Slytherin Manor was used to large bursts of magic. Salazar Slytherin was a powerful man and when he grew angry his magic grew out of control. So when Death and his master apparated into the Manor there was only slight shaking before everything was still. Harry was panting in his attempt to calm himself and his magic. He hadn't used that much energy in centuries.

His arms were still wrapped around his pet, holding the man as close to him as he could. He had missed this. Missed the warmth of his pet's solid body and the feel of his magic brushing up against Harry's. Voldemort stood stiffly in his arms, trying to enjoy this last bit of closeness before his master pushed him away. At least if the man no longer loved him he still cared. Harry sighed and pulled away from his pet, noting the small flash of disappointment.

"Where did he hurt you?" Voldemort shivered, pushing down on the arousal that grew in him. He needed to stay focused, his master wasn't interested.

"I'm fine." Harry growled, pulling the man back into his arms and staring up at his pet.

"Where did he hurt you?" Voldemort sighed, letting himself relax into Harry's steady grip. He knew he shouldn't let himself have this. He wouldn't be able to let go once he'd been with his master again but it was so tempting. To just let the man take control and be his Master. That's all he wanted.

"He- He tried to kill me." Voldemort paused, confusion flashing across his face. "Why didn't it work?"

Harry smiled, gently stroking his pet's cheek.

"You are Death. You can't kill Death." Voldemort shook his head, not understanding.

"But I'm not your pet anymore. I'm not Death, Draco is." For a moment the man let his head fall down. He had been replaced and he needed to remember that. "You gave him my place."

Harry sighed, dragging his pet down the hall. He would tell the man now. He couldn't let this go on any longer. Voldemort was suffering and needed his master. Now was not the time for lessons.

"I gave him nothing. You are still Death and you are still my pet." Voldemort froze, realization hitting him as they reached his bedroom.

"Then-" Harry nodded, gently leading his pet to the bed. Voldemort sat, looking up at his master in confusion.

"I wanted to teach you a lesson, pet." Harry pressed a gentle kiss to the man's lips. He needed his pet and his pet needed him. Voldemort wrapped his arms around the man, lying back when Harry pushed him.

"Master…" He'd thought he wanted freedom but without his master he was so alone. Now his master was here and Death could hardly contain himself.

"I've yet to enjoy you in this body." Death smiled as finally, finally, his master made him his.

Death was beneath him, legs spread invitingly and gazing up at his master with such lust that Harry could hardly control himself.

"Master, please." Harry growled, pressing himself harder against the man beneath him. He could feel his pet's hardness straining against his own. He slipped his hands under the man's robes, letting fingers glide over pale skin. Voldemort gasped as his nipples were fondled, rolled in his master's fingers as the man leaned over him.

Harry fumbled, trying to pull off the outer layer of his pet's robes. Finally he vanished them, leaving Voldemort naked beneath him. The Dark Lord squirmed, suddenly self conscious of his pale skin and body. He wasn't as beautiful as his past lives and regret welled in him. He should never have made those horcruxes, he might still be beautiful without them. Harry watched the emotions flash across his pet's face, frowning as a deep sadness settled over the other man. He leaned down, capturing Voldemort's lips in a fierce kiss as he rolled his hips forward.

"Such a good pet. Always so good." Voldemort keened, pushing back into the clothed erection. His master had too many clothes on and he fumbled desperately with the fabric.

"Need you." Harry grinned and vanished his own clothing, too worked up to even bother trying to remove them manually. He rolled his hips forward again, watching as his pet squirmed beneath him. Voldemort groaned, spreading his legs further. "Master, please."

"What do you need pet?" Voldemort huffed, reaching his arms up to wrap them around his master's neck.

"Need you in me." Harry smirked before diving forward, pressing frantic kisses in the hollow of his pet's throat. His hand wandered lower, running a teasing strip down Death's member before moving to circle around the man's hole. Voldemort moaned, trying to push his hips down onto the seeking hand.

"So eager." Voldemort nodded, gasping when fingers finally breached him and he could feel his master's touch inside him. He squirmed, trying to get them deeper and his master chuckled. Harry pressed a soft kiss to his pet's lips, driving now two fingers in and out of the man. His pet was a mess beneath him, unable to control his thrusting hips as Harry continued to pleasure the man with his hands.

"Master! G-going to-" Harry growled, wrapping his free hand around the base of his pet's penis. Voldemort groaned, wanting to cum.

"Not yet." Harry whispered a spell, stretching and lubing his pet magically, and watching as Death practically yowled. He could hardly wait to insert himself into this man. It'd been so long, far too long.

"Hurry Master!" Voldemort hooked his legs around the other's waist, drawing him closer. Harry let his hands slide up the man's sides, taking time to kiss and nip at each bit of skin he could see. He had missed this. Missed his pet and the way the man would beg for him. He kissed Death softly.

"Love you." Voldemort smiled shakily, trying not to let tears come to his eyes. His master loved him, would always love him for all time. Harry watched the smile come to his pet's face. Finally his pet was happy. He pressed himself against his pet's hole, slowly letting his cock slip inside. Death gasped at the slow stretch and Harry clenched his teeth in concentration.

"Master!" Voldemort threw his head back in pleasure. He felt so full. His master's cock was buried in him and finally he felt whole. Harry panted against the man's neck, fighting the urge to lose control and thrust wildly into the man beneath him. He needed to make this good for his pet. He cupped his hand around his pet's face, tilting the man's head so that his pet was looking at him.

"You're so beautiful." Voldemort blushed, shifting slightly and pressing back into the penis buried in him. Harry smiled again and gently slammed his hips forward, letting his cock slowly drag in and out of his pet. Death gasped, wrapping his arms around his master tightly. Harry groaned, sliding his arms underneath his pet. He slowly built up a punishing rhythm, making sure to hit Voldemort's prostate on every thrust.

"Master! I can't-" Harry surged forward, lips clamping over his pet's as he felt the man shudder beneath him. Voldemort's orgasm swept through the pale wizard, body tightening around his master as he arched off of the bed. Harry groaned, letting his own pleasure drive him as he pressed deeply into the man beneath him and painted his insides with cum. He collapsed on top of Death, his arms giving out as he fell on top of the man. Death grunted and once more wrapped his arms around his master, pressing himself closer to the man.

"Pet…" Harry whined. His pet's hole was still fluttering around him greedily, trying to milk every last drop from his spent cock. Carefully he removed himself from the pale man and dragged his pet to his chest. Voldemort curled against him, eyes closed in contentment as he soaked up his master's warmth. Harry dragged a clumsy hand down the man's side, too tired to properly pet the man. They still had things they needed to talk about, but they could wait until the morning.