I grinned, practically flying up the stairs to our turret. It's not a secret rendezvous or anything; it's our room we can do anything we want(Or who we want). If it wasn't a waste of magic I would fly, but it is so I don't. When I open the door, Simon closes it and pushes me against it, holding my wrists above me. I love when he's dominant because I feel tight chested and oh so hot. He starts kissing me fiercely, but it's wrong. It's insanely sweet and wet and warm. My stomach growls and I feel my fangs start to lips are bloody and I love it, but I'm scared that I won't let go. So I pull back and yank my hands out of his grip.
"Baz," he pants, upset that I stopped.
He has a single gash on each lip.
"Simon." My voice is choked and I'm trying not to breath.
The other boy frowns. "What?"
I glare at him, crossing my arms to put more space between us. "You're a bloody idiot, Snow! That's the dumbest thing you've ever done!"
"I... I thought you'd like it," he growls.
I love his growls(it's seductive), but now isn't the time "I did and that's the problem!"
There's a silende for a little bit until I feel the need to ask, "Did you like it?"
"Crowley, Baz! Of course I did!"
Maybe I'm not the only demented person in this room.