All CARRIE (2013) Characters © Kimberly Pierce & Stephen King

CARRIE: Hide & Run

Chapter 1: That Tragic Night

Date: Friday 22nd June 2013

Time: 9:00pm

Location: Ewen High School, Chamberlain, Maine

All was going well that night, that moment, as Carrie White was crowned Queen of the Prom, alongside her king: Tommy Ross, Who took her that night, with the advice from his girlfriend: Sue Snell, as a way of making up for her mistake of laughing at Carrie's first menstrual period incident, unaware of what Chris Hargensen was up to at first…

All was fine in that moment, as everyone was clapping Carrie & Tommy, as Sue was pushed out of the gym hall by the school gym teacher: Rita Desjardin, while trying to warn them of Chris's horrid prank. At the moment as Carrie & Tommy held hands & smiled with a bunch of roses in her left hand, Carrie was hit with a large cold splosh of what felt like blood, as it poured on to her head, & down her once beautiful pink homemade Prom dress, splashing into the side of Tommy's face, staining his face, along with his once awesome white Prom suit with black trim.

Carrie let go of Tommy's hand & dropped the roses, as she looked down at her blood stained, before looking at the shocked audience, then bucket above her, & then finally at an angered Tommy.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Tommy yelled at the audience in anger, just before Tina clicked her laptop, playing the video that Chris had recorded of Carrie's period incident.

"Plug it up! Plug it up! Plug it up!" The girls in the video gleefully cheered as they threw tampons at a crying Carrie, who was begging for help, as she never understood what was happening to her, believing she was bleeding to death, as everyone in the audience from Chris's friends: Tina Blake, Nikki & Lizzy Watson, Even Heather (Sue's Best Friend), laughed & laughed, except from Tommy's friends: George Dawson & Erika Gogan. Sue watched in horror, as she tried to open the locked gym doors.

"Freak! Freak!" Chris called at Carrie from above, as her boyfriend: Billy Nolan, Grabbed her, & the two ran for the stairs.

Carrie then walked to the front of the stage, Tommy tried to call her back, as people kept laughing & laughing, as Chris & Billy approached the fire exit doors.

"Carrie, Come o…"Rita said as she walked through the audience to try & comfort Carrie, only for Carrie to push Rita over with her only recently discovered powers, causing everyone to gasp in fright.

The shockwave of Carrie's powers loosened the bucket as it swayed & fell with a sudden…


The Bucket clanked as it hit Carrie on the back of her head. Erika screamed in horror from the clank, as Carrie lifelessly hit the stage floor.

Chris & Billy turned around, only to see their idea of a prank, had just turned into a life threatening nightmare, as they also watched Carrie fall lifelessly to the stage floor, in the pool of blood from when she was covered in it.

"Carrie…" Chris squeaked in horror, only for Billy to grab her as they tried to open the fire exit doors, causing Tommy to notice the two culprits who had just killed his prom date…

"HEY!" Tommy yelled as he ran after them.

Sue watched as Tommy ran out of the hall after Chris & Billy, as she still couldn't open the doors, she ran in the opposite direction, trying to find a way to catch up with them.

"CARRIE! CARRIE, NO!" Rita screamed as she got up ran on to the stage, & dropped onto her knees, & picked up Carrie's lifeless body, & cried & screamed in tears, trying to hope that Carrie was by some chance still alive.

"SOMEONE GET AN AMBULANCE, & THE POLICE, QUICK!" Rita screamed, as Principal Morton got out his phone to call for help, as all the other students looked around and at each other in shock…


Chris & Billy ran into the car park & got into Billy's burgundy red vintage Pontiac muscle car with black stripes, ready to start the car & escape, only to see Sue's silver Mercedes hatchback blocking the way…

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! WHY THE FUCK DID I LET YOU TALK ME INTO THIS?!" Billy yelled as he punched the steering wheel & turned to Chris.

"It's not my fault that bucket hit Carrie!" Chris argued, believing once again she hadn't done anything wrong, before Billy biffed her right across her right cheek.

"You think this is a game?! SHIT! If you say one word about what happened tonight…" Billy roared before a sledgehammer shattered the glass window next to Billy, scaring him and Chris…

"GET OUT OF THE CAR NOW! FUCKING MURDERERS!" Tommy roared as yanked the car door open, before pulling Billy out of the Car, & threw him into another car.

As Tommy brawled & restrained Billy, Chris took this opportunity to get out & escape back home… Only for Sue to biff her former friend across the left cheek, before knocking her unconscious to the floor…

(Later on…)

All the students were sent home in sorrow & despair, some were picked up, some drove home, & others walked or got a bus. Principal Morton had discovered as well as Chris & Billy, Tina, Kenny, Nikki, Lizzy & Heather were all involved in the prank… Morton had all of them expelled. Chris & Billy were later arrested & taken to the police station for questioning, with very thin hope of her lawyer of a dad: John Hargensen, getting them out of this tragic mess. Sue & Tommy walked slowly towards an ambulance where Rita was crying. As they approached her, Rita stood up to them…

"I-I'm sorry… I'm so sorry… we… we were too late…" Rita squeaked before bursting into tears.

Sue & Tommy then broke down into tears, as Sue cried into Tommy's chest, & Tommy hug her, & cried into Sue's hair, knowing the worst had come true, & come now… Carrie White was dead…

To be continued…