cutecookielove:Thank you so much! They are so cute to write! Sandy is such a cutie and Luci is such a push over for him too! Oh most definitely! Luci takes his job as choir master very serious and really cares for his choir angels! Most definitely going to see them interact more!

Robin0203: Isn't it though! Yabba is in so much trouble! Raph is on the case now though! He's going to ensure that the troublesome little angel gets his check up. One way or another!

Sandalphon hung from his shoulder, sippy cup close to slipping from his fingers, sound asleep on his big brothers shoulder. Lucifer smiled down at him and snagged up the handled cup just as it slipped from little fingers and a second before it fell to the floor. He tucked in around in his belt and moved on.

'Raphie? Brother dear?'

'What? I'm busy.'

'Tonelittle brother, tone. I have a favor to ask you.'


'There is a young one I sent in your direction. Let me know when he arrives?'

'Of course.'

'Thanks brooo!'

He felt more then heard Rapheal roll his eyes in exasperation. He adjusted his hold on his little fledgling and stepped over the ruble of a broken wall. Lucifer gave a sad hum at the sight of crumpled hymm books.

Somewhere in the back of his mind he could remember the sight of young angels running through here, carrying those books proudly and happily, smiling and laughing as they ran to their classes trying not to be late. The few that had managed to make it to his own personal classes, running through the door under his arm as he threatened to close it on their late little bottoms, but they all know he doesn't mean anything to it.

It's all in good humor.

Lucifer smiles faintly as he bends to pick up the book and shakes the dust off.

His head snaps up at the sound of a rustle and turns. Eyes stare at him, matching in color, and the two bodies freeze in shock at being caught.

"Furfurh? Furlac?"

They exchange looks and inch back but he thrusts a hand out to stop them, he can't very well make chase with Sandalphon sleeping soundly on his shoulder. They snarl and grimace as they find themselves frozen on the spot.

"Not so fast now, wouldn't want to wake the fledgling, would you?"

The two turned and glared at him from behind their safety of a statue but went silent as they did not want to wake the fledgling he carried sleeping on his shoulder. Just as Yabba had, they seemingly knew Sandalphon as well, and had spoken to Yabbashael before he'd gotten to them.

Speaking of, the little one murmured and pulled his thumb up into his mouth, sucking on it softly.

Lucifer smiled at the sight.

"Now see that? That's why I love fledglings so much."

Someone snorted, "Funny way of showing it."

He frowned and looked back to his captured younger siblings, they'd finally stopped trying to escape his grace hold and just stood there, one with arms crossed and the other looking murderous and sad.

Yabbashael had indeed found them first, and he'd told them much, they couldn't say much of their opinions as they believed in the benefit of the doubt and Sandalphon had vouched for him. A voucher was a voucher no matter who it came from nor what age they may be.

"Let us go."

"Are you going to try and run again?"


Lucifer gave them both a look, but holding them like that wasn't going to do him any favors nor get him any points, so he did as was requested and lifted his grace away. They shifted and for a moment he was sure they were going to turn wing and run.

"For what its worth I am happy to see you two."

They deflated slightly, knowing when he was being sincere and when not, and he meant it.

"We missed you too."

And they meant it too, he could tell, and he smiled because of it.

"I won't keep you, but please promise you'll go see the healers", Furfurh nodded and took off in the other direction while his twin sister stayed behind. Furlac regarded him silently, her eyes taking him in for all he was, and she stepped forward to hug him.

Lucifer was stunned into momentary stillness for a moment before he wrapped his free arm around her waist and pulled her in tighter, closer, and buried his face into her soft midnight colored hair, they stood like that for a long while just savoring the moment before she pulled away.

He leaned down slightly as she leaned up to peck his cheek softly and whisper a quick, "I missed you.", and run after her brother. He smiled and adjusted Sandalphon again.

"How about we call it a day little guy?"


Lucifer dropped Sandalphon off in his room, tucking him into bed, as he made his way to the 'living room', cracking the door behind him and sippy cup of Ambrosia full and ever warm on the side table for him to reach for when he woke and wanted it back again.

Michael handed him a cup of tea and he made a face at it, "Mike, my second set of wings have long since grown in. I think I can handle some coffee."

The Messenger elbowed him in the side and Lucifer spared him a look, "Thats what I said."

The eldest among them gave the both of them a pointed look, "Do not think either of you aren't too old for me to put down for a nap. You'll drink the tea or you won't get anything."

Lucifer took a sip and made a face.

"And if you even think about changing it,-" "Mike!"

Not in front of the fledgling, Ramiel had since climbed up into Raphael's lap and taken a sip from his own tea. Personally, he didn't mind it, he enjoyed a nice cup of steaming tea.

Michael made eye contact with him and smirked, Lucifer shivered, and he wasn't cold.

'You won't have to worry about them hearing, they'd see, the great and mighty archangel Lucifer rolling in the grass of the garden like a little fledgling. A sight to see.'

He shivered again, because he knew from experience that Michael meant such things too, they weren't simply said for shock value. Lucifer noticeably took a sip from his mug of tea and smiled up at his older brother.

Michael rolled his eyes and pat his head as he turned around returning to what he had been doing. Ramiel giggled as Lucifer and Gabriel made silly faces at him and pulled his big brothers robes over his face, peeking out at them with a large smile full of childlike giggles, eyes bright with playful amusement. Raphael huffed when a little elbow plowed into his stomach, and softly caught it as it came back for a second time, he didn't say anything about it and pulled his smock down from the table to cover the fledgling as to stop his assaults. Ramiel did as he'd wanted, and pulled the smock up to cover his face from his big brothers silly faces.

There was a rustle and a soft whine from the other side of the room and they all turned to see what the commotion was. Sandalphon was in the doorway, sippy in one hand, the other rubbing his little eyes with the fist of the other.


"You lef'!"

Lucifer's eyebrows met in confusion and concern, "You were sleeping little one. I put you in bed so you could nap comfortably."

Sandalphon whined again and stomped his little foot, clearly not liking the answer he was given to why he had been left in bed all by himself, he didn't want to be alone. He was always alone. The others were mean to him cause he was so small and Luci was nice to him and he didn't want to be alone anymore!

The Archangel narrowed his eyes slightly at the slight tantrum and leaned back in his chair, beckoning the fledgling over with his hands, Sandalphon sniffled and rubbed at his eyes again scurrying from the doorway to climb up into his big brothers lap. The older angel adjusted himself slightly to accomadate his being there now, and wrapped his arms around the small little angel, Sandalphon nuzzled into his chest. Raphael looked up from the files he had been looking over, having taken interest in the Prisoners and their more then coincidental injuries, and watched the little one for a long moment.

"That's enough ambrosia for now."

He nodded at Lucifer and the elder nodded, gently taking the sippy cup from the fledgling much to his protest, Sandalphon whined again not wanting his cuppy taken away and hit a little fist against his big brothers chest. Michael hummed from his place in front of the stove and oven and turned depositing a small mug of warm cocoa in front of him.

"Here little one, why don't you have some cocoa instead, not as good as your ambrosia I'm sure but a close second."

When the little one looked up to see Gabriel pout at Michael, and the older Archangel rub his head fondly, "Why does he get some of your hot chocolate!"

"Because he's my favorite."

Gabriel stuck his tongue out at him, Sandalphon giggled softly, "Lucky kiddo, Micha makes the best cocoa ever!"

Sandalphon looked up at the Morningstar curiously, the elder smiled down at him and held the warm mug up for him to take a sip. Sandalphon did and all else was forgotten. He took another drink and they chuckled at his face when his eyes widened in wonder.

"Are you still mad at me little one?"

He shook his head and watched his new favorite drink closely as Lucifer unscrewed the lid to his cuppy and poured it from the mug to the child safe cup and screwed the lid back on. Sandalphon took up the cup again and didn't want to put it down again. Lucifer rubbed a hand down the back of the little ones head and turned back up to continue his conversation with Gabriel. Sandalphon and Ramiel giggled at each other and slowly crawled from their guardians laps and under the table.

Michael set out a bowl of noodles and sauce on the table, smiling down at the two little ones under the table fondly, listening in to the conversation only half interested. He added his own input every couple of words or so but otherwise focused on what he was doing at the stove and the counter next to it.

"I think they're up to mischeif under there."

Raphael and Lucifer looked up at the same time, one setting aside their files, and exchanged looks before ducking down to peer under the table at the two fledglings. Sandalphon smiled up at him and he smiled in return, quicking his head slightly to the side.

"Are you causing trouble under there little one?"

He giggled, "No silly!"

"Oh, I'm silly?"

Ramiel giggled as he was scooped up into Raphael's lap and the Healer whispered in his ear what would happen if he tried to play another 'joke' on him. Sandalphon giggled at his older brother when he wiggled his fingers at him in warning.

"I'll show you silly, little Sandy, all the way from your toes to your little tummy."

"Not until after supper and bath time you won't," Lucifer yelped when his older brother smacked the back of his head with the oven mit. It was funny because he used oven mits.

He scooped the fledgling up into his lap as Michael finished with his cooking and came to stand beside him to serve the meal, four plates, and two kiddy bowls of plain noodles because little ones were picky picky things.

Ramiel curled into his brothers smock and picked at his noodles, eating a few every couple minutes of picking at them, Raphael tapped his fingers with his fork. Ramiel looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Eat half of it little one. You are still much too thin."

He nodded and stuck another noodle in his mouth. Munching on it around his little fingers.

Sandalphon poked at his noodles too, watching how his beloved Luci spun them up on his fork and took a bite as he continued his conversation with Gabriel and Michael. He tried to copy him with his little kiddy fork and tugged on the elders robe when it didn't work. Lucifer froze mid bite and looked down at the fledgling, "Yes little one?"

The mini blonde pointed at his fork and he turned to look at it, then smiled, "You want to eat like me?"

He chuckled at the nod he got in return.

Sandy smiled when the fork Lucifer had been about to take a bite from was held down to him instead and he took the bite. He made a face at the sauce but other wise it was yummy.

"You want me to show you how to do it?"


"Raph I meant to ask you earlier," Lucifer looked up from his little charges sweet little sleepy self still smiling softly, "Did you manage to fit in Yabbashael for a check up today?"

Raphael looked up him, taking that moment to turn the page in the story book he was reading to Ramiel and Sandalphon, "Yabba-I never saw Yabbashael today. Was I meant to?"

"Yes, remember?, I even told you to let me know when he arrived?, Yabbashael. You didn't see him?"

"Goodnight room. Goodnight moon. Goodnight cow jumping over the room. Goodnight light. And the red balloon. No I didn't, but now I will ensure I see him tomorrow."

Lucifer pursed his lips and nodded, taking a mental note to speak to the young angel tomorrow as well, perhaps he hadn't been clear enough when he'd said to go to see the Healer. He rocked Sandalphon gently, tucking the blanket around him as Michael leaned forward to stoke the fire, at the fledglings shiver. Sandy nuzzled into his chest and his thumb slowly made its way to his mouth.

"Yes thank you brother."

They were most certainly going to have words.