Disclaimer: I haven't seen Blue Exorcist in years, I just rewatched episode 23-24 of season 1. I have not seen season 2, nor have I read the manga. A lot of this is going to be OCC. Bad spelling/grammar. A rewrite of High School Love- SatanXYuri

A Simple Love Story:

Chapter One.

October 7th.

I looked around the coffee shop. Dead. Sighing I leaned back on the counter, watching Shiro clean the same stain. "We are kind of dead today huh Shiro?" I spun around and looked over the store. There were only five people in the whole small shop. A group of hipsters, complaining about the "system" whatever that meant and a businessman, the poor guy did not look happy at all.

"It's Wednesday Yuri. Of course, no one will be here" Shiro mumbled glaring at the stuck on coffee stain. I watched him, rather struck about how much he has grown. I've known Shiro since before mom died, he would always help me in school even though he was a year older. He was there when mom died, a shoulder to cry on, a friend, a brother. That's all I ever see him as, a brother. A best friend who takes a shy girl to prom, who helps out at the church, a great man my father loves. A best friend.

I was shaken from my musings when the bell of the shop rang through the air.

"Hello!" I called out as a man walked to the till. He was an attractive man, in his early 20s, his face was pointed, elf like. Like someone, you can see being a TV star; though at the same time he looked average.

"Hello" His voice was rich and deep, deeper than what I was expecting. Still sounded very nice. "I'll have a black coffee, a plain bagel, and a box of donuts."

"Anything else?" I asked punching buttons for his order. I looked up at him and he was staring at me, watching. He looked me up and down, and then smiled.

"That's everything" He smirked one more time then flashed his debit card. As he paid I couldn't help but pull back my messy curls, the look he gave me was...not one I got often.

"Your order will be done soon" I smiled; he just took a step away from the counter, looking at his phone, nodding, and texting. Not even a moment later Shiro handed me the coffee and treats. I handed them back to the man. He smiled and took his order and left.

That night ended just as it started a bore and Shiro cleaning that silly stain. That attractive man... I highly dought I'll ever see him again.

"Need a ride?" Shiro asked as he hung up his apron. To my surprise, it was already closing time.


"Coffee with two milk!" Shiro called out for the third time. I could tell he was frustrated, and to be honest I would be too. Today alone he already had three costumers complain about the coffee and at least two people who didn't have enough money but still wanted their coffee. I walked up to him after the preppy girl got her overly sweet coffee.

"Want to switch? I haven't been on cash in a few hours." I had to stifle a laugh at the over joyed look on his face. I gave him a small poke in the arm, he glared back with a smile.

"Hello!" I called out when I heard the bell ring. A group of college kids came in, about seven of them in all, but what was a little surprising was that the attractive man from the other day was in the group. Or at least he knew the group, he was farther in the back with a woman draped over his arm, clinging. It was almost like she was staking a claim, like she wanted everyone to know they were a thing. He didn't seem to care, at all. The main group had already ordered and paid by the time the man and the woman got up to my cash.

"And what will it be for you two today?" I said with a smile. The man looked rather surprised, and then smiled a charming smile.

"Black coffee. Moriyama, what are you getting?" He asked looking at the woman on his arm. She looked at the menu and scrunched up her nose, she then ordered what Shiro had dubbed diabetes in a cup, with extra whip cream. How anyone could handle such a drink was any ones guess. He flashed me his debit card like last time when I told him the total.

"Your order will be up right away" I smiled and got to work making the black coffee, Shiro worked on the overcomplicated drink.

I got a better look at the woman when I handed them their drinks. The woman looked to be also in her 20's, dark blue eyes, way darker than my own, and dark hair. I jumped back when the woman nearly threw her drink back at me.

"This doesn't have a shot of caramel!" The woman looked pissed, she was glaring. I calmly smiled.

"I'm sorry miss, I can remake it for you if you want?" So I did. The first time was okay, but by the third time, the other people in the store were getting pissed, including the man she was with. He pulled the nearly spitting woman to the table with the rest of the college students.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Shiro whispered staring at the college kids. "Can't handle his own rabid dog-" I jab him in the rib, he coughed and shot me an apologizing look.

"Be nice" He huffed and went back to cleaning.

The next few days followed like the last, regulars, new people, mean people, nice people. Every day like the one that came before. Boring and repetitive. But this is my life, each day like the last, nothing new or interesting happening. After high school was over each day seemed to blend together.

"Hey, Yuri" I looked over at Shiro, who was cleaning a cup.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Want to-" He was cut off by the bell.

"Hello!" I said seeing the handsome man and his girlfriend from the other day walk in. The woman glared and pulled on the man's arm, trying to get him to leave. Shiro glared at them and huffed.

"What can I get you today?" I ask, Moriyama, I think that is what he called the woman, ordered some coffee. Of course, it was a harder coffee to make with all the Carmel shots she asked for. The man only got a black coffee.

"Make it right this time," She said as she spun on her heals and on sat down at one of the tables. The man shot her a dark look and smiled at me.

"That will be all" I nodded and he paid, walking to the woman with their drinks when they were done.

"Bet his worse than she is. Birds of a feather flock together after all" Shiro said watching the couple, I made a small sound of disagreement but do nothing about it.