-white tom with yellow eyes. Apprentice: Goldenpaw
Darkfeather-graceful black She-cat with yellow eyes.
Foxclaw-fierce ginger tom with brown paws, a white tail-tip, and amber eyes
Petalfall-reddish she-cat with cream dapples and green eyes. Apprentice: Greypaw
Waterfang-large dark grey tom with deep blue eyes and large fangs.
Coralstorm-brown-and-cream She-cat with one green eye and one yellow one.
Tortoisetail-brown tabby she-cat with green eyes.
Wolfstorm-wolf-like she-cat with yellow eyes.
Paleblossom-cream she-cat with white specks and green eyes
Rosepaw-reddish she-cat with cream dapples and green eyes.
Goldenpaw-black tom with a golden mask-marking over his golden eyes
Birdpaw-cream she-cat with green eyes; apprentice to the medicen cat.
Greypaw-lazy grey tom.
Flamingsight -fire-furred she-cat with amber eyes (mother of Fernkit, brown-and-white tabby with green eyes, and Amberkit, fire-furred she-cat with amber eyes).
Spiritsong- white she-cat with blue eyes(mother of Echokit, who looks exactly her).
Greysplash- grey-and-white she-cat with bue eyes(expecting).
Dustmuzzle-cranky grey tom with yellow eyes
Seafoot-grey tom with green eyes
Ivyclaw-white she-cat with green eyes.
Leader:Emberstar- small, brown scarred she-cat with a fierce amber gaze.
Deputy: Silverfall -paranoid silver she-cat.
Jaggedfang-mountainous grey tom.(greiving his apprentice,Leafpaw)
Lynxear-looks like Wolfstorm (Wolfstorm's father).
Hawkflight-Brown-and-white she-cat with green eyes(greiving her kit, Leafpaw)
Shadowfall-sneaky black she-cat with yellow eyes
Falconpool-dark tabby she-cat with deep green :Echopaw(Leafpaw's brother
Echopaw-Ash grey tom with red legs and underbelly
Icepaw- snow-white she-cat with leaf-green eyes; a gaze that sends a chill to the cats nearby.
Brokenwing- light brown tabby with green eyes(expecting four kits)
Leader:Jaystar-silver tabby
Deputy:Sparrowflight- white-and-brown tabby
Medicine cat: Oakleaf- strong golden tom with light green eyes.
Squirreltail- energetic,dark ginger she-cat with a surprisingly bushy tail and leaf-green Apprentice:Sharppaw
Mouseclaw-shy, young, mouse-brown Apprentice:Honeypaw
Brakenbreeze-golden she-cat with blue eyes Apprentice:Ivypaw
Shardclaw-dark grey tom with amber eyes
Ivypaw-she-cat with white fur with black dapples and deep green eyes
Honeypaw=golden she-cat with blue eyes(Brackenbreeze's kit)
Sharppaw-tom with brown tabby fur that sticks up in all directions
Leader: Shade- large black tom with piercing green eyes.
Deputy: Rose- reddish she cat with a missing eye, surrounded with scars, and a green one.
Medicen cat:Fleck -white she-cat with golden flecks.
Scar- tiny, cold, white she-cat with a marbled black-and-white face, one green eye and one icy blue one with a jagged scar over it.
Brick- large ginger tom.
Claw- large black-and-white tom with yellow Apprentice:Juniper
Blaze-Small ginger tom.
Juniper-small brown she-cat with white specks and blue eyes
Scorch-tiny ginger she-cat with bright green eyes.
Leader: Ripplestar -silver tabby tom with green eyes.(Grandson of Sparkstar)
Deputy:Minnowtail -white she-cat with blue Apprentice:Stormpaw.
Medicine cat:Reedfrost -cream tom with light green Apprentice:Willowpaw
Hawkstorm-dark tabby tom with ice-blue eyes Apprentice:Cloudpaw
Stormpaw -grey tom with yellow eyes.
Willowpaw- light brown tabby with one green eye and one blue one
Cloudpaw-white she-cat with amber eyes
Cats out of Clans
Mist- white she-cat with pale blue eyes and pale grey paws.
Seaweed- pale grey tom with green eyes.
Albatross- grey-and-white she-cat with yellow eyes.
Fish- silver tom kit with blue eyes.
Crab-Bright ginger she-kit with yellow eyes.
Smoke- grey tom with yellow eyes.
Paleblossom gazed at the stream; she observed its acute ripples and miniture turns.
Streams never stop; they keep on running and running; they will never let me betray , they feed the sea.
Just then, a flash of silver flickered beneath the clear water. and Paleblossom scooped in her paw. She flipped the fish out, tiny droplets of water dancing upon its shimmering scales and sunk her teeth into its flesh, her eyes glimmering in the moonlight.
Then a heart-wrenching yowl filled the night.
For a heartbeat,Paleblossom thought it was the fish, before realizing it was coming from ForestClan territory.
All cats tensed as another yowl ripped through the air. Jaystar flicked an anxious ear as Oakleaf flitted from the nursery to the medicine den, and back again. Sparrowflight's kitting had been tough so far, and the first kit, Silverkit, had already died. He was worried for his mate.
A/N The cats out of Clans are all related and are a band of rogues, except Smoke who left them to become a !Dun!Dun!A tense first chapter ;D