Chapter 29: Epilogue: Letters

Miskatonic University

Herbology Division

November 6, 2001

Stolz Reasearch Labs

Potions Division

Manaus, Brazil


I'll be stuck in Arkham for the rest of the week, but I wanted to drop you a quick note; I just received the third month results from Sao Paulo. Cognition, control, and behavior, all excellent! I'm enclosing the full results. The 'wrench' sensation of the repeat taking effect seems to be less than at the first iteration. So far, very encouraging.

I'm afraid I still have no good news with our application for human trials in Chicago. They say they can't approve us for testing until the repeating element has been cleared as 'fit for human consumption.' My explanation as 'water from a historically active healing spring,' has not been accepted.

Now, we may have a few possible courses. Perhaps a certification from your colleagues at the school would help, or if we can provide the committee with a sample for testing. I know you have concerns about how the spring may react to being tested. If you could meet with the committee and explain, I think it really might help.

In the meantime, I suggest that we set up human trials in Prague. Generally speaking, a few well-placed donations to the university there and a willingness to spit on the Russian flag and you can get most testing approved. The sample size will be smaller than Chicago, of course, but the more successful test results we can show, the more likely we are to have testing approved in the States. We can always start with applying for licensure in Brazil and Europe first, then expand later.

I know you have concerns about traveling back to the States at this time, but I'd hardly describe you as 'a known former terrorist,' really, Cyril. Whatever your experiences you have with your own government, I think I can assure you that the US won't start rounding up and detaining people without due process or a trial. And I really think we'll see this current fearful climate die down quickly. In any case, surely your friend Mr. Shacklebolt could help you with your immigration status if you would only ask him. In the meantime, yes, I'll be happy to check on your house for you if you give me the location. You said you have some instructions about your neighbors' goats?

Now, I know you won't be thrilled by this, but I have decided to accept Mr. Longbottom's application for a RA position in the Herbology division in the lab. You did say he was adequately qualified in that field. If it makes you feel any better, we can make the Potions lab and all equipment strictly off-limits to him. In any case, it's only a six-month position and it doesn't begin until June. I'm confident that the situation in the States will be much calmer by then and you can work remotely again, if it's a concern. Of course, we will keep your involvement with the lab strictly confidential.

I'll see you in the lab next Tuesday, keep the RAs busy!



Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Administrative Offices, Clerk

20 December 2001

Stoltz Research Labs

Potions Division

Manaus, Brazil


Reference requests enclosed for Montague, Braddock, Daphne, and Theo. Montague still can't work indoors, says the walls close in on him. He's up for a job monitoring selkie migrations in the Hebrides. Think Daph's going into healing. Braddock won't tell me what he's up to, doesn't want it to get back to you. Daph says it's pest control. Theo's going into the portkey business, always good with tinkering, should be useful. He told me that Mingus says he doesn't need a reference. Probably true; he's making a name for himself on the market, Phelps running protection. Specializing in papers and visas.

Zabini's got a request in, but it's different. His gran's deeding him a warehouse in Shoreditch, he wants to turn it into a nightclub. He says the Ministry building commission is holding up all his permits for magical construction in muggle areas, wants you to lean on them or something.

Year's almost up. Expect my first 6% cheque in the first quarter. You can send it to this address.


Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Office of Headmistress

4 Jan 2002

Dr. Cyril Ramson

Stoltz Research Labs

Potions Division

Manaus, Brazil


Since your Miss Bulstrode insists on controlling all correspondence with you, you leave me little choice but to contact you here. She's become very high-handed in your absence. I do believe she thinks that she runs the school. She may try. She refuses to say when you'll be back to collect more of the Source water, but surely you'll need to replenish the stock at some point. Not that I expect you to be forthcoming with any information, but I would appreciate adequate notice before we attempt any more extractions. Now that we know a bit more what to expect, I believe I can devise some safeguards to avoid damage to the stairs.

Pomona informs me that she has made arrangements to visit the lab in Brazil in over the spring holidays. I don't know what you're playing at to extend an invitation to her but not to me. I'm making my travel arrangements, and I expect to see you there. If you try to hide, I will find you.

That is a promise,


Ministry of Magic of the British Isles

Office of Minister

18 February, 2002


I have received confirmation from the USDM that your immigration status as a permanent resident and your work permit under the name of Cyril Ramson have been finalized. The documents are attached below. Somehow I feel I might need to repeat that this only applies for the identity of Cyril Ramson and you are not authorized to use any other aliases or identities. If you do and you get caught, it's on your head.

Inspector Hoke contacted me about calling on you to testify at the trial of those elf-parts dealers in Canada. I didn't promise him anything yet. Frankly, I have concerns about security and how much hostile cross-examination you might be subject to, particularly in regards to how you came about some of your information. I'll need to meet and speak with you about this once I have more information from Hoke.

On another note, sentences were up this week on some of the low-level collaborators and five are now out on probation: Rantin Earnshaw and Cornelius Ormerod of the Snatchers, and Eliza Loveday, Stephanie Coates, and Ellis Tansley of the Muggle Registration Committee. I didn't expect any trouble from this lot, but last night the alert wards we have on your old house went off, and Stephanie Coates was apprehended in the vicinity. She of course denied all knowledge. We are assuming this was a clumsy attempt at getting some personal item for tracking your location. Unless you know of any specific grudge that she might hold against you, she may be motivated just on general ideology. However, there is also the possibility that she may be a cat's paw for someone who is still in custody. Please inform me immediately if you know of any connection she has to you or how she may have discovered the location of your old house. We can only hold her for questioning for so long. On no account are you to take any action on this yourself.

Keep an eye out,

Kingsley Shacklebolt

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Administrative Assistant

4 April 2002

PO Box 69568

Undercity Postal Division

Seattle WA 98154.01


Got your cheque. It's not any bloody 6%, as you well know. Don't make me put Sully on you.

Reference requests enclosed for Warrington, Harper, and Pritchard. Poncy Pritchard thinks he's got a shot as a legislation clerk in the Ministry. Load of bollocks. Told him if he lands it he'd better bring the place down from the inside.

Zabini's calling his club 'Helix.' Going to be rubbish, I can tell.

Idiot Potter keeps trying to get me to send you some bloody letters he's written. Can't seem to get it through his head that he'd have to bloody well pay me first.

Snake all right. Moves more than Maxwell. No pool dreams. Quiet.


C/o Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Office of the Administrative Assistant

18 April, 2002

Dear Sir,

We're still on the continent, in that quaint farmhouse outside of Collioure, you remember the place. I've been continuing my studies here at the Institut Occitanien. It's been a relief to have the routine, but father says I must think about returning to England soon to rebuild the family name. I don't know how he plans for me to proceed, and frankly, I'm not sure I should agree. It all seems impossible. In any case, I may request a reference from you in the future.

Greg's being released in a year, if all goes well. He was going to be up for parole last fall but I think he got in some sort of altercation and it was pulled. I know Nott's worried about him, but since he isn't speaking to me, I don't know how much I can do. I spoke to father about him staying with us on the continent for a while, but he wouldn't have it. I suppose it wouldn't be an 'advantageous association.' Well, it probably wouldn't have worked in any case, he doesn't speak French and he doesn't speak to me. I might be able to pass along the book you gave to me, if Nott can get it to him.

Mother sends her regards.


P.S. What is LSD? Is it anything like a confounding concoction?

PO Box 69568

Undercity Postal Division

Seattle WA 98154.01

28 April, 2002

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Office of the Administrative Supervisor

It's 6% net, you bint. I have legitimate business expenses. Go ahead and put Sully on me if you like, but the contract does not limit my business expenses. One of which, by the way, are my licensing fees to Dr. Cyril Ramson. He can set his fees as high as he likes, so let me advise you not to push it.

References enclosed. You may as well have Pritchard report to you while you're at it. He could make himself useful.

No dreams. Quiet.


On no account are you to forward any letters from Potter, for fuck's sake.

All right, Momo's Cafe, Bellingham, 7pm, Friday.

Who's paying?

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Office of the Administrative Supervisor

3 June, 2002

PO Box 69568

Undercity Postal Division

Seattle WA 98154.01


Got some letters for you from Potter. I'm willing to open negotiation to not forward them to you. You can send me your offer.


The End


Thank you so much for reading and sticking with me! A very special thank you to those who were able to review, it really means a lot to hear what you think. Anonymous reviewers, I'm sorry I can't send you messages directly, but I greatly appreciated hearing from you as well. Anyone with questions about the stories, please feel free to pm me as well.

Exciting announcement! This entire series is being published in virtual pdf book form by Jodel of Red Hen Publications! She has done an absolutely amazing job making very beautiful 'books' of each of the three main stories in the series, along with some of the shorter stories as well. They are in the style of serialized pulp magazines, complete with wizarding advertisements, and a few illustrations by me. You can find and them now at the Red Hen Publications website, in the Tales of the Potterverse section. They are available for download or reading online. If you have not seen her website before, it is home to many fascinating essays about the Potterverse, as well as a wonderful selection of fanfiction virtual books. I am very honored to have my works in her collection!

Future writing: I feel like this trilogy of stores from Snape's point of view is now complete. However, I am not leaving this 'universe' behind. I am currently in the early stages (outline at the moment) of a story that takes place about a year and a half after the Good Friend. In structure, it will be a little like Inconclusive Evidence, shifting viewpoints between several characters, and focusing mostly on the 'eyes,' though Snape will make some appearances as well. In genre, it will be a noir mystery along the lines of The Clear Cut. The working title is The Cover Up. I also have a short parody oneshot planned, but it is not directly connected to my other stories. If you want to be notified of future writings, you can use the Follow Author box below.

Thank you all again, and happy reading!