Today is Chapter 5 of Naruto: The Dragon Ninja. Now we'll see if they manage to pass or fail.
Kakashi pick up the bells off the ground while Naruto is hanging upside down as Kakashi said sighing "Think before you use a Jutsu or else your opponent might use it against you." He held the bell up with a close eye smile as he said, "Oh, and also, if the bait is obvious, don't take it."
Naruto growled trying to get free as Kakashi said, "A ninja must see through deception."
As Naruto said, "I get it! Gah!"
As Kakashi said, "I'm telling you this because you don't get it. You think you get it which is not the same as actually getting it. Get it?"
Sasuke's eyes widen clenching his teeth as he grabs a Shuriken as he said in his thought "This is my chance." He throws the Shuriken and Kunai as he said in his thought "He finally dropped his guard!"
As Kakashi ask, "Don't you ever learn?"
Kakashi is hit side by the side of shuriken and kunai.
Sakura gasp as Naruto began to panic and Ryuji's eyes widen as Naruto said, "He just got blasted by shuriken! Are you out of your mind, Sasuke?! You went too far!"
Kakashi fell to the ground with blood squirting out. Sasuke watches and his eyes widen as a puff of smoke appears around Kakashi and disappears to reveal a log with his kunai and shuriken in it.
Sasuke then begins jumping through the trees quickly as he said in his thought "Another Substitution Jutsu and now he knows where I'm hiding. Gotta move fast! I thought he lowered his guard, but he did that on purpose and I fell for it!"
Kakashi watches Sasuke through the bush as he said in his thought "So that's where he is." He chuckles.
Sakura immediately gave chase in an attempt to find Sasuke and Ryuji. As Sakura said in her thought "Sasuke, Ryuji, where'd you two go? Don't tell me Kakashi–sensei found you! No! He can't capture my Sasuke and Ryuji! I won't let him!" She then gasps seeing Kakashi reading his book she hid behind a bush as she said in her thought "Phew, he didn't hear me. I'm safe."
As Kakashi said in a whisper "Sakura, behind you."
As Sakura ask, "Huh?" She turns to her left so see Kakashi looking at her. She let out a scream.
Ryuji who had moved to a denser part of the training grounds, looked back in the direction he had come from when he heard Sakura's scream. As Ryuji ask, "Was that Sakura?" His eyes widen as he said, "Oh no!" He began running towards the scream.
Naruto was still tied upside down as he said in his thought "A ninja must see through deception. Yeah, yeah! How am I supposed to do that?!" He saw Ryuji running past him as he said, "Ryuji! Give me a hand!"
Ryuji look at Naruto then took out a Kunai as he said tossing the Kunai "Here, use this! I gotta go!"
Naruto caught the Kunai as he then began cutting it down while Ryuji kept running. As Naruto said, "Ugh! Well, I'm sure not falling for anymore of his traps!" He flips down and lands on the ground gracefully. He grinned only to scream when his foot was wrapped up in another rope making him hang upside down as he said, "I fell for it again!"
Kakashi did a rat hand sign and leaves moved all around like a wall.
Sakura seem to be in a trance as leaves flew around her up into the sky before disappearing. She was then in an open area. She blinked and looked around as she said, "Oh my! Someone here?" She looks around with noise of panic before resting a finger to her chin as she said, "I think I felt something! What was it?" She clutches her head in panic as she asks, "What's going on?!"
As a voice said, "Sakura."
Sakura turns around with a smile as she said, "Ryuji!" Limping out from behind a tree was Ryuji, but he was impaled from head to toe in shuriken and kunai and was bleeding profusely as Ryuji said, "S–Sakura! Help me! Please help me!"
Sakura stood there stunned and horrified. She then started letting out whimpers as tears came to her eyes before she let out a blood curdling scream and she fainted.
Kakashi was sitting on a tree branch came in, watching her and reading his book as he said in his thought "I think I over did it a bit. But she's gotta learn to see through these things. I'm surprised, though. I cast that GenJutsu to take on the form of what she feared most. I expected it to transform into Sasuke, but it actually changed into Ryuji."
Sasuke turn with narrowed eyes as he asks "Hn?" As he said in his thought "Sounded like… Sakura?"
Ryuji kept running as he hears Sakura's scream again as he said in his thought "That's defiantly Sakura."
Kakashi stood up a she said, "Shinobi battle skill number two: The Illusion Jutsu. Sakura studied it in class, but she still couldn't see it coming."
Sasuke sense a presence behind him as he turns to see Ryuji walking up to him as Ryuji ask, "What are you doing here, Sasuke?"
As Sasuke said, "I could ask you the same thing." As he asks, "So you heard Sakura's scream too?"
As Ryuji said, "Yeah I did. I just hope she's okay but right now we have to get the bells."
As Sasuke said narrowing his eyes in thought "Genjutsu. It's just simple mind control. I'm not surprised he caught Sakura with it, but…" As he said, "I'm not like Sakura and Naruto."
As Kakashi said standing on a tree behind Sasuke and Ryuji "Say that after you get one of these bells, my Sasuke." He chuckles he steps up a bit, still reading his book.
Ryuji and Sasuke look at Kakashi before looking at each other and nodded as Ryuji charge at Kakashi and threw a punch, Kakashi caught the punch and flipped Ryuji over his shoulder. Kakashi then looked towards Sasuke in time to see him toss several kunai and shuriken. Kakashi effortlessly dodged by ducking before looking back at Sasuke as he said in his thought "There's no point using normal attacks."
Sasuke smirked as he tossed another shuriken. The shuriken sailed through the air before slicing through a rope. The second the rope snapped, dozens of kunai and shuriken shot at Kakashi from the trees and bushes.
As Kakashi said in his thought "A trap!" He jumped to avoid the shuriken and kunai. As he landed on his feet, he quickly turned in time to see Ryuji bound off a tree and go sailing through the air back at Kakashi.
As Kakashi ask, "What?" Ryuji kicked out his left foot in an attempt to kick Kakashi, but Kakashi caught his foot but Ryuji smiled as he twisted around to where he was upside down and attempted to punch Kakashi in the stomach, but Kakashi quickly caught the punch with his free hand. However, his eye widened slightly as he saw Ryuji reach for the three bells on his Jonin vest. Feeling a presence behind him, Kakashi looked back and saw Sasuke behind him reaching for one of the bells as well. As Kakashi said in his thought "These kids…"
Quickly turning around, Kakashi flung Ryuji into Sasuke just as Ryuji and Sasuke touched a bell each before jumping back. The two picked themselves off the ground before turning to face Kakashi as Kakashi said in his thought "He's fierce while he's brave. Hmph, I won't be able to read Make Out Paradise now."
Sasuke gritted his teeth while Ryuji stared at Kakashi.
Sakura woke up and sat up in daze as she asks "Wha–what happened?" She gasps with a blush and gets into a kneel position while fixing the skirt of her dress. Gasps again as she remembered as she said in his thought "Ryuji! I saw him! He was on the verge of – no!" She stood up as she said, "Ryuji, Sasuke no! You've got to survive! Please! Where are you?!"
Naruto was still hanging upside down, only leg crossed over the one tied by the rope. His arms were crossed. He then opened his eyes and looked over at the memorial stone and saw the lunches there as he asks "Hey, what're those things down there?" As he said grinning "Ah! I know what those things are! Those are box lunches!" He gasps a little and cross his arms as he said, "A ninja must see through deception!" He grins and snickers mischievous.
Kakashi stare at Sasuke and Ryuji as he said, "Well, you two are different from the other two, I'll grant you that."
As Sasuke said in his thought doing hand signs "Horse! Tiger! Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!"
As Ryuji said doing the same hand sign "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!"
Kakashi's eyes widen at Sasuke as he said in his thought "What? Genin can't do Fire Jutsu! Takes too much chakra! There's no way!"
Sasuke and Ryuji blew a fire ball each. The two fire balls sailed through the air and impacted with their target causing an explosion and black smoke to billow out. Sasuke and Ryuji's eyes widen when the smoke cleared to reveal that Kakashi had disappeared. As Sasuke ask in his thought "Where did he go?! Behind me? Above?"
As Kakashi ask, "Where?"
Sasuke's eyes widen while Ryuji look around they quickly looked down to see two hands grabbing their ankles Ryuji's right and Sasuke's left as Kakashi said, "I'm where you least expect me."
Sasuke and Ryuji exclaim in shock as they were pulled under the ground to where their heads were sticking out. Kakashi then appeared in front of them and knelt down in front of them as he said, "Right under your feet. Earth Style: Headhunter Jutsu."
Ryuji and Sasuke tried to get out as Kakashi said, "Can't move, huh? That was Ninjutsu, the third shinobi battle skill." He gave a close eye smile as he said, "You have talent and you were right, you are different from the others, but different isn't always better." He stood up turning away and pulling out his book reading it as he said, "They say the nail that sticks up is the one that gets hammered down."
Kakashi walks away as Sasuke grits his teeth as he said in his thought "Oh great."
As Ryuji said, "You gotta admit Kakashi–sensei is strong."
Naruto was sitting against the Memorial stone chuckling as he said grinning "Sensei told us that if we don't get a bell, then we don't get any lunch. But if I eat my lunch now, then there's nothing he can do! It's chow time!"
As Kakashi said, "Hi there."
Naruto's expression becomes one of panic as he saw Kakashi sitting on top the memorial stone. Naruto then deflates and becomes nervous as he said, "I was just joking, Sensei."
As Kakashi said, "Nice try."
Ryuji was struggling to get free along with Sasuke as Sasuke said in his thought "He's stronger than I am. I can't get around that." As he asks, "Any luck?"
As Ryuji said, "I… think I'm… close… to getting… an arm free!"
At that moment, they heard the bushes rustle before Sakura came running out. Her eyes widen as she saw Sasuke and Ryuji as Sasuke ask, "Sakura?"
Sakura scream in terror clutching her head as she said, "Sasuke and Ryuji's just a head without a body and he's talking!"
She fainted as Sasuke and Ryuji sweat drop as Sasuke said, "And that's my partner…"
Ryuji continued struggling to get free before finally managing to get his right arm free as he said, "Yes!" He proceeds to dig his other arm free. Once he got his other arm free, Ryuji placed both hands on the ground before pushing up with all his might. With a little effort, Ryuji managed to pull the rest of his body out of the ground as he said, "Okay now it's your turn, Sasuke." He walked over to Sasuke and knelt down before beginning to dig Sasuke out of the ground. Once he dug Sasuke's arms free, Ryuji grabbed Sasuke's arms, with Sasuke repeating his actions, and pulled him out of the ground.
With Sasuke free, Ryuji walked over to the unconscious Sakura and kneel down. As Ryuji said patting Sakura's cheek gently "Sakura? Wake up, Sakura."
Sakura's eyes fluttered open. Once her eyes focused, she found Ryuji kneeling over her with Sasuke standing a little way away as she said, "Ryuji!" Immediately, she shot up into a seated position and wrapped her arms around Ryuji's neck as she hugged him. Ryuji went shock still as his eyes widened slightly as Sakura said tighten her grip on him "You're okay!"
Ryuji looked around before awkwardly reaching up and patting Sakura's back as he said, "Uh, it's okay. I'm fine." He then grabbed both her shoulders and pulled her off of him before standing up. Holding out a hand to Sakura, Sakura took Ryuji's outstretched hand and let him help her to her feet.
As Ryuji said, "We'd better find Kakashi and get a bell. We don't have a lot of time left." Sakura gave them a question look as she asks "Ryuji, Sasuke you're still trying to get one of those bells?"
Sasuke turn to Sakura as he said, "A while ago Ryuji and I touched one. Next time I'll get one."
Sakura folds her hands in front of her chest while giving a slightly irked smile and blushing as she said, "That is really great! I can't believe you two did that! You're amazing!"
As Inner Sakura said clutching her head "I can't believe it! They touched one of the bells! I'll never get my hands on one of those things which means Sasuke and Ryuji will pass and I won't and we'll be separated forever! No! No! No! No! No!"
As Sakura said, "Uh, it's almost lunch. There's not really enough time left, so maybe we should just give up and try again next year."
Sasuke glared at Sakura causing her to get nervous he then turns from her as Sakura frown and looks down Ryuji put a hand on her shoulder as Ryuji said, "I have to pass too, Sakura. I made a promise that I'd make my father proud."
As Sasuke said, "I'm the only one who can destroy that person."
As Sakura ask in her thought "What?" As she asks "Who? You mean the sensei?"
As Sasuke said, "That day, I was crying…"
As Sakura ask, "What day were you crying?"
As Sasuke said, "It was my…"
As Sakura ask, "What? What happened to you?"
As Sasuke said, "I am an avenger. That means I must be stronger than my prey. I need this training, there's no time for setbacks."
Sakura's eyes widen as Sasuke said, "I'm going to restore my clan and destroy a certain someone."
They heard a loud ringing which signaled that time was up. As Ryuji said, "We're too late." Sasuke groan in frustration as he said, "I wasted too much time!" He walks away.
Sakura and Ryuji watch him leave as Sakura said, "Sasuke…"
As Ryuji said putting a hand on his shoulder "Don't worry about him, Sakura. But I hope his revenge won't consume him."
As Sakura ask, "What do you mean?"
As Ryuji said, "There are several definitions of an avenger. But a true avenger can give everything up for revenge." As he asks in his thought in a serious tone "Can you honestly give everything up, Sasuke?"
Team 7 was seated in front of the four logs but Naruto was being tied with Kakashi standing in front of them. All three boxes were on the ground in front of them with their stomachs growling as Kakashi said, "Uh–oh, stomach's growling, huh? That's too bad. Oh, by the way, about this exercise… well, I've decided. I won't send any of you back to the Academy."
Naruto grin while Sakura look surprised as Sakura ask, "What? I passed? All I did was faint and fall over. Do you get points for that?"
As Inner Sakura said, "Love wins out! Cha! Cha! Cha!"
As Sasuke said smirking "Hn." Ryuji smiled.
As Sakura said jumping up with glee "Yay!"
As Naruto said, "Then! Then that means all four of us! All four of us!"
As Kakashi said giving an eye close smile "Yes, all four of you… are being dropped from the program. Permanently."
That stop their cheering, Sakura look stunned, Sasuke look angry, Ryuji frown while Naruto looks shock.
Hiruzen set his tea cup down as Iruka said, "Unbelievable! Kakashi has never passed a single student. He fails all of them!"
As Hiruzen said folding his fingers in front of his mouth "Iruka, this group is young. Even I cannot say if it is good for them to face the riggers and dangers of ninja life. However, Kakashi was correct about all those he failed."
As Naruto said struggling against his ropes "Drop us from the program?! That means we can never become ninja! You said if we couldn't take the bells, we'd be sent back to the Academy! You can't just change your mind and kick us out! Why would you do that?!"
As Kakashi said, "Because you don't think like ninja, you think like little kids. Like brats."
Sasuke growled charging towards Kakashi, Ryuji charge forward trying to stop Sasuke as Naruto looks at Sasuke in surprise as Sakura said, "Sasuke! Ryuji!" As Ryuji said, "Sasuke, stop!"
Kakashi toss Sasuke away as he grabs Ryuji's arm, Kakashi slammed Ryuji on the ground before pinning the same arm behind his back and placing his right foot on the Ryuji's head to keep him pinned down while sitting on Sasuke's back as Kakashi said looking at Sasuke "You think it's all about you."
As Sakura said with angry anime eyes "Let go of Sasuke and Ryuji! You can't step on them like they're some bug!"
Sasuke grunt gritting his teeth while Ryuji tried to struggle as Kakashi said, "You don't know what it means to be a ninja. You think it's a game, huh?"
Naruto and Sakura look dismayed while Sasuke glare while Ryuji look at Kakashi as Kakashi ask, "Why do you think we put you on squads? Did you consider that question for one moment?"
As Sakura said, "Uh, I–I don't know what you mean!"
As Kakashi said, "I mean, you never realized what this exercise is all about. Not even close."
As Naruto ask, "What it's about?"
As Kakashi said, "Yes, that's what determines whether you pass for fail."
As Sakura said nervously "But that's… I mean, I wanted to ask you that from the beginning."
Kakashi scoff as he asks "Use your head. Four people on a squad. Why do you think we would do that?"
As Naruto said, "Ah! How are we supposed to know why you picked four people?! We didn't make the rules!"
As Kakashi said, "It's so basic. Teamwork!"
Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke and Ryuji look at Kakashi in shock as Sakura ask, "Just working together? Is that what you mean?"
As Kakashi said mockingly "That's what I mean. It's too late now, but if all four of you had come at me, you might have been able to take them. Well, anyway, it's over."
As Sakura said in her thought "Wait a minute." As she said, "You set it up with four people, but only three bells. If we worked together and got the bells, only three of us could keep them and that would lead to group conflict and the squad would break up."
As Kakashi said, "Exactly, I purposely pitted you against each other." Naruto and Sakura look dismayed as Kakashi said, "I wanted to see if you could overcome that and put the squad ahead of yourselves. A Genin should have a natural feel for teamwork, but you… it never even crossed your mind. Sakura!"
Sakura gasp standing up as Kakashi said, "You obsessed about Ryuji and Sasuke who was gone while Naruto was right in front of you and you wouldn't lift a finger to help him."
Sakura looks down embarrassed and ashamed as Kakashi said, "Naruto!" Naruto gulp a little as Kakashi said, "You do everyone on your own. Everything."
Naruto looks down ashamed as Kakashi said looking at Sasuke "Sasuke thought the others were so far beneath you, they were worthless. Arrogance." As he said looking at Ryuji "And finally Ryuji. You, while stopping to help Naruto and even teaming up with Sasuke against me shows that you can work with others. But you don't want anyone else hurt so you don't want them involve with your burden. But you have to have faith in your team." As he said still holding onto Ryuji "Ninja missions are carried out in squads. Of course you need individual skills, but teamwork is the most essential element. Every shinobi understands this. When individuals put themselves above the squad, this can lead to failure and death. For example,…" He pulls out a kunai and brought it to Ryuji's neck as he said, "Sakura, kill Naruto now or Ryuji dies!"
Sakura and Naruto freak out while Sasuke widen his eyes as Kakashi said, "That's what happens on a mission." He moves the kunai away from Ryuji as he release Ryuji allowing him to stumble back over to his teammates and take a seat to Sakura's left.
As Sakura said, "Oh boy, that was really scary." She and Naruto sigh in relief.
Kakashi spins the kunai as he said, "The enemy takes a hostage and you've got an impossible choice and someone ends up dead." He got off of Sasuke as Kakashi said, "On every mission, your life is on the line." He walks over the memorial stone.
As Naurto said, "That's it! That's it! That's it! Now I know. I've decided I'm gonna have my name engraved on that stone! I'm not gonna live and die for nothing like a dog! I'm gonna be a hero! A hero!"
Sasuke walks over to Ryuji, Naruto and Sakura as Kakashi glances at Naruto over his shoulder as he said, "They are… a special kind of hero."
As Naruto said, "Huh? What kind of heroes are they? Come on! Tell us!"
Kakashi remain silent as Naruto ask, "Well? Well?"
As Kakashi said, "They are all… K.I.A."
Ryuji's eyes widen.
As Naruto said, "Oh, that sounds real cool!"
As Sakura said, "It means killed in action. They all died."
Naruto look surprise as he gains as sad look as Kakashi said, "This is a memorial stone. The names of my closest friends are engraved here."
Sakura looks sadly at Kakashi while Sasuke kept his gaze down while Naruto gritted his teeth and Ryuji look as Kakashi.
As Ryuji said, "Kakashi–sensei…" The others look at him as he said, "I should have realized that this was a teamwork exercise. Fail me if you want to but don't fail them. Please Kakashi–Sensei."
As Sakura said, "Ryuji…"
Kakashi looks at them over his shoulder as he said, "Alright. I'm going to give you one chance, but I'm going to make it much harder on you. You have three hours to get a bell. Eat lunch now to build up strength, but Naruto doesn't get any."
Naruto looks at him not happy about it as Kakashi said walking over "It's your punishment for trying to eat before everyone else. And if anyone tries to feed him, that person will immediately fail."
Naruto let out a groan of disbelief while Sasuke glared.
As Kakashi said, "I make the rules, you follow them. Got it?"
Iruka stood up as he said, "I'm leaving."
As Hiruzen said, "Iruka, listen to me."
As Iruka ask, "Huh?"
As Hiruzen said, "Whether they pass or fail, you must not blame Kakashi."
As Iruka said bowing his head "Right."
Ryuji, Sasuke and Sakura began eating their launch as they look at Naruto when his stomach growled as Naruto said, "This is no big deal. I can go without eating for days! For weeks! Believe it! This is no big deal." His stomach growled again as he said looking down "No problem…"
Sasuke looked at his lunch for a moment before holding it in front of Naruto as he said, "Here."
Naruto gasp in surprise. As Sakura said, "What?! No, Sasuke. You can't do that." She looked around nervously for Kakashi as she said, "You heard what the sensei said."
As Sasuke said, "Kakashi's gone. We need to get those bells as a team. If Naruto's hungry, he'll be weak and ineffective and that hurts the team and jeopardizes the mission."
As Ryuji said, "Blunt and to the point as usual." He took a bite out of his rice ball as he said, "But he's right we need Naruto up to full strength if we have a change to get the bells from Kakashi–sensei."
As Naruto said, "Uh…"
As Sakura said in her thought "Sasuke, Ryuji…" She looks at her launch box before gulping as she held in front of Naruto who look stunned looking at her as he asks in his thought "Sakura?"
Sakura smiled.
Kakashi who had his arms cross leaning against a tree was watching them.
As Naruto said, "Okay. Thanks."
As Sakura said, "Don't thank me. Just hurry up and eat."
As Naruto ask, "But isn't that your lunch?"
As Sakura said, "Uh… I'm on a diet. I mean, I don't eat as much as Sasuke and Ryuji, so… Just take it, Naruto!"
As Naruto said, "I can't take it! Because…" As he said flexing his hands "I can't move my hands. You gotta feed me."
As Sakura ask in anger and shock "Huh?!"
As Sasuke said looking around "Hurry up. He could come back any minute."
As Ryuji said, "Just do it Sakura before Kakashi comes back."
Sakura growled as she said, "Just this one time! That's it! I'll never do this again! Is that clear?!"
As Naruto said grinning "Clear as a bell, Sakura."
Sakura then begins feeding Naruto who smiles and eats the offered rice ball as he swallowed it.
As Ryuji said, "Naruto!" Naruto turn to Ryuji as Ryuji said, "Catch," He toss the rice ball to Naruto who opened his mouth wide and leaned forward as far as the rope would allow before catching the rice ball in his mouth. As he said with his mouth full "I got it!"
Sakura glared at Naruto as she said, "Don't talk with your mouth full!"
They were interrupted by a large gust of wind shot by and a cloud of smoke formed in the center of the training grounds as Kakashi appear looking angrily as he shouted "YOU!"
Naruto began to freak out while Sakura screams, as she blocks her face from the wind while Sasuke tense with a glare while Ryuji took a stance.
As Kakashi said, "You broke the rules. I hope you're ready for the punishment." Kakashi made a few hand seals before the sky turned dark as he ask, "Any last words?"
Sasuke and Ryuji got ready to fight while Sakura was trembling in fear and Naruto was trembling a bit as well, with his teeth chattering as he said, "B–but y–y–you said–"
As Kakashi ask, "Yes?"
As Naruto said, "You said that there were four of us! That's what you said and that's why… Ryuji, Sakura and…" He glances as Sasuke.
As Sasuke said, "We're all on this squad and we're all in it together."
As Ryuji said, "That's right! We protect each other and come to the other's aid!"
Sakura stop trembling and became braver as she said, "Yeah! That's right! We gave our lunch to him because the four of us are one!"
As Naruto looking between the three "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Believe it! That's right!"
As Kakashi ask walking to them "The four of you are one?" He put his hands on his hips as he asks, "That's your excuse?"
Ryuji, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke look determined. Kakashi gave them an eye close smile as he said, "You pass."
As Sakura ask, "Huh?"
As Naruto ask, "Huh?"
As Ryuji ask, "Huh?"
Sasuke gritted his teeth while the three looks at Kakashi like he was crazy as Kakashi said, "You…Pass."
As Sakura ask, "What do you mean? How'd we pass?"
The cloud disperses and the sun shine again as Kakashi said, "You're the first squad to succeed. All the others did exactly what I said and fell into every trap. They couldn't think for themselves. A ninja must see through deception. In the ninja world, those who break the rules are scum. That's true. But… those who abandon their friends are worse than scum."
Sakura smile as Naruto has teary eyes, Ryuji had a big grin and Sasuke smirks.
As Naruto said sniffing "He's uh… you know… he's kind of cool."
As Kakashi said, "This exercise is over. Everyone passes! Squad 7 starts its first mission tomorrow." He gave a thumbs up.
As Sakura said, "Yes!"
Sasuke didn't say anything. As Ryuji said, "We made it."
As Naruto said, "I did it! I did it! Believe it! I'm a ninja! Ninja! Ninja!"
As Kakashi said, "Let's go home."
Kakashi walks off with Sasuke following with Ryuji joining them as Sakura followed behind with a happy smile.
As Inner Sakura said, "Cha! I did it!"
Naruto struggles to get free as he said, "I knew they'd do this! It happens every time! Believe it!" He growled as he shouted, "YOU GUYS FORGOT TO UNTIE ME!"
The y did it! Ryuji and the other have passed! Now looking forward to see ya at Chapter 6.