
Sakura inhaled the scent of earth and fresh water. The lake had a different glint this morning, she noticed. If she wasn't in such a hurry, she would've swimmed one last time.

She felt the first rays of sun warming her back and smiled.

Her dream started at the sunset and now it was time to wake up.

Sakura was supposed to get back to Konoha once her extended vacation was over, which she didn't. She heard about anbus searching for the Hokage's student on the civilian village, but all search parties were vain and after six months, she was labeled dead.

It was like that cabin held some sort of magic. Sakura seriously considered that, because she was sure there wasn't any genjutsu casted around it. So, it could only be magic or luck no one found this place yet. Either way, she was grateful.

She also heard that Sasuke went back home after supposedly killing his brother. And they allowed his return, even without a body to proof, what made her really happy.

Still, she was going to have an immense headache once she got back to Konoha. Tsunade was going to throw the tantrum about her one year missing, but Sakura managed to think of a lie believable enough. And with Itachi's help, she learned how to create barriers of sort on her mind, in case she was questioned.

He'd been right all the time.

Sasuke never found out the truth about his brother, the village never forgave Itachi and Sakura never miraculously found a cure for his illness. If anything, it only got worse.

Itachi went blind during the fight against his brother and as much as Sakura tried, nothing helped. His hypertension also got extremely aggravated. But at least his ptsd slowly faded.

They didn't live happily ever after either, but they were genuinely happy during their time together.

It wasn't all roses, of course. Some of their fights were so intense they would be at verge of killing each other. But the pair always tried to show their appreciation and affection in every action, every word.

Not that they ever discussed their relationship. There was no need for it. They knew where their hearts belonged.

But, as good things end fast, the two years were reduced to one after all the damage Sasuke brought to his body. And now the deadline has come.

After an extremely turbulent week, with symptoms growing worse every second, Uchiha Itachi died during his sleep, wrapped in Sakura's arms. He was well taken care of until his last breath.

Sakura fingered one of the three silver rings of the necklace on her collarbone. Her eyes fell upon the ashes she had just thrown at the water.

She would have to tell Naruto or Ino about this place, so they can throw her ashes there too once she died. Sakura would never tell anyone the secrets this place held; they were hers and Itachi's only. But she wanted to make sure to spend her eternity with him. She knew he would wait for her, as long as it takes. He's a patient man.

"Don't worry Itachi. My body may go away but my soul will always be here." Sakura turned away, praying to the gods that their private heaven would stay forever this way. Hidden.

A/N: Thank you all for accompanying me on this story, and a special thanks to those who reviewed. Till next time ;)