Félicie was filled to the brim with happiness, it had only been a day since she had become Odette's Padawan, but she was already excited at the possibilities ahead of them. She was currently on her way to meet Odette, who was in a meeting with the Jedi Council.

By the time Félicie arrived outside the council chamber, Odette had just exited the room, instantly spotting the redhead and offering a soft smile as Félicie greeted her.

"Good morning" Félicie said before glancing back at the doors of the council chamber curiously. "What was the meeting about?" she asked, following along as Odette walked, the tapping of her cane resounding through the hall as she replied.

"Well, it did regard you, among others, and what you must do before becoming a Padawan."

Félicie looked at her with a confused and slightly worried expression. "What do you mean, I thought I already was your Padawan?"

"You are technically, but before you are officially granted Padawan status, you must participate in 'The Gathering', a ritual that all initiates must go through." Odette explained as Félicie listened intently.

"In two days time, I will be escorting you and a small group of initiates to the planet Ilum, there you and the others will enter the Jedi temple and venture into the Crystal Caves, where you will find your own Kyber crystals, which you will use to construct your lightsaber" Odette said as they passed two older Jedi.

Félicie's expression instantly brightened even further at the mention of constructing her own lightsaber, it was something she'd been dreaming about ever since she had begun using training lightsabers.

In her excitement, Félicie had slowed her walking as she began imagining what kind of lightsaber she would construct.

Odette however had continued walking at a slow pace, turning into the next corridor before running into a familiar face.

"Obi-Wan" she greeted with a smile, as the Jedi Knight had stopped abruptly to avoid colliding with her.

"Odette" He greeted warmly as the two embraced in a hug, before moving back. "It's good to see you"

"It's been two months, I didn't think your mission would last so long" Odette said as Obi-Wan nodded in agreement.

"Neither did I, but we ran into some complications which ended up extending our stay" he explained lightly.

"How is Anakin?" Odette asked in regards to Obi-Wan's apprentice.

"He's glad to be back on Coruscant, he was rather worn out after all the affairs we went through. I'm just on by way to the give my report to the council" Obi-Wan explained before Félicie came around the corner, having caught up to Odette.

The young girl paused at Odette's side, causing Obi-Wan to glance between them before Odette spoke.

"Félicie this is-" Odette began, only for Félicie to cut her off.

"You're Obi-Wan Kenobi!" Félicie said with admiration, looking at the man with widened eyes, this caused both of the older Jedi to chuckle lightly at her reaction.

"Looks like someone has a fan" Odette commented to Obi-Wan, causing Félicie to blush slightly before trying to cover up her embarrassment.

"I came to watch a few times when you gave demonstrations to the youngling's" Félicie explained.

"Well I like to be able to help with their training when I have the time" Obi-Wan said, having filled in for the instructors on occasion, or of his own accord when he had free time to spare.

"Obi-Wan is an old and dear friend of mine" Odette said to Félicie. "We were both initiates together, though he was three years older than me" she explained before turning to Obi-Wan.

"He also only just became a Padawan by the skin of his teeth, being thirteen at the time"

"Well I wouldn't say that" he replied, causing Odette to roll her eyes lightly.

"Oh please, we both know you if Master Qui-Gon hadn't finally decided to take you on as his Padawan you would've been stuck in the Agricultural Corps" she said humorously, referring to the Agricultural branch of the Jedi Service Corps. The Jedi Service Corps was made up of mostly Jedi who had failed to pass their initiate trials, though this was not to say other Jedi could not choose this path, it was however made up of a majority of said Jedi.

"Don't remind me" Obi-Wan said dryly and shaking his head at the memory as he smiled.

Obi-Wan's attention however drifted to Félicie, curious as to why she was with Odette.

"Are you accompanying Odette to the library?" he asked sincerely, causing Félicie to shake her head.

"No, Odette was just telling me 'The Gathering' ritual, and how after I complete it, I'll be her Padawan officially" Félicie explained smiling at the older woman.

Obi-Wan meanwhile adopted a look of shocked surprise, turning to Odette before speaking.

"Your...Padawan?" he questioned.

"Yes" Odette replied with a small sigh at his reaction, though it was to be expected given her well known strong stance against taking an apprentice after so long of being rejected and overlooked.

"But I thought you weren't-" Obi-Wan began before Odette cut him off.

"Well things change" she said quickly. "I have a Padawan" she said before motioning to Obi-Wan. "And you have that beard"

Félicie couldn't help but giggle at the statement.

"What's wrong with my beard?" Obi-Wan asked in genuine confusion. "You didn't say anything when Louis grew one"

"Yes well that's because he styled and trimmed it to look more refined and distinguished. Maybe you could follow his example" Odette said with wry smile, causing Obi-Wan to blink at her silently before Odette gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"It was good seeing you back from your mission, we should have lunch sometime this week when we're both free" she said as Obi-Wan nodded warmly before Odette and Félicie continued on there way.

Obi-Wan glanced back at them momentarily, it was a strange sight to him, seeing Odette and Félicie, knowing that Odette now had a Padawan, but at the same time he was happy for her, and for Félicie too.

He believed the Force had brought them together for a reason, what that reason was, they would have to wait and see.

He gave them one last glance before turning back and heading towards the council chamber to give his report.

That Night

The day had now come to an end, Odette had spent the majority of the day with Félicie, who had told her about her time at the temple, her training so far, and her various interests. Odette had listened, and conversed with her about it, as well as Félicie continuously glancing at Odette's lightsaber that rested on her hip.

It was obvious that she was excited about the prospect of creating her own lightsaber, and had wondered aloud about the possible design, and the potential colour of her blade, all of which Odette assured her would be revealed in time.

Their conversation couldn't help but stir up memories within Odette, of when she participated in The Gathering, as well as her excitement.

Her thoughts also drifted to her Master, something that seemed inevitable, given the fact that she was now given a student of her own. Odette thought back to her first meeting with him so many years ago.

As she lay there on her bed, her eyes starring up at the ceiling, she couldn't help but let out a saddened sigh.


And there you go. I'm so sorry it's so short! The next chapter will be longer, I just wanted to set a few things up for the next chapter.

As well as give some small glimpse into Odette's past, revealing her friendship with Obi-Wan, and giving some slight mystery to Odette that will be explored later on.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter (despite it's shortness) and will stay tuned for more :D And please, as always reviews are appreciated, so if you liked this chapter, drop a review down below, I love hearing your thoughts.