Snow White and Charming gazed down at Emma as she cried, bundled up in the hand-stitched blanket. Snow White wanted nothing more than to spend more time with her daughter, but time was short. The curse was coming and the wardrobe could only take one.
"It can only take one." Snow said. She looked at Charming, "Let's put her through."
"Snow-" David started,
"It's the only chance we have Charming. She can be safe from Regina."
Before he could answer they heard, "You will not need to put her through the wardrobe, Snow White, Prince David."
The new parents turned and saw four strange people in the bedchamber. Three men and a woman were standing in the middle of the bedchambers, wearing unusual looking amour. David drew his sword as Snow clutched Emma.
"Who are you? How did you get in the castle?"
"Calm yourself. We mean you no harm. We are the Ninja Tribunal guardians. We have foretold of you sending your child to the land without magic, a land we are familiar with. We are here to ensure of her safety."
"Why?" Snow asked.
"We have seen a glimpse of what your daughter's future beholds. She will suffer and not have the love a child deserves. We are offering you this: Give us your daughter and we will keep her safe from Regina's reach."
Charming grew weary at their words. Snow asked, "Will she be loved and cared for like she should if we give her to you?" Charming looked at her in shock at her fast decision.
"She will. You have our word." Hiromi said.
"Snow, are you sure? How do we even know that-"
"David," Snow snapped him out of his ramble, "What other choice do we have now?" Snow said. Charming looked at her. He turned to the Tribunal, "We accept your offer."
The four nodded their heads, "Please let us have the child." Juto said.
Snow White looked down at Emma, "Emma…mommy loves you. She will always love you…she's sorry she has to do this." With a chocked sob, Snow white kissed her daughter's forehead tenderly. Charming had tears in his eyes as he took Emma from Snow.
"Emma, I love you sweetheart. I don't want to do this either but…we're doing it because we love you so much. Please understand that."
He kissed her on the cheek and gave her to the Tribunal. Chikara took the bundle and secured Emma in her arms.
"We will make sure she is cared for and when the time is right…you will see her again."
With that, the Tribunal created a portal and walked inside, vanishing without a trace.

Hamato Splinter was meditating after a training session. He felt the wind and the flames of the candles blow out. He opened his eyes and saw a portal opening. To his shock it was the Ninja Tribunal. There was a bundle in Chikara's arms. He raised his brow, getting to his feet and bowed.
"What brings the Ninja Tribunal here?" He asked.
"We have come on official business Hamato Splinter. One very important."
Splinter was curious, what was so important that the Ninja Tribunal came to him for? Chikara came and showed the bundle to Splinter, who was surprised to see a newborn baby in her arms.
"This newborn child is from another world. A world many believe only exist through stories to entertain their children. This child is from that world and is marked as their savior."
Splinter gazed at the newborn girl. He looked up at Chikara again, "Who is she?"
"The daughter of Snow White and Prince David."
Splinter was skeptical as heard the name. Snow White? He remembered that being just a fairytale for young ones who enjoyed princesses.
"Are you sure?"
"We are certain. Snow Whites step-mother, Regina, created a curse that would send all of them to this world, where everyone will be frozen in time, until the child finds the town. We have seen what her life will entail if she is alone. Which is why we interfered. "
"But I still do not understand, what shall you have me do?"
"We believe it would be beneficial for you to raise the child with your sons."
Splinter had not expected to hear this, but his train of thought was interrupted when he heard a gurgle and saw the baby's eyes opening. As Emma saw Splinter, she clumsily moved her arms, asking for him. Splinter carefully took the little girl from Chikara and started to rock her. She was asleep instantly. Splinter turned his attention back to them,
"What is her name?"
Splinter nodded his head and said, "I will raise her with my sons."
The Tribunal nodded and went back into the portal, leaving Emma and Splinter in the lair. Splinter looked down at her with a smile, "Come Emma, let's go and meet your brothers."