Chapter 3: News

Nessie's POV

I was left with a very strong feeling of confusion after Edward left. I hadn't even answered his question and he just got all angry for no reason at all.

I sighed. I got off the bed slowly and picked up what the pieces of metal that used to be my gun. I threw it all in the trash bin. I took a deep breath. I didn't know what I was going to do without my weapon anymore. I guess I could ask Curtis to give me a new one. There was no way in hell that I would be able to do everything he wanted me to do unless I had one. How was I going to rob people if I had no weapon as leverage? How was I going to protect myself from drug dealers?

Or maybe I should just abandon that world all together. After all these people are my family, right? If I had a family wasn't that more important than what I would have gotten myself involved in? I shuddered at the thought of trying to get out. Getting out was impossible unless you wanted to die. Also what would happen to my baby? Curtis is hoping that our baby would be a boy that way our son could take over as leader one day. In his words "a girl could never be capable of leading this gang and all the activities we're involved in,"

Secretly I hoped that our baby was a girl. I hated the idea of my baby being placed in such a dangerous position. Not that my position was safe but being the leader certainly put a large target on your back.

I laid down in bed that night just thinking about everything. I couldn't help but wonder if this was a dream. Would I wake up at any minute and find myself in that alley? It felt that way to me. I pinched myself just to see if I was sleeping. Nope. I wasn't. That still didn't entirely convince me that this whole evening hadn't been a dream.

The exhaustion hit me all at once and I closed my eyes. When I opened them again the next morning I knew right away that it hadn't been a dream. I was still in the same room. I had a few blankets covering my body. Odd. I don't remember being underneath any blankets when I fell asleep last night. Someone must have been kind enough to bring me blankets last night.

"Nessie?" I heard a bell like voice say.

My heart skipped several beats. I looked up and saw a beautiful young woman about my age standing in the doorway. When I really got a good look at her I realized that she looked a lot like me. Could she be my-

"Nessie can I come in?" she asked.

"Sure," I answered once I was able to find my voice.

"I'm sorry my name is Bella by the way," she said with a smile.

"Bella that's a pretty name,"

"Why thank you Nessie," she said. "But I'd prefer it if you called me mom,"

"You're my mother?" I cried out. The tears started streaming down my face.

She hugged me as tight as she could.

"Yes baby I'm your mother. My God you have no idea how long I've been searching for you,"

"I don't understand," I sniffled. "How did we get separated? What happened?"

"That's a story I think we should tell together. All of us. I know you have many questions but they aren't exactly easy to answer,"

I was confused but I had to accept that was the only answer that I was going to get for now.

"Mom. I have a mom. I actually have a mom and a dad," I cried.

"Sweetie you have an entire family that loves you,"

Words like love and family felt like a foreign concept to me. They were words that I never would've imagined would ever apply to me. I loved my unborn baby. I loved Curtis and he loved me but this felt different somehow. I couldn't exactly explain it but it was different.

"Nessie why don't you come out to eat breakfast. Esme prepared pancakes for you so I hope you like them,"

"Who is that?" I asked.

"Oh that's right you don't remember. I keep forgetting that. She's your grandmother. You'll meet her later. She and the others had to leave. So for now it's just you, me, and Carlisle,"

"Oh, okay,"

A few minutes later I headed toward the kitchen fully dressed. My mom had been kind enough to give me some clothes she had worn when she was pregnant with me.

The smell of fresh pancakes made my stomach growl loudly. Even the baby kicked excitedly.

The first thing I noticed is that there was only one plate set out.

"Bella aren't you going to eat?"

"Oh no I'm fine. That's just for you,"

"Okay thanks,"

I grabbed a forkful of pancakes and stuffed it in my mouth. The explosion of taste in my mouth was unexpected and wonderful. I hadn't had anything that tasty in a long time.

"Hey Nessie?" I heard my grandfather say. I immediately swallowed my food.


"Can I ask you a question?"


"When was the last time you visited a doctor's office?"

"Don't know. As far as I know I've never visited one but I could be wrong I guess. Why?"

"I was afraid you were going to say that. Do you know how far along you are in your pregnancy?"

"A few months? I'm not exactly sure,"

He sighed. "Nessie do you mind if I run some tests on you? Just to make sure that you and the baby are healthy?"

"Uh well I guess not,"

"I promise I'll make it as painless as possible,"

"Thanks," I said.

"As soon as you're done eating we'll do it,"

I was feeling a bit nervous but I did my best to hide it.

"Are you okay Nessie?" mom asked. Guess I wasn't doing such a great job of hiding it after all.

"Little nervous that's all," I admitted.

"You'll be fine Nessie. Carlisle is the best and I'll be with you if you like,"

"Really? Thank you,"

Ten minutes later I was finished with breakfast and we both headed up to Carlisle's office. It wasn't as bad as I feared. He just took my temperature and blood pressure. He withdrew some blood as well.

Next came to checking on the baby. He explained just how sonograms worked and what he would be able to see.

I closed my eyes when he put the jelly on me. When he didn't say anything for several minutes I began to worry.

"What's wrong? Is the baby okay?" I asked.

"Their hearts are beating faster than normal. I'll have to keep an eye on that,"


"There's two of them Nessie. You're having identical twin boys,"

"Holy shit," I said.

"Ouch!" I yelled when Bella pinched me. "Language young lady,"

"Jesus fuck-" I stopped mid sentence when my mother gave me a threatening glare.

"Twin boys? Are you sure?" I was desperately wishing for one girl and now I'm getting two boys? I feared what Curtis would do when he found out that I was having not one but TWO boys!

"I'm positive Nessie. I've done this many times before. Their genitalia indicates that they are boys,"

"Okay. That was shocking news," I said. "How far along am I?"

"I'm going to put you at six months right now. Barely beginning your third trimester,"


His phone rang and he suddenly had to leave.

"Hey Nessie how would you feel about going shopping for the babies?" mom asked. She sounded really happy.

"Sounds fun,"

"Okay come on lets go," she said really fast.

As soon as we were outside I saw him. He saw me and he looked really surprised to see me there.

"Nessie?!" Curtis called out as he ran toward us.

Mom and I stopped immediately.

"Nessie my goodness I've been looking all for you. Is this where you've been all morning?"

"Yes what do you want?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"Nessie who is this?" mom asked.

"Curtis he's an old friend of mine,"

Immediately my mother's eyes went black with anger. She pulled me away from him as fast as she could much to my mystification.

"Mom what's going on? Why are you so mad all of a sudden?"

"Nessie answer me something. Why are you hanging out with that boy?"

"What does it matter to you? You don't know anything about him and he's the father of-"

"He's the father?! Edward didn't tell me that,"

"Why would he even know? Besides why are you all judging him so harshly when you don't even know him?"

"Trust me Nessie we know plenty now let's get away from here before I get even more angry than I already am,"

She sped away and I just kept thinking What the fuck just happened?!

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