UPDATE: Not a chapter! - (okay, FF please stop being difficult I just want to say WORDS)
Sorry for the lack of update guys, but it's come to my attention that I uploaded the incorrect file to Sermon for chapter seven and a HUGE chunk of the chapter was missing. I am so embarrassed by this, and the fact that it took me three months to notice - I done goofed.
If something doesn't make sense, PLEASE leave me a review and let me know! Or if you also read on Ao3 and see there's inconsistencies, send me a PM or leave a comment!
If you haven't, please go and read the full version of Ch.7, some important plot points are filled in lol.
I apologize for leaving this story hanging, I noticed we recently hit the 2 year mark since this story's been published and we're not even ten chapters in (shame)
I'm going to try to dedicate more time to Sermon, but the reality is I am a fulltime student who is about to graduate and my assignments and work must come first.
That being said I WILL finish this story! That is a promise, I have an entire plan for it – 30 chapters 's gonna happen, I promise.
That being said, chapter eight should be out VERY soon, and after that things really start to pick up!
Keep your eyes peeled, I promise this journey is going to be worth it, thanks for sticking around for so long 3