Chapter 1

Guilt and a Plan

Harry had woken up wailing and screaming and dripping with sweat. Again. Hermione came running in, obviously having been woken up. She was just pulling a hoodie over her night gown.

"Harry, it's all right. We're here." she said while pulling his head onto her lap.

Ron came in yawning, tugging on a t shirt. "Yeah mate, Right here."

Hermione rolled her eyes, then turned her attention back to Harry. She started stroking his hair "Shh, shh. It's alright." After his breathing went back to normal, Hermione asked him her usual question, "Halloween, Chamber, Graveyard, Department of Mysteries, or Hogwarts?" To anyone else, this would have seemed like a random list of things, but the three of them knew exactly what she meant.

"All of them" Harry answered quietly. "So many people died for me, and I can't close my eyes without seeing it all again."

"Oh Harry!" Hermione pulled him closer and comforted him.

Ron came and gently sat down on the edge of Harry's bed. "You know its not your fault, right mate?"

"But it is in a way!" Harry sobbed pulling himself gently away from Hermione.

"Shh. How many times do we have to tell you it's not." Hermione said gently pulling him close again. "Ronald, please go start some cocoa. I doubt any of us are going to sleep much more tonight anyway, and that will be calming."

Ron started to protest but Hermione told him off with a glare. She then gently pulled Harry off her lap and moved to sit against the headboard patting the bed next to her to indicate that Harry should sit next to her.

After moving himself to next to Hermione, Harry took a deep breath. "Thanks 'Mione, you're the best sister ever."

"What are we for if not to help each other. After everything we've been through do you seriously think that we would just leave you in here screaming?" Hermione said pretending to be offended.

"No, of course not 'Mione. I just don't know what I would do without you." Harry said with a hint of a smile.

"You would be dead several times over," Hermione said mater-of-factly, "now let's go finish the cocoa before Ron sets the kitchen on fire."

The next day, while he was helping Hermione make lunch, they didn't let Ron help and Kreacher needed a break sometimes, he decided to propose a plan to her. "So, 'Mione..."

"Yes Harry? Hand me those potatoes."

Harry handed her the potatoes. "Well I...I had a bit of a plan..."

"Out with it Harry. I can tell you don't think I'm going to like it, but you aren't going to rest until you've told me."

"Well, you know how I feel guilty because of all the people who died?" Harry started cautiously.

Hermione was starting to get frustrated. "Yes, I know. Please don't start blaming yourself right now. I'm busy. Now I believe I said out with it."

Harry cringed. "Yeah, well I may have a way to make it so that they don't or haven't or whatever."

"Out with it I said."

Harry grinned sheepishly. "Are you up for another ministry raid? 'Cause we'll need some things that we don't have on hand and would take too long to make."

"Always, Harry, always. Your plans always involve doing something you shouldn't. What exactly do we need?" Hermione said rolling her eyes.

"Well, de-aging potion, and a time-turner."

"What on earth are you planning to do Harry James Potter. And anyway, if you don't remember, we destroyed all of the time-turners."

"Yeah" Harry cringed again. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately. "They may possibly have made a few more. My plan, anyway, is that the three of us, if you and Ron agree to go that is, is that we are going to go back to my parents time at Hogwarts and find the Horcruxes before they can even cause any problems. Then we'll track down Voldemort, kill him and nobody else will die."

Hermione was staring at Harry frozen in shock. "Um, O.K. Those are some rather... big plans you've got there. Of course Ron and I will come though. We're not letting you go alone. But... what do we need de-aging potion for?"

"Well think about it. When we were 15 would we have trusted three 18 year-olds trying to be friends with us. Also we are beyond Hogwarts age, and I want to make sure we go."

"O.k. Good point. There are some definite flaws in your plan, but we'll discuss it with Ron at lunch. Now hand me that onion and peel the carrots."

Harry rolled his eyes, "Yes, 'Mione"


Hermione just looked at him shocked and Harry slouched in his chair relieved. Ron took another large bite of the large helping of food on his plate.

"This is really great guys. I don't know why we ever let Kreacher cook when you two are like Master Chefs or something." Ron was totally oblivious to his two friends' responses to his reply.

Hermione pulled herself together first. "Uh, Ron? You did hear us right?"

"Of course I did. It's brilliant. We just sneak into the Ministry, get the potion, take a trip down to the Department of Mysteries, grab a time turner and head back to when Harry's parents were 15." When Hermione glared at him he just said, "What? We've done much harder things before. We've already broken into the Ministry before, we've broken into one of the deepest, oldest vaults in Gringotts, we got into the chamber of Secrets, and we - "

"O.k., O.k., I get your point, but aren't you still taking it a little less seriously than you should?"

"Nah, we'll make it work. C'mon, we're the Golden Trio for cryin' out loud!"

"O.K. Ron," said Harry finally stepping in because he could tell this might get ugly if he didn't, "but we are still going to let 'Mione make a plan." Hermione glared at him now. "Sorry, help 'Mione make a plan."

"Alright Harry. I wasn't expecting not too. But it will be easier this time, you know, with them not actively looking for us, and also we're all keyed into most of the systems and can go wherever we want."

"O.K., let's get planning." Hermione said, rolling her eyes at the two boys, "I want to do this in a week if neither of you boys have any problems with that."

Author's Note: Thank You everyone for reading. I just wanted to clarify that Hermione did not just go along with the plan as easily as it may seem. I know it looks like she just said "O.K. we'll just rush right into the danger," but I skipped a good portion of her objections, because they are not totally necessary to the story. Hope you enjoyed.
