The White Wolf

Summary - "Bend your knee to the King. Win his wars. Then bring the might of the Seven Kingdoms to the North. I will hold the Wall until you return, Lord Snow." In which, Jon Snow and Ser Alliser Thorne comes to an understanding. AU.

Disclaimer - I do not own Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire

A/N - Will have a mixture of book and show elements. Most of the book elements with be the inclusion of book characters - and small changes here and there. But just...assume, I'm going off the show in the beginning. I'll try to explain as I write it.

Chapter I

"Rise Again"

Castle Black - War Room

Jon kept himself silent as he assessed the men sitting around the large conference table. At the head of it was Ser Alliser Thorne, the acting Lord Commander until a new one was to be chosen. He was also the heavy favorite to win the upcoming election as well - due to his leadership and valor during the Defense of Castle Black. While Jon had many negative opinions of the man, he did not doubt Ser Alliser's allegiance to the Night's Watch. And that was something all the men here had in common.

To Jon's right was Samwell Tarly, Maester Aemon's steward. Sitting beside Alliser Thorne were four of the most highly regarded men that currently belonged to the Night's Watch. First was Maester Aemon, who had served the Watch for so long, many had forgotten that he had refused the Throne to take his vows. Another was First Builder Yarwyck. Beside him were two others.

The first was Ser Denys Mallister, an old knight. An old warrior who commanded the Shadow Tower for more then three decades. Next to Ser Denys was Cotter Pyke, the commander of Eastwatch-by-the-Sea. These two men held heavy presences - strong presences. Either one of them could hold command of Castle Black and the Night's Watch.

The election would be soon.

"We shall convene." Maester Aemon began. His voice quieter then usual. He could almost feel Sam's worry radiating off of him. According to Sam, the old dragon seemed to be waning further and further.

"Aye." Denys's fingers began strumming the table with a rhythm. "The matters of which that are discussed here cannot be leaked out. No matter what."

Cotter Pyke remained silent but leveled a heavy look upon Jon Snow, who took it in stride. The Ironborn, Cotter Pyke, had a reputation for being intimidating. Jon was not as easily scared as the rest of the Watch however.

He did hear Sam take in a large gulp though.

"No need for small talk." Ser Alliser was more than aware of the enmity between Cotter Pyke and Denys Mallister. No need to keep them together for longer then necessary. "Lord Snow. I've received word that the King has given you quite the offer as of late."

"Hm?" Jon inquired. "He asked me to serve him. But why would he know that? Why would he care either way?"

"The King has offered to legitimize you. Raise you from a Snow to a Stark and has asked you to take the North back with him." Denys clarified with a wave of his hand. Jon widened his eyes slightly. "Don't be so surprised. We've been leading the Watch for years, Jon. We have means of acquiring information."

"Aye. And this is the latest piece of gossip." Alliser smirked arrogantly - but the look left his face as quickly as it appeared, replaced by a somber demeanor. "We need to know how you truly feel about this offer, Lord Snow."

Jon mentally trembled. Anger rose in his chest but he controlled himself. Why had they brought this up? Was it to mock him? Was Alliser trying to use this against him somehow? For what purpose?

"I'm a man of the Night's Watch, Ser Alliser. I've done many awful things to honor my vows."

"You have. I'm not saying otherwise." The man replied, backing down slightly. Jon couldn't believe that Alliser Thorne was retreating so easily. "Despite our differences, we are brothers. We may not always like our brothers but we must fight alongside one another. You know that just as well as I do."

"Be honest here Jon. This is no ploy." Aemon rasped weakly. "We have talked here once. Before inviting you."

"Just spit it out." Cotter grumbled. "It's important that we know."

Jon was silent for a moment before nodding. Sam put a supportive man on his shoulders - so he spoke.

"It's an offer I've considered." He admitted, shame permeating in his voice. "It's what I've wanted my entire life. To be a Stark. But what kind of man would I be if I forsake my vows for personal gain? I kneeled before the Heart Tree and took the same vows you all did. And I will honor it to my last breath."

The other men gave passing glances at one another. And then Ser Alliser spoke up.


Jon narrowed his eyes.

"Originally, I thought it was a piss poor idea. But I've been convinced otherwise recently. You need not know how." Alliser admitted. "And I hate your guts. I respect you, Lord Snow, but I don't like you. Never will."

"But as he said earlier, we must put aside our differences." Denys cut in. "We must put aside what we thought was right. We must do things differently...if we wish to win."

"To defeat our common foe." Samwell breathed. Something seemed to have clicked in his mind and he gave Maester Aemon a searching gaze. "It can't be...?"

"He's a sharp one." Pyke muttered. "Yes, Snow, we want you to accept Stannis Baratheon's offer."

Jon stilled.

"We should explain before he starts yabberin' about how he shouldn't do this or that because of honor or whatever the fuckin' Starks used to go on about." Pyke continued. "Fuckin' Starks. Only one I could stand was Benjen. Shame he's gone. Nonetheless, boy, understand that we're not telling you to do this. Nor are we doing this for you and yours."

"It's an order from the current acting Lord Commander." Alliser insisted - his palm facing down on the table. "We cannot defeat the Others by ourselves. Bend your knee to the King. Win his wars. Then bring the might of the Seven Kingdoms to the North. I will hold the Wall until you return, Lord Snow." The old knight smirked. "Then maybe the next time I see ya', I won't be callin' ya bastard anymore. I'm sure you'd like that, wouldn't ya?"

They all looked at him.

And Jon looked back, a fire in his eyes that none of them had ever seen before.

Aemon smiled weakly to himself. Despite not being able to see, Jon's silence was as good as any verbal answer they'd receive. He understood this. He understood more then anyone how Jon Snow was feeling at this very moment. Grateful, insulted, joyful, angered and guilty all at once.

"It is decided." Aemon finished. "We are done here. I, the Grand Maester of Castle Black witness."

"I, Denys Mallister, Commander of the Shadow Tower, witness."

"I, Cotter Pyke, witness."

"I, First Builder Yarwyck, hereby witness."

"I, Alliser Thorne, Acting Lord Commander of the Night's Watch and Castle Black, stand to witness."

Aemon continued. "By the powers vested in us - we hereby relieve you of your vows, Jon Snow. And now your watch has ended."

They all stood.

"You understand your final order, Jon Snow?" Alliser asked. Jon's hand trembled a bit before solidifying. He would not show weakness here.

They may have relieved him of his duty. But they would always be his brothers. Now and always.

"Yes, Lord Commander."

"I wish you good fortune in the wars to come."

Denys coughed slightly.

"Oh." He stopped before opening the door. "Make sure to kill that cunt Roose Bolton for me. Since you're free from your vows. Give Jason and Patrek my regards if you see them at Seagard." Denys left with a smirk. Cotter, Yarwyck and Alliser following him.

Top of the Wall

The ride up the elevator was slow. His heart was beating quickly - he didn't know if it was from excitement or dread. He had just left the War Room. Samwell had wished him the best of luck before returning to his quarters. The first thing Jon had done was seek out the King. He found Davos instead lounging about - who told him the King was currently with the Asshai priestess at the top of the Wall.

Once Jon arrived, he walked two blocks down to where he knew the King would be. It was the exact same spot as the time when he asked Jon to convince Mance Rayder to bend the knee.

"Your Grace." Davos called out. Stannis was looking far into the night horizon. "Jon Snow."

He kneeled before Stannis just like before. The King motioned for him to stand. But he did not. This elicited a small smile from the King. The smallest of smiles from a man that cringed from dusk till dawn.

"Is this your answer then?"

"Your Grace." Jon didn't have any speech planned out. "I only ask that once the war in the South is won, we must return to fight the true war in the North."

Stannis merely gave him a chastising look.

"When I am King, the realm shall be protected from all matter of threats." He promised. And unlike many, Stannis Baratheon was a man of his word. Cut from the same cloth as Eddard Stark, his own father.

"Then my sword is yours, your Grace." Jon vowed. Another vow. Would new meaning fill his life with this one? Or more despair?

Jon thought, amused. "What a question. The answer is obvious. Only despair."

"You kneel before me now as Jon Snow." Stannis nodded to Davos who drew the scabbard off of his sword, Lightbringer, for the King.

"I, Stannis Baratheon the First of His Name, rightful King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and the Protector of the Realm - hereby strips you of your base-born name. You are now reborn here, today, and shall now rise again! Jon Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North."

Jon did everything he could to bottle the overwhelming feelings that was surging from within. "Stand. Jon Stark."

And so he did.