The Hunter and her Hero

Guilds. The epitome of the homes for mages. Most consider them a means to an end, a place for people to gain what they want. Destroying their ties with said guild when all's said and done.

Of course that is not the only thing a guild is. It is a place for people to grow, learn, find love and have a great adventure.

Unfortunately, that was not in the mind of this person. All she could think of was the canopy of screams that she had no choice to run from. She ran through the forest, to escape from that god awful place.

She use to call it home, a place where she could stay and always be safe. Her father would stay at work until night. Her mother would watch over her, reading stories of princes and princesses. Warriors who always killed the demon. Even ones of Heroes, one's that seemed so impossibly true that it was like a dream.

Her father would then return, that night's dinner in his hands, and a new toy for his little girl to play. The two would laugh and play with it while they waited for the mother to cook the meal.

Then it was off to bed, another story on it's way as she was tucked in. Sadly, that night…

It was destroyed viciously by a Dark guild.

There were no alarms, no sounds. There was only the screams of those who had died, the screams of those who had lost everything.

Her father was different, he ran with her in his arms. A slight limp in his step, blood gushing from his hip. Trying to help all those he could help, while still keeping an arm draped over the small child. Maybe to keep her from seeing something, who knows. But it was futile, she saw it all.

The blood, the body's… the Demonic Hell Spawn that killed her mother with it's spear like tail!

She could not turn away from the… thing! What else could it be described as! It's purple draconic head, covered in the blood of the innocent. It's wings the size of a house, each flap causing a cyclone alone.

She could not help it. The fear and sadness were too much. She screamed and cried out to the world in that moment. Hoping for someone to kill the dragon!

But no one came… For no one dared to challenge the Space Pirates!

No one dared challenge the Dark Drake, Ridley!

Her father ran forward, until he was at the very edge of the forest. That was when he had collapsed, she couldn't understand why though.

"R-run!" He said suddenly, pulling the her from his shoulder. "You have to, run!"

She wanted to refuse, she truly did. But the fear kept welling up in her throat, creating a blockage that barely let her breath, let alone speak.

Something was placed into her hand, something very heavy in her eight year old hands. She looked down at the object, it's silver metal reflecting her face. Her blond hair, covered in dirt and blood. Her blue eyes, that used to be filled to the brim with joy were gone. Replaced by two fear ridden eyes.

"Take this… it will keep you safe." She did not know what it did, but she remembered what her father had called it… a Magic Pistol.

"Y-you can get up!" The girl screamed, taking his hand and trying to pull him along. "C-com'on! The forest is-"

"Samus!" She quieted down, surprised by her father. For in her entire life, Father had never yelled once. Not at her, not at mother… Not at anyone.

"You… you have to run…" He said, looking at the very ground, his voice betraying his weakness and sorrow. "Please!" He sobbed.

Those were her father's final words, as he succumbed to the end of all things.

Samus barely moved, she barely even breathed in that single second as she watched her father collapse before her. All she did was stand there, watching her father's dead body.

How long was she standing there for, she couldn't tell. Minutes, days, months, years or even a millenia. Her perception of time lost alongside her father.

She could do nothing but watch, the final words repeating in her mind over and over again.


It was the only thing that brought her back to reality. The only thing that kept her from falling down and crying over the corpse of her father. So she did what her father had asked… and ran from the only home she had ever known.

She ran for what felt like days in her dress, that was once as blue as the very sky above her. Now marred in blood that was not even her own. She ran.

And ran…

Until her very legs gave out beneath her, underneath a great array of tree's. She could do nothing, nothing at all. Her arms had felt like weights, her legs felt connected to the very ground itself.

How long did she run for? How far did she go? These answers went unanswered, for she was all alone, just the thoughts in her mind keeping her company. Though that did not help much…

For all she saw was her father and mother. Their dead body's put over a pile of all her neighbors, friends and elder figures. All while it stood above them all, their blood covering it's from head to toe.

A yell echoed through out the very forest. One of anger, frustration, fear… and the overwhelming sadness, that broke through all those before it.

That night, the only thing that could be heard in the forest were the ghostly wails of a small child. Pleading, begging for someone to find her. But she knew it was in vain…

That night, the ground lay wet with tears of a child who had lost everything.

'Murderer… Murderer… MURDERER!'

The boy woke up from his slumber, wide awake from his nightmare. His heart beating faster than the very wind. The ground lay wet from morning dew, as well as the sweat from the boy.

It was only yesterday that he had ran away, yet it felt like it was merely an hour ago. He still had the things he took with him in the rush. His favorite toy, the slingshot. His favorite weapon, his Bow and arrow. Alongside…

A simple knife, that may as well have been a sword in his very young hands. One that he was quite skilled in using, oddly enough. He had found it in the woods, just yesterday in fact. Yet it resonated with him so well that he was using it, as if it was a part of his own body. An extra long arm in a way.

The boy looked around cautiously, you may never know what might sneak up on you in the forest. For it was a very dangerous place, one filled with beasts and demons. Even the very trees looked like they would grow legs and attack you. There was only one safe place in the woods.

"Go… The world is so much bigger than you to believe it to be… Go, see it with your own eyes... my son."

There used to be a safe place in the woods.

It disappeared along with his death. It disappeared as soon as the Great Deku Tree died. It disappeared when he stabbed that evil demon it's one, hideous yellow eye.

He shaked the memory away. Putting the knife into his magic pouch. He got up and greeted the forest with a glare of determination. It's vibrant green surroundings familiar to him, but the cloudy sky above concerning. Especially with the smell of wet ground so close. He would have to move fast.

"I will leave this forest… just as you told me to." He bowed his head, praying to the Three Goddesses for the Deku Tree safe passage into the afterlife. He did not care if they wouldn't listen, even if they didn't exist he would still ask someone for his safe passage… He may have even prayed for a certain red-headed bully to have bad luck for a week, but it was only for a second.

With that said and done, he trekked onward. Ready for anything the world may throw at him.

"Ah, come on!" A whisper rang out through the forest, though it might as well have been a yell in the young boy's ears. He turned in the direction of the small voice, curious of it's origins.

Did someone already try to cultivate this grand forest? Or had they already come this far? No, that was impossible and the young boy knew that very well. He may have been fairy-less, but he knew how to run, climb and live in the very forest.

He was there hunter after all.

The boy followed the voice, unaware of what may lie ahead. Yet he did not care. Exploring meant meeting people… or so stories have told him. He wished he didn't have to meet people, it was hard enough talking to the Kokiri, let alone a stranger.

"Come on how does this thing work!" It was louder now, much louder. Thankfully it did not sound like any of the Kokiri. It did sound like someone his age though, it was far too high to be a fabled adult.

"Come on you stupid... UGH!" It was close now, past the very bush in front of him. I wonder what this person is like. I peaked through the very bush, silent so that the person wouldn't hear me.

The voice was simply a young girl, her hair cascading down her back like a stream. It was dirty though, very dirty. It appeared to be almost be brunett with the dirt on it. She wore a dress similar to that of a cloudless sky, if it wasn't for the multiple pieces of dirt on it. In fact her entire attire was dirty, even her skin was caked in mud.

She sat on the ground, looking at a peculiar… something! He had never seen anything like it before! It was so intricate and… shiny! What was it?

"Why won't you do anything?" The girl asked, looking at peculiar object. The boy simply wondered if it talked.

"Why… why did father give you to me?" The girl asked again, it did not respond. All it did was lie there on it's side, useless. Once more the boy wondered what a father was, contemplating what it could possibly be.

"Why… Why!?" The girl screamed out to the world, surprising the boy. "Why did he have to…!?" The girl never finished her sentence, cause in that very moment, she burst out into uncontrollable sobs.

The boy merely watched the girl as she cried, an internal dilemma occurring within the confines of his brain. There were only two choices.

Comfort her, or pretend that this never happened. He did not want to think the later, but it was a choice nonetheless. What should he do… how could he possibly comfort her! He was terrible with words, every time he tried to speak his bully would always tease him for it.

What could he do… he couldn't stand the girls crying anymore!

"Why do I have to be alone?"

It was a simple impulse, one that happened too quickly to stop when it began…

Yet he knew, deep down in the farthest reaches of soul, he knew, they knew, it was the right thing to do.

"Y-y-you're not alone!" The boy spoke out, while quickly clamping his hand over his mouth. He didn't even mean to speak, yet the words came out in a quick burst!

The sobbing stopped… the girl was looking around, probably scared from the voice that suddenly broke out through the entire forest. Her eyes, still covered in an array of tears, quickly saw the object. She scrambled across the ground to grab it. She fumbled for a while the object, as if it was covered in water and slippery to the touch. After finally retrieving it, she got up off the ground.

She held the trinket oddly, like it was some sort of club. It was a very short club if that was the case.

"W-who's there!"

The boy wanted to scream. 'No one!' but even he realized how futile it was to do such a thing. But he dared not move, afraid of what the small girl would do when in this situation. She might even throw the weapon at him.

"I- I'm… Link!" The boy said, still hidden behind bush watching her every move, wary of the possible attack coming.

"... What do you want?" Despite the question, the girl kept the weapon at the ready. He could understand that, the Deku Tree always said to be wary of strangers.

What did he want? He wanted to help her, he felt it in his very core.

"Your name. I want to know your name." The boy asked, still curious of who the girl was. The girl did not answer at first, but that didn't matter to Link. She had at the very least stopped shaking.

"Samus." She answered, still looking around the alcove. "Samus Aran." The boy merely thought it a peculiar name, he had never heard anything like it before.

"U-mm… Why are you in the woods?" Samus visibly flinched at Links question, surprising the boy. It was a simple question, why would she be afraid of it.

The girl didn't respond, she only stared at the ground a glazed look in her eyes.

"I'm… Lost." Her voice was bland, devoid of anything at all. The only thing that truly showed her emotions were her very eyes. She was terrified.

Link quickly tried to change the subject, hoping to free the girl from her very own mind. "Where are you going!" He said, louder than he even wanted his voice to be.

"H-huh…" The girl said, looking up from the ground again. "I'm going… I don't know where I'm going." The girl spoke truthfully, letting her arms collapse against her sid. "Like I said, I'm lost… forever apparently."

Link was confused, very confused in fact. How could someone be lost in the woods, everything looks very different. "Why do you think you're lost."

"Maybe, because I've been trying to get out of the woods all day." Samus said, sarcastically. Oh… right.

"I-I'm sorry. That was a stupid question." Samus merely raised an eyebrow at my apology.

"Why are you apologizing? You just asked a question." She stated, as she stood there, still trying to find him.

"... It's nothing." Link replied from his hiding, which she still hasn't found. "Just… I do it just in case"

"Oh… that's weird." Samus said openly, causing Link's eyes to fall to the ground. "Although it's very kind of you to do so anyways."

Link was surprised once again… did she actually just praise him? This had only ever happened three times in his life. When the Great Deku tree acknowledged his courage, when everyone, even Mido, was impressed with his ability with the bow and even when Saria praised his loyalty to the forest…

A loyalty he's actively running from.

"Ah ha!" A voice screamed in his ear, causing him to jump from his hiding spot. He was about to hit one of the tree's branches with the height he achieved. "Found you!" Followed by a small giggle, oddly enough.

"Ow." Link said, a constant ringing in his left ear. Probably from the scream of bloody murder that Samus had brought onto the forest. "Why did you have to yell?" He asked, confused by her quick change in demeanor.

She didn't answer, she only stared at him. Eyes wide in wonder and awe. "You're a Kokiri!" She screamed out to the world once more, causing his right ear to start ringing in irritation. He was practically deaf when she began to ask questions with her hands on his shoulders.

"Is your home really in a tree? Do you really have the gift of immortality? Can you show me your home? Do you guys really have Fairys? Do they actually have tails as most people say they do? Do you guys actually have a talking tree?!" She was spinning him around by that point in her excitement.

"P-p-please s-stop!" Link tried to ask her, sadly it was in vain as the girl kept spinning him around "I'll talk, j-just put me down!"

It was then that Link was sent flying, as Samus had lost her grip on the young Kokiri. Sadly he hit a tree, face first. It was a very painful experience for the young man, but one that he was used to. He was always bullied by Mido and his gang. This was almost nothing.

"Ah, I hurt the Kokiri!" Samus said, her face as pale as a cloud. "Please tell me I don't get cursed because of it, like the myths speak of!" She continued to scream out, while keeping a hand on her face. "I don't want to become a Skull Kid!"

What are up with these myths?

Skull Kids are born when a child wanders in the Lost Woods, and gives up hope of ever being found. They absolutely hate the adults that they chose to run from.

Besides the people rarely find the Kokiri, even then they believe were just kids in a forest, playing.

"There is no curse." I tell Samus, as I lifted myself from the ground. Ignoring the small tear in his clothing. "Also yes, I don't know, the only exception is me, the are too bright to tell… We used to." He spoke sadly, remembering the Great Guardian of the Forest.

It almost brought tears to his, just remembering his death. But he couldn't mourn. He could only do what the Deku Tree asked of him and that is see the world that. The world that Link always wanted to see.

"What happened to it?" Samus asked, oblivious to his inner monologue. "The tree…"

Link looked up at her, seeing the curious and sad gaze that came from the girl. He wanted to tell her, he truly did.

But it was far to painful to remember, let alone speak of it. So he was forced to change the subject. But how?

Links prayer was answered, as a loud gurgle rang out from around the forest. At first he thought it was some sort of beast, prowling around them at this very moment.

"E-excuse me." Samus spoke up, her dirty face now marred pink from embarrassment. It appeared that she was hungry… very hungry. "Y-you wouldn't happen to have any food would you?"

"Do you like apples?" Link questioned Samus, hoping that she did. It was one of the only things he had right now.

"Very!" She said , a big smile on her face. But then she grew confused, looking at the compartment on Link. "Are you going to find some, you don't look like you have anything on you."

Link smiled a bit, ready to get the apple from his magic pouch. "Yeah well… being born a Kokiri means one thing…" Samus tilted her head to the side, probably confused by where this was going.

"We are," He began, already pulling out the apple from the requip spot in his mind AKA his magic pouch. Samus turned away from the bright light. When the light faded she turned quickly to Link's hand… seeing two apples that he had pulled out of nowhere. "Magic!"

"Wow! That's so cool!" Samus said, taking the apple into her hand and looking at it, as if it were the greatest thing in the world.

"From what the Great Deku Tree told me, it's called Requip. The ability to store something in a separate place and summon it into your hand." Link never asked more about it. He always liked to find things out for himself.

"Huh… It kinda reminds me of fathers." Wait… Huh?

"Father…? What's a father?" It was a very strange sounding word to him.

Samus looked at him once again, wide eyed. "You… don't know." She said curiously, as if she couldn't believe the words coming out of my mouth. She took a bite out of the apple, thinking while chewing the delicious apple.

"Oh yeah… Damian had the same problem!" Samus said, food still in her mouth. She swallowed it, ignoring everything else. "He only knew what a mother was. It was kinda sad." She frowned at the apple, while Link also took another bite from his. Chewing the delicious fruit to satisfy his stomach.

"What's a mother?" This caused a reaction to happen from Samus. She looked quickly, almost near instant as soon as that question finished.

"H-huh!?" Samus screamed out, her voice echoing in the thick forest. "You… you don't have parents?" She continued looking more confused than ever. "Wh- How!?"

Why was she yelling again? It really hurts. "None of the Kokiri have those… Is it some sort of… plant?" Sadly that was the first thing that came to the boy's mind in this situation, surrounded by the woods of his home.

"No! They are people!" Samus said, still looking at me as if I came from the Blue Orb in the sky. "They make you food, keep you clothed, always make sure you're doing the right thing…" As the list continued on, Link noticed something odd and concerning.

The more she listed, the more… sad she appeared to be. It was strange to the young boy. "Tuck you in at night… tell you stories… play with you…" Samus suddenly collapsed onto her knees, the apple rolling out of her hand. The once pristine skin covered in mud and grime.

"Samus…?" To say Link was concerned for Samus was the understatement of his entire life. He was beyond worried. He was terrified for her. His stomach now a pit that nothing could escape.

He didn't know what he did to her, but he knew he somehow caused this. He was about to apologize to Samus, hoping to change the subject to turn Samus back to who she was before you asked the question.

Until something wet fell on his nose… a single drop of rain. Link mentally berated himself, how could he forget something so important. It might have been rain, but who knew what it could attract in the forest. Link didn't dare to find out.

"Samus! We have to find shelter!" He ran up to the girl, hoping that she would hear him. Yet she still whispered, unaware of what was happening around her. "Samus!" The rain was getting heavier, it was no longer a drizzle in the five seconds he tried to move Samus.

Link thought of what to do. He had to help Samus, but how could he do so when she refused to listen to him. Lift her up? No that would drain him before he even found a suitable place to take shelter. The treetops? No, he'd just risk her life in just doing that. Besides the bark was far too wet now.

It was a downpour now, like the spirits of rain were angry with the world trying to wash away it's surface.

What could he do!? Whenever it rained in the Kokiri's Forest, the Deku Tree forced them to go into his mouth, as a means t-

Inside a tree… Inside a tree! The hollow tree I rested inside! It was barely even a half a mile away it should work! It was even big enough for the both of them to use!

He quickly picked Samus up in a piggyback position, wanting to get to the tree as fast as possible. He could run that far at that at least. So he sprinted through the woods, goal in mind. What else could he have possibly done.

Link steps were heavy in the newly formed puddles in the earth, as Samus continued the list of things 'parents' do. It was a surreal scene, a boy running through the woods rain falling in buckets while a young woman being carried all the while.

That was when Link saw it, the tree he slept in this very day. He was panting at this point, the young girls weight making it especially hard for him to run in the rain. He ignored himself though, as he quickly got Samus into the tree. Thankfully it was still dried and filled with the leaves he put in it for comfort. It was perfect. So he set her down

Now… How will he fix Samus? It was obvious that something happened to her out there. When he mentioned he had no… Parents? He still had no idea what they were though, all that he knew was that they involved a 'father and mother'.

They appeared to be something like a fairy. A guardian who always watched over you, until your or its death. That was what he saw in his own mind at least, he might be missing a few things. He never had a fairy he wouldn't know anything about it. He had never even heard of parents before. He probably never would, from how important Samus made them out to be.

Why was he the only one born without anything? Nothing, no fairy, no talent, not even rare magic! The Great Deku Tree, told him that it was a common magic. One fit more for a warrior, than a mage. But even then, he knew it was a gimmick to what other magic's had in store.

Despite the past ten minutes since the rain began, Samus still muttered to herself . Each one getting more and more personal as time went on. It was getting very strange and worrisome for young Link. What if she never broke out of this… was it some type of curse? That would make a lot of sense… no it wouldn't.

Curses… they make it so you are never the same again. They make you… rot. They don't make you spout random things about certain people.

Do they?

Yet one thing stopped Link from thinking entirely… it was spoken by Samus. A simple sentence, to low for most people to hear, keyword most.

"To keep you safe… even if it means it takes everything from them..." With that sentence alone Link was forced to look at Samus, who now lay in a fetal position on the ground. Nothing could be seen from her, except the silver object in her hands.

"Why did you make me leave… Why… Why do I have to be alone." She spoke up.

Link now knew, he was wrong about something… these parents didn't sound like Fairies…

"Go… explore the world. Explore the world you've always dreamed… For I believe it to be your destiny. As mine was to protect you."

They sounded exactly like him… Someone who would protect all he deemed worthy to. Someone who nurtured, told stories that most would deem impossible. Stories of heroes that killed the dragon, saved the princess and lived happily ever after.

That is the duty of a guardian… that is the duty of the parents, and it appears that… something happened to hers.

She is alone… Like he once was.

He couldn't allow that, not when so many had made him feel so, as well. Yet he couldn't think of anything to say… nothing at all. Would she stay like this forever more if he did not say something.

What could he do? A simple boy.

"The hero need not speaketh any word, for the kingdom knew of his heroic actions."

Link moved forward, slowly towards Samus. Only needing to take a few steps to close the distance between him and her. He hesitated for only a second, but it need not matter.

For when he gave the girl a hug, she stiffened against him. It took a minute before she looked up at Link with confusion. He thought he might have done the wrong thing, hugging the small girl. Until she relaxed into the hug, sobbing like she did just a while ago in an open plain.

"Thank you…"

It was on that day a guild was formed… a guild like no other. For this guild was created, not for adventure, not for personal gain. Nor was it created in a fancy building. No…

The Guild of Fighters was made for people who had nothing… but the will to keeping moving forward. It was formed, unknowingly, at that very moment in an old withered tree.

Yet the Smash Brothers journey had only just begun.

So yeah, I was very bored and had small writer's block for Despair Remnants. So I just wrote this little thing cause well… no offense to any of the writers in this category but… there is not a lot of good stories for something that could be amazing by just existing.

Now let me make this very clear… I won't have every single character make there way in this story. I will allow only few to enter it, around twenty or more.

Also each of the chapters will introduce one of the many characters in this story. Why, so you get used to how I write these characters in this story.

These are the requirements of the fighters in this story.

They have to be heroes or at the very least anti heroes. I'd rather not have to deal with villains messing more shit up for any of the heroes. Especially for what I have planned. I wish to increase the angst by twelve.

They must be at least human in some regard. For example, Pit is technically Human. Palutena is a Goddess of Light. Pikachu can be made as a pet. Charizard, can be made as only a Fire Dragon/Drake both which don't make sense in this context because it's Fairy Tail, with Dragonslayers. Alongside an end boss that is a literal King of Dragons that eats all magic… I am not pulling the pin on that grenade.

They have to be trained fighters in some way. Little Mac literally KO's people three times his size… and won!

No Princes or Princesses unless they follow requirement three. Like Marth or Corrin!

I have already made my choices on the heroes, but if you can convince me on more of them I will listen.

The first twenty or more chapters are character chapters. Then we go on to them gaining their powers through shorts, cause we don't want to watch them to gain abilities unless it is not canon. Like, for example, How Fox would become… well a fox.

Then it's my own arc, then Canon.

Alright, thank you for reading. See ya next time.