-Back to the future: Epilogue-

"How did Uncle Dingo fix his confusion?". asked Fabumi curiously. Nava replied, "Young Dingo found his path in time, right after there was a big confrontation between Aniu and Steele. As you know by now, Alpha Togo was chosen to be Aniu's mate, and Steele was very jealous as he was older than Togo at the time, plus he was Togo's stepbrother. Dingo found out that exact reason when he came up between Aniu and Steele. You see, Dingo has a gift which is contacting the spirits, like me. He spoke to Togo who appeared in visions of Dingo's mind, and so the truth came out. Dingo and his sister Saba was outraged to know that their grandfather did such a thing, so they became estranged from their family. Steele, Dixie, and Dusty, Ralph, and Kirby left upon a raft overseas.".

"What about the spotted lions, and Scar and Zira?". asked Debbie. Nava nodded, "Now that was a different situation. You see,-". "Ooh, ooh, Nava, can I have my turn?". spoke a familiar, yet older voice.

Dingo then came out of the cave, as he was checking the potions, with everybody greeting him happily. Nava chuckled, "Of course, Dingo, you can.". Dingo chuckled as he sat down, replied, "Well, Uncle Scar and Aunt Zira left the Mountain Lands to the east, along with cousins Chumvi and Tama. I don't know what happened to them hereafter, but I believe they have a happy ending somewhere. And for Aunt Shenzi and Uncles Banzai and Ed, they actually stayed here, with Aunt Shenzi and Uncle Banzai becoming mates, and Uncle Ed becoming mates with Aunt Jenna, which was a surprise, yet it made sense.".

The youngsters nodded, understanding what Dingo has said, then Sabra spoke, "I wish we had the chance to meet Alpha Togo. Grandmother Aniu told so many stories about him!". A warm chuckle, as Sylvie and Duke came up, with Nikki, Star, and Kaltag's younger siblings. There's Yukon. He has a light blonde pelt with a light brown stripe from his forehead to his tail. He has a dark brown sock on his right foot, and teal eyes.

Then there's Juneau or June for short. She's the only daughter out of the litters, previous to now, which Sylvie is delighted and overjoyed for, as she wished so much for a daughter, yes, she loves her sons equally, but she wanted a daughter, and she got June. June has a dark brown pelt with a dusty brown-blonde underbelly, and light brown eyes, and wearing a dark blue bandanna. Duke spoke, "Aww, Sabra, Alpha Togo would have loved to meet you all, but don't worry yourself, Togo will be waiting for that day when the family reunites once more.".

"Duke is right, my daughter.". spoke Vitani as she joined the group. "Mom!". called Sabra. "Where is Dad?". asked Fabumi wondering about his father, Balto. Vitani smiled, "He's welcoming your cousins. Uncle Muru and your aunt Aleu has triplets.".

"Awesome!". shouted Mickey. He and Colt are the adopted oldest children of Muru and Aleu. Colt asked, "Girls or boys?". Vitani smirked, "Two girls and one boy.". Debbie laughed, "Sweet, more girls to hang out, right, Lily?". Debbie is the daughter of Mel and Dipsy. And Lily and Haji are the children of Kiara and Kovu.

Lily laughed, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go see them!". Haji spoke, "Thank you so much for the story, Nava!". Nava warmly chuckled, "It was a wonderful honor to tell it to you, young ones. Is Rakifi there to check upon our newcomers?". Vitani nodded, "Yes.".

"Then do not let us stop you, everyone, and tell King Simba congratulations about last week's newcomers as well.". He was talking about King Simba and Queen Nala's cubs who was born last week. "We will, Nava.". spoke Sylvie happily. All the lions and wolves including the youngsters left Nava and Dingo's cave, and headed to the Great Pride Rock. Alpha Aniu, King Mufasa, and Queen Sarabi has retired, giving way to King Simba and Queen Nala, and Alpha Balto and Alpha Female Vitani.

Over in Kujunga across the mountain pass, Prince Kopa has become King Kopa, along with Malka who is also king, as Kopa and Malka became mates after King Tojo and Queen Kula has retired, and one of the retired Alpha Niju's sons, Yak became Alpha with his new mate, Star who became Alpha as well. So, Kujunga and the Mountain Lands is in a large friendship treaty, and interconnected with the marriages of many couples and new generations as well.

The Mountainlanders approached the Great Pride Rock, and greeted the rest of the couples, Rosy with Kodi, Mheetu with Morse, and Pumbaa with Saba. Colt and Mickey came in first into the main cave, with Vitani, Sabra and Fabumi behind. Simba and Nala was on one side, with their one-week old cubs, twins; a boy and a girl. There's Jericho, he has a pale goldish-tan pelt with a cream underbelly, and dark brown eyes, and his tiny hair tuft and tail tuft is dark crimson red. Then there's his sister.

She has a creamy tan pelt with a slightly darker tan underbelly including paws, and a light brown tail tuft, and crimson red-brown eyes. Her name is Caina. Then on another side of the cave is Muru and Aleu, and upon Aleu's side is the newborn triplets.

Their oldest cub is the firstborn daughter, and she looks mainly like a lioness with a wolf-lioness fluffy tail, and wolf style eyes, and wolf claws. She has a light brown pelt with a pale cream underbelly, and sky blue eyes which are blurry and closed at the time. Her name is Sonya. Then there's the secondborn daughter, Celia. She has a light musky brown pelt, with creamy brown socks on her legs, and dark brown tips on her ears, and a pinkish-black nose. Her eyes, closed as she's newborn as well, but will be silver in the future. She mainly looks like a wolf with a lioness tail, with no tuft for some reason, and her nose is lioness style as well.

And there's the son of the litter. He actually looks like Aniu, with dark brown paws, and his only lion feature is his light brown mane tuft which will become a full mane in the future. His name is Mito. All the generations of the Great Pride Rock crowded in after some time, as night was falling in, heading to their caves which are made in the walls of the main cave, with Simba and Balto outside for a extra minute of air before heading to bed.

"Hard to believe we were so young like that, huh, bro?". asked Simba with a grin toward Balto. Throughout so many years already, they treat each other like brothers/best friends. Balto chuckled, "Indeed, and soon we will begin the circle of life once more with the coronation of your cubs.". Simba nodded, "Do you think this is it, our happy ending?".

Balto shook his head, "I'd like to think this is our happy beginning. Father got to be proud of me, and you.". Simba grinned, "Dingo was right. We are different yet the same.". Balto laughed merrily, "Our stories are barely starting, and we are not alone. We are home, all of us.". Simba glanced at him, and spoke nothing, and then gestured with a nudge, "I gotta head to bed. You coming, Balto?".

Balto smiled, "Just a second. I gotta take in the stars for a moment first.". Simba smiled, and then turned around to walk into the main cave. Balto spoke out to the stars, "Thanks, Father for giving Simba the courage all these years ago. I just wish I'd met you at the time, but I guess you had time for a measly few minutes at that meeting.". He then turned around, padding slowly when a caw sounded out. Balto chuckled, "Rather late for you to get home, bird.".

"Oh, but I am not a bird.". sounded out a soft, echoing voice, and Balto's eyes widened as he gasped, turned around in shock, seeing a smiling, glowing Alpha Togo. He blinked at Balto, "Well done, son. We are one.". Balto exhaled, "Father. I..". Togo chuckled, "I love you too, Balto.", and he lifted his head to howl soulfully, and he slowly disappeared, with Balto staring in surprise, and he looked up. Balto sighed, and smiled, "I love you. Goodbye to you, Father.". He then turned around to head into his home, into the main cave, unknowing that one of the stars glowed brightly at that moment. The World is at Peace.