Chapter 14

Wrath and Pride walked back into their mansion. It had been good getting time off while Mrs. Bradley was visiting her family. However, she would be back today, and that meant it was time to go back to acting.

Their normal acting suddenly got a lot more strained when Mrs. Bradley made a game suggestion.

"Um, now? Love?" Wrath asked. "Monopoly is a very long game."

"Yes I know," Mrs. Bradley agreed with a nod. "But it is such a good one, and we don't spend enough time together."

Wrath looked at Pride.

Wrath, do something, Pride silently willed.

"If it takes too long, we could always pause," Mrs. Bradley suggested.

Wrath just slumped in defeat. "Very well, if you insist."

Thank you for doing nothing Wrath, and leaving all the work to me. As usual, Pride thought.

Luckily, having the vessel of a child did come in handy for these things. The three started the game, but Pride whined about how it was too complicated, and long, and boring. Eventually Mrs. Bradley gave up. It was a relief for both homunculi.

(Well this is a little over due. Unless I come up with another random idea that was the last chapter. Thanks for reading and what not.)