Prologue: A frozen awakening.
Back again with a new story. This one was a previous work before I scrapped it. I do not own anything, except my OC.
The area was a large clearing within a misty forest. However, there was a particular object that seemed displaced: a large, blue icicle on the ground that is wide enough to encompass several people. Inside, there was a 13 year old male who appeared to be fighting against a strong gust. His body form was athletic, indicating he was physically trained. He was wearing black shorts, a gray t-shirt, and black sandals. He had a small pouch that contained its contents, but the interesting feature was the symbol on the back of the t-shirt. It had a fan shaped symbol, but with a unique design. It was cut in two sections. The first section was red and appeared to be crescent shaped. The second section was white, holding the shape of the red crescent. It appeared to be a handle. Both sections were cut off by a white crescent line in the middle. The boy within it did not know due to his icy prison that he was being observed.
"This is the one who was selected from our clan. I didn't think I would find the so-called myth to be true." A woman's voice rang out.
"We need to find a way to take him out of his prison... This prison doesn't seem to be melting." Another female voice said.
Two females wearing what appeared to be ninja attire came into view and attempted to break the icicle. They used large hammers to try and crack it. However, their efforts proved fruitless as no cracks were shown on the ice.
"Wait, we have company coming in." One of the kunoichis replied.
Soon, a small squad of three preteen kids with an adult came into view. The kids were two boys and one girl. The adult was also male. The adult had an aloof expression on his face. His hair was spiky gray, somehow breaking the law of gravity. He had a headband with an intricate symbol engraved on the metal plate. The symbol had a spiral in the body, taking a phantom image of a leaf.
"It seems we found what he cause of this ice fog is." The adult said.
"It's pretty cold, ttebayo. Let's just melt it down." The boisterous boy said.
The same boy was also 13 years old. He had blonde hair that was spiky, like a drawing of the sun. He had a tan complexion of his skin. His eyes were a sapphire color. He was wearing an orange jumpsuit with blue patches. The shoulders had spiral symbols.
"I don't think this would be easy to melt, Naruto." The adult said.
"How though, Kakashi-sensei? This is a giant icicle, dattebayo." The boy named Naruto replied.
"This icicle appears to have been made from a jutsu. This kind of ice is typically made in select areas where the climate is at sub-zero temperatures. Out here at the outskirts of Kirigakure, this ice wouldn't exist unless someone had a kekkei genkai." The adult named Kakashi explained.
"Then how do you think we can melt or crack this ice?" The girl asked.
Said girl was also 13 years old. She had a soft pink hair color, akin to cherry blossoms. It was nearing waist length. She also had fair skin. Her eyes were a mint green color. Her choice of clothing consisted of a red qipao dress with slits along the sides accompanied by a zipper and white circular designs. She also had tight dark green bike shorts with a shuriken holster around her right thigh, blue sandals, and the same headband worn by Kakashi, except she had hers tied as a hairband.
"We have to bring the icicle with us back home... Wait, there's something in it." Kakashi said, surprising everyone.
The squad looked at the icicle in a different angle. They noticed the frozen boy within it.
"Oh man..." Naruto said in surprise.
"This boy was frozen alive..." Sakura said.
The second boy looked at the figure within the ice. He had a fair complexion of his skin. He has black eyes and spiky black hair with a blue tint. His hair was long, having bangs that hung over his face. His choice of clothing consisted of a navy blue, short-sleeved shirt with a high collar, white shorts, and white arm warmers. His shirt had the same symbol of the frozen boy.
"That symbol... Looks like you're not alone, Sasuke." Kakashi said, seeing the fan-shaped mark at the back.
The boy named Sasuke quickly went to the icicle, noticing the same symbol.
"He's an Uchiha..." Sasuke said with surprise.
"That means we have to bring him back to Konoha. Let's hurry." Kakashi said, unfurling a scroll.
"I'll handle this, dattebayo." Naruto said.
He began writing intricate symbols on the scroll. Soon, a kanji for storage (倉) formed.
"Fuin!" Naruto said.
Soon, the icicle was shifting to the scroll till it disappeared within it. The kanji shifted into icicle (氷).
"All right, he's in the scroll. Let's head back to Konoha. I'm dying to get some ramen after this mission, ttebayo." Naruto said.
"I get your excitement, Naruto, but we also need to report to the Hokage. It's been a day since we battled Zabuza." Kakashi reprimanded.
Naruto grumbled as he followed his team back to his home. Unknown to them, the two kunoichis watched them leave the premises.
"We should get that scroll so we can claim our target. Nadeshiko village won't be pleased of our failure." The first kunoichi said.
"I will explain to our leader about this. We can't risk attacking a potential ally." The second kunoichi replied.
After hours of traveling through the woods, Kakashi and his team arrived at the outskirts of a large village. There was a sign that read 'Konohagakure' written nearby.
"Finally... Back home in Konoha." Naruto said, stretching his arms.
"Don't forget that we still need to report to the Hokage. He will want to discuss on what we found." Kakashi said.
Naruto grumbled, but agreed. Sakura groaned of her comrade's immaturity. However, Sasuke remained silent. He was unwilling to wait for the long-lost member of the Uchiha to be released.
'I still can't believe that we all stumbled upon a member of my clan... It provides some hope to me that I won't be alone.' Sasuke thought.
The group of ninjas were now in an office-like room. Inside, a wise old man was seen sitting in front of his desk, sorting paperwork. One could see the frustration on his face as he signed each page. He was wearing traditional robes that showed his status of being an important figure. The robe was white with red colors. There were several Japanese kanji written on the back, translating as 'Third Hokage'. He also had an umbrella shaped hat with the kanji for fire (火). His age was very old, evident by his elder features. He had a pipe in his mouth for smoking.
"Sandaime Hokage-sama, Team 7 is reporting of our A-rank mission from Nami no Kuni." Kakashi said in a lazy tone.
"Ah, Kakashi. Good to see that everyone made it one piece. I've heard of your report from your client about the strange ice fog near your presence. Care to explain what you have discovered?" The Hokage asked.
"Yes, but it's best for us to present. Naruto, if you would..." Kakashi said, reading a novel.
Naruto had a frown on his face, seeing the novel Kakashi was reading.
"All right, Kakashi-sensei..." Naruto said.
He soon opened the scroll containing the icicle and placed his palm on the kanji shown.
"Fuin: Kai!"
The icicle appeared in a large puff of smoke. Soon, the icicle was in full view. The elder man was in shock. Upon seeing the frozen figure, his grip on the pipe loosen from his mouth. Naruto, in response, chuckled of the elder man's reaction.
"Hahahaha! You look like a fish, Jii-jii!" He said, laughing.
Sakura had to suppress a giggle in response. Sasuke remained aloof while Kakashi kept reading his book.
"How on Kami's name were you able to find a lost member of the Uchiha clan is beyond me... I'm still in shock after what you showed me." The elder said in a comical fashion.
"Only problem is, this ice appears to be made by a kekkei genkai. I'm not sure if we can melt it with katon jutsus." Kakashi said.
"Maybe I can help in this, dattebayo." Naruto said.
"And what will you do to help, Dobe?" Sasuke questioned.
"Just watch, Teme." Naruto replied.
Naruto was drawing symbols on the ice. Soon, he finished and began channeling a blue aura from his palm.
"The ice should melt soon." He said.
No sooner after he notified everyone, the ice began to melt quickly. The boy within the ice began to breathe. His skin slowly regained its placid color. Once the ice was gone, the boy collapsed on the floor.
"He may need some medical attention. I don't know how long he was frozen, but I hope nothing serious has happened to him." Sakura stated.
The elder man soon called for a doctor to bring the boy to a hospital.
"Provide treatments for frostbite. This boy has been left preserved in ice for a long time." The elder man said.
"Hai, Hokage-sama." The doctor said.
The Hokage soon turned to the squad, now known as Team 7.
"Team 7, you'll have a three day recess. However, I need you to report back to me so we can check upon our frozen guest." The Hokage said.
Loud beeping from an EKG meter was heard. Several nurses were astounded of how quickly the boy was recovering. His head was covered from the nose up from a cloth, obscuring his hair.
"It's remarkable... This boy has survived the freezing process. It's as though he was flash frozen and left like this for a while." The doctor said.
The skin was beginning to restore its placid, tan color. However, it was still pale. Soon, the boy began to wake up. He groaned after being frozen for a long time.
" I...?" He rasped.
The doctors were shocked to hear him talk. Soon, the boy stood up, albeit barely. The cloth covering his face fell, revealing it to everyone. His hair was flowing, reaching down to his waist. It was smooth and straight, giving him an androgynous appearance. He then opened his eyes. They were a soft, blue color, akin to that of an aquamarine.
"Easy there. You have been frozen for a long time." One of the doctors replied.
The young Uchiha looked at the doctors. He had an expression of demanding for answers.
"I have several questions to ask but I need to know this... Where am I?" The young Uchiha asked.
"You're in Konoha hospital." The doctor replied.
"Konoha... At least I'm home in the village... Is the Nidaime Hokage here?" The Uchiha asked.
The doctors gave a confused expression to the Uchiha.
"Forgive me for sounding confused, but the current Hokage in the office is the Sandaime." One of them informed.
The Uchiha was shocked. He then looked outside through a nearby window, noting how different the village looked.
"I've been frozen for a long time..." He said solemnly.
The doctors felt pitiful for the young Uchiha. They couldn't offer any sympathy for him. By then, the doors opened. The Third Hokage arrived.
"Ah, you're awake." He said.
"You must be the Sandaime Hokage... I guess Tobirama-dono has chosen you wisely." The Uchiha remarked respectfully.
The elder man gave a hearty chuckle in response.
"I must say. You're one polite young man for a shinobi. Tell me though. What is your name?" The elder Hokage asked.
"My name is Uchiha Amano." The now named Amano responded.
The elder man had a brief, surprised expression. He then calmed himself but Amano knew what he saw.
"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Sarutobi Hiruzen, also known as the Sandaime Hokage." The elder man named Hiruzen said.
"The Sarutobi clan, huh? I can see that they have potential, evident by your accomplishments." Amano commented.
Hiruzen laughed in response. He took a liking to the young man for his respectful tone.
"In any case, I heard you mentioning the Nidaime Hokage. He was my sensei during his time. You were probably in battle during the First Shinobi War." Hiruzen sympathized.
"I was... I recalled that time which left me frozen for all these years. A former enemy from Kumogakure had an elemental kekkei genkai. It was a Hyoton user that trapped me." Amano explained.
"A Hyoton user in Kumo? Why did he or she trapped you in your former prison?" Hiruzen asked.
"I was in the middle of a battle when we fought. However, 'she' respected my abilities and requested me to kill her in an honorary fashion. However, I spared her. In response, she casted her jutsu on me. It was called 'Hyōga no Togōku'." Amano said.
"I see. That's how you ended up frozen for all these years. However, I must inform you of how much time has passed. It has been over 40 years. You would have been in your 50s or early 60s by now." Hiruzen said.
Amano knew he was displaced from his time after remaining frozen for a while. This didn't prevent him from getting shocked though.
"It has been that long... Sandaime-sama, how much has the world change since I was imprisoned?" Amano asked.
"A great deal. For now, you must know that an incident happened here in the village not too long ago. Come with me in the office so we can speak privately." Hiruzen said.
Amano nodded and disappeared with Hiruzen in a cloud of smoke.
Within the Hokage office, Hiruzen arrived with Amano. Soon, he began making hand signs. Soon, several writings were glowing within the office.
"Silencing seals. You have also practiced fuinjutsu as well." Amano noticed.
"Sharp observation, Amano. In any case, what I will reveal to you must be kept away from the public. This is an S-class secret." Hiruzen said.
'S-class? I guess they have a new way of assessing the importance of information and missions.' Amano thought.
Amano looked confused for a moment, but knew this was something important. He began to listen to Hiruzen for what he was about to say.
"This brings a heavy heart to say this, but you're now a member of an endangered clan on the threat to extinction." Hiruzen said.
"The Uchiha clan, isn't it...? I noticed how the doctors were looking at me like I'm a glimmer of hope... At least I now know. What was the cause of the near extinction of the Uchiha clan?" Amano asked, hinting some disdain.
"They were planning a coup against the village. I attempted to reason with them, but my words fell to deaf ears. Soon, one of my former comrades decided to kill them all. I objected, but a fellow Uchiha named Itachi decided to take the burden of killing his clan and family." Hiruzen said.
Amano was deeply shocked. He couldn't believe he was now one of the few remaining members of his clan.
"There's more though. Itachi told me of why he performed such a near insurmountable task. He was ordered from my former comrade to kill them." Hiruzen revealed.
"What is your former comrade's name...?" Amano said with a shivering voice.
"His name is Shimura Danzo." Hiruzen revealed.
Amano held his anger at bay, but the Third Hokage knew he was barely able to. The young Uchiha kept a calm face as he got control of his emotions.
"You do realize that by sharing this info to me would put me at risk of fighting him in retribution, Sandaime-dono." Amano said.
"I'm aware of that. However, I have come to believe that he had his own agenda from behind the scenes. I just need to warn you that he may attempt to recruit you. Don't listen to him for anything." Hiruzen said.
"My shinobi way is the Will of Fire. I don't believe in the Uchiha's teachings, otherwise I would have slandered Nidaime-dono's teachings." Amano said, bowing to the Hokage.
Hiruzen smiled in response. He liked how faithful Amano was to the village.
"I already have your name on record. You're still a genin, but I don't know which team to put you with." Hiruzen said.
"Let me decide who I wish to be with before I can have the chance to join. My friends that I once knew have either retired or passed away. It'll take me some time to get to know them." Amano requested.
"Take your time, young man. I also managed to help provide some new living arrangements for you." Hiruzen said, providing a key ring to Amano.
"Arigato, Sandaime-dono." Amano replied.
Amano made his way outside of the building. He took a decent look at it before heading through the village.
'So this is where the Hokage performs his duty. The administrative division of the academy... Nidaime-dono, your brother's will still lives on.' Amano thought.
Opening 1: Unravel by TK
'oshiete oshiete yo sono shikumi o boku no naka ni dare ga iru no'
-Amano was seen overlooking Konoha. He had a sad expression on his face, lost in his memories.
'kowareta kowareta yo kono sekai de kimi ga warau nani mo miezu ni'
-Amano saw a faint image of his past. Unable to handle the stress, he falls to his knees, hyperventilating.-
'kowareta boku nante sa iki o tomete'
-Amano began to walk across through Konoha in a stormy night. He truly felt alone as he couldn't find anyone he could relate.
-Soon, he turned to look behind. No one was there.-
'kowaseru kowasenai kurueru kuruenai
anata o mitsukete'
-Flashes of the characters began, starting with Team 7, began. Most of them were his age, while some were older. Soon, the Hokage came in view, along with a pale man with eyes of a snake.
'yureta yuganda sekai ni dandan boku wa sukitōtte mienakunatte
mitsukenaide boku no koto o mitsumenaide'
-Amano was seen falling within the sky. He had a shocked expression on his face, realizing a revelation. He clenched his hands in response. The characters began fighting unseen enemies with unique abilities.-
'dareka ga egaita sekai no naka de anata o kizutsuketaku wa nai yo oboeteite boku no koto o'
-Amano looks at a mass grave. Remembering his old friends and new ones, he gave a tearful look before turning, showing his eyes turning red.-