To Be Remembered

Summary: What if while he was yelling for an ambulance, or any type of help since he was hurt Danny realized that one of the towers was on fire. He didn't hesitate other than to glance back at Grace's body before he tore out of that warehouse heading straight towards the twin towers.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hawaii Five O, this story takes place during season 4 sometime between episodes 8-9.
I would also like to say that this story is written in memory of 9/11 and that my hearts go out to everyone who was affected and still is affected by the events of 9/11.

Chapter Two: Your Saving Grace

It was the same thing as all the other kidnapping cases they've worked together as members of the Five-0 task force, the only difference was Mrs. Brendon's only was the back of the man who had grabbed her son. She gave a vague description as to what the man had been wearing; dark jeans, a blue long sleeve shirt and a beanie over long blonde hair. The only reason they could positively say the kidnapper had been a male was because Mrs. Brendon's had heard his voice yelling at her son to get into the car.

"Damn-it..." Steve muttered as he quickly can to a stop outside the Palace.

It'd been the first words the entire car ride that Danny had heard from his partner he couldn't really say he was surprised however, time was definitely of the essence on this case and the vague description could've been anyone on the island. And something about this case was bothering the hell out of him, he couldn't tell what it was but something about the Brendon's seemed familiar to him and it left him feeling sort of hollow but at the same time it filled him with a sense of panic. Especially since he can't figure out why they're so familiar to him.

"Hey, are you coming?"

Head jerking up, Danny looked towards the drivers side of his car and saw Steve had already gotten out and was leaning back in to talk to him.

"Oh, uh y-yeah. I'll be in in a sec, okay?" Danny forced a grin on his face. He just needed a minute or two to calm down.

"You alright?"

"Yea, Yeah! I'm fine, just need a minute for my stomach to catch up with the rest of me thanks to YOUR reckless driving." Danny said accusingly as he jabbed a finger in Steve's direction. Seemingly satisfied by Danny's response, Steve chuckled walked off.

"Hey chin, what do you have?" Steve called out walking into the main room of the teams office's and nodding at the others.

"Well," Chin swiped across the screen to bring the neighborhood security feeds up, "The description we got from Mrs. Brendon's was vague at best, thankfully most of the houses on her block are up to date with home security."

"You mean we got an image of this guy?" Steve asked stepping closer to the screens, as though expecting the image to appear.

"Sort of." Kono said bringing up a screen shot image from her IPad. The image showed each of them exactly who Mrs. Brendon's had described, right down to the ball cap.

"Looks like our guy is camera shy." Danny stated as he entered the room, ignoring the curious looks the others had thrown his way.

"Alright, keep searching for a clear image of this guy. Danny, you and I are gonna head back to Mrs. Brendon's neighborhood, let's see if anyone got a good look at this guy."

Lou gestured to Chin and himself, "We'll help. It's not like the two of you can cover a entire neighborhood yourselves."

"Let's go." Steve turned and walked out the doors, heading outside to the Camaro with the others following him out.

Danny slid into the passenger seat silently, that odd feeling from earlier had come back full force and it was bothering the hell out of him that he still couldn't figure out what the feeling was.


Startled by the sudden grip on his arm, Danny jerked his head to the side to see it was Steve who had grabbed his forearm. Both him and Lou, who was bent down at Steve's window, were staring at him in a mixture of worry and concern.

"Huh?" Danny stared back at them before shaking off Steve's hand, "What?"

"What do you mean, 'What?'," Steve didn't yell but it was close enough to irritate Danny, "I've been calling your name! You were completely zoned out!"

"MAYBE I finally trained my body to automatically block you out." Danny said with as much enthusiasm as he could muster and smirked at Steve. Than he sighed once he saw the aneurysm face he was giving him.

"You okay?" Lou asked, trying to lean a bit further into the car.

"No." Danny said bluntly which was not what the other's were expecting, "I'm not."

Immediately Steve asked, "What's wrong?"

"This case."

"This case?" Lou repeated his confusion evident, "What about this case?"

Danny shrugged albeit helplessly, "I don't know."

"You don't know? What do you mean you don't know?!"

"It's mean's what I said, I don't know!" Danny said, his voice raising due to the annoyance he felt the moment he heard Steve's response, "This case in general is giving me the heeby-geebies and I can't help but feel like I met or seen the Brendon's somewhere before! I just don't know where!" Because he had turned to glare out the passenger window, Danny didn't see the look Steve and Lou gave one another, "Let's just go already." Danny muttered.

Silently Lou left and walked back over to his car, nodding at Chin on the way, Chin who was waiting patiently in his own car watching all of them intently. Steve spared one last glance at his partner before starting the car and quickly pulling out of the garage to speed off down the street.

OK! So apparently you guys really wanted me to continue this story, so I'll give it my best shot and hope you aren't left disappointed. I want to thank each and everyone of you for the lovely reviews. If there is something specific you're hoping for in this story let me know in a review and I'll see what I can do~!

BTW, I've started watching Ocean's 11!