Life is Strange: A New Light

Chapter 1 of a new Life is Strange story, sequel to In the Darkest Hours of a Woman, this story is a short collection of small chronicles style chapters detailing Chloe's life with her daughter, so, anyway, enjoy.

Starting with just a short introduction to set the scene and tone, so to speak :)

Remember, these chapters are supposed to be short, so do not waste my time asking me to lengthen them, such comments will simply be ignored.

Disclaimer: I don't own Life is Strange or its characters.

Chapter 1

Standing by the window of the nursery, gazing out at the sun, Chloe Price smiled warmly.

'I still can't believe it; but, after everything that's, that's happened...' She thought to herself. 'I'm actually doing, okay.'

As she thought that, her gaze drifted over towards the crib set up in the corner of the room. In it her daughter lay sleeping.

Chloe bit her lip as she thought about the baby girl. 'It was so rough at first; she...she was conceived because some bastard was paid to rape me...throughout the whole pregnancy I thought I'd be an awful mom, that the best thing I could do was give her away...then I held her.'

A warm smile came to her at that moment, remembering how she had felt, holding her baby girl in her arms, seeing her little face, those big innocent eyes. That was what changed her mind and now, here she was, doing her best. She yawned at that moment, exhausted.

'I was up most of the night for Rachel...but that doesn't change a thing, I still...' She remembered, her warm smile never wavering. 'I'm starting to see what it is, about that...mothering instinct; I's not easy, but I don't expect it to be.'

She knew, no matter how easy or hard things were, she'd gladly be there for her little girl. The girl whom, in just a short space of time, had so utterly and completely claimed Chloe's love.

To the extent that even the exhaustion that came with waking up at all hours to care for her when she cried, didn't faze her in the slightest.

Sure enough at that moment Rachel woke up crying, Chloe reacted immediately. Reaching the crib she reached in and picked her up.

"Hey, hey, shhh, it's okay Rachel, it's okay." She said softly. "Aww, come here, baby girl."

She cradled her daughter who immediately grasped her shirt, her cries becoming whimpers now.

"Now, what's this big sadness for, hmm?" She continued trying to sooth the baby girl.

Rachel whimpered again, looking up at her with teary eyes. It soon became clear to Chloe that it must have been a nightmare.

Gently kissing Rachel's forehead, Chloe continued to cradle her. "Oh, Rachel, it's okay. Mama's here, you're safe."

Rachel sniffled and then snuggled into her mother's arms. Chloe turned to look out the window again, cradling and soothing her scared daughter. Things might not have been quite how she thought, but she was now looking forward, to the future. Wondering just what may lie in wait for her and her daughter.

End of chapter, hope you enjoyed it, read and review please.