Chapter One

Bilbo groaned as he woke and took off his ring. He staggered towards the healing tents, knowing that Thorin was hurt and needing to help him. All around him were the bodies of the fallen and those that yet lived, but were badly wounded. Healers roamed throughout the battlefield tending to their wounded, Bilbo wouldn't join them, as he needed to save his strength for what was to come.

He found Thorin and Fili and Kili in one tent, the rest of the Company gathered around their bedside. Bilbo stared down at the three dwarves, who still breathed, but were very badly injured. "If you could, would you take their pain upon yourselves, to save their lives?" Bilbo asked and all the Company stared at him in shocked silence. "I need an answer, I will not give you their wounds, unless you agree to it." Bilbo said and Bifur nodded first, Bilbo concentrating on gathering the energy to himself, as Elrond had taught him when it was discovered that he had a gift for healing as a tween. He hadn't offered his aide before, because the Company hadn't asked for it and he had not wished to insult them. His gift with healing lacked the finesse of Elrond, but it would do in a pinch.

Bilbo set one hand to Bifur's head and one hand to Fili's before chanting in old Quenya a ritualistic chant. As he chanted skin closed and reopened on Bifur's face, but the wounds were lessened in the passing of them. Bilbo then realized that the axe in Bifur's forehead was coming loose, he pulled it out, giving a quick hard pull and quickly chanted a healing spell over the dwarf, until his head stopped bleeding. Such spells were exhausting and Bilbo had hoped to avoid them, but he had to act fast to stop the axe from doing even more damage. The dwarves stared at him, as Bilbo held a finger to his lips, as Bifur swayed on his feet, before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he was caught by Dwalin. Bilbo then continued to work on the Princes and Thorin, as more and more dwarves stepped forward and day turned to night, turned to day again. Finally when Bilbo was sure that they would live, he nearly fell down with exhaustion, before he was caught by Dwalin and gently moved to the ground. "Those that took part in the ritual and those that were healed will be in a healing sleep for a time." Bilbo said and felt his eyes closing, a mug of steaming tea was thrust into his hands and he drank it gratefully, feeling some energy restored to him, he would need to sleep soon, or else he would over exhaust himself.

"What was that Bilbo?" Dwalin demanded and Bilbo smiled, holding the tea in his shaking hands.

"I have some skill in healing, not as much as Elrond, but enough to be instructed in the healing arts. My gift is used only in the direst of circumstances, because of the price required." Bilbo said and yawned. "There's always a price to be paid and I'll pay it gladly to save them." His eyes fluttered shut, the tea sloshing out of the cup, as Bilbo fell unconscious.

He woke slowly in fits and starts, he tasted broth and other herbs on his tongue. He felt himself being turned in bed and distant voices, but anytime he tried to wake up, he'd simply sink deeper into darkness. This lasted for a while, Bilbo had no idea of how long it was, before he opened his eyes. He awoke to the sound of snoring, he opened his eyes in Erebor and turned his head slowly, staring at Thorin, who was still covered in bandages, as Bilbo had only healed the worst of his injuries. Thorin should be in bed himself, not falling asleep by Bilbo's bedside, but the stubborn dwarf always did things his own way. Bilbo smiled softly watching Thorin sleep, his head bent towards his chest, his hand in Bilbo's. Bilbo gently moved Thorin's hand from his and sat up slowly. He moved Thorin's head back against the chair, careful of the bandages and got out of the bed. Thorin didn't look like he'd be waking anytime soon and Bilbo was both cold and hungry. He tucked the blanket on the edge of the bed around Thorin, before adding wood to the fire that had nearly burnt itself out. He felt dizzy after that and had to sit in the armchair, which was before the fireplace. After his head cleared, he got up and saw a walking stick by Thorin, as Thorin wasn't going to be using it for a while, he took the stick to help him balance as he made his way to the door. He opened the door and was met with the back of a dwarven guard who turned at the sound of the door opening.

"You should be in bed Mi Lord." The guard said and Bilbo frowned.

"I'm not a lord, call me Mr. Baggins. I would like to eat something, I'm very hungry."

"Of course, I will see that something is brought from the kitchens, you should go back to bed, the King will have my head if I allow you to wander with the condition your in now." The dwarf said and Bilbo nodded, he went back inside, still feeling dizzy and managed to get back into the bed. A meal of chicken and potatoes arrived for him within a few minutes, he ate it all and went to the door again to ask for two further plates to be brought.

"What I did requires a lot of energy and I need to gain back what I lost. I'll be very hungry for the next few days." Bilbo explained and the guard nodded, Bilbo then went back to the bed and ate the two other plates that were brought to him, before he felt full. His dizziness abated somewhat but he knew he should rest as well, even though he didn't feel like sleeping at the moment. He saw a book of stories by his bedside and opened it, smiling when he saw that it was in the common tongue. He loved the story, which told of long ago dwarven battles, adventure and romance, but he only managed to make it halfway through the second chapter before he had to put the book aside in order to sleep.

The next three days past in a similar manner, though Bilbo got a cot for Thorin when the dwarf refused to leave his side. Bilbo had protested that he was going to be fine, he'd just exhausted himself and he wasn't going to let his hard work in healing Thorin go to waste. He'd yelled at the dwarf driven by exasperation and exhaustion and was quite surprised when Thorin actually listened to him and had a cot brought in and set up next to the bed. Beyond that he wouldn't budge, but at least he was resting more comfortably.

Bilbo had awoken that morning feeling energetic for the first time in a long time. He decided that he wanted to get out of bed and explore some, possibly do some baking, though he might have to ask one of his friends for help in buying supplies in exchange for giving them some of his baked goods, he knew that Dwalin would agree easily to such a an exchange. He smiled and got out of bed putting on his waistcoat. He had thought to go back to the Shire after Thorin had banished him, but it seemed like Thorin had forgiven him and he didn't want to leave so close to winter.

"Good morning Master Bilbo." The guard at the door said and Bilbo smiled at the dwarrow.

"Good morning, I was wondering if you might tell me where Dwalin is?" Bilbo asked and was given directions to find the dwarf, he smiled at Dwalin who returned the smile. "I was wondering if I might do some baking, its just that I don't have any coin on me for supplies and I was wondering if you would be willing to spare some coin and I'll gladly share what I bake with you." He didn't like having to rely on the charity of his friends, but he wanted to make something for them. Hobbits only cooked for those who were either guests of those they considered to be family or close friends, or those they considered family or very close friends. To cook for his dwarves was admitting something special, even if they might not know it. Bilbo knew how little he knew of the dwarves who had become his closest friends.

"Of course, they have just managed to clean out the kitchens, but after what you have done for all of us, you should simply feel free to use the supplies in the kitchens. Though I wouldn't mind some of your excellent caramel oatmeal cookies." Dwalin said and Bilbo smiled.

"I remember you taking the whole jar to yourself back in Bagend, of course I'll make some for you. What does Thorin like? He could use a treat right about now."

"Indeed I think having something you baked would lift all our sprits, particularly the princes who are getting eager to get out of their hospital beds. Thorin enjoys seed cakes and as for the boys, they will eat anything sweet that isn't nailed down."

"They should rest for a couple more days at least, what I did couldn't heal everything and the wounds might reopen if they test that healing."

"What about you?"

"Oh I'm fine now, just needed to sleep for a few days, but now I'm back to my old self, how is everyone else who took part in the ritual?"

"Bifur is actually speaking now, its in Khudzul, but everyone can understand him and his mind isn't so scrambled, how did you do it?"

"I'm not really sure, its Yavannah's power channeled through me more than anything else. My race are the children of the green mother who loves all living things. Its a rare talent I have however, most hobbits can't heal."

" You mean to say that you are the child of our maker's lady wife?"

"Well yes, that's partly why I went on the quest in the first place, I wouldn't want to deny the children of my creator's spouse after all."

"I am most glad you joined us. Your skill is a precious gift, one I am thankful for, you saved my kin and that is a debt I can never repay."

"Anyone would have done it, had they had the skill." Bilbo said and smiled at Dwalin. "So could you point me in the direction of the kitchens then?"

"Gladly." Dwalin said and showed him how to get to the kitchens. "Gloin is most fond of poppy seed muffins, with brown crumble on top, do you think you could manage that? Or is it too much?"

"I can manage three desserts easily enough thank you very much, how would you take it if I questioned your ability to practice your axe drills?" Bilbo snapped and Dwalin stared at him shocked. "I am sorry, it offended me when you questioned my skill with the culinary arts. Hobbits are proud of what we make and don't like to have our abilities with the skills we have mastered questioned. Thank you for the use, you can keep me company if you like, but you may grow to be bored."

"Was never one for cooking, thank you for the offer though ladies. I meant no insult by what I was saying, I apologize."

"That's quite alright, we're two different races after all, misunderstandings are bound to happen." Bilbo said.

Dwalin clapped Bilbo on the back. "Bilbo is going to do some baking so if you lot would clear out for a bit, it would be appreciated."

"There's no reason we can't share the kitchen and they need to prepare the next meal." Bilbo said and several of the kitchen staff smiled at him in appreciation. Bilbo returned their smiles, before starting in on the oatmeal caramel cookies. He also made poppy seed crumble muffins, seed cakes as well as cheese scones for Bombur as he knew the fat dwarf would devour an entire tray of them, considering how he liked cheese. He also found some apples and made several dozen small apple turnovers. By the time he was finished it was getting on towards mid afternoon. "Could you take the oatmeal caramel cookies to Dwalin and the cheese scones to Bombur?" Bilbo asked one of the kitchen staff who nodded. He piled the apple turnovers and poppy seed muffins into two separate baskets. He then walked to visit the princes getting directions along the way. He found their quarters and saw that both were fast asleep. He smiled softly at the young men that had become like little brothers to him, over the course of the quest. Both stirred as he closed the door behind him, Fili's hand going towards his pillow. "Peace Fili I made apple turnovers."

"I love you Bilbo!" Fili proclaimed and Bilbo laughed, depositing the basket on the end table between the two brothers, Kili looked a bit out of it, his eyes were slightly glazed and he gave Bilbo a loopy smile.

"Hi Bilbo, I feel really float." Kili said and giggled.

"He wouldn't stay still, so Oin gave him something to get him to rest. He'll be asleep again soon, but I'll save some turnovers for him when he wakes." Fili said and Bilbo chuckled.

"At least you know well enough to rest in a proper bed, when I woke up, Thorin was in this chair beside me. Its a wonder he didn't reopen his wounds." Bilbo said and Fili and Kili laughed, Kili trying to stop his eyes from closing was blinking at Bilbo, which made Bilbo laugh as well.

"Uncle hasn't ever had much sense around those he cares about. No one knew what was going on with you and so he was worried."

"I wish that I could have told him, that I would be fine, but it was sort of a secret gift I have." Bilbo said and Fili nodded.

"I could see why you would want to keep that secret. How could we judge you for having secrets when we had so many of our own?" Fili demanded and Bilbo and Kili laughed.

"Hey Kili if you close your eyes for a minute without falling asleep, I'll help you eat an apple turnover." Bilbo offered and Kili nodded, within seconds he was snoring. Bilbo and Fili both laughed, before Bilbo went over to Kili and gently covered him with the blankets. "Are you alright, do you hurt anywhere Fili?"

"The wounds have closed and look like I got them weeks ago instead of days, but they are still tender." Fili admitted and Bilbo handed him the basket, before pulling up a chair. "I'm also still quite tired."

"Seems to me your the most sensible of your family." Bilbo said and Fili laughed.

"If I'm the most sensible then we're all in trouble, Thorin is usually very sensible, but he doesn't often pay attention to his own needs when someone he cares about is hurt."

"You believe he cares about me?" Bilbo asked not allowing the note of hope to come to his voice, before the whole mess with the Arkenstone and gold madness, Bilbo had no small crush on the dwarven king.

"Thorin cares about all the company." Fili said his cheeks coloring slightly, Bilbo wondered why Fili was blushing.

"I care about all of you as well, that's why I don't like it when Thorin does himself injury by being up and about before he's truly ready to be. At any rate, I suppose I should get back to Thorin before he starts looking for me." Bilbo said and Fili laughed.

"Yeah you wouldn't want him to open his wounds again, thanks for the apple turnovers."

"Anytime you want anything, I'll be glad to do some baking, I quite enjoy it." Bilbo said and smiled at Fili, before going back to his quarters.

The next few weeks settled into a routine for Bilbo, he'd get up and bake, before coming back to Thorin and reading from several books that Ori had gotten for him. Once Thorin and the princes were up and around, Bilbo found himself at a loss as to what to do. He enjoyed baking and reading just as much as the next hobbit, but he had gotten used to more things occupying his time. He informed his friends that he planned on taking a trip to Lake town.

"It should be safe enough to travel there now, but I'd feel better if you would take Gloin with you, as well as some other dwarven warriors."

"I can agree to that easily enough." Bilbo said and within two days of Thorin's agreeing to his trip, he left with Gloin and a company of dwarven guards. He smiled as they walked in the late autumn weather. He felt the earth under his toes as they went, going slightly off the path and looking for the best soil. He found a patch of soil that made his toes curl. "Stop." Bilbo said and the dwarves stared at him in confusion as he started to walk he smiled when he stopped fifty yards from the point he had started at. The ground was dry but with some work could be used again. He found a branch and tied one of the twenty handkerchiefs the company had given to him.

"What were you doing?" Gloin demanded.

"The soil here is rich enough to grow plants, it's not as rich as the soil back home, but I would hardly expect it to be." Bilbo said and Gloin stared at him in surprise.

"You found soil unaffected by the dragon's blight?" Gloin demanded and Bilbo smiled.

"I'd be no Baggins if I'd be unable to tell good soil from bad." Bilbo said and smiled at Gloin. "I might want to stop more often than I thought originally."

"If the people in Lake town and Dale can farm, I'd be glad of the slower pace." Gloin said and Bilbo nodded. "Is your ability anything like stone sense?"

"I don't know what that is. I'll walk back on the other side of the path, when we return from Lake town." Bilbo said and grinned, before he started walking down the road to Dale. Several crude structures had already been erected using the walls from the ruined city to fortify them in areas that needed it.

"We'll camp inside the city tonight, there's no inn in Dale currently." Gloin said and Bilbo frowned.

"We could just as easily ask guest right of someone and pay them for the use of their home for a night."

"Hobbits do this?" Gloin asked and Bilbo nodded.

"Only with those we consider strangers, or those that we do not like. Otherwise we share freely with our friends who are visiting." Bilbo said and smiled, before he started to go door to door, the dwarves were shocked when twenty doors down Bilbo secured them lodging with a family for the night.

"I'm eager to taste hobbit cooking and for more coin." The man said and Bilbo smiled at him.

"The agreed upon price was a copper each." Bilbo stated and the man nodded.

"Of course and the meal that was promised."

"I'll go to the market at once." Bilbo said and the man nodded. "How many people are there in your family?"


"And how many friends might you want to invite over?"

"You would agree to cook for both my family and friends tonight and tomorrow morning?"

"That was the bargain we struck, but I'll only be making one dish, which should be enough to go around. More would be better, so ask them to cook what they can spare and tell them that I'll be making soup and bread." Bilbo said and the man nodded.

"Then could you cook enough for twenty?" The man asked. "If they bring along food as well?"

"Of course, if I can use you're stove?"

"Use it all you want." The man said and Bilbo grinned, looking at what supplies the man had, he had a mixing bowl as well as a spoon, baking dishes, four pots and several knives and plates. Bilbo then went to market and bought four plucked chickens, as well as onions, mushrooms, carrots, potatoes, sugar, milk, salt, vegetable oil, celery and several different kinds of spices, as well as apples from the coin Bombur had given him for supplying him with baked goods. Bilbo had been delighted and had agreed to make Bombur something any time he was baking in exchange for Bombur paying him for his services. Several of the others promptly offered coin as well, which Bilbo had accepted. He had enough now for this meal and to get other ingredients that the kitchen simply didn't have, that would wait until the return trip however.

He then went back with what he had bought at market, which had cost him a couple of silver and set to making the pies. He filled every pie tin in the house with the mixture and was given several more from a neighbor's house for the apple pies. By the time he had finished it was getting on towards dusk. He set the last pie in the oven and dusted off his hands, before washing and putting away the dishes he had used. He set aside three of the chicken pies and three of the apple for the next day. He also put the rest of his ingredients into the cold box for the next day.

Then the men women and children started to arrive, every surface was soon covered in dishes and Bilbo took a little of everything trying it all, while his pies were quickly demolished.

"How did you get the sauce like this?" A woman asked and Bilbo grinned.

"A hobbit never reveals a recipe, unless they consider someone to be a close friend, or they are courting someone."

"A strange tradition, but I'll respect it."

"Thank you for doing so, what did you make?"

"The fish stew."

"That was excellent, are you a chief or do you just cook for family?"

"I'm a chief, or rather I was before the dragon. Now I have to use a neighbor's stove just to make the bread I sell at market."

"So there aren't enough stoves to go around?" Bilbo asked and the woman shook her head. "Its clear that you've had some trouble with the building as well."

"King Bard has promised to pay those constructing the common areas, first. Several people have started to build their houses themselves, to have some shelter in winter"

"That sounds dangerous, if a building is improperly built it will collapse in on itself." Bilbo said and the woman nodded.

"It is indeed dangerous, perhaps you might be able to do something about it."

"What can I do?"

"To hear it told, it's your gold you promised King Bard." The woman said. "You could simply go back on your word and ensure that Dale is constructed faster."

"How can I possibly hope to do that?" Bilbo asked and the woman smiled.

"By seeing to the project yourself, your trusted by the dwarves and for some unknown reason your willing to part with a fortune." The woman said and Bilbo nodded.

"I do have some experience with overseeing workers and paying them a salary, as well as building in the Shire." Bilbo said and smiled. "Actually it would work quite well for me to simply assist in furthering the building processes. Do your people have guilds?" Bilbo asked and didn't notice how his dwarven companion's ears perked up.

"Never saw a need for it, mostly we either worked the docks, or did the fishing, some of the walls in the old guild halls in Dale are still standing."

"We certainly have enough stone for rebuilding, I'll ask Thorin about selling it to me. How much is it for a day of work from those that are skilled at building?"

"Four gold a day." The woman replied and Bilbo ate his soup thoughtfully.

"I'd like to make sure that your town last longer than a year, before it collapses around your ears. What of dwarven builders?"

"All those that are considered journeymen and above would be able to build you something that lasts well. The first caravan is due in a week and they will charge you the going rate, which is two golds. How you do without the regulation guilds enforce is beyond me." Gloin said and Bilbo nodded.

"I'll go talk to Bard and explain that I'll be seeing to the rebuilding of Dale myself."

"He might not like that."

"Thorin hasn't gotten around to making the contract with him yet, therefore nothing was agreed to." Bilbo said and Gloin laughed.

"So you've learned that much?"

"It was stipulated in my own contract." Bilbo replied and Gloin laughed again. "I'll be off now." Bilbo said and went to Bard's house asking for directions along the way. He found the house and Bard who was hammering nails into what seemed to be shaping into a beautiful home. "I'm taking over the building of Dale." Bilbo said and Bard stared at him in shock. "Its to make sure the gold is spent properly. I know what I'm doing and you don't yet, you've never had to rule anything before and now you're in charge of two towns who both need assistance."

"Those that decided to stay in Lake town are on their own, I explained that if the builders insisted on charging such prices, I'd only be able to rebuild one of the towns and I was going to rebuild Dale because it was less damaged."

"That makes perfect sense, but by employing dwarven builders, we should be able to build several halls which will be safe from the elements in time for winter." Bilbo said. "There's also a lot of stone that needs to be moved, which can be used to shore up the old walls."

"You seem to know what you are doing, it's only thanks to your generosity that I have the gold in the first place."

"Actually you won't have the gold, what you will have is a contract from me stating that I'll rebuild Dale." Bilbo said and Bard nodded.

"As long as Dale is rebuilt, I don't care how it happens." Bard said and Bilbo smiled.

"Other races pride themselves on contracts, but my people are more simple than that, when we make a promise to do something, we do it." Bilbo said and Bard smiled.

"Indeed you do, I'll send a runner to Erebor at first light."

"If you aren't truthful about what we agreed, I'll go back on it. Thorin isn't well enough to see to the running of Erebor for several days yet and you don't want to start your reign by being dishonest and alienating me."

"As only makes sense, I am a honest man myself, but I understand why you would say what you have to me. I admit I had no idea what I was doing." Bard said with a relieved laugh. "I'll gladly give over control of the project to you."

"Thank you for being understanding." Bilbo said, before leaving. He walked back to where he was staying and felt fingers at his money pouch when he was half way to the house. He grabbed the offending hand and stared down at a startled child, as Bilbo drew his sword. "Do you have any weapons on you boy?" Bilbo demanded.

"No sir, I'm just hungry sir and Ma, Ma and Da both died in the sacking. I'm sorry Sir, please don't hurt me."

"I don't go about hurting children, even children who are pickpockets, are there more like you, who lost both their parents when the dragon came."

"I ain't telling." The child said and Bilbo glared at the boy.

"If I'm to help you and your friends, I need to know about them don't I? If I don't know about you, I can't help you and if I can't help you, how are you going to get shelter come winter?" Bilbo demanded and the boy burst into tears. Bilbo bound the child's hands, before gripping the boy's bound hands and walking with him back to where they were staying. Gloin stared at Bilbo and the child. "What have you been doing for those orphaned by the dragon?" Bilbo demanded furiously and the people of Dale stared at him in shock. "I caught this boy trying to steal from me, but more than that children shouldn't have to steal to get what they need to eat." Bilbo said.

"How do you know the boy is telling the truth, he could be lying."

"He was too frightened to lie when I held my sword to his throat." Bilbo replied and Gloin nodded, before searching the boy.

"He's got nothing on him, how long has it been since you've eaten lad?" Gloin demanded.

"Someone brings back something every day, only it's my day now and I haven't gotten anything."

"Seems as though you lot are poor thieves." Gloin said and the boy burst into tears.

"Gloin!" Bilbo admonished. "He's not even seven years old, you can't yell at a seven year old child like that."

"He knows what he was doing was wrong."

"He didn't have a choice, no child should have to choose between eating and starving." Bilbo said and Gloin stared at him in shock. "What were you learning before the dragon came?"

"Ma was teaching me how to write me letters and Da was teaching me how ta use a sword." The boy said and started crying all over again.

"Its alright, I'm not going to free your hands just yet, because I don't want you to run from me." Bilbo said to the child gently. "Come over by the sink and lets wash off some of that mud. Bilbo gently washed away at the child's face and hair, emptying several buckets as he did so, washing the boy's face and hair free of mud. His hair was black and his eyes were the same color as Thorin's.

"Stop staring at my witchy eyes." The boy said. "I know they are a strange color."

"Not that strange, one of my friends has eyes the same color as yours. Was your Da a short man?"

"Aye I'm part dwarven, people treat me bad cause of it. My Granddads and Grams died before I was born, but they lived a really long time."

"Do you know who the dwarves who sired your Grandparents were?" Bilbo asked and the little boy looked curiously up at him.

"They didn't know, it wasn't as though those dwarves were promised to their mothers. Grams and Ma were part of the oldest profession, that's all Ma would say about it, that and Da took her from that life and made a honest woman out of her. Da's Da was born in a brothel, but he was good at fighting' so they gave him a sword and let him protect the girls, he taught Da how to fight and gave him that sword and Da would have given me the sword, only it was lost in the battle." The boy said.

"I see, well we can't leave you here, you're going to be my ward."

"What's that?"

"It's when an adult sees to a child's wellbeing and I'm not letting any family of my friends starve."

"What about my sister and brother and my cousins can they come too?"

"Of course lad, they can come too." Bilbo said and Gloin stared at him open mouthed.

"A child steals from you and you make them your ward?"

"Aye that I do, say what you will of hobbits, but at least we take care of our own." Bilbo said. "Now lad, you won't run from me, promise me."

"I promise Mr., everyone says you're nice."

"I try to be." Bilbo said and smiled ruffling the boy's hair. "Now take me to your family, I promise by Yavannah that I seek only to help them."

"You a follower of Yavannah?" The boy asked and Bilbo smiled.

"Indeed I am, which of the valar do you follow?"

"Mahal, Nessa and Tulkas." The boy said and Bilbo smiled.

"Well then I'll take the children of your family with me." Bilbo said and the boy nodded, he took Bilbo's hand in his and walked with him to a half caved in building he then let out a bird cry and seven heads popped out of the building and stared at Bilbo in surprise and fear. "Its alright children, your all going to come and live with me." Bilbo said staring at the blue-eyed children, as well as the two who had bright green eyes that he'd never seen on any human. "I'm Bilbo Baggins, I'll be caring for you, because your Ma and Da can't anymore."

"Why did you bring him here Jonah, you know better than to bring anyone here."

"He's nice and he fed me, he wants to care for us."

"Aye he wants to care for us, but what about the girls? What about the side he's not interested in?" The boy demanded.

"They'll be given an education and won't go hungry. Even if you aren't related to my friend, I won't have children going hungry and hobbits view relations differently than most folks on middle earth. What's important to me is that you are all are kin and you are kin of my chosen kin." Bilbo said and the children stared at him in shocked surprise.

"I'll go with you if you sign a contract stating that you will see to our education and well being until we are of age to see to it ourselves." The boy said and Bilbo nodded.

"I will agree to that gladly and when will that be?"

"It should be in about forty years for me and sixty for little Bellis." The oldest boy said and Bilbo nodded.

"Alright I'll sign the contract, though I've already vowed to Yavannah to see to your needs, I'll make sure that your taken care of after my death."

"Your death, you don't live very long?" The boy asked and Bilbo smiled.

"I'll live to be about a hundred and ten." Bilbo said and the boy smiled at him.

"Then we won't have to worry for some time yet."

"Not for some time, not ever if I have anything to say about it. You can sleep with us tonight, there's plenty of food left over and its a good deal warmer there." Bilbo said and the children nodded, they followed Bilbo back to the house where Bilbo helped them to wash and the younger ones to eat, before unrolling his bedroll and setting it over the children. "Its awkward to ask, but can I share with you tonight Gloin?"

"Of course, though why you want to make yourself the guardian to these gutter rats is beyond me."

"Is it truly beyond you to see why I would care for the kin of those I care for?" Bilbo demanded and Gloin looked shocked. "Some of them have a certain family resemblance and certain striking features." Bilbo said and Gloin looked dumbfounded. "I'm not going to let the kin of my friends starve, even if you don't see the resemblance, its obvious who had a hand in their forging so to speak." Bilbo stated.

"You are certain of this resemblance?"

"You have the same eyes as half of these children and you speak to me of resemblance?" Bilbo demanded and glared at Gloin. "Say what you will of my people, but at least we take care of our kin and of our heart kin!" Bilbo then grabbed up his money pouch and stormed off going to market and buying another bed roll, he tossed it down on the ground next to the children, making sure that they were all well covered by it before falling asleep himself.