So babies I wanted to formally introduce you to my new baby; Sandalphon. He's my love child right now, so cute and sweet and just loves hanging around giggling at the most random things and sipping at his sippy cup of Ambrosia. Don't let his cuteness full you though he's a little stinker. He's in the arc where Lucifer gets reinstated back in Heaven.

In my canon at least, in Heaven before the fall Lucifer was the Choir Master, seeing as he is the angel of music. Sandalphon is also an angel of music, but also an ambassador of personal growth and ascension. Which really sort of helps him connect with Lucifer in that he is slowly beginning to learn the true meaning of family, and protecting what he loves most above all else.

Sandalphon helps Lucifer slowly come to realize who he is, and remember what he once was.

But backing up here, in this new fic which formally introduces Sandalphon, it also introduces Lucifer's Choirs itself. Lucifer really relates rather well in my opinion to the Archangel Lumiel, who presides over Earth and is credited with being the Morning Star and the Archangel of Light, and in that sense he would have been the head of the sphere of angels that were closely associated with Earth too, mostly from the Second Heaven, but a few others as well. Because, well, in my opinion I don't think that Lucifer really disliked the humans (I mean he did) but more along the lines of what they were capable of in the grand scheme.

I also think that he was very passionate in what he wanted for his brothers and sisters, and though in his eyes his intentions and actions were good, in the eyes of the ones he claimed to do such things for those opinions differ.

I don't want to give away too much, but something to ponder over here, whats the point in going to war to protect something when in the end of that war you're going to lose the very thing you were fighting to protect?

In this, Sandalphon, and the others, really help him find the answer to such a thing.

I hope you like it! I worked super hard to make it sort of maybe flow-ish!

You're going to love Sandalphon, I know it! It's hard not to!


AN: more notes at the bottom!

"Hold my heart, don't let it break like fear

Sometimes a moment feels like a thousand years

God only knows why love is drenched in tears

Maybe that's what makes it love

Maybe that's what makes it love"

~~'Heaven Knows', Hillsong United

Lucifer wandered around Heaven, it was still very much the same but, at the same time, very different. He stopped in front of the steps that had once been the center of all music for the Heavenly Host.

Where he had taught the choirs to sing.

With a heavy heart, Lucifer stepped up onto the first step, and then the second and then the third. He walked silently, not daring to make a sound on these grounds. The grand courtyard was stained red, bodies littered the ground and he almost had to stop to gag at the sight. The choir angels had always had their own garrison. Large pillars of marble were knocked over on the ground as if they were nothing.

He caught the sight of eyes peeking out at him from behind one of the broken statues. He raised his hands in a peaceful manner, not wanting to startle the little thing any further. He stared up at him even as he drew closer and closer, not moving an inch. Lucifer knelt to the ground, his elbows resting on his knees, looking over at the fledgling angel hiding behind the leg of what once was a statue of a man.

They stared at each other in silence for a long moment.


He wasn't sure as to what he should say, what does one say to someone they are supposed to know? Supposed to remember and yet don't? He stared at him for a long silence filled moment.


His voice was still premature and young sounding. Lucifer sat down, he knew that there was most likely other angels hiding out further inside but he would be damned again if he simply left this young thing here simply because he wouldn't talk all that much.

"My names Lucifer, what's your name Little One?"

The child licked his lips, contemplating on whether or not he should tell his name or not. It made his chest hurt that the small angel had so much distrust for his older siblings as to not know whether to tell him his name or keep it to himself instead.


Lucifer nodded, noting the child's fascination with the golden cuff on his arm. He reached over to rub at it, his thumb brushing against his personal insignia, twisting it around his arm.

"Sandalphon, huh? That's a powerful name kiddo"

"I'm a powerful angel!"

He chuckled at the child's semi-indignant response. He gently pulled the golden cuff from his arm and set it down in front of him, never removing his eyes from the small child's, but watching carefully and closely. The boy looked up at him shyly at having been caught looking at the shiny arm band.

"Good to know, as am I Little One, as am I."

Slowly but surely the boy reached out and snatched up the shiny cuff. It was huge in his tiny hands and Lucifer watched in mild fascination as he turned it over and over, softly tracing the intricate etchings on the one side.

"Can I call you Sandy?"

The small angels head snapped up at him, looking at him strangely, teeny fingers pausing.

"Only if I can call you Luci."

This time he laughed, and the boy smiled a small smile up at him at the sound. The archangel nodded in approval.

"Its only fair."

Sandy slowly crawled out of his corner, the light illuminating his golden curls, they were covered in dirt and what he assumed but hoped was not blood, some matted down with caked on mud. A large bruise was cast across the right side of his face, dried blood stained the sleeve of his robe, a large gash peeking out from the hole in the sleeve, most likely infected as to how red and puffy it was.

His hands were clenching around the golden cuff, and Lucifer wanted nothing more then to pull the small fledgling into his arms, his grace, and hold him there until he was all better. But any sudden unwarranted moves could have the child retreating back into his corner.

"Where's your caretaker?"

Sandy was looking up at him again, watching him with wide eyes, before looking back down at his cuff and playing with it again.

"She dead..Nomi say she was going to make her better but she never came back"

He nodded, his entire grace twisting at the thought of this tiny thing waiting for his caretaker to come back for him but never returning. He wondered briefly how he knew she was dead, had he found her lifeless body? If so it only made him feel worse. He could not leave one this young on his own. Mind made up he started his next round of questions.

It had been a while since he had raised an angel, the last being Gabriel.

"Do you know me and my brothers?"

The little thing nodded his head, "You guys are big and strong and scary...You and Mic-Mich-Michael used to fight all the time...and then Father punished you...Ga-Gab-Gabriel used to play with us until he got sad...Rap-Raphael is just scary and he likes to yell a lot and he is really mad all the time and he doesn't like us"

Lucifer stared at him in shock, firstly, when had the younger ones stopped calling Him 'Daddy' and started referring to Him as 'Father'? It was equal parts unnerving and shameful that the one thing this small child remembered was all the bad things. He tried to lighten the child's mood a bit by chuckling lightly, softly.

"We are big, and strong, but scary? Me and Micha did fight a lot, didn't we? But we are no longer going to fight Little One, no more. Gabriel is as you remember him, always pulling jokes and pranks and he gets his punishment as he always did. As for Raphael, he was always a bit harder then most, but once you get under that hard shell he's built he is the best friend and brother you could ever have, he loves you guys more then you would ever know"

Sandalphon nodded slowly, hanging onto every word, slowly slinking further out of his corner until he was partially in his lap. Lucifer made no sudden movements, not wanting to spook the child after making this much progress. Sandy looked up at him with large purple eyes.

"He gets hurt?"


The shock and confusion was clear as day in his voice.

"You said that Gab-Gabriel gots punished for his jokes and pranks, so he gets hurt?"

He could stop himself this time, as he wrapped his arms around the tiny angel and pulled him into his lap all the way, encircling him in a hug. Sandalphon stilled at the sudden movement but made no move to retreat, not that he could if he wanted. Lucifer wrapped him tightly in his arms.

"Of course not! We could never hurt him, just as we could not hurt you guys, not intentionally anyway. Oh no, we have our own way of ensuring our revenge for his tricks. Don't you worry."


The curiosity in the child's voice made him smile more, leaning down as if to share a secret with him, Lucifer whispered in the boy's ear.

"I doubt Gabe is the only one I know with such a ticklish tummy."

Sandalphon giggled lightly and the Morning Star smiled at the sound. Leaning back, pulling the child with him as he had yet to unravel him from his embrace, he hummed thoughtfully. He felt it as the small angel melted back into his chest comfortably, trusting, and the smile that played at his lips spoke more then words could at the moment.

"I can't very well leave one as young as you on their own devices, I just can't do that, Little One, would you want to come stay with me and my brothers?"

"It ok?"

He nodded, making to stand up, "They would love to meet you!"

Sandalphon looked nervous for a moment, "Will you be there?"

"Of course I would, where else might I be?"

The small angel nodded slowly, wrapping his arms around his neck lightly. Lucifer balanced him on one arm rather easily as he pushed himself fully up off the ground, took one final look in the Choir Pavilion, and turned back towards the door. He would return for the others, he vowed, but after he got this little one looked after. He frowned slightly at the light weight of the tiny fledgling.

"We have to fatten you up, you are nothing but skin and bones!"

The boy giggled again and he smiled, the true music of Heaven, a child's laughter.

Michael had greeted him when he had returned that night with Sandalphon lightly snoozing on his shoulder. He took one look at the little angel before turning towards his brother with waiting questions ready to fire.

"Who is this?"

His voice was soft, as he was trying to not wake the clearly exhausted fledgling, but his tries were for naught. Sandy lifted his head quickly and he whimpered at noticing the larger angel in front of them, tiny fingers digging into Lucifer's shoulder enough to make him huff softly. He cradled the back of the youth's head with his large hand softly, offering at least a bit of comfort to the small child.

"This is Sandalphon (he has no one left) he's gonna stay with us"

Michael caught his unspoken message and nodded his head softly, smiling gently at the small angel trying to hide in Lucifer's arm. He reached out a hand, ignoring the flinch the child made, and softly caressed his cheek.

"Welcome Home then Small One, I am Michael, but you may call me Mikey or Micha, everyone else around here does."

Sandy didn't say anything in response, but he did nod a bit as he pushed himself closer to Lucifer, something was better then nothing he supposed. Looking back up at his brother, Michael had more questions.

"Are you going to bathe him?"

Lucifer nodded, hiking the kid up high on his hip, not that it was an issue where he was as he was so lite.

"Absolutely, he needs it. Is Raphael around? I want him to look the little guy over before he's put to bed."

Michael nodded, gently rubbing the child's cheek one more time with his thumb before retracting his hand.

"I saw him around here not too long ago, check his rooms he might be there, do get the fledgling something to eat before bed though, he's way too thin."

Lucifer nodded in agreement, thanking his brother and bidding him a good night as he walked further into their home, down to the wash room. The door was cracked signalling that either someone had forgotten to open the door after use or someone was still inside. Sandalphon was curious now, wide awake, watching as Lucifer reached out and pushed the door open.

The bath itself was huge, it could easily fit all four archangels at the same time. The water was already running and someone was reclining back on the other side. Different colored water was spilling from each faucet, surrounding the swimming pool sized tub, filling it with warm bubbly water. It was quite in there, despite the sound of running water, and the warm water was warming the air to match it.

Lucifer walked along the side of the tub until he came to stand beside the person relaxing in the steaming water. Sandalphon peered down at them shyly.

"And this lump here is your big brother Gabriel, you said he used to play with you guys, remember?"

The child nodded, shrinking back shyly when the aforementioned archangel chuckled at them.

"I'm not a lump...Whose this little guy? I feel like I recognize you!"

Gabriel had opened his whiskey colored eyes at his big brother's voice, turning to look at him. Imagine his surprise when he saw his brother holding a small baby angel on his hip. He was gazing at the small angel thoughtfully, clearly recognizing him and now trying to place a name to his face.

"Sariel, no, Samael, no, Saraqiel, no"

Sandy seemingly shrunk even further into the Morning Star's shoulder, "San-Sandalphon"

Gabriel's eyes lit up with recognition and joy, "Sandy!"

He stood from the warm water, soap and bubbles dripping down his form. The water circled around his waist, but you could still see the hints of trunks under the water. The smile on his face signified that he did in fact remember this particular fledgling.

"I'm so happy to see you kiddo! You're okay? And Luci got you! Man your gonna love that cause he's the best! He's so cute Brother, you should hear his giggles when you munch on his little toes, cutest thing ever, and his tummy! Man, Dad sure knows how to make 'em!"

Lucifer gave the tiny angel a sideways glance, "Is that so?"

Sandy couldn't help himself and giggled, his little tiny toes curling up unconsciously, shrinking away again.

Gabriel smiled, sitting back down, giving the small angel a playful look of warning, "Careful with this one kiddo, he's merciless!"

The older archangel chuckled, "You would know Little Brother, you would know. And how was your visit with Raphael?"

The messenger grumbled, sparing the baby angel another glance, "Scratch that bucko, him and Raph, absolutely merciless."

Lucifer laughed this time, whole and hearty, bending down slightly to set the boy on his own feet, or try to set the boy on his own feet. Sandalphon whined in pitiful fear at the thought of being separated from him and clung onto his robe with his entire might. Gabriel was silent, watching them sadly in the pool tub. Lucifer let out a surprised yelp at the strength such a small thing retained as he was pulled back down when he made to stand back up, deciding it easier to kneel down, he stared into those watering purple eyes.

"What's wrong Sandy?"

"Don' leave"

Lucifer froze in his spot, staring at the little boy.

"I'm not gonna leave you kiddo, I just need to put you down so I can get out of my own robes and grab some kiddo safe soap so I can wash you, I wouldn't leave you."


"I promise."

The boy nodded and let go of him, taking a small step back. He may have physically let him go but he was still staring at him as he did what he said he was going to do. Once he had gotten them some extra fluffy towels, the kiddo soap as he had said he was getting, and some toys (kiddo was a kiddo and he would be disappointed in himself if he did not allow the child to play in the bubbles-Dad knows Gabriel did and he hadn't actually been a child in a very long time) he had returned to his new charges side.

"Alright bucko, I'm gonna get in first and then me and Gabe will help you in, okay?"

The boy nodded slowly, and Lucifer moved slightly to climb into the large tub. Water circled around his waist, circling up towards his stomach, and him and Gabriel both stood to help guide him down. His tiny hands were enveloped in their large hands as he cautiously stepped down on the stoop Gabriel had been seated on. The messenger held his hand as he sat back down and pulled the kid down into his lap.

"Despite what they try to tell you kiddo, I'm the fun one."

Lucifer chuckled as he handed the toddler the toys he had grabbed, both archangels smiling softly as the small child began playing with the boats. Gabriel kept him thoroughly distracted as Lucifer went about cleaning him up, catching his attention when he went to clean out the nasty looking wound on his small arm, starting a mini splash war. The older archangel only got splashed in the face approximately seven times and each time he threatened them with unending payback. Cleaning the child's golden curls had been surprisingly easy, there was a cut that was revealed on his forehead but it didn't look too bad.

By the time they finally got all the mud, dirt, and blood off of him the child was practically falling asleep against Gabriel's chest. Lucifer thanked him silently, but the messenger didn't mind at all, he loved the younger ones, especially the small children like Sandy. The Morning Star jumped from the tub reaching for a towel to wrap around his waist and another to swaddle the child in. Gabriel passed him up gently, smiling slightly at the sleepy murmurs the boy let go as he did.

"Welcome Home Kiddo."

The two left Gabriel in the wash room and walked through another door. Inside this room was a large fluffy soft looking bed that Sandalphon wanted to sleep in. Lucifer smiled knowingly as he rummaged through his closet in search of the old fledgling robes that the archangels always kept in their wardrobes for when the tiny angels came to visit them.

He pulled the bottom half of one of his robes on, and the small fledgling robe on Sandalphon, before gathering the young angel back up into his arms intending to take him down to Raphael's rooms. The small child wrapped his arms around his neck and laid his head sleepily down on his shoulder. He didn't mind though, and rubbed at his small back softly, slowly walking down the hall towards the Healer's rooms.

The healer was writing something in one of his many journals, Ramiel sound asleep among the blankets on his bed, still not up to the expectations of the healer, at least that's what he told everyone, they all assumed it was because he had grown a soft spot for the small lavender haired child, when he entered the room. He looked up to tell who ever it was to keep it down, but like his other brothers before him, froze when he spotted the young toddler lightly snoozing on his brothers shoulder.

"Brother, to what do I owe the visit? And who might this be?"

Sandy mumbled at the soft tone, not used to not hearing this particular angel not yelling at them, but like them all Raphael had changed and for the better. He whined when Luci held his wounded arm up slightly for the healer to see, Raphael eyebrows met it concern.

"What happened to him?"

"This is Sandalphon, our new charge much as I suspect Rami over there to be, as for his arm, I am not sure, he will not tell me."

Raphael nodded, patting the child's head softly, comfortingly, as he moved to one of the cabinets on the far wall. Reaching in he pulled out a small jar and needle with thread. Lucifer looked at the needle and frowned.

"Are you sure? Won't that wake him up though?"

The healer nodded slightly, "It will not heal properly on its own, do not fear though, he needs rest, I will put him in a deep slumber, he won't feel a thing."

Lucifer nodded slowly, lightly hushing the small fledgling when Raphael placed a gentle hand on his back, wrapping him in his healing grace. He mumbled, opening his sleepy eyes, and blinked a few times to try and clear his vision.

"Its alright Small One, your okay, just close your eyes now, that its, rest now."

Sandalphon nodded sleeping, snuggling back into Lucifer's bare shoulder. The Morning Star smiled lightly at the feeling of tiny fingers grasping gently at his skin. Sandalphon was a lite weight (he still would be when they fattened him up a bit and got some good food into his tiny belly, but not as lite as he was now) that he did not mind carrying.

After everything he had done and he had helped do to the young ones, it was the least he could do. The fact that he trusted him enough to carry him as such only made him thank their Father more. Cradling him like a small babe, he sat on the edge of Raphael's desk as the healer began threading the needle. He frowned slightly taking in the child's thin appearance and looked up at his older brother in confusion.

"Why is he so thin? This is not healthy."

Lucifer nodded, brushing stray curls away from the childlike face.

"He is another victim of our war."

"The youngest I've seen yet, how old is he? He can't be more then a few centuries old at the most."

The Morning Star nodded softly, watching with careful eyes as his brother slowly sewed the gash closed. He was done with it before they knew it and Lucifer was pushing himself up off the desk. Thanking his brother and bidding him a good night, he walked through the door just as Ramiel awoke and whined about not feeling well.

He gently set the small fledgling down on his large bed, turning to close the door behind him. Sandalphon cuddled into his pillow, refusing to move once he was comfortable. Lucifer chuckled indulgently at the child and instead lifted him up only slightly and slid in underneath him. Sandy snuggled into his chest, sighing in content, before falling back into the deep sleep Raphael had placed on him.

Pressing a gentle kiss to the child's temple, he knew that things would get better, and it would start with this little guy.

I hope you liked it, honestly, I really hope you did! Things are going to get a bit more serious from here, I swear it, stuffs going to go down!

I did want to let you know that while it focuses on the angels, particularly the relationships and the rebuilding between the Archangels and Lucifer and his Choirs, we are going to still see some familiar faces of the non angelic variety and some of the primordial cosmic sorts as well, because as I said things are going to get a bit serious.

Also, in case you were wondering, and if not and are so tired of the authors notes thank you so much for continuing this far, there are a few sounds tracks that really inspired this one and some up coming fics that haven't been completely completed yet, BEN HUR (the recent film soundtrack) and The Shack soundtrack. Very inspirational and amazing soundtracks, definitely recommend them.

ALSO (last also I promise!), if your into OC's that aren't too OOC, and well written plot with great characterizations of all our favorite archangels and on point plot twists and turns, then I definitely recommend 'Light of Mine' by Telentropy X (included a link at the bottom), its amazing and so well written and leaves you asking more questions then you had at the beginning, she is soooo good and I love her fic. Her characters are written with originality but aren't so much that they seem OOC and she captures them perfectly. Plot is, as I've already said, sooo on point. So many twists and turns and only 8 chapters in and it makes me check to see if she's updated because it is that good! Her OC is so cute and super well written, not too much or too little, and serves to the plot instead of merely being a 'mary sue' character. Definitely a good read and recommend it a thousand times over!

And thats that, so thank you for listening to my rambling and putting up with my craziness! You da bestest!

'Light of Mine'by Telentropy X : ( s/12615435/1/Light-of-Mine )

Archangel Lumiel : ( /aa_pages/correspondences/angel_planet/archangel_ )