Kain was weary. Though it was hard to tell with all the time-travel, he hadn't had a moment's rest in over a week. He didn't need to sleep, technically, but to remain constantly alert for so long was stressful.

He had been temporarily dead, but to him it felt just the same as that time he tried to dive to the bottom of a lake as a boy. It was like he was fighting to hold his breath while struggling to reach the surface. That was why he reflexively gasped as he awoke in the demon dimension.

He had followed a compulsion that he hadn't understood, and was surprised when it led to a chance to kill Moebius again. He was sickened as his long-time foe dragged himself along his blade just to get closer.

There was still a compulsion to stay, though Kain could not figure out what he was waiting for. Curiously, he stooped over Moebius' staff and wondered how it worked. He was loath to touch the damned thing just yet, so he waved his hand over it. It seemed that it didn't react automatically to a vampiric presence.

Suddenly, Moebius stood up again. "Kain..."

Kain had reflexes honed by years of fighting, and he had his sword through Moebius chest before he even realized what the threat was. "Do you so enjoy death?"

Moebius smiled as he slumped against the wall where Kain had pinned him. He sighed he reached longingly for Kain. "Yes." Suddenly, the old man faded away to reveal...

"Raziel? No!" Kain tried to pull away, but Raziel grabbed him.

Kain didn't hear what Raziel was saying as he struggled against his child's superior strength. "No, Raziel!"

Raziel gasped in pain. "The Soul Reaver, pure of all corruption... This is what it is for. This is what I am for."

Kain flinched as Raziel brought his right talon up, but the energy that passed into him was warm and comforting. Kain brought his own talon up and clutched Raziel's hoping to provide some consolation of his own. This felt more right than anything had ever felt before.

Raziel struggled to continue. "The two become one, both Soul Reavers together, and the Scion of Balance is healed. And I am not your enemy, not your destroyer... I am, as before, your right hand. Your sword."

Understanding dawned on Kain. Raziel had found his destiny, and had chosen not to fight it. He accepted a sacrifice greater than the one that Kain had refused. Kain also felt a change within himself, but it was confusing and he didn't want to face it alone. He knew it was futile, but he had to say it anyway. "No, Raziel... This can't be the way."

Raziel collapsed as he sighed. "And now you will see the true enemy." And he was gone.

Kain felt that Raziel was with him, that all of his children were with him. What's more, Kain felt balance. He no longer needed someone to correct for the madness that he had suffered for all of his life.

He didn't have time to ponder this as suddenly he saw what Raziel had known about from the beginning. It was a parasite, feeding off of the misery of the world, and it must be stopped.

AN: Well, I got the sudden idea to make one of these... novelization of a scene? I wanted to do just the confrontation at the Sanctuary, then I decided to add Raziel's death, then I decided to do the Chronoplast scene. I accept negative reviews, so don't be afraid to speak up if something bothered you. Praise is also appreciated.