
Disclaimer: Anny owns nothing blahblahblah.... Let's go ahead with the fic already!



Yami went upstairs where Ryou was sleeping. He opened the door slowly and locked it behind him. He was looking at him with desire, it has been a long time since he wanted to have Ryou in his arms, but Bakura had been an obstacle for him. He walked to the bed where he looked at Ryou sleeping quietly. He looked so innocent and pure. He wanted him so bad.

Meanwhile, hours passed by and there was no sign of Ryou, so Bakura got tired of waiting. "He's not coming, I have to go look for him in another part!". He stood up and started to think. "Where could he had gone?". So he went to the park, looking worried for his lover.

Yami started to crawl towards the bed, he was in top of a sleeping Ryou. There he took him by the face and started to kiss him pasionately. Ryou woke up and when he saw what was happening he tried to struggle, but he was tied up. "Wha... What's happening?" he murmured trying to understand what was going on.

"Hello Ryou, sleeping good?" Yami smirked with his face centimeters of Ryou's.

"Yami? What are you doing??" Ryou was confused and trying to struggle, but he found himself handcuffed to the bed. His eyes opened wide when he understood what was happening.

"Well Yugi went to the store to buy some groceries and he asked me to take care of you" Yami smirked again.

"Yami, please! This is not time for sick jokes!!" Ryou said scared.

"Who's joking? I want you Ryou. I've been wanting you since a long time ago" he got closer to his face breathing slowly. "And now that there's no obstacle on my way, you're going to be mine!" And he started to kiss him passionately again, while Ryou tried to struggle some more.

Yami moved his hands through Ryou's body, putting a hand beneath his shirt, exploring the body of the young one with passion. Tears ran through Ryou's body and he felt like throwing up when he felt his hands.

Yami wiped out his tears slowly. "Don't cry. You're going to enjoy it".

"Yami, I DO NOT LOVE YOU!! I don't want to be with you! Let me go!" Ryou begged desesperated.

Yami felt compassion when he saw those big chocolate eyes, but he couldn't stop, he finally had him in his arms after a long time waiting, he wanted him more than ever. Even though, he felt kinda guilty for what he was about to do.

Suddenly, the front door opened, thing that Yami heard immediatly. He put tape on Ryou's mouth so he wouldn't scream for help. "Don't you dare to make any sounds or you'll pay the consecuences" Yami said glaring menacing, and went downstairts to see who was at the door.

"Y-Yugi, are you back so soon?" Yami asked kinda scared.

"Oh no, I just forgot to take more money and I came for some more" when Yami heard this he let out a deep sigh, relieved.

"And tell me, is Ryou still asleep?"

"Err.. I just checked out and yeah he's still asleep" Yami said confident.

"Huh? Isn't that noise coming from upstairs?" the little boy said when he heard some moanings coming from Ryou's room.

"Err..maybe he's just streching, don't worry I have everything under control" said Yami a little nervous.

Yugi raised an eyebrow when he heard this. "Well, I'll go now, I'll try to hurry up" the little boy said on his way out.

"Sure, I'll take care of everything" Yami smirked and went back to the house.

With Yugi now gone, he went back upstairs really mad. Once there, he looked at a scared Ryou struggling. Yami got closer to him and took out the tape fast, thing that made Ryou scream in pain.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING? I told you to stay quiet or you'll suffer the consecuences!!" Yami saying this he hit Ryou in the face so hard he was bleeding.

Yami crawled on top of him and started to lick the blood coming from his mouth while Ryou looked at him scared and disgusted. Yami grabbed him by the face and looked at him. "Don't you ever look at me that way, you hear me?" he said threatening. Ryou was REALLY scared at his reaction, he never thought Yami could be so violent.

"And now you're going to enjoy it, wheter you like it or not!"

Meanwhile, Bakura was very dissapointed that he couldn't find Ryou anywhere. He didn't have any clue where he could be. He had a bad feeling that something bad was going to happen if he didn't hurry. Not so far from there, he saw a little boy that looked like Ryou's friend.

"Hey, Kisama" he approached him fast. Yugi recognized him when he saw him and looked mad. "What do you want?!"

Bakura figured Ryou already talked with Yugi because of his angry attitude towards him. He grabbed Yugi by the neck and glared. "Tell me where is him!!"

"Why do you want to know? You're just going to hurt him again like you just did!!"

Bakura looked at him and put Yugi down. "Look Yugi, you don't understand. I didn't want to do this. I... I really love him.." while he said this Bakura looked down regreting what he did.

"If you would have really loved him you wouldn't have never cheated on him!" Yugi said mad when he saw his reaction.

"Please Yugi, I have to try for him to forgive me. We all make mistakes. Tell me where is he. If he decides never to forgive me I will accept it, but at least I have to try!!" Bakura stared at him with a worried face.

Yugi let out a deep sigh. "All right. He's on my house. Yami's taking care of him"

When Bakura heard this, he almost suffered a heart attack.

"WITH YAMI!?!?" His eyes opened wide open as he started to run towards Yugi's house.

"Wait, what's wrong??" the small boy said confused while running after him.

Bakura knew Yami was obsessed with Ryou. He knew he was dangerous. "I was right, something bad is going to happen if I don't get there on time!" and he ran with all his strenght, hoping it wasn't too late.


Anny: Eep. Ryou is in great danger!! Could Bakura be there on time? What is Yami planning to do with Ryou? Well don't miss the next chapter of this fic ^_^!!

Ah!! And leave a review! ^^