Hero v Ninja
Chapter 12
The four teens who had defeated Stain were inside a police station being questioned by the authorities. All of them had been healed before coming to the building where they were immediately thrown into an office that was sound proof.
Before anyone said anything, the policemen began to speak to them, "It was awfully reckless what you four did today, specially you Tenya-san. Personal grudges can blur the lines between a hero and a villain."
The teen with glass nodded in shame, "However, it is truly amazing that you all were able to take down the notorious Hero Killer. U. A. really does produce amazing heros. It is truly remarkable how you four were able to analyze and detect where he was going to strike without any forensics to back you up. I commend you for that. However, due to safety reasons we cannot give you the credit for defeating Stain."
"I'm assuming for copycat killers Officer?" Naruto asked and got a nod in response.
"Correct, Stain had a cult following underground. To them Stain was a god and his ideology their religion. If word found out that four teens were able to defeat Stain, you and any one close to you would be in grave danger."
The four teens nodded and Deku spoke, "So who is receiving the credit then?"
"Endeavor. It would be more believable that the number two hero could defeat Stain without anyone challenging him. He was also the closest one to the crime scene and his agency was also the ones who took care of the Nomus."
Todoroki only looked down at the mention of his father. He wasn't upset or disappointed, for once he was okay with him taking the credit as it did protect his friends and classmates such as the three next to him.
"Anyways is time for you lot to go home. Do me a favor and stay out of trouble okay, the villains are getting much dangerous and that last we need is future heroes to be killed when they are not supposed to be there in the first place."
The four teens nodded before leaving the stations. An awkward silence was among them before Iida broke the silence, "I am sorry for my recklessness. You guys got hurt for my dumb vengeance."
"Don't worry about Iida, that's what friends are for," Deku said before Naruto continued.
"Yeah I know how you've felt before but trust me you do not want to go down the road of vengeance it can totally change you in a way you may not like. I knew a guy who did that in my world."
"Just don't pick fights you are not ready to fight Iida. We got lucky all of use were able to defeat Stain." Todoroki finished the conversation before leaving towards his home.
Naruto was relaxing in his room. So much has happened since he arrived here. He joined a school, he has become a hero in the making, he almost died and passed out only to find out he is dying slowly from a ninja that was where he came from. To top it all, he still had no idea how to get back.
A knock on the door got his attention, "Naruto-kun?" The door opened to show Momo in her pajamas.
"What's up Momo-chan?" Naruto smiled at her.
"How are you doing?" she walked in sitting on his bed.
"I'm fine just a bit tired from all the things happening around me hehe," he chuckled.
"I bet after taking down the hero killer you must have been exhausted. Then police gathered you all up and you spent the night with them."
"Yeah I can finally rest in bed," Naruto threw his head back on his pillow gaining an amuse face from the brunette in front of him, "I'm sorry for making you worry, Momo-chan."
She shook her head, "It's okay. If it hadn't been for you showing up at that moment, who know what could have happened to our friends."
"Believe me, I think they could have handled Stain by themselves," he smiled back at her.
She smiled at him before remembering where Stain stabbed him "How's your wound?" she asked concerned at her house mate.
"It's all healed up, like it was never there," Naruto lifted his shirt to where he was stabbed and to Momo's surprise there was no scar.
"I am still amazed how you heal up quickly, it's almost as if you have a healing quirk. It's all thanks to the demon inside of you correct?" she said.
Naruto smiled, "Yeah it's all thanks to him I'm still alive."
"Does it have a name?" the girl asked the blond who only gave her a cheeky smile.
"The furball's name is Kurama."
"Kurama, I guess I have to thank him for taking care of you and you dumb stunts." She grinned causing the fox inside to roar in laughter, "Do you know why your dad sealed it inside of you?"
Naruto face softened with a smile, "Let me tell you the story of when I was born."
Momo's interests perked up as she listened closely to the blond's origin, "My mom was the original Jinchuriki of Kurama. She was an outsider who arrived at my village as a refugee. Being from the Uzumaki clan, the leaf benefited from the immigration since Uzumakis were known for the sealing expertise. The first hokage's wife passed down Kurama to my mother. She shared the burden of being a Jinchuriki and outsider, so kids often teased her about it."
Momo gasped before Naruto laughed, "However, my mom was never one to take crap from anyone. She would often beat those kids who teased her that they labeled her The Red-Hot Habanero due to her hair being fiery red."
This made Momo smile as she could see where Naruto got his habits, "so you got that from your mom right?"
Naruto smiled back at her and nodded, "yeah I got most of my Mom's habit including my love for Ramen."
"So how did your mom meet your dad?"
"They had the same class together, sort of like we do!" Naruto grinned and while Momo blushed.
"He used to stare at my mom from a far but she often brushed him off as being to girly. He often would follow my mom and when ever she got in a fight he was there."
"Seemed like your dad was a little stalker," Momo smiled at him.
"Yeah but if it wasn't for that I wouldn't be here. One night, three ninjas from another village kidnapped my mom since she carried Kurama. As they made her walk she began leaving strands of her red hair that always got her into trouble. When they were nearing the border, my mom had all but lost hope. She had accepted her fate and continued walking until she was met with blue eyes."
"Your dad," she said with an amazed voice.
"Yeah! I am a spitting image from my dad! My father took down those three high ranked ninja while still being a genin. In his hand were the strands of red hair my mom had left behind and in his words, 'Your hair is so beautiful that I noticed it right away.' Ever since then my mom saw him a great ninja and eventually married him."
"That is so beautiful Naruto-kun," she said with teary look.
"Yeah it is, fast forward some years and my father was made the Yondaime Hokage and my mom became pregnant with me. Since the seal of the tailed beast become weak during childbirth, my mother was transported into a secret place only a hand full of people knew about it. However, someone was able to sneak and caused a havoc. Right after my mom had given birth to me, a man in a mask kidnapped my mom and extracted Kurama. Normally jinchurikis die when they're tailed beast are extracted."
Momo gasped at this as she continued to listen to Naruto's origin.
"But the Uzumakis also have a life longevity and she was able to live a bit longer. Thankfully my dad was able to get her back with a jutsu that teleported him to her. However, the man released a mind-controlled Kurama to the village who began to destroy everything in its path. After defeating the mask man, My dad knew there was only one way to subdue Kurama. He went and picked my mom and I from our house and got us near Kurama. After some arguments between them, it was settled that I would be the new jinchuriki because my father wanted me to control the power of Kurama when the world was in danger once again. The sealing technique my father used was a double edge sword since it required him to be sacrificed as well, the reaper death seal."
"So both of your parents…" Momo was letting loose tears now.
"My dad was a genius and he knew the consequences of a village being with their strongest weapon. He also did not want to burden anyone else with this. He sealed some of his chakra inside of me in case I needed help in the future from him but he also knew that he wasn't going to be enough. I needed a mother's love. With his final strength he sealed some of my mom's chakra in me as well to help me control Kurama in the future. It was because of that act of selfishness that I was able to meet my mom."
Naruto now had tears as well, "When I met my mom in my mindscape, she explained all this too me and showed me how that night went. Both of them made me who I am even though I had never met them alive. It is because of them I become really strong."
As Naruto finished she received a bone crushing hug from his housemate, "It never ceases to amaze me how you've become such a wonderful person Naruto-kun. I am sure your parents were amazing people and they must be really proud of the person you have become."
"I met my dad once more before I arrived here, he was brought back to life with an illegal jutsu by a mad man. I was able to let him know how I was living the life my mom always wanted."
Momo gave him a soft smile before she began creating two necklaces, "I got an idea from your dad. He was able to teleport by a seal am I right?"
Naruto nodded as he stared at the gift she made for him.
"Although this doesn't give us that benefit, it will allow us to find each other wherever we are. It is a tracking device and if anything ever happens to us, we'll know where each other is at. Here let me put it on you."
As she went behind to unhook the one Tsunade gave him, she noticed a small tattoo, "What is this tattoo Naruto-kun?"
"Tattoo? I have never gotten a tattoo."
Momo grabbed her phone and took a picture of it and showed it to Naruto. He instantly knew what it was.
He tried to play it off as cool as possible, "That...That is part of the seal my dad made." He quickly put the necklace on and face Momo.
"I see…" she eyed the seal but brushed it off, "anyways it's time for bed, tomorrow begins the last week before final exams."
Naruto tensed at this, "Final Exams!"
After Momo had closed door, Naruto's surprise face changed. He closed his eyes and entered his mindscape to speak Kurama.
"Is it a seal?" Naruto asked the giant fox.
Yes it is. It is truly amazing how I was not able to pick up on it but there is only one person who has been close to you that could do this, the gian fox replied
Correct. I'm assuming it has something to with you 'losing your chakra'. I'll try and see what I can do about it but in the meantime, get some rest. We already have the bastard's home address, we'll pay him a visit about this later.
"Yeah, I need to get to the bottom of this and he is the only one with answers,"
Kurama nine tails swung behind him as he got close to the blond, Kit, why did you tell her about me and your parents? Kurama asked looking curiuosly at the blond.
He smiled, "I deem her trustworthy and I highly doubt she'll do anything to hurt us.
I see. There is one thing I do agree with Shisui, Be Careful with attachments. We do not belong here."
Classes resumed the following day and the usual rowdy halls were quieter this time of year. Everyone was studying for their final exams. The students who hadn't study the whole year were now in the library trying to cram a semester's worth of information. Naruto wasn't the exception. After talking to Aizawa to see if he was going to be exempt from taking the test, Naruto was told that he wasn't receiving any favors from any of the teachers.
Right now he had two clones in the library reading anything they could get a hand to while the real one was eating with his classmates. With one hand he had a fork and in the other had a book. He was sitting with Iida, Deku, Ochako and Momo but wasn't really paying attention to their conversations.
"Naruto-kun, you must take a break once in a while," Momo told him. She had helped earlier select books that could help him catch with the rest of the class. In fact most of her class needed help and she decided to start a study group.
"I know but there is a lot of stuff from this world that I don't know. Besides maintaining a study plan will help me back when I want to become Hokage!" he grinned back before turning back to the rest of the table. They all had smiled back to him and resumed eating before he turned to see Uraraka staring into a distance.
He turned to see into the direction she was looking at and was met with another blond who was being annoyed by Kirishima and Mina. Before he could ask her about it the bell rang for them to go back to class, oh well a question for later.
After several days of cramming much information the test began in U.A. Each classroom was eerily silent. If someone where to drop a pin it would echo throughout the school.
Naruto stared at the paper in front of him and knew he was ready. The study sessions with Momo's group and his clones made it a lot easier. He wasn't expecting a high grade, but he was sure he was going to pass the written portion. The practical exam is what he was worried about. There was not much going on it besides rumors of going against robots but it seemed almost too easy. His mind shifted back to the exam and begin answering each question carefully and for the next three days that's how it went draining everyone from their mental juice.
When the time came for the practical exams, everyone was ready to blow some steam off. The class met in front of their training area and were met with their teachers.
"Hello students," Principal Nezu began, "This is year's practical exam would be different from the previous ones." The students who were looking for an easy grade stopped in their tracks as they heard what the principal had said, "Due to certain events that has happened to U.A. students, we have decided it is best to prepare you for actual combat instead of simulated robots."
The class was stunned as they heard this, "but does that mean we are fighting each other?!" asked Mina
"No, putting you against one another doesn't give you an actual combat experience since most of you will hesitate to hurt your friends. Instead, you'll be facing us teachers in a two versus one match. Of course we will be wearing these high-density weights that will limit our movements and level the playing field."
The piece of the tech was shown to be nothing but cuffs.
"The only way to pass the exam is to either handcuff the teacher or escape. Sometime when you know you can't win a fight, you must run to call for backup." Aizawa explained this to the class , "These are the teams and who they are facing against. I'll be facing Yaoyorozu and Todoroki. Midoirya and Bakugo will be facing All Might."
As in cue his smiling giant figure landing in front of the two boys shoking them.
"Mineta and Sero will be facing Midnight followed by Jiro and Koda against Present Mic. After their fight is Asui and Tokoyami against Ectoplasm. The next match is the only one that'll have a team of three due to the odd numbers students in the class, Aoyama, Mina, and Kaminari will be facing our Principal Nezu. Shoji and Toru will be going against Snipe. Iida and Ojiro will battle Power loader and the last match will be Naruto and Uraraka against 13."
The teams begin to look at each other. Naruto looked at Momo and smiled at her before going to meet Uraraka who was visibly shaking. She was going against her favorite hero after all.
"Change into your costumes and you have fifteen minutes to prep after that go into your assign locations and wait for your exams." Aizawa said before the teacher turned to leave, leaving behind the students.
In the locker room, Naruto looked at his briefcase. When he got accepted into the course, they asked him if had any ideas for costumes. Being from the ninja world, he went through his options quickly and gave his choice, "ANBU." He looked in the mirror and was met with the same attire the ANBU used. His mask was the only thing that was different for each member of the ANBU force. He placed it on and stared at the fox mask in the mirror.
When he met Uraraka in front of the door to their exam, Naruto had his mask sideways so he could talk to her directly, "Hey Uraraka-chan are you okay?"
The brunette turned and blushed, "Ohh sorry I was lost in my own thoughts. I was just thinking what would be the best way to defeat 13."
"Right, what quirk does he have anyways?" the blond looked at the girl.
"In his finger, there is a black hole that can suck anything in. It is very dangerous because once you're in there is no out."
"That is pretty dangerous but it also give us an advantage." the blond replied confusing the girl.
"What do you mean?" asked the bubbly girl.
"I'll show you when the time is right," he grinned, "There is something I've been wanting to ask you."
"What is it Naruto-kun?" she wondered as she stared at the blond next to her.
"You have been distracted lately. Are you alright?"
She looked confused, "I'm fine why do you ask that?"
"Well last week I saw you staring at Bakugo and what is going on between you two?"
The girl blushed madly, "Has it been that noticeable?"
"Well yeah, I mean when I first got here, it seems you and Deku were together or something. Lately, I get the feeling that something happened between you two and you started getting closer to Bakugo."
Ochako looked at the ground before she began talking, "Nothing happened between me and Deku, at least nothing serious. It was more about me. During the festival when I was preparing myself mentally to fight Bakugo, he came into the locker room and gave me his notebook."
"The one he has data on all the heros right?" the blond answered.
"Yeah that one. He said it contained all the notes he had on Bakugo and to use them. That's when I realized he didn't have faith in me. I didn't blame him though. I was going up against the number one student in our class. Still it hurt."
"I see. I understand you completely. When someone doesn't acknowledge your strength or your hard work and still baby you around. My grandma used to that to me back in my world." His face softened as he thought about Tsunade.
"However," the girl continued, "when I fought Bakugo, he acknowledged me. Perhaps he didn't say it but I could feel it. There was a reason he kept pushing me back and he knew that once I laid a hand on him, I would have won. He never once relaxed and he motivated me to keep trying until my body no longer could. Deku was my driving force until that point, but the gap between my power and Bakugo made me realize I needed to do serious training. I asked him to train me and he accepted it. He told me things straight up and said I lacked in combat. That's why I went to Gunhead on my internship to learn hand to hand combat."
"Well Uraraka as long as Bakugo doesn't hurt you, I'm fine with that. Although you really don't need my permission," Naruto chuckled causing the girl to laugh as well.
The door opening behind them brought them back to Earth. Their final exam was about to start. The two entered what appeared to be a replica of USJ. Being 13's area of expertise it gave him an advantage over the teens. They began exploring and noticed that everything was too quiet.
"You know since 13's quirk allows him to pretty much protect any exit point he might just be guarding it." Uraraka explained to the ninja. Naruto already had his fox mask on and was studying every piece of information that came before him.
"You're right. His quirk is pretty much like an ultimate defense. 13 can just stand by the exit the whole exam and we would never be able to pass him. I doubt we would be able to handcuff him too."
"According to the layout, the exit should be close by." Uraraka pointed out.
Both teens began getting closer to their destination that lay on top of some stairs and just as Ochako said, 13 was waiting for them in the exit.
"So you were able to analyze the situation and deducted that I was guarding the exit. Well done, however that is not how you pass the exam." The pro hero raised his hand and on his index finger a cap pop off, "Black hole!"
Immediately the air around the teens began getting sucked in the direction of the astronaut. Thinking immediately Naruto grabbed the railing that the stairs provided. Uraraka was able to grab Naruto's hand and pulled herself up to the rail as well.
"How long can you last Uraraka-chan?" Naruto asked with a serious face.
"Last what? Holding for my life? Probably five minutes a bit more if I make myself lighter." She answered while her hair was getting in the way.
"Okay, let's wait for five minutes before I do something crazy. This is a test and 13's quirk is a dangerous one. He can't kill one of us or the school would be in big trouble." The blond explained to the brunette who noticed where he was getting at.
"So we wait five minutes and let go. His reaction should be to stop and protect us. If we let go too soon he might catch on to something fishy and try to do something else."
"Exactly, I'll do my best acting and pretend to be surprised, that is when you'll sneak around him and go for the arrest."
"Got it!" she smiled and did her best to maintain her grip on the railing.
Behind them 13 began taunting, "I can go on forever. My quirk does not affect my stamina directly. Might as well give up kids!"
The five minutes were agonizing for the teens whose arms felt like they could snap any minute. Naruto looked at Uraraka and nodded before he released his grip.
"Crap!" Naruto yelled and flailed his arms around.
13's was shocked and immediately closed his finger as Naruto got closer that's when he noticed Naruto's smirk. The blond tackled down the astronaut. He was able to grab one arm but the other one remained loose. Just as 13 was about to use his black hole again, Uraraka snapped on the cuffs on him.
Ochako Uraraka and Uzumaki Naruto, Pass! The announcement was made as both teens high fived each other!
There you have it folks. A chapter that is a bit longer than usual but I hope you guys enjoy it. I know I have been slacking off big time but I'll do my best to improve this story. Until next time...